Superthread for Disneyland Resort Closure and Reopening, 3/14/20 - 7/17/20: Please Post All Relevant Questions and Information Here!

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Even as a local, the mask situation gives me pause when it comes to my daughter (just turned 7 last week). We could certainly go for a few hours and she’d keep a mask on; that is not my concern. And I’m 100% in support of masks and all other safety measures that Disney might take.

BUT. Would walking around the park and not seeing anyone’s face be ok with her? No smiles? Waiting in line and for shows/parades (if there are any!) without her customary snacks would be a blow - it would feel quite different. If there aren’t parades/shows, the characters are remote “photo ops,” and she has to have a mask/no smiles/no snacks, I’m not sure the remaining experience is worth it for her... and I actually think it might seriously bum her out to be at the parks in that situation.

Again, I fully support these safety measures! I am just not sure they will be compatible with our attendance at the parks, even as locals who are indeed lucky enough to have the option of a brief visit.
First off, I am so glad to see you posting here! Glad to know that you are okay -- you've been missed around here. :)
Totally get your concerns -- it is weird with everyone in masks -- sort of like being stuck in an episode of the "Twilight Zone" that never seems to end. On the bright side (and this doesn't answer the Disney questions, but we'll get those answers eventually), we've been working on 'smiling with the masks' -- i.e. ways to communicate a smile even when you're face is covered up. It's been interesting to discover how many ways there are to show kindness in addition to using your face muscles. Sorry to hear about Izzy's recent outdoor adventure -- glad it did no harm!
Even as a local, the mask situation gives me pause when it comes to my daughter (just turned 7 last week). We could certainly go for a few hours and she’d keep a mask on; that is not my concern. And I’m 100% in support of masks and all other safety measures that Disney might take.

BUT. Would walking around the park and not seeing anyone’s face be ok with her? No smiles? Waiting in line and for shows/parades (if there are any!) without her customary snacks would be a blow - it would feel quite different. If there aren’t parades/shows, the characters are remote “photo ops,” and she has to have a mask/no smiles/no snacks, I’m not sure the remaining experience is worth it for her... and I actually think it might seriously bum her out to be at the parks in that situation.

Again, I fully support these safety measures! I am just not sure they will be compatible with our attendance at the parks, even as locals who are indeed lucky enough to have the option of a brief visit.
I agree with all of this. For my 5-year-old, I’m not sure going to Disney would still be something we would do if it required wearing masks. Would he wear it? Maybe? But the minute it got hot and/or uncomfortable, all bets off. And I think everyone wearing masks in the park would make things hard/stressful on him. Plus, I have a 16-month-old, who can’t/won’t wear a mask. So older brother does, younger brother doesn’t?

I mean, wearing a mask is something we do now to go to the grocery store or the doctor—things that are mandatory to do. But I don’t know that I’d want to do many non-essential activities with my young children if it requires wearing masks. So if reopening the parks means we would be required to wear masks to visit... I think we just wouldn’t. Sadly. :(
I agree with all of this. For my 5-year-old, I’m not sure going to Disney would still be something we would do if it required wearing masks. Would he wear it? Maybe? But the minute it got hot and/or uncomfortable, all bets off. And I think everyone wearing masks in the park would make things hard/stressful on him. Plus, I have a 16-month-old, who can’t/won’t wear a mask. So older brother does, younger brother doesn’t?...
Right now, the guidelines I've read for CA say that children under 2 don't have to wear masks. I can't see Disney going against that, but we'll see how things go in Shanghai and then see what Disney decides to do here.
Right now, the guidelines I've read for CA say that children under 2 don't have to wear masks. I can't see Disney going against that, but we'll see how things go in Shanghai and then see what Disney decides to do here.
Right! I should have worded that differently... he wouldn’t have to wear one (and wouldn’t keep one on anyway!). We have been in the hospital three times during COVID (for him: hospitalization, CT scan and surgery/hospitalization) and he didn’t have to wear one but I did. Of course he was just pulling my mask off constantly so not sure how effective my mask was. 🤷‍♀️
New game: get Mommy's mask! :) (Which is probably a better game than the one our friends' kids play: eat Mommy's mask!) Glad to hear your little one was able to get his treatments and surgery -- hope his recovery is going well!
“Eat mommy’s mask” :rotfl:

I think it’s a real consideration that not everyone thinks about: kids messing with their masks or adult masks. I mean, a mask is only effective if you wear it properly!

Thank you so much for the kind words! Little man is still recovering. We had a little setback post surgery. Praying we don't need any more hospitals but not out of the woods yet. Dreaming of Disney (some day) helps keep my spirits up!
I’m in Asia a lot and masks are just normal to me, and that’s in tropical/subtropical heat, a 90 degree day in Anaheim will be a piece of cake. Youjust have to get used to it (now is a good time),

also, i see the 30% capacity figure for Shanghai Disney (gov’t mandate) getting thrown around. Do note that Chapek stated it would be less than that initially (source: earnings call 5/5/20 & WSJ article 5/6/20).

I think it’s safe to say that DIS is taking a conservative approach even when given a wider berth by gov’t officials.
I think it just comes down to how bad do you want to go? I personally will wait to travel until it’s safe enough to lift a requirements for masks, etc. I don’t have much of a choice anyways with my past health issues. I think they have a real pickle with trying to keep people distance from each other and masks probably feels like an extra way to help that difficult task. I’m not surprised.

I’m not a fan of masks either but they’re mandatory in any public business in our town right now so we’ve gotten used to them. My son is ten so he’s old enough to get it and why he has to keep it on though. Might be the new way of life I feel like.... 😞

And if Disneyland does requires them it won’t be forever! (Right? Right?!)

I was expecting people to be discussing the idea of advanced reservations more! Seems similar to what they did for SWGE opening. 🤔
Even if young children do not have to wear masks, i would bring them a mask anyway. Children imitate, if they see all adults and older children wearing masks some of them most likely want to copy. Maybe they won't be able to keep the mask on for long, but I would say, bring one for them to try to be one of the group.

And for the adults who say they will be uncomfortable or hot, you can train for it. :) Like some who are not used to walking the distances you walk on an average Disney day, some start getting new shoes, walking them in, training to walk several miles a day before arriving at Disney.
You can train for this as well! You can get used to masks. :)
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I was expecting people to be discussing the idea of advanced reservations more! Seems similar to what they did for SWGE opening. 🤔
in the throes of those 10/10 crowd conditions in October 2018 and 2019, I may have said out loud that I wish Disneyland would go full reservations-only, and that I’d be happy to pay a 50% premium for the privilege of an uncrowded park.

Hey, universe....not what I had in mind!
I think it just comes down to how bad do you want to go? I personally will wait to travel until it’s safe enough to lift a requirements for masks, etc. I don’t have much of a choice anyways with my past health issues. I think they have a real pickle with trying to keep people distance from each other and masks probably feels like an extra way to help that difficult task. I’m not surprised.

I’m not a fan of masks either but they’re mandatory in any public business in our town right now so we’ve gotten used to them. My son is ten so he’s old enough to get it and why he has to keep it on though. Might be the new way of life I feel like.... 😞

And if Disneyland does requires them it won’t be forever! (Right? Right?!)

I was expecting people to be discussing the idea of advanced reservations more! Seems similar to what they did for SWGE opening. 🤔
I'm actually all for an advanced reservation system, lol. I think that'd be great! I can see how it could be a problem for locals who don't plan their trips months in advance, but I don't see it having much practical effect for out-of-towners who already have to choose their days, get PTO, plan hotels, buy plane tickets, etc. I actually had the brief thought that if Disney opens for Christmas and if they have a reservation system in place, maybe we would go, as I am not interested in experiencing peak Christmas crowds under other conditions... but then I remembered about the possibility of masks and stuck it back in the "no, not until we have more information" column.
“Eat mommy’s mask” :rotfl:

I think it’s a real consideration that not everyone thinks about: kids messing with their masks or adult masks. I mean, a mask is only effective if you wear it properly!

Thank you so much for the kind words! Little man is still recovering. We had a little setback post surgery. Praying we don't need any more hospitals but not out of the woods yet. Dreaming of Disney (some day) helps keep my spirits up!

This is what I worry about.... I totally support wearing masks and I wear one when I go to the store. I don’t go anywhere else. But when I think about Disney.... so you wear the mask to protect others, but then there are so many instances where you’ll need to remove the mask, or your kids are fumbling with theirs because, well they’re kids! And then you put yourself at greater risk for catching covid because of all the mask touching going on.... in a perfect world we’d all be able to wash our hands with hot water and soap prior to mask removal, but we all know we don’t live in a perfect world and things happen. Especially with kids.

Keeping you and your sweet boy in my prayers for healing. 🥰
I'm actually all for an advanced reservation system, lol. I think that'd be great! I can see how it could be a problem for locals who don't plan their trips months in advance, but I don't see it having much practical effect for out-of-towners who already have to choose their days, get PTO, plan hotels, buy plane tickets, etc.

I still think locals wouldn't have too hard of a time getting in, the Flex pass is informative here. I think people will reserve without firm plans in place, or if reservations are so hard to procure, the act of reserving will guide that person/family's plans for that particular weekend. I'm not entirely local, but I do speculatively reserve sometimes and fill in the logistics blanks (hotel/airfare) later.
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If they require masks for old AND young, then that's simply part of 'the deal'. The 'deal' being admission in exchange for obeying the rules, whether we agree with them or not. If there were rules that I or my children could not comply with, then I guess we just don't go until we can comply. Having something over my mouth & nose seems to agitate my asthma a bit (of course it could be psychological) but I'll wear a mask if it's required. Personally, I think we're going to see the whole country's mindset 'shift' towards face coverings and they'll become a common sight even after this crisis is over, at least in 'cold and flu season'.

I've read reopening 'possible scenarios' for WDW with interest. I've heard reduced capacity as well as 'phased' reopening of the theme parks and possibly phased reopening of attractions within the theme parks.

We're planning WDW in Spring 2021 and I'll be booking this June. But if all 4 parks aren't opened or 1/2 the attractions are closed we'll probably rebook for later on.
I've read reopening 'possible scenarios' for WDW with interest. I've heard reduced capacity as well as 'phased' reopening of the theme parks and possibly phased reopening of attractions within the theme parks.

We're planning WDW in Spring 2021 and I'll be booking this June. But if all 4 parks aren't opened or 1/2 the attractions are closed we'll probably rebook for later on.

I'm trying to wrap my head around how the next 18 months will look as we phase in these openings. I think being able to cancel without penalty is HUGE this time around, as most trip insurance will now say that COVID-19 is a known risk and will not cover trip interruption related to it (obviously, read the fine print if you go this route). For me it's going to be this:

What I'm not doing:
1) Using (or renting) DVC points/timeshare points for reservations (bank and use them for less uncertain times)
2) Use Airbnb/VRBO unless you're sure of the cancellation policy
3) Fly non-refundable/high-fee airlines -- recent policies have been consumer friendly, but can't rely on that

What I will probably do:
1) Fly Southwest Airlines more - last minute cancellation doesn't incur a fee and travel credit good for a year
2) Use FF miles on other airlines - usually these have generous cancellation/rebank policies
3) Stay at hotels with established/generous cancellation policies

Unsure about:
1) Continue being an AP holder? Probably yes, park closures & suspension of monthly payment makes me more comfortable continuing.
2) Should I even go, period? I hate asking this, but there's that.
I'm trying to wrap my head around how the next 18 months will look as we phase in these openings. I think being able to cancel without penalty is HUGE this time around, as most trip insurance will now say that COVID-19 is a known risk and will not cover trip interruption related to it (obviously, read the fine print if you go this route). For me it's going to be this:

What I'm not doing:
1) Using (or renting) DVC points/timeshare points for reservations (bank and use them for less uncertain times)
2) Use Airbnb/VRBO unless you're sure of the cancellation policy
3) Fly non-refundable/high-fee airlines -- recent policies have been consumer friendly, but can't rely on that

What I will probably do:
1) Fly Southwest Airlines more - last minute cancellation doesn't incur a fee and travel credit good for a year
2) Use FF miles on other airlines - usually these have generous cancellation/rebank policies
3) Stay at hotels with established/generous cancellation policies

Unsure about:
1) Continue being an AP holder? Probably yes, park closures & suspension of monthly payment makes me more comfortable continuing.
2) Should I even go, period? I hate asking this, but there's that.

I agree, having plans with a 'generous' cancellation policy will be foremost in our future plans, at least until things get back to some semblance of order. Disney's package cancellation policy is IMO pretty generous. Full refund if you cancel 30 days or more out and only $200 if you cancel within 30 days. With things the way they are, if things aren't to your 'taste' at 30 days out it's unlikely they're going to unexpectedly change within the next 30 days.

We don't fly to either place (WDW, DL) so airfare policy isn't a concern, but would certainly be at the top of the list if I did!

I used to be an AP, but trips have gotten infrequent enough that it was no longer beneficial. If I lived closer to DL (or had a 'park visit partner' who did) I'd probably get one. But living as far as I do, frequent visits just aren't feasible.
I don't know if this is a glitch or a development. My gut tells me it's a development.

I've been watching VGC calendar daily trying to adjust a future trip. Until this morning there were scattered single days available in late May and all of June, in all categories. They were obviously from DVC members cancelling rooms. This morning there is nothing available until July = they all disappeared at the same time. I went to to search for hotel rooms in June. Same thing: No availability showing until July 1st. *I don't think DVC and hotel rooms use the same calendar/booking engine, but maybe someone can correct me there.

This may or may not mean anything for an opening date of DLR. It could be bad news/more delay. Or it could be they blocked out remaining rooms to prepare for a low-capacity opening. At a minimum: if this is not a glitch, I think we can expect an updated announcement, moving the reservations date from June 1 to July 1. We'll see!

Adding: Dapper Day June dates are still showing available. So the convention system is working.
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