NYC getting looted live on a youtube feed Monday 9 pm sad

From what I've seen, there are actually three distinct groups:
  • legitimate lawful protesters
  • looters whose main priority is to steal
  • and violent criminals whose main priority is to vandalize or burn cars and property and injure people.
In Miami Sunday evening, the lawful protesters actually stopped a group of looters, and we didn't have any burning or injuries.

And a well-known local activist got a hug:

You left out one group.
The white agitators that are:
* driving around giving young black and Latino kids bricks
* spary painting buildings
* setting fires
* using skateboards, break store windows then walking away

One could argue that these idiots fall under your 3rd category. But their intent is vastly different.
I live on the upper East Side of Manhattan - not New Jersey. NYC - as a whole - is NOT out of control. Yes, there are looters and they should be dealt with in accordance with the law. There are some really bad cops escalating the situation. They should also be dealt with in accordance with the law. There are many, many more peaceful protesters, but they’re not exciting so they don’t get a YouTube video. My neighborhood and most others in NYC look the same this morning as they did last week. The very LAST thing we need to do is to “bring in the military”.
There are videos circulating on twitter of cops around the country unloading and stacking bricks by locations where protests were scheduled. The most recent one I saw was in Boston. No, I'm not posting the video due to language.
As a life long resident of Brooklyn, NY I have a question for my fellow DISers that are clearly concerned about NYC. Why haven't any of you started threads about all of the peaceful protests that are occurring here and across the country?

I think it's wonderful to see the rights of free assembly and free speech being used to call for positive change.
I was thinking today, that I can’t remember a time in recent history when curfews were imposed in the U.K., not even during the Miners’ Strikes, Duggan riots etc. Even the idea is incomprehensible .

A little salt for our wounds? Very kind of you.
You left out one group.
The white agitators that are:
* driving around giving young black and Latino kids bricks
* spary painting buildings
* setting fires
* using skateboards, break store windows then walking away

One could argue that these idiots fall under your 3rd category. But their intent is vastly different.
Yes, ALL categories are equal opportunity.

People of all races can, and do, participate in all 3. The key is behavior, not race. All races have great people and not so great people.
I think it's wonderful to see the rights of free assembly and free speech being used to call for positive change.
Agree. We had an amazing, huge peaceful demonstration in Miami on Sunday. No problems at all, and the organizers did such a great job the police were mostly invisible. At the very end, a handful of looters broke windows at a CVS and tried to loot it, but the lawful demonstrators stopped them.

A lot of the media, however, played that as "another night of chaos" when in fact there was zero chaos. Chaos = CLICKS.
I think it's wonderful to see the rights of free assembly and free speech being used to call for positive change.
Agreed - but PLEASE, NO MORE PROTESTS!! The looters and arsonists are just following social media to find out where the next big protest is, then following them to start trouble. The trouble then continues through the night, then they move on to the next protest, again, finding it on social media. This is a FACT!! The LAPD did a breakdown of the people they arrested on the first big night of looting - 95% were from out of the area (not outside of LA, outside of So Cal). We knew 24 hours in advance that Long Beach was going to get looted, and boy did it ever! So PLEASE, PLEASE just STOP. Find another way to affect change. Write a letter to the editor, show up at a City Council meeting, or heck, run for City Council. Voter participation is so low you'll probably get elected. Anything but the protests - they are doing far more harm than good.
I saw a Twitter vid of a group of protestors, stopping an agitator from breaking up the curb with a hammer, make a citizens' arrest (no firearms needed or used) and drag the offender over to some nearby cops who handcuffed him. Looked like it was DC to me but could be wrong. Pretty sure it was on Ava DuVernay's tweet. Found it! She was retweeting (I have no twitter acct so am learning the terminology).
Here is the original tweeter's video:

Agreed - but PLEASE, NO MORE PROTESTS!! The looters and arsonists are just following social media to find out where the next big protest is, then following them to start trouble. The trouble then continues through the night, then they move on to the next protest, again, finding it on social media. This is a FACT!! The LAPD did a breakdown of the people they arrested on the first big night of looting - 95% were from out of the area (not outside of LA, outside of So Cal). We knew 24 hours in advance that Long Beach was going to get looted, and boy did it ever! So PLEASE, PLEASE just STOP. Find another way to affect change. Write a letter to the editor, show up at a City Council meeting, or heck, run for City Council. Voter participation is so low you'll probably get elected. Anything but the protests - they are doing far more harm than good.
Looting and protesting is NOT the same thing. I respect and advocate the Constitutional right of all citizens to protest. It's unfortunate that some people think the two are synonymous. As for writing to the editor, et al. we're past that. At least I hope so.
Attacks by law enforcement personnel...local police, National Guard, federal police, secret service on peaceful protesters, not violating any rules or laws, should not be permitted or accepted as okay. Unlawful people, looters, violent people, sure, but not peaceful protesters.
Looting and protesting is NOT the same thing. I respect and advocate the Constitutional right of all citizens to protest. It's unfortunate that some people think the two are synonymous. As for writing to the editor, et al. we're past that. At least I hope so.
I never said it was - I said (and this is a fact), the looters and arsonists are FOLLOWING the protesters and taking advantage of them by causing trouble wherever the protests are. Pretty sneaky - it allows them to organize the trouble without doing any actual organization. The organized effort of the looters is just impossible for the police to get ahead of. Without the protests, the looters would either have to organize the effort (doubtful, or at least it would leave a social media trail that the police could use to actually arrest people), or they would be so disorganized that the police could handle it. If we can all stay in place for months at a time, we can certainly put a pause on the protests long enough for law enforcement to get ahead of the situation, same as the hospitals and COVID. Not saying don't affect change, in fact DO affect change. Just take a couple of deep breaths and find a better way to do it. The protesters have popular support - it can be done in other ways.
I never said it was - I said (and this is a fact), the looters and arsonists are FOLLOWING the protesters and taking advantage of them by causing trouble wherever the protests are. Pretty sneaky - it allows them to organize the trouble without doing any actual organization. The organized effort of the looters is just impossible for the police to get ahead of. Without the protests, the looters would either have to organize the effort (doubtful, or at least it would leave a social media trail that the police could use to actually arrest people), or they would be so disorganized that the police could handle it. If we can all stay in place for months at a time, we can certainly put a pause on the protests long enough for law enforcement to get ahead of the situation, same as the hospitals and COVID. Not saying don't affect change, in fact DO affect change. Just take a couple of deep breaths and find a better way to do it. The protesters have popular support - it can be done in other ways.
I was referring specifically to the first sentence of your post:
I'm glad you know the difference but others might read that and no further.

The tools are now available for anyone to more speedily know what is happening in advance. Is it fair that the peaceful protestors are penalized because others with ill intention are aware of their plans? I can't say I know the answer to the communication usage or how to end the lawlessness but like others I am thinking on the causes as well as the current effects.
I was referring specifically to the first sentence of your post:

I'm glad you know the difference but others might read that and no further.

The tools are now available for anyone to more speedily know what is happening in advance. Is it fair that the peaceful protestors are penalized because others with ill intention are aware of their plans? I can't say I know the answer to the communication usage or how to end the lawlessness but like others I am thinking on the causes as well as the current effects.
Let's be real here - one of the causes is the fact that we have been cooped up so long and that unemployment is at unprecedented levels. We predicted the day SiP went into affect that there would be riots and looting. This was long before any of the horrible news occurred that led to the protests. I was basing my prediction on what I experienced in '92 though, not what I was seeing in 2020. I really hope that we've learned from '92 - it wasn't the Rodney King beating that sparked the riots and looting - it was the acquittal.
As a life long resident of Brooklyn, NY I have a question for my fellow DISers that are clearly concerned about NYC. Why haven't any of you started threads about all of the peaceful protests that are occurring here and across the country?

Maybe because peaceful protests are a not as shocking as smashing windows, setting cars on fire, running people over in the streets and looting stores.


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