Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Only new person I've met lately are the new Fed Ex and UPS drivers! I haven't been out that much, or to many places that I would meet someone new.

Did the happy dance again yesterday, as my Sister in Law had to go to Morgantown again. She stopped at Kroger, and they had the 3 packs of clorox wipes AND lysol spray, which she was kind enough to pick me up one of each! That will hold us until our stores start stocking them again!
Question for today: when / how did you last meet a new person?

Oooh, good question!

When: On Saturday, I met a friend of DS's who will be his new roommate for next year. :) (DH had met him last semester, when he picked DS up for break, but I hadn't yet.)

How: He only lives about an hour from us, so he drove here for a short visit.
Touched by an Angel

Was the the one with the Michael Landon? Woo-Wee do we have a story about him in our family!
My grandmother, she was a formidable old bird who in her 40's had been in a accident that broke her pelvis and leg, and she was super short anyway, so she always flew aisle seats so she could position her leg just so to alienate the discomfort.....anyway, she goes to board her flight (sometime in the mid-80's I'm guessing), and there is someone in her seat. She flew first class, and well...someone was in her seat. Her ticketed seat. She wanted HER seat, gentlemen in her seat wouldn't move. She escalated the situation. Seems this gentlemen preferred this seat, even though it wasn't his. And thought she should find another. And he tried to dismiss her when she asked to please have her seat. This gentlemen then spoke to her in a rather ungentlemanly way to her and she was no one to have ANY of that, lets just say that by take off that gentlemen was NO LONGER sitting in her seat, she was. And when she got off the plane, many apologies from higher ups were issued to her...Lord she railed into that guy for not giving a'old lady her seat and using such foul language', and she was fuming when she re told the story that night at dinner (she was on her way to visit us).
And that gentlemen was none other that Michael Landon...she had no idea who he was, not that it would have mattered to her if she did.

We've had a new gal start in the office, about 2 weeks ago - so I'll say that is the newest non fleeting person I've met!
Hooray for disinfecting wipe finds, Lynxtch! I don't go out period so had to think a moment on this question!

Pollyanna Mom, I am glad you got to meet your son's roommate in person :) Prayers they both enjoy and do well at college.

Easyas123, yikes, what a story! :( I just Googled the cast of that particular episode and no, Michael Landon was not in it. I THINK he may have been in one TBAA but am not sure. My favorite character on that show was Andrew played by John Dye. Yes, he was quite handsome that is for sure. I also always felt he truly cared for his costars. To me, Andrew's (John's, though of course I never met or knew him) kindness always shone through as so genuine and he reminded me of how my Grandpa was truly my first Witness to Christ. I believe with all my heart God has made the two friends in Heaven.
Cool and getting ready to rain today. Spent a few hours in DH's office packing things up.

@easyas123 Michael Landon was in Highway to Heaven. What a great story of your Grandmother.

@flyingdumbo127 Touched by an Angel is on here at 8 and 9 am on START tv. I have been rewatching as much more uplifting than the news. And when I die, Andrew can take me home.

Question for today: when / how did you last meet a new person?
On May 20 I met my new grandson. About two weeks ago we met the real estate agent selling DH's office. Before that, I met our new pastor in January.
I would have to say I met one of our neighbors on Sunday as DH and I were walking around the neighborhood. She stands outside with her dog that looks just like our dog so we stopped and talked. Very nice elderly lady who says she is a troublemaker in the neighborhood and then just laughs. My kind of person! LOL! We also met another neighbor through dog walking. We kind of knew her just from walking dogs but since we all started walking more we all stopped and talked, exchanged dogs' names. We know our dogs names but we don't know each other's names yet. That is next on the list.
Hug, Breezy Carol and I agree completely! Andrew all the way! Please God, allow Andrew to escort me Home to You. Thank you for telling me about Start TV. I don't think I get it. I do have TBAA the first 7 seasons on DVD. I did like a few later seasons (8 and 9 episodes) but overall did not feel they were as engaging or God-centered as in earlier seasons. Keep in mind also I have not watched TBAA in years so that is just my memory :) I should get out my DVD's. So glad you are enjoying the show now.

Snowysmom, hooray for doggies bringing their human friends together :)

I am so grateful today for:

Dad's teeth cleaning went very well
A very sweet PM
A surprise phone call from my friend Don who was recently in the hospital to share he is doing better :)
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Finally stopping back in! Meriweather, Happy (belated) Anniversary!

Tina, I'm glad your mother tested negative! My mom's best friend was in the hospital for 7 weeks; she tested positive 4 times. This thing is awful.

Yesterday was quite the day in our area - lots of bad traffic accidents. I won't go into specifics, but they caused quite a cluster. Toward the end of the day, my mom took her car to the mechanic (to drop off, in preparation for repairs before her trip to Illinois) and DH was supposed to pick her up. I warned him about the highway being closed off in advance, and he left a few minutes early from work. It still took him 2 hours to go 18 miles (not quite 30 minutes on a regular day). While Mom was waiting at the auto body, there was another bad accident right over the hill from where she was. Someone hit a truck "full of explosives" (likely fireworks) (among other cars), and she said she heard the boom and saw the smoke. So she started walking up the main road, thinking DH was coming that way to pick her up. But he went down a different road, thinking that the original road would be packed with traffic from the closed highway. He did finally catch up with her, after she'd already walked all the way into the next town - not a short distance.

And then she and I went to get our hair done. We were almost late, only to find out that our stylist was also running late - which turned into a 45-minute wait in the parking lot. But I no longer have my grey hair, and took off about 2 inches plus got my layers fixed. My son is upset that he can no longer call me "Gandalf the Grey" (we compromised; he originally wanted to call me "Mommy the Grey" and I said no).

Today DH and I had a Zoom call with our new/old PCP. She was our doctor once before, but then she left the practice, and they didn't tell us she'd left...DH wasn't happy with the practice in the first place, so in looking for a new doctor, we called this new practice and learned that our original doctor now worked there! But we still had to "see" her as new patients in order to establish with her. It worked out well (i.e. she never asked me a single question about my weight and was pleased with the amount of exercise that I do).

A sweet question for today: What is your favorite type of candy? 🍬

I have a sweet tooth, yes, but I really don't reach for candy! I have to be in the right mood for it...I like Lindt dark chocolate truffles. And you can ALWAYS tempt me with good British chocolate. And Nestle Toll House cookies (homemade only). And cheesecake and cannolis. But not really candy.

Question for today: when / how did you last meet a new person?

I guess mine would be a new neighbor.
At Josh's friend's birthday party on Saturday. During cupcake time, Josh and I sat across the table from a friend of the friend and one of his moms. She and I just got to talking and had a very good conversation!
Yesterday was an interesting day.

Our original plan was to go out to Fire Island for a day trip, walk on the beach, and view the glamping site that we've reservations for August and maybe book another date for the start of July. I've regular tent camped there (bring your own gear) in the past but the man never has so he wants to tour the area first.
Long story short, the ferry is not running yet so we didn't go.

Dinner tonight was another chef's salad and another fruit salad. It's been hot the last few days so I see no reason to heat up the kitchen.
Question for today: when / how did you last meet a new person?

I guess mine would be a new neighbor.

I now know almost every older person in the building due to a committee I sit on. We ensure those at risk have groceries, someone to talk to, and at least one hot meal a day.
Question for today: when / how did you last meet a new person?

I guess mine would be a new neighbor.
I don't think I've met anyone new in a long time....:scratchinA few weeks ago, we were swimming at our friend's, a former coworker of hubby and still coworker of our friend stopped by. I had met him before when he worked with hubby but I had never met his wife so I guess she would be the one.
Question for today.... how do you get ready for the day? Do you shower and get ready as soon as you wake up? Or do you wait until you have somewhere to go or something to do? And does it take you a long time to get ready or are you fast?

Unless I'm going to work, I don't get showered and ready until I have someplace to be. LOL Like today, I know I don't have to leave the house until noon....its almost 10:30a right now and I'm getting ready to hop into the shower after I post this. :blush: If Im going to work then of course as soon as I wake up, I have to hop in the shower. If I don't have to do go anywhere or do anything, then I'll just shower when I feel like it.

I can get ready pretty fast though so it works for me. I'm very low maintenance when it comes to that....i usually just brush my hair and let it dry naturally and I don't wear makeup everyday.

Now my hubby is another story...if he doesn't shower when he wakes up and we decide to go do something we hadn't planned, he takes FOREVER to shower and get ready. I don't know why it takes him so long, he's doesn't even have hair to wash....:laughing:
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Question for today.... how do you get ready for the day? Do you shower and get ready as soon as you wake up? Or do you wait until you have somewhere to go or something to do? And does it take you a long time to get ready or are you fast?

Work days? Grab a cup of coffee, watch morning news for a few minutes, shower and get on with getting to the office. I get out of bed around 6:15 or 6:20, and am usually out the door between 7:20 & 7:40. I usually load or unload the dishwasher, throw in a load of laundry if needed. My hair half air dries, half gets dried under a diffuser, and I don't wear makeup so that keeps things pretty easy for me. Plus work attire is usually capri or jeans. Weekends w/ no where to be first thing? Usually just toss on casual clothes and go about my day, a fair bit of my weekend can be taken up on the tractor. Every other Saturday morning I do (did? Hope to resume soon!!!!) treat myself to a standing nail appointment, car wash and grocery/liquor store pick up - so then I do bother to shower and put on something not stained;)

Was promised rain today, and while it was a bit drizzly this morning first thing, suns been out since about 10:30 or so. I think maybe clouds are starting to accumulate though - I hope we get a nice downpour/storm this evening to enjoy (had a bit of a t-storm last night). Dinner this evening is going to be chinese take away, combined with sweatpants, and hopefully, a decent movie. I'm looking forward to a bit of junky food and junky television.
Question for today.... how do you get ready for the day? Do you shower and get ready as soon as you wake up? Or do you wait until you have somewhere to go or something to do? And does it take you a long time to get ready or are you fast?

Typical is get up, put on work out close, go downstairs, put away dishes, get meat or whatever out of the freezer, play my daily games, take a walk.
Then when DH gets up......do an exercise tape, make the bed, get dressed, go make breakfast.
I am fast. All of that is in about 2 hours.
Question for today.... how do you get ready for the day? Do you shower and get ready as soon as you wake up? Or do you wait until you have somewhere to go or something to do? And does it take you a long time to get ready or are you fast?

I am very quick to get ready in the morning. I get up about 4:30, and dress in casual clothes. Go feed the cats (inside and outside), fill the bird feeders and bird baths. If it hasn't rained in a couple of days I water the garden. Then I come in and shower before hubby gets up to work from home. By then I have usually thrown a load of laundry in if needed. I don't wear makeup unless we are going out somewhere special (and the last 4 months not at all, lol). I am a very low maintenance woman. I normally don't eat breakfast, might grab a glass of orange juice or a yogurt, but that's it.
My schedule got thrown off this morning, as we had a total power outage at 6:30. I guess a squirrel got into a transfomer and blew it, probably along with him/herself too. They had it back on by 9:15. They also said we would have heavy thunderstorms this afternoon..well the sun is out and it's 74 degrees. Calling for rain the next 3 days, so I am glad I got the grass mowed yesterday and all of my weeding done. Also checked the gutters and cleaned out the downspouts, just in case. Dinner tonite is going to be butterflied battered shrimp, spring rolls, and a salad. Hubby's choice tonite, and that's what he picked (we do every other nite in choosing). Picked up a
nice bbq brisket at Aldi's yesterday for Fathers Day, so he gets no choice that day, lol
Hope everyone is having a nice day!


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