Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Summertime rising as a retired folk can be rigorous....out of bed at the crack of dawn....the same time i had as a teenager to milk the cows before school....no beverage, no tidbit of food till chores finished....so I pull back the sun covering off the coiled garden hose and hope that today, this morning, a snake will be sleeping, but alas just crickets jumping madly to more secure hiding spots.

Uncoil the hose and water the veggie garden, the ground cover, the new growth palm trees, the busting out blooms of summer desert shrubs and sprouts of new growth from the variety of flowers. Wave at the folks walking their dogs....every morning moving as fast as we can, crickets we are...soon we will cover ourselves till sunset....unless we are going to see the doctor....and then I reckon we all shower since arthritis skin rubs cover a multitude of odors if we just go grocery shopping.
First we feed our dog....then I drink my morning coffee....then I go outside to pray and meditate.

Our mornings are slow going these days.

We are retired. When I worked, I would drink coffee while I walked our dog. Walking our dog is mostly DH’s job now.

My gratitude today is that DH agreed with me, we are on the road to visit friends. I feel ready to be careful, outside.
I guess a squirrel got into a transfomer and blew it, probably along with him/herself too.

Aww, poor little thing! Glad they got your power straightened out, though.

Question for today.... how do you get ready for the day? Do you shower and get ready as soon as you wake up? Or do you wait until you have somewhere to go or something to do? And does it take you a long time to get ready or are you fast?

I am NOT a shower-right-when-I-get-up person! :rotfl2: - To properly start the day off, I need to sit around in my PJ's and have my coffee first. :coffee:

My choice would be to shower and dress for the day right after that, but somehow that hasn't been working out so much lately. - Either the cat wants to go out for a walk, or someone else in the shower, or I'm worried about waking someone up, or something...and I end up getting dressed in "around the house" clothes, meaning to shower just a bit later, and maaaaaybe actually doing it before it just turns into showering before bed instead. :laughing:

But when I am in my routine, the getting ready part is fairly quick - most of the time I let my hair air dry, and my make-up is pretty minimal (pressed powder, blush, lip gloss, done.)

As much as I love shows like Downton Abbey, I would have been miserable living in them - I would have hated having to change clothes several times a day!
On workdays which are week day mornings I get up, feed and water the dog, and make coffee. Then I take a shower and get dressed. DH then walks the dog. Since I mostly work from home now I am all set to go to my home office after I meditate. The day I go into work I have a bit of down time and meditate before going in. On the weekend I get up, water and feed the dog, and make coffee. DH then walks the dog. Then I just chill out a bit maybe watch The Weather Channel or read. Then I take a shower and get dressed. I start the day with vacuuming the house, making and eating breakfast, and taking the dog for his first ride of the day. He gets 2 rides on Saturday. He is spoiled rotten!

Gratitude today:

We are close to reserving a condo in NH for a week this summer. At least one set of grandkids and DS and DDIL say they will come up for a couple of days. The other DS has to ask his wife, DDIL. LOL!

I went into work and talked with my favorite coworkers. I miss them.

We are having a quick and easy supper tonight with cranberry walnut chicken salad on whole wheat rolls with salad. We went out last night for dinner with outdoor patio dining. It was so nice and relaxing.
Hello friends.

Yesterday afternoon we went to our favorite Amish furniture store and bought DH a leather recliner. He has wanted one for years so is happy.

Did some more work in DH's office today. I should be done for a while.

Was promised rain today, and while it was a bit drizzly this morning first thing, suns been out since about 10:30 or so.
Yep, same here.

@bobbiwoz, I see a cruise in your signature. Do you have any concerns about going? I have one booked in February 2021 that we booked in 2019. I am not sure I want to go.

@Snowysmom , a condo in NH with kids and grandkids sounds great.

Question for today.... how do you get ready for the day? Do you shower and get ready as soon as you wake up? Or do you wait until you have somewhere to go or something to do? And does it take you a long time to get ready or are you fast?
Mine varies. Sometimes I shower in the morning, sometimes at night. Depends on what I am doing. If I am going to bike ride or work in the yard, I wait and shower after. First thing in morning if I am going somewhere. I don't shampoo each shower, and make up is only if I am leaving the house. Retirement and COVID and no dog have changed having a set routine.

Online camp music time today.
Neighbor elementary girls brought a beautiful little bouquet of flowers, just being kind.
Ability to enjoy the weather and a book on the screen porch.
Waving hi to All :)

These days lol "getting dressed" simply means brushing my hair and putting on a T shirt and daytime pajama bottoms! Usually at this time of year, I'd be up early to get ready to be at church for work at summer camps. Someday when it is safe and the face covering mandate out here has been lifted, I desperately need to go clothes shopping! This time that will be a fun activity rather than usual sort of dreading (not a shopping fan especially of clothes for me) because doing so will be a tremendous extra Blessing to be able to do first and foremost and also with thanks to God, it will be much more enjoyable due to all the weight I have lost :)

Thursday Gratitude:

Finishing a second Father's Day scrapbook for my Dad. I am extra thankful to be able to have this year special gifts for him.
A sweet card from a friend.
That it was easy to get a parking space this morning on the right side of the street for street cleaning tomorrow.
Question for today.... how do you get ready for the day? Do you shower and get ready as soon as you wake up? Or do you wait until you have somewhere to go or something to do? And does it take you a long time to get ready or are you fast?
Early in the morning before the dawn breaks I take a shower, do my braids over, and read newspapers via my laptop. Takes an hour for my day start ambulation and about 2 hours to catch up on the news. When I'm good I do some exercise
normally, an hour or so, and then it's back home to make to put together a cold breakfast. When possible I try to finish household chores and dinner prep by 1:00 PM the latest. That's pretty much my norm for the hotter months of the year.

Tonight I decided I need to use heat to make a meal so I made a corn pudding with red and green peppers, and served it with burgers and cottage cheese (I love cottage cheese!) and a green salad. Also simmered a Cornish hen in soy sauce, a knob of ginger and some anise star for tomorrow's dinner so I can go back to keeping the apartment cool;).

Spent a bit of time today making up my camping menu. Once I'm sure I have it "right", I'll share it with you all.
Happy Friday to my DIS family!

Summer has arrived here. I am going to get my hair cut and colored. I haven't had a haircut or "real" color in 6 months. I had my last haircut in early December to get ready for holiday parties and my surgery. I look a scarecrow I think. I know the shop is taking big precautions and only doing couple stylists working a day and I had to make my appointment two weeks ago because the calendar so booked with rotating staff.

Other good news is that my Matt got offer from a company he wanted to work for and will start after 4th July! I'm so proud of him trying to adapt and adjust to civilian world. I'll be interested in the first time one of the coworkers annoys or flat out angers him. We have been doing lot of practice based scenarios and trying to keep a little Tina on his shoulder to remind him that he can't just yell in his big Army voice and drop them for push ups lol

I'm taking managerial accounting and organizational theory this go around for summer. I really need to find something to fill my hours. Last summer I worked almost 9 weeks without day off due to demand with 30K soldiers around and now I'm just sitting... it's an adjustment

My mom is still feeling pretty good just nervous about the sick or not sick but positive people in the nursing home and talk about opening up for visitation. I'm worried too truth be told. I just have to keep praying about it and hoping that people will at least be responsible visiting in nursing home and understand it's not like being at a bar.

I think we are going to head up to Norther Indiana/Southern Michigan for week 4th JUL. My inlaws own series houses together on a little lake island and we all typically get together for a long weekend about that time spread out over the houses.

Dinner tonight: Good question!! I'm thinking just basic pasta salad and green salad.

I'll be back to report about my hair! I'm excited as you can tell lol
Other good news is that my Matt got offer from a company he wanted to work for and will start after 4th July! I'm so proud of him trying to adapt and adjust to civilian world. I'll be interested in the first time one of the coworkers annoys or flat out angers him. We have been doing lot of practice based scenarios and trying to keep a little Tina on his shoulder to remind him that he can't just yell in his big Army voice and drop them for push ups lol

Awesome - good for him! My son just grappled with a job offer (private contractor, but doing same as he does in Army vs. volunteering for another deployment (stateside). He called his unit guy up - I'm not up on the lingo of the ARMY I'm afraid - and put in for the deployment at home. He's National Guard, but I think that he really likes it, and appreciates the on the job training & security clearance in terms of taking a private job when he is all done. Plus he's been taking advantage of the education benefits. But it does seem a whole different world for sure! This will be his second deployment, first being, as he puts it 'volun-told' to go!

Good luck to your husband, I'm sure he's going to do great! He adjusted to military life, so I bet he'll be able to make the same adjustment into civilian better than he thinks.

Your July 4th sounds wonderful - we have nothing going on that weekend ourselves, just quiet celebration at home.
Good morning from me, too, to all!

Congratulations to Matt, Tina! I am also proud of your for continuing your education! :) I hope you enjoy your haircut! I desperately need one myself! I remember a long while back you were so kind to recommend an Ulta product for me to try on my fine dry hair. Sadly not able to go to an Ulta now. I was wondering whether you or anyone else in this awesome thread has any suggestions on a moisturizing detangler I could order on Amazon? I'll have to figure out about a better shampoo and conditioner down the road. I do still have an almost complete bottle of clarifying shampoo that I could use a couple times to get the excess build up of cheap-y products off my hair before then using the detangler/conditioner. Thank you all in advance.
Yay for a hair cut. My best friend is a stylist so he usually just squeezes me in when he has time but with all the new regulations you can't just do that anymore. My hair has finally gone past the awkward stage and is starting to look ok....I'm thinking I'll leave it a little longer with no bangs for little while. But if I get desperate, I can just have him come over and do a cut for me.

Other good news is that my Matt got offer from a company he wanted to work for and will start after 4th July! I'm so proud of him trying to adapt and adjust to civilian world. I'll be interested in the first time one of the coworkers annoys or flat out angers him. We have been doing lot of practice based scenarios and trying to keep a little Tina on his shoulder to remind him that he can't just yell in his big Army voice and drop them for push ups lol

I'm taking managerial accounting and organizational theory this go around for summer. I really need to find something to fill my hours. Last summer I worked almost 9 weeks without day off due to demand with 30K soldiers around and now I'm just sitting... it's an adjustment

Congratulations to Matt on his job offer. I hope his transition is easy for him. Hubby has been out of the Marine Corps for about 15 years now and he still uses his Marine voice at work and you know what, they love him for it because he gets stuff done. :laughing: BIL just retired from the army and he doesn't plan on working again....hubby is worried its not going to be good for him.

And I'm fascinated with your accounting class....lol I've always to do accounting. :confused3 I have a little book I keep track of all my expenses in, if that thing doesn't add up just right, man, I'm on a mission to figure it out. :laughing: I know that's not exactly what accounting is all about but I think I might like it...
Grumpy gal’s question.......meet a new person?

Quick story: a girlfriend, Hannah moved to a new town 45 mins away with 3 kids. I asked if she had made any new friends after 6 months. She said it was really difficult. At her middle school aged son’s basketball practices, all the moms played on their iPhones or chatted in groups of 2.

I was amazed, and changed my habits. Now at my kids soccer practice , I make a point to introduce myself to all the sidelines at the beginning of the season. Some just say hi, others like to chat, a few are new to the area and I recommend local sports stores or restaurants nearby.
So smile 😃
@lovemygoofy ----Congratulations to Matt and his new job, I had to laugh at your description of what might happen if someone doesn't listen to him. I am waiting eagerly for my hair salon to open back up. The malls can open at 5 tonite, but ours isn't opening till tomorrow. I need to get my hair cut soon before I take scissors to it. It is longer than it's ever been. Hubby wanted me to grow it out, but that was at the last haircut (last August!), I was going to get it cut again just before all this happened, but the salons closed. I just can't stand having it tied back all the time, it's so uncomfortable at nite. I also need to color it again, but I refuse to buy 2 boxes of color, lol. Need it cut short! Can't wait to hear about your experience when you get back!
Congratulations to Matt!! :yay:
Good luck with your courses. My DD is taking accounting classes online.

I so need a haircut, but not about to go anywhere here...........we're a hot spot right now!! Stupid people not being careful.
DD might get a friend of hers to come cut everyone's hair. DH looks like Einstein.
Or she might cut mine, I will cut DH's and hers. We'll see.


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