Coming from NY. This is horrible

I'm not sure herd immunity is actually a thing with COVID-19. My understanding is that they are still unsure it's a possibility with Covid. You also need to understand that those of us in the Northeast literally stayed inside for two months, going virtually nowhere. When we did, it was masked up!
There is no herd immunity. Anyone who claims there is is wrong.
Most people with coronavirus who have symptoms will no longer be contagious by 10 days after symptoms resolve. People who test positive for the virus but never develop symptoms over the following 10 days after testing are probably no longer contagious, but again there are documented exceptions. So some experts are still recommending 14 days of isolation.

Thanks. DD's boyfriend's sister (who lives in the same house) was mildly symptomatic (cough, scratchy throat) and tested positive. BF tested negative, but of course he's still in the same house with his sister.

So I have to get my slide rule and do the math on that one. I could do some statistical gymnastics and tell DD two years, but he's a great kid and I don't want to keep them apart that long.
The real problem for Florida, and other sunbelt states, is that they're still open. There's not even a mask mandate statewide in Florida. I try to wrap my head around what would have happened here if we stayed mostly open while our numbers were skyrocketing, in effect, just baking more illness and death into the cake another 3-4 weeks down the line. It's unfathomable to me. But, stay tuned, because we're all going to be watching this unfold all summer on the news. The healthcare system in the state of Florida is about to go through hell.
I live two hours from NYC in what was a hot zone because of constant traffic to NYC, dual residency and families escaping NYC to here. I'm in PA and our governor didn't do enough to help us here so our city had to implement a curfew from 8 pm to 6am, stop people from gathering more than 4 non family members, begged the taxis, vans and busses to stop daily transportation to the city, (they were not mandated to) stopped carpooling to and from businesses and industrial companies and banned more than 4 people in a car at any time. It wasn't until 10 days after we did this that our numbers started to go down. That is a severe shut down that we needed to get a handle on things, yet Florida and other states are wide open with growing numbers. It boggles my mind.
1. Most states absolutely are doing much better than Florida.
2. I would absolutely judge as a New Yorker. We had no idea and no notice as to what was going to hit us. Florida had four months.
NY had the 411 not to put Covid patients in nursing homes yet they did that anyway and have the highest death rate per 1 million population (2nd highest to NJ, actually...but its up there). So there is that.
Do you really believe this or are you just playing now?

Of course I am serious!!! It's a fact that many more people have had COVID in NY/NJ then Florida, we got hit in March, April and May. Why the nasty talk saying "are you playing"??? Can't you have a discussion without insults??? These boards have so many people on them that can't have a discussion without insults!!! No wonder the country is in the condition it is in!
Of course I am serious!!! It's a fact that many more people have had COVID in NY/NJ then Florida, we got hit in March, April and May. Why the nasty talk saying "are you playing"??? Can't you have a discussion without insults??? These boards have so many people on them that can't have a discussion without insults!!! No wonder the country is in the condition it is in!

People in Florida are not more vulnerable than people in New York.
Of course I am serious!!! It's a fact that many more people have had COVID in NY/NJ then Florida, we got hit in March, April and May. Why the nasty talk saying "are you playing"??? Can't you have a discussion without insults??? These boards have so many people on them that can't have a discussion without insults!!! No wonder the country is in the condition it is in!
I noticed you included the qualifiers with your comment about people having antibodies. It appears to me you're just in this for your own amusement at this point.
Why did you get anger??? Can you not have a discussion and discuss something without being nasty and getting angry??? If you disagree, it's OK to be nice and say so but no reason to be nasty!!!! People have gotten so nasty in this country, it's appalling!
There was nothing that @CarolAnn856 said that was angry or nasty. @JimMIA stated an opinion that I agree with. And it was not nasty or mean in any way. The only person who seems angry is you. We went through this on another thread yesterday, but your excessive use of punctuation comes across as yelling and anger. If you don’t want to be taken that way, calm it down.

And then just some personal advice. These boards can get heated. We are a passionate group with strong feelings. It works better if you have a thick skin and can learn to not take anything personally. And realize many of us are just having a conversation or debate, not fighting.
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But, I just can't go a year without my "disney fix".
Yes, you can.
I'd love to hear any feedback from others in the same position and what your plans are.
We were planning a trip to Nashville to celebrate our 30th anniversary in late summer -- but we're staying home. Outright cancelled. No substitute trip on the horizon.

It's not fun, but until this virus is stopped, it's the right thing to do.


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