Face mask policy & children with autism

And shoot a video of her crying child instead of comforting the child? For at least two minutes? That's messed up. This type of behavior by the mom is abuse. She knew what Hershey Park required and what her child can & can not handle but still insisted to subject her little boy to the disappointment. She set up her own child for failure. She knew what the outcome was going to be and didn't care about the child. I really wish these types would just stop using their disabled children as props for their own agendas. It is abuse.
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At the end of the day, just like at WDW, its Hershey's Park, Hershey's rules.

And living someplace where we are in the midst of our highest numbers ever, and climbing daily, I applaud PA for trying to get everyone masked up as best they can.

If we would all just wear masks for 6 weeks... we might be done with this sooner rather than later, but *everyone* would have to participate...
what most complaining about Hershey's rule is that Wolf allows for exceptions for handicapped
I’m sure the intention of the exceptions for the handicapped were for essential service such as shopping for food or medical care. A trip to an amusement park is not essential to life, but some people have forgotten that part.
I also think that there is the thought that “if everyone else is wearing a mask, why does it matter if my loved one doesn’t?” It matters because your loved one won’t be the only one with the exception at the park, and there is still the possibility of catching COVID even with masks. The risk just decreases with masks. If your loved one can’t handle a mask because of a health issue if handicap, what happens if they are one of the people who randomly gets a terrible case of COVID? Can they handle the invasive medical treatments they might need? Yes, bad things can happen randomly even when there is no pandemic, and life is a risk every day. But right now there is an increased risk for every human in this planet that we have not figured out how to mitigate yet.
again not Disney but after 2 days back at my small park with masks for everyone i have seen mostly following the rules but for staff it has been even harder. because we have to wear even in break area unless eating and only 12 allowed at a time in staff center. staff also does not have a relax area. and yes we have had temps in low to mid 90s with higher humidity. it has been harder than i expected. the other thing that has had our guests upset is that we have to put drinks or popcorn in paper cups and guest has to dump in their container. had a number complain about the waste. just to give another side of how things seem to be going. sorry to go off topic but wanted to put out the other side
again not Disney but after 2 days back at my small park with masks for everyone i have seen mostly following the rules but for staff it has been even harder. because we have to wear even in break area unless eating and only 12 allowed at a time in staff center. staff also does not have a relax area. and yes we have had temps in low to mid 90s with higher humidity. it has been harder than i expected. the other thing that has had our guests upset is that we have to put drinks or popcorn in paper cups and guest has to dump in their container. had a number complain about the waste. just to give another side of how things seem to be going. sorry to go off topic but wanted to put out the other side

I feel you. I have to wear a mask at work, unless in the break room. And our break room now only holds 5 people at a time.
I feel you. I have to wear a mask at work, unless in the break room. And our break room now only holds 5 people at a time.
i do not know what will happen tomorrow if the storms they are calling for happen in that staff center is the safe spot for all the ride people. plus the stand where i work where we are only allowed 30 guests and we are only spot for guests to get out of weather. looks like it is going to be a fun day
I have had asthma all my life. Right now, I would love to go to WDW, just to experience it with these low crowds, but that just isn't smart. I am also not going to the grocery store, the shopping mall, pharmacy, gas station, nail salon, etc. I'd "kill" to do what used to be normal everyday stuff, but I won't "die" for it, or "kill" others by spreading the virus.
I just read today that a theme park (Kennywood?) is being sued over children & adults with autism being refuse entry without a mask...I'm gobsmacked.
Parenting a kid with special needs has lots of challenges. Finding a mask he would tolerate doesn't even rank on the list of chaos the last 6 months have dealt. We tried at least 10 different ones until I found two different styles he can alternate when one bugs him too much. Yeah, they probably cost me $100 of trial and error, but that's only a fraction the monthly cost of his meds or various therapies. To any other parents out there who cannot keep a mask on your child--keep trying different ones. The first couple we tried were epic failures, but once we finally found the right styles, he is happy to wear them.

Finishing our Disney getaway soon and heading home for more indefinite quarantine/work from home/online schooling nightmare Season 2.
The ADA's current stance is that the safety of those around you outweighs requiring an exception at this time. These companies are within their rights to require masks. I wish these folks would see that before putting their kids through this.
I’m pretty sure it has always been the stance of the ADA that accommodations cant jeopardize the safety of others. This is just the first instance where that has had to be explained so publicly.


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