How often do you REALLY wash your masks?

Every few uses, unless I wear it for several hours at once. Typically, I only wear a mask for 15-20 minutes while I shop. Sometimes I literally wear it for a minute or two (pumping gas, running into post office, etc). I keep it in the car until I've used it "enough."

The other day, we went to Downtown Disney and were there almost 4 hours. Those got thrown in the hamper when we got home.

I don't worry at ALL about the virus being on the surface of the mask. I just don't believe that is a likely source of transmission, given what is now known about the virus. I am more concerned with bacteria from my own mouth festering on the inside of the mask and causing skin breakouts on my face.
Every couple days, depending on the usage length and where I’m at. For the occasional use to pop into some store, I don’t wash it. But if I have to have it on for a couple hours, I’ll wash it that night.
I wash it after each use. I see a lot of people have them hanging from their rear view mirror. I wonder if it is to let the sun hit it between uses.
I use a fine cloth mask to help intake cooler air to breathe better. I have three of them and I rotate them pretty much every time I use one.
I wash them using anti-bacterial hand soap in the palm of my hand and squish them around. Rinse and hang dry. They dry in a day.
Everyone in our household grabs a clean masks every time we leave the house. We all follow the same procedure for removing them - pull the mask off your face by the ear loops, put it on the floor of the car, sanitize your hands before touching the steering wheel or anything else. When we get home, we toss the used masks in a pile next to the bathroom sink (then wash hands for 20 seconds). We handwash them with soap and very warm water, then hang to dry in the shower. If I leave the house twice in a day, I use two clean masks. I've been making them for my family so we have plenty. Everyone chose their own fabrics, so everyone has their own supply. Besides possible virus particles on the outside, I've read that bacteria can build up on the inside of the masks, especially if it's humid outside or you wear it for an extended period. This can cause skin infections and breakouts. I think it's just safer overall to never use the same mask twice without washing it.
I use per day. My workplace is mandatory mask but they’re cheap to provide. They gave us 2 very bad quality masks and said they won’t provide anything else. If they provided I would change more often.
The idea of a damp, grody cloth mask really grosses me out. I only use the disposable kind; a new one after each wearing. Luckily disposable non-medical grade masks are not hard to come by any more and my company provides them in unlimited quantities for the use of employees and our family members, customers and our sub-trades.

Here in Alberta the government also provides them free-of-charge to anyone and they're distributed through fast-food drive-thru places. They gave away 20 million in the first round and have apparently re-stocked an additional 20 million that are available now. Masks have not been mandated here yet but are strongly encouraged.
I'm more like you. If I wear a mask for 15 minutes to go into a store, I leave it in my car for next time. There have been a few times I have worn one for several hours at a time, I definitely wash it after that.
Same here. If I work up a sweat I wash them otherwise I reuse them a few times.
I made a bunch so each family member can use a fresh one every time we leave the house, which -- admittedly -- doesn't take that many masks. Only three of us, and we stay home most of the time.

One thing I've noted: I prefer the masks with two different colors on the two sides. Why? Once I went out to run a couple errands, and -- in between -- I took the mask off in the car. Later I realized in horror I'd worn the "pink side" for my first errand and the "blue side" for my second. That kinda ruins the whole point of having the mask. I realized then that I can't tell "which side is which" on my dark blue masks. I'm trying to figure out some sort of "marker" to put on one side.
I made a bunch so each family member can use a fresh one every time we leave the house, which -- admittedly -- doesn't take that many masks. Only three of us, and we stay home most of the time.

One thing I've noted: I prefer the masks with two different colors on the two sides. Why? Once I went out to run a couple errands, and -- in between -- I took the mask off in the car. Later I realized in horror I'd worn the "pink side" for my first errand and the "blue side" for my second. That kinda ruins the whole point of having the mask. I realized then that I can't tell "which side is which" on my dark blue masks. I'm trying to figure out some sort of "marker" to put on one side.
That's one thing I use the nose wire pocket for. I put it on the inside of the mask. I've made multiple masks for everyone in our house, and each person's masks have their own, individual color/material on the inside. So, while they could all be wearing the blue mask (on the outside) each one has their own blue mask.
That's one thing I use the nose wire pocket for. I put it on the inside of the mask. I've made multiple masks for everyone in our house, and each person's masks have their own, individual color/material on the inside. So, while they could all be wearing the blue mask (on the outside) each one has their own blue mask.
I do admire efficiency!
I have 12 cloth ones. I go to the grocery once every three weeks and the office once every two weeks, so I always use a clean mask. Masks go in the laundry when I do it each week.
I rarely use them because I only go out about once or twice a week and then only wear them while in the store, doctors office, etc. I just leave it in my car and figure any germs will be dead by the next time.
The coronavirus won't remain intact for more than a couple days, a little more if the mask is really dank. Bacteria on the other hand can live through a lot. Norovirus can remain active for a week and C. diff can aparently remain alive for months.

I wash it after each use. I see a lot of people have them hanging from their rear view mirror. I wonder if it is to let the sun hit it between uses.
Sun won't do you a lot of good through glass, as it blocks nearly 100% of UVC radiation. Maybe if the temp inside the car gets above 130F
I wash my mask after each use. I, also, change if I go to more than one place per day. I have 2 bins. One for clean masks and one for dirty and then on laundry days I toss them in the wash.


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