What kind of ( not really) super power do you possess

I am very language oriented, so I guess I have linguistic super powers. However, my kryptonite is facial recognition. I swear I have a condition where I don't see faces. I could walk by my DH on the street and never see him.
I am very language oriented, so I guess I have linguistic super powers. However, my kryptonite is facial recognition. I swear I have a condition where I don't see faces. I could walk by my DH on the street and never see him.
I’m strange because I look at people’s mouths more than their eyes when I am talking to them. It may be because my mom was hearing impaired and used lip reading to understand people. Maybe I picked that up from her. But when I say someone for example looks like their mom, I base it on their mouth, chin area. Many people will say they don’t see the resemblance.
I can sit next to a stranger on a bus, plane or train and during small talk they will tell me details of their life that go far beyond casual conversation. Strangers have told me about traumatic events, happy moments, sad times, etc.

Other people would say my ability to blurt out travel information is a superpower...I consider that Stockholm Syndrome though from years of working for a travel agency. I learned a lot about places for people to travel to, but never got to travel as a travel agent and certainly didn't make enough to do so.
I can open any jar, even though I've never been very strong (physically). When I was a teenager, in a fit of feminism I decided I was never going to require a man to open a jar for me, and I never have! My husband of 36 years, who is much stronger than me and who I ask to lift heavy things for me all the time, now has a little arthritis in his hands and has to ask me to open the jars, lol!
I'm really good at remembering numbers (and can recite Pi to 15 decimal places.)

I also have a weird ability when putting away leftovers to pick exactly the right size container and know it will fit.

I wish I had your container superpower. One of the many things ms has done has taken away my ability to correctly guess the right size container I need for anything. I usually way overestimate and put like three forkfuls of potatoes in a container that could hold a whole field of them lol
Just as things start looking good for me, I have an aura that causes issues to arise. Case in point: a toilet leak on Saturday which lead to finding mold in my house.

APparently my superpower is also "Here's this disaster, but in reality, things are probably going to work out ok because your homeowners insurance has a mold rider" It's a really weird power.
I'm a super worrier! :o I rehash, in my mind, things that have already happened and envision and worry about things in the future "borrowing tomorrow's troubles". I definitely get this from my father, who is even more extreme in his worry/rehashing the past than me.
I have 2, both equally worthless;
  1. I can smell ants. Not just any ants, black carpenter ants. They put off a scent to lead their other ant friends. I can smell that scent - REALLY strongly! Like, I can smell one ant from across the room. That is slightly useful as I also really hate ants. It makes it a little easier to avoid them.
  2. I can hear ultrasonic sounds. You know those "silent" ultrasonic things that are supposed to repel pests? I can hear those clear as any other sound. I'm not personally repelled by it if you are wondering. It might be why those things don't really work. I think pests can also hear them, they just don't care all that much.
People tell me things. Strangers, people who never open up to anyone. Everyone just tells me things, secrets, etc. And I keep them, but it's just so weird.

One day I was complaining about not being good at anything and my husband said "Well, you're really good at people!'

And then I cried because "I don't even LIKE people!"
Thought of another no so super power. I can cry at the drop of a hat. At work, driving down the street, sitting at a bar/brewery or at the couch at home. Doesn’t matter where I am if the tears want to flow they are going to flow. 😢😭
I can open any jar, even though I've never been very strong (physically). When I was a teenager, in a fit of feminism I decided I was never going to require a man to open a jar for me, and I never have! My husband of 36 years, who is much stronger than me and who I ask to lift heavy things for me all the time, now has a little arthritis in his hands and has to ask me to open the jars, lol!

I know how the secret to your super power.
But I will never tell anyone.
I have theorized, hypothesized and tested how old ladies(not saying you are an old lady) can open pickle jars. I have the answer.
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