Something About Nothing............ #14

Ooooo I have some catching up to do! Been a busy 2 days here I see.

@Charade67 thanks so much for the pics! My daughter makes me go on all the coasters in Tampa lol. We haven’t been in quite a few years. I still remember getting on Shiekra lol. It was new. One of the first 90 deg drop coasters.
Tampa has a river raft ride too.

Bacon breakfast. Coffee is calling. Will be back to catch up later!
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I think this is the Loch Ness Monster.

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This one is called Tempesto. It goes forward and backwards. Neither B nor Dh wanted to ride it.

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I couldn’t get a good pic of Apollo’s Chariot. I think that one is B’s favorite.

I I almost took a picture of my favorite ride, Escape from Pompeii. It’s similar to
splash Mountain. It looked so sad with no water.

Going to try to get some sleep now. Apologies for any typos. I’m posting from my phone and too
Tired to proofread.
Charade, thanks for posting those pictures!
Too scary for me to do those coasters.
Did you do all of them ?
I thought I reread that Schumi would have bacon today.
Did I skim through the thread too quickly and miss them?

or maybe she ate all the bacon and that’s why I did not see them ....
Charade, thanks for posting those pictures!
Too scary for me to do those coasters.
Did you do all of them ?
I don’t ride any of them. I rode coasters when I was young, but can’t tolerate the intense ones now. I’m okay with coaster like Big Thunder Mountain, but can’t handle ones that have loops and huge drops.
Tampa has a river raft ride too.
They still have a raging rapids type (ala Popeyes u one) but the cool was taken out when they built cheetah

charade -friend told me she’s skipping AoA as big blue pool going back down for longer refurb next year. I think till Easter/early April. You’d think it’d made sense to handle that when they were closed.
I still remember getting on Shiekra lol. It was new. One of the first 90 deg drop coasters.

That is one thing that is tempting us to go to BG one day.......the bigger the better with coasters.....Tom and I would love to go on that!

I thought I reread that Schumi would have bacon today.
Did I skim through the thread too quickly and miss them?

or maybe she ate all the bacon and that’s why I did not see them ....

We did eat all the bacon....... ::yes:: .....but there would have been some for you of course.........I tried making my own croissants.....they weren`t as good as bakery ones, but nice.

The short ribs were surprisingly better than our usual butchers ones. And we thought his were lovely. Will buy them from this guy again. So they were a treat......we all cleared our plates.

Made chocolate ganache for those two and Tom and I had apple crumble and custard.....made a small one for the two of us. That`s us fed and watered for the evening.

Night in front of the tv for us. Will think on what we want to do this week ahead.

Ah, Sunday night it is, and a weekend is behind now. Weather was a bit cool, but beautiful.

Ack, kids think the cook needs to make dinner. Hmm, pasta or pasta. What is easy to make? Seems the rest of that one cheesecake was snacked on with my cup of tea this late afternoon. Mom not that hungry. Sigh. Have to decide. And one that little one will want, as recent meals were a I’m not eating that. Apparently, last night’s dinner was cooked by the two part time cooks. Cook was still too full to eat any dinner last night, though ice cream serving was considered her dinner.

Be good homies. Trash has gone out. Wash done, linens changed. Routine to commence in the pre dawn hours. Have a good Sunday night.
@schumigirl Shiekra was great! And they have lots of coasters! I haven’t been since they re-did Cheetah! So maybe time to return!

@macraven that was me having bacon 🥓 too lol. Late afternoon here. Looking forward to both Dead shows, well Fear anyway! Will watch New world in hopes that it gets better.

@Lynne G awww I want a weekend do over to. Mine was dreary, wet and cold. I think the damp makes it feel colder.

@keishashadow sorry to hear it was taken out. SeaWorld has a fun one too- Atlantis I think.
I noticed they are redoing some of the old shows. I watched one Perry Mason. Very different from original. I’m in the chicken club so no Twilight Zone for me!

@DisneyLifePapioNe yes please! Can you make mine a sugar-free piña colada?

Schumi happily watching all the scary movies lol. I’m the opposite, and this time of year close to Halloween it’s hard finding anything else that I can watch! Ha!

Didnt do much this weekend. Weather wasn’t conducive to getting out. Miserable and dreary. Didn’t leave the house today. Fireplace on. Huddled under a fluffy throw!
Have a tray of vegetables roasting in oven and having bratwurst from butcher.

love a good soup, we had prime rib roast last week and my daughter took the bones home to make stock. So when I made my soup I had to use stock in the carton! Guess I didn’t think that thru. Not that I would have done differently.

Heading out *(finally) for a dog walk!
Sue, I’m watching last weeks fear the dead now and waiting for this weeks episode

and then will watch Beyond the Dead tonight.
Last weeks Beyond did not excite me but now the story line has been done, hope it is a catchy episode tonight.
Too much to get much caught up! Seems some doggies need good health wishes, A celebration (did I miss a Happy Birthday Lynne?) Charade with some fun coaster pictures, Schumi with the wonderful sounding food, Keisha with health scare but GOOD now right?? A "hey" to DLP, RFF, Mac, newbie Rockbro...and if I forgot anyone "hi" to you too!!
Sue-hoping to see you next month! I officially extended our universal part of our stay-now 27-30 at RPR. Flights home cheapest on Tuesday so...vacation math: Grabbed hotel near MCO for night of 30th on points, flight home on miles. And our week starts on Nov 20 at Cypress Harbour-3rd Marriott Vacation Club resort this year lol. Still have an extra week to use-no luck finding a resort on a beach for the week after our week-Since I am mostly virtual, the boy is only seated 2 days a week and hubs is mostly virtual we were going to stay an extra week, but oh well.

Hoping I get to get back into my Nursing homes on limited basis this week. Have been swabbed 2x week for last 2 weeks in anticipation-but each place has popped a positive resident right before I was to go -ugh! Nearly all new positives that happen are now asymptomatic (found ONLY because of routine testing) and irritated at being put on isolation hall. Same with staff who pop positive now-feel fine and irritated at having to be off work with no pay or having to use vacation days. I did learn to go during morning shift for the swab as the afternoon one almost popped my eyeball out-only one that actually hurt.

Father in law is now covid recovered-got the pneumonia and was on oxygen and 2 separate one nights hospital stays. Mother in law was negative at first but then she turned up a positive test too-cough and scratchy throat only. Both off quarantine and fine now. Bright side of that is they will likely have a much much much lower chance of getting it again - especially with their Mexico winter getaway they do every year in January. No idea where they got it either-we have been out much more than they have-they always mask even though their area isn't mandatory too. Both very healthy in their 70's-father in law still very physically active; in fact we have tried to get him to slow down a bit hauling heavy paver stones etc as he loves to putter around with landscaping, but worry about him taking a tumble down their hill.

Puppy good. One of the new chickens started laying eggs this week-feel like a proud mama. And one of my older hens is going through a hard molt-she looks like she's been partially plucked. Just in time for colder weather! Hubs built a cold frame for one of my garden beds, herbs transplanted in there, along with some lettuce and radishes seeds planted-first time I am trying this so we will see!

Cold today but back to 70's and on 80's day before cold again.

Stay well friends!
Monyk, good news on your in laws recovery!
Hope they have a fantastic time on their Mexican get away.

Lucky you for a trip coming up!
Hope you and Sue will be able to met each other.
It’s always fun to met a homie in person from the sans.

I know you want to be able to see the residents at the homes where they reside
Sending you mummy dust no more positive cases at the nursing homes !
Too much to get much caught up! Seems some doggies need good health wishes, A celebration (did I miss a Happy Birthday Lynne?) Charade with some fun coaster pictures, Schumi with the wonderful sounding food, Keisha with health scare but GOOD now right?? A "hey" to DLP, RFF, Mac, newbie Rockbro...and if I forgot anyone "hi" to you too!!
Sue-hoping to see you next month! I officially extended our universal part of our stay-now 27-30 at RPR. Flights home cheapest on Tuesday so...vacation math: Grabbed hotel near MCO for night of 30th on points, flight home on miles. And our week starts on Nov 20 at Cypress Harbour-3rd Marriott Vacation Club resort this year lol. Still have an extra week to use-no luck finding a resort on a beach for the week after our week-Since I am mostly virtual, the boy is only seated 2 days a week and hubs is mostly virtual we were going to stay an extra week, but oh well.

Hoping I get to get back into my Nursing homes on limited basis this week. Have been swabbed 2x week for last 2 weeks in anticipation-but each place has popped a positive resident right before I was to go -ugh! Nearly all new positives that happen are now asymptomatic (found ONLY because of routine testing) and irritated at being put on isolation hall. Same with staff who pop positive now-feel fine and irritated at having to be off work with no pay or having to use vacation days. I did learn to go during morning shift for the swab as the afternoon one almost popped my eyeball out-only one that actually hurt.

Father in law is now covid recovered-got the pneumonia and was on oxygen and 2 separate one nights hospital stays. Mother in law was negative at first but then she turned up a positive test too-cough and scratchy throat only. Both off quarantine and fine now. Bright side of that is they will likely have a much much much lower chance of getting it again - especially with their Mexico winter getaway they do every year in January. No idea where they got it either-we have been out much more than they have-they always mask even though their area isn't mandatory too. Both very healthy in their 70's-father in law still very physically active; in fact we have tried to get him to slow down a bit hauling heavy paver stones etc as he loves to putter around with landscaping, but worry about him taking a tumble down their hill.

Puppy good. One of the new chickens started laying eggs this week-feel like a proud mama. And one of my older hens is going through a hard molt-she looks like she's been partially plucked. Just in time for colder weather! Hubs built a cold frame for one of my garden beds, herbs transplanted in there, along with some lettuce and radishes seeds planted-first time I am trying this so we will see!

Cold today but back to 70's and on 80's day before cold again.

Stay well friends!

@macraven watching World now, it is getting better. Hopefully it continues to. Then Fear follows, 2nd episode.
Yes Monyk have been in touch, hopefully can meet up again. Last year we met up at The Kitchen at HRH. Always fun if you can squeeze in a meet up!

@Monykalyn good news about the in-laws! Hope they make a full recovery. Poor moulting girl, I only thought they do that when the warm weather comes. You may have to knit her a sweater!
yuck about Covid testing. Both daughters and husband had test. I went in with him. He flinched!
Gotta love vacation math! I’m looking forward to catching up with you again. Hopefully on the evening of the 27th while I’m near you at CB. I move into HRH the next day, but we Managed a HRH meet last time!

Update on my doggies. The spaniel is doing ok. Nothing bad showed on ultrasound, vascular something on liver, age related changes. Have to keep her on a low fat gastro diet. My little yorkiepoo has had diarrhea the past 4 days so he went to vet yesterday. I can’t catch a break. $$$$$. He was given antibiotics.
Sue I’m on et and watched both shows

Think you will like both of them.

Hope you will be able to connect with Monyk on your trip
to Orlando.

Wishing the best for your doggie!
Sue hope doggies all settle down - glad to say Louie has recovered and back to his usual happy self.
Monyk so glad in laws have improved.

Nice morning here and just us so no need to rush but we are having the boiler serviced today (a friend who set up on his own when he left work) and he’s fitting us in between calls so no time given - so I’m up and ready in case it’s early - probably be later I know!

Week ahead planned out and GC break up for half term - L Thursday and J Friday so have booked a National Trust pumpkin trail for Saturday and Sunday lunch at our favourite place.

Thank goodness we are one household as we are Tier 2 here so only allowed to eat inside together because of that. It’s difficult to accept as our small market town has no deaths for weeks and low positive tests but our county includes two universities and a couple of sprawling towns at the opposite side to us. Just have to grin and bear it and hope things improve for everyone.

Currently our hotel in Devon are happy we are still going next week so 9 days and counting!
@schumigirl Shiekra was great! And they have lots of coasters! I haven’t been since they re-did Cheetah! So maybe time to return!

@macraven that was me having bacon 🥓 too lol. Late afternoon here. Looking forward to both Dead shows, well Fear anyway! Will watch New world in hopes that it gets better.

@Lynne G awww I want a weekend do over to. Mine was dreary, wet and cold. I think the damp makes it feel colder.

@keishashadow sorry to hear it was taken out. SeaWorld has a fun one too- Atlantis I think.
I noticed they are redoing some of the old shows. I watched one Perry Mason. Very different from original. I’m in the chicken club so no Twilight Zone for me!

@DisneyLifePapioNe yes please! Can you make mine a sugar-free piña colada?

Schumi happily watching all the scary movies lol. I’m the opposite, and this time of year close to Halloween it’s hard finding anything else that I can watch! Ha!

Didnt do much this weekend. Weather wasn’t conducive to getting out. Miserable and dreary. Didn’t leave the house today. Fireplace on. Huddled under a fluffy throw!
Have a tray of vegetables roasting in oven and having bratwurst from butcher.

love a good soup, we had prime rib roast last week and my daughter took the bones home to make stock. So when I made my soup I had to use stock in the carton! Guess I didn’t think that thru. Not that I would have done differently.

Heading out *(finally) for a dog walk!

We will get to BG one day.......I love the look of some of the coasters they have there.....

Did you like the new Perry Mason? I thought it was dreadful......they need to leave the old shows alone and come up with something can`t remake classics.

Too much to get much caught up! Seems some doggies need good health wishes, A celebration (did I miss a Happy Birthday Lynne?) Charade with some fun coaster pictures, Schumi with the wonderful sounding food, Keisha with health scare but GOOD now right?? A "hey" to DLP, RFF, Mac, newbie Rockbro...and if I forgot anyone "hi" to you too!!
Sue-hoping to see you next month! I officially extended our universal part of our stay-now 27-30 at RPR. Flights home cheapest on Tuesday so...vacation math: Grabbed hotel near MCO for night of 30th on points, flight home on miles. And our week starts on Nov 20 at Cypress Harbour-3rd Marriott Vacation Club resort this year lol. Still have an extra week to use-no luck finding a resort on a beach for the week after our week-Since I am mostly virtual, the boy is only seated 2 days a week and hubs is mostly virtual we were going to stay an extra week, but oh well.

Hoping I get to get back into my Nursing homes on limited basis this week. Have been swabbed 2x week for last 2 weeks in anticipation-but each place has popped a positive resident right before I was to go -ugh! Nearly all new positives that happen are now asymptomatic (found ONLY because of routine testing) and irritated at being put on isolation hall. Same with staff who pop positive now-feel fine and irritated at having to be off work with no pay or having to use vacation days. I did learn to go during morning shift for the swab as the afternoon one almost popped my eyeball out-only one that actually hurt.

Father in law is now covid recovered-got the pneumonia and was on oxygen and 2 separate one nights hospital stays. Mother in law was negative at first but then she turned up a positive test too-cough and scratchy throat only. Both off quarantine and fine now. Bright side of that is they will likely have a much much much lower chance of getting it again - especially with their Mexico winter getaway they do every year in January. No idea where they got it either-we have been out much more than they have-they always mask even though their area isn't mandatory too. Both very healthy in their 70's-father in law still very physically active; in fact we have tried to get him to slow down a bit hauling heavy paver stones etc as he loves to putter around with landscaping, but worry about him taking a tumble down their hill.

Puppy good. One of the new chickens started laying eggs this week-feel like a proud mama. And one of my older hens is going through a hard molt-she looks like she's been partially plucked. Just in time for colder weather! Hubs built a cold frame for one of my garden beds, herbs transplanted in there, along with some lettuce and radishes seeds planted-first time I am trying this so we will see!

Cold today but back to 70's and on 80's day before cold again.

Stay well friends!

Good to see you MonyK........and good news on your Father in Law and glad both are doing better now....such a worry.

And sounds like a lovely trip you have planned coming up......hope you enjoy it, and hope work lets you get back to some kind of normal again.

Sue I’m on et and watched both shows

Think you will like both of them.

Hope you will be able to connect with Monyk on your trip
to Orlando.

Wishing the best for your doggie!

Glad you enjoyed the shows....I hate when one episode disappoints in a show........

This month is just disappearing so quickly! And our clocks go back this coming Saturday`s a little early this year, or seems it.

Planning to go buy new duvets for the spare beds, just feel like freshening everything up in those rooms, they were decorated last year and early this year, but time for the new bedding.

Still searching for new picture frames........and need to go into town to pay cheques into the bank. Our village doesn`t have a bank so it`s always a trek. Might find some frames in that town.

BBQ pork steaks tonight, parmentier potatoes and honey carrots tonight.......breakfast was dull but nice rice krispies. Second pot of tea infusing to have before we head out.

Dull day but it`s dry, rain forecast for later.......that really is something about nothing.





Yay! Enjoy hearing of trips are a go for Julie, MonyK and Sue.

Good to hear from you MonyK. Thank goodness in laws are both feeling better. And woot! The newer chickens are now old enough to lay eggs. And hope you are back to working in those homes soon. So many are still not back to work, or on a very limited time, not their usual work day or week. But since our state has shown a huge spike, nothing more to back to normal now. I don’t see my work returning to the office any time soon. This new normal will be at least well into the new year. Sad. Infected so many, effected so many, with lives lost and jobs lost.

Sue, oh I hear ya. My one dog seemed to be the winner in vet costs. Hope both dogs are feeling better.

Julie, glad to hear Louie is feeling good now. And nice to look forward to your trip. Pictures, as location you are going to sounds quite picturesque.

Schumi, hope your weather is good this week, and enjoyed some tea this morning.

Charade, great BG pictures. Weather looked fabulous. And yeah, only some coasters I will go on. I am a holder, so kids don’t need the lockers when they go on the big coasters. That first hill in RRR, makes that Studios coaster a no so far. And upside down, um a no to Hulk in Islands either. They did get me on BGT Cheetah Run. Um, that was a one and done. The rest of the coasters there. I was a watcher.

And so, :wave2: a hello and Good Morning to Julie and Schumi.

With that, was back to routine, and yes, no sunrise yet.

Last thought: Fitting that Halloween is on a Saturday, and time change when you wake up from that candy coma. And a day to recover Sunday indeed.
Was looking back through, wonder how agavegirl is doing, and will still be at the Dark Side on Halloween.

Hope RAPstar is doing okay.

Wonder if Squirlz still saving squirrels. And enjoying trips to KW.

Bethany10, hope she is doing well.

Houseofthrees doing well. And her puppy is still bouncing around her home.

Bobbie, to move to FLA. Hope you have finally done it.

Pumpkin, I think checked in a bit ago, hope all is well with you.

With that, need to get more tea. And since both kids have classes until lunch time, no questions as to food has been made yet.

And with a little rain in the wee hours, a sunny day we have. A perfect Fall day of 70 degrees.
Love Halloween at WDW - last time we had a lovely corner room at FQ with a big window and I’d taken decorations to dress it - then saw these changing colour Mickey pumpkins and it just finished it off when we returned at night to see the light flashing.

Fish, fries and cauliflower cheese for tonight - after L had done her on line Girl Guiding meeting. Dishwasher on and left them to homework now while we’ve headed to the lounge.

Wales is going into two weeks of full lockdown from Friday (half term) which is terribly sad for all those hoping to travel there. Will not be surprised if they do that to us too - just have to wait and see.

My dentist is only seeing emergency patients but I have been able to pay privately to go and get my problem checked tomorrow - if it’s worsening then she can refer me.

Hope all have a good evening x
:wave: everyone...It has been a rollercoaster again with the move. Brian gets a couple of interviews then he waits to hear from them and either they take weeks or don't respond at all. It is getting discouraging but we are keeping up the energy and enthusiasm. He has been trying to reach out to some recruiters and he hears different reasons for the job market. We are thinking of changing our strategey in a few weeks, not sure how. I still have everything ready to go when he gets a job.

Charlie is doing okay, he is working quite a few hours at Target and is now a "Captain" and will be training new recruits. Liv on the other hand had her hours cut (which she is happy) but she knows she has to try and pick up other's shifts to pay for what she wants. However, it is very hard for her even more with the pandemic. She has germaphobic tendencies and her Asperger's heightens it. It is a challange for her everyday and takes a lot of understanding from us, since we can't truly understand how she feels. The good news she is doing great in her on line classes and she changed her major to Psychology with an empasis in clinical and behavioral. She has to start thiniking about a career path as she is a Junior now.

The weather has gotten chilly the last couple of days, which is fine with me. Our leaves ares starting to drop, poor Brian thought he wasn't going to have to rake them this year. It looks like we will be here for the holidays, but will probably have to stay home this year. We don't want to put any of our family in danger with Covid. I will miss my big Christmas Eve dinner this year, it is my favoirte time.

Charade, Lynne, DLPN, Mac, Schumi, Monykalyn and sorry I can't remember who else, I tried to pop in. It sounded like everyone had a great time and so happy that you were able to travel. I caught a few pics and enjoyed them.

I hope Charade, Lynne, Monykalyn college bound teens are doing good! I hope the rest of the SANS family who have children in school are doing good, being safe and healthy.

I hope all our well and feeling better!

I understand about the fur babies and being sick. I hope eveyone's fur and feather babies are feeling good! I have had a few bill myself the past month or two. In addition to sickness I have to make sure they are up to date on rabies and blood work for moving across state lines.

I want to say a :wave: and good thoughts to all the SANS family who have posted an not. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy.


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