Something About Nothing............ #14

Charade, ugh is all I have to say about listening to hold music. Hope you are home now.

Julie, great pictures and thanks for posting. Cute shot of Louie. Cute dog, even seeing the back of him.

A what for dinner. Hmm. As lunch was close to 2 again this afternoon, thinking no one hungry for some time.

DH and little one went to gas up the cars. Older one got gas last week, so he’s fine. We like to have full tanks or close to, when cold weather.

Lunchtime walk was a bit nippy, as that steady wind was enough to feel chilly. But so bright with the clear sky. Now that it’s close to sunset, overcast sky.

Going to ask DH to put the shovels on our front stoop tomorrow morning. And the salt bucket out of the garage too. With the temps following the snow not even giving a high above freezing, want to make sure we are ready with the salt if any ice stays around, as sun returns after storm heads into the New England area.

Hope Schumi’s fish dinner was good.

And Mac gets her Taco Bell dinner run in.

Fish was really good only have to cook them for a few minutes. Fish is so easy to overcook, glad to say it`s something I never do.....

Chilly here too now, but we`re not forecast to have any snow like you guys are over there.......

Ok, can someone get me this for Christmas please? /\ /\ /\ I've been a good(ish) girl.

Not selfish at all. We usually go in May too, and I'm hoping for some good news by then. I haven't started planning yet though.

Oh gosh! I'm sorry to hear that, poor guy!

Salt is out and ready. Hubby is still messing with the snowblower. I also have a chicken to roast all day in the oven.... gotta have some comfort food during the storm!

Chicken roasted is always a good choice for cold days......I think even the aroma of a chicken cooking makes you feel good.

I think we have rain this morning, although it`s a surprise as it wasn`t forecast......but heyho......and wind seems to have risen again too. Looks to be quite a horrible day ahead. Warm clothes I think are going to be a regular thing from now.

Hopefully the email situation has been resolved, sent off two to America this morning and so far I haven`t received a notification that it didn`t send. Fingers crossed.......

Breakfast and lunch sorted today, just dinner to think of. Might do chicken stir fry as I have a load of fresh ginger left. They`re all having fish and chips, but I think I`ll pass on it.

And hump day is here again........




Happy Birthday @Charade67!!! I hope you wake to a good day with no outages or calls on hold! Will there be cake?

We have a very wet morning but I did the perimeter stroll and played ball with Louie anyway as no school run so I have left Kev for a lie in as I had a sleepless night and kept him awake for a long time.

A few items to finish wrapping and birthday balloons to collect ready for L tomorrow but happy to stop in and potter about for now.

So now time for another coffee and some tv - waiting for news updates on latest restrictions. @mckennarose Tier 3 is not total lockdown but essential shops only and take out food. Lot of speculation that some areas should be in total lockdown and the Christmas reprieve removed.
Happy Birthday Charade! :bday:

Let me know if you decide to go in May. If we are there at the same time we could meet.
I will. We don't have plans now and one of the hold ups is youngest dd's boyfriend's police academy graduation. We don't know when that will be and he may not be able to go until June. We usually avoid summer, so we're toying with the idea of hubby and I going in April-May and then taking the kids in Fall. One hold up could be the boyfriend's job and how soon he gets hired, so we may have to go immediately after he graduates academy. It's soooo hard to plan! Between that, the covid vaccine, my other dd's (and boyfriend's) schedule everything is still up in the air. I hate planning a trip last minute (like trying to plan for May in March) but we can do it if we have to.
@mckennarose Tier 3 is not total lockdown but essential shops only and take out food.
I see. Sounds similar to what our state is currently doing.

Well, it's the calm before the storm..... literally. It's very dark and quiet out and only 18 degrees. I'm already on my second cup of coffee and ready to go, but it won't start until around 1 pm.
18D09E44-7F55-403C-8E98-8EB5AC095321.jpeg Yeah, even with being a Wednesday, camels know: A very Happy Birthday Charade.

Giant Woot! Not only Charade’s birthday, but a hump of a day too! Woot! A Friday will be here in two more sleeps. And yep, with one night’s sleep, will wake up and see snow. That white stuff has not been seen for two winters. Saying we will be getting close to our average with this storm’s snow dump. Ack, as we are in a hilly start of the area, as you get close to the mountains, they are predicting around two feet of snow. Yeah, all of 24 or so inches. Sigh. That 6 to 10 inches predicted around my area is still the amount, saying this morning.

And so, with a quiet house, with a prior earlier yell to little one that 2 am was a good time to go to bed, and a walk up time 2 and a half hours later for me and DH. I don’t remember what time older one went to sleep, but by 10:30 last night, I was sound asleep.

Boo, woke up with a nice fat lip. Cold sore medicine on it. But not sore enough to not sip some tea.

Aw, always like hearing Louie’s morning patrol routine, Julie. Yeah, no bars or inside eating until after the new year starts is some if our restrictions. On Christmas Day, we were thinking of going to the movie theater. Well, it’s also closed. Glad to hear you enjoyed your coffee in a quiet morning.

Hey, McK, you are up early. Yep, cold out. And happy you are enjoying cups of coffee in a quiet house too.

And so, Schumi got unexpected rain. Like McK, we should not see the snow until the afternoon.

Hence people, get your trips in this morning. And I guess all are staying in today. Do not hear the morning traffic being as busy.

Time for some food. Eh, what cereal is left, err, not feeling it. Off to find, ooh oatmeal I see. Later homies.

A most wonderful Wednesday to all the homies. Smile, and sing happy birthday to Charade.
Realfood.....don’t blame you for just wandering round the garden this morning......if your weather was anything like ours, it was horrible.

mrose......calm before the storm is always very ominous......hope it passes quickly....... have snow coming I believe......again, hope it passes quickly......our weather is predicting Baltic temps for us at a Christmas........will believe it when I see it.....they always predict all this bad weather and it very rarely pans out.

Enjoy your tea.

Smoked salmon for lunch today.......bought 3 of the largest lemons on the planet this morning at the farm store.......I thought it was grapefruits at first.....didn’t have my glasses on! And picked up some arugula, or as we call it, rocket.

Rain has gone off but still so windy.......

Seems there was a massive issue last night with google accounts, which is why I had an issue sending off certain emails, but just read it’s been resolved. Where would we be without our daily emails!

Time for lunch........
Hey, McK, you are up early. Yep, cold out. And happy you are enjoying cups of coffee in a quiet house too.
Oh yes, early here today. I usually don't get online until 8 ish. I decided to drive dd to work today, since she doesn't have four wheel drive. I'll get her later, hopefully it won't be too snowy. They don't plow much until the storms are over so you never know what you'll be driving in. I heard they are shutting down the interstates here about 12 or 1 to non essential workers. If we get enough snow they will announce a state of emergency. It's mostly to keep people off the roads and to open up funding. They do it all the time when we get bad storms.

Stay safe Lynne! Hubby heard it will be powdery snow, so light to shovel up here. I hope so!
mrose......calm before the storm is always very ominous......hope it passes quickly.......
It's a little unnerving at first, but then actually very peaceful when the snow starts piling up and no one is driving or moving around. As soon as hubby gets home and I hear from all my kids, their spouses/boyfriends and my sister that they are safely home then I relax and just wait it out.

When the storm is over the parade of snowblowers starts. We'll be one of them. That's all you'll hear for hours!

And picked up some arugula, or as we call it, rocket.
Ahhh, that's what rocket is! I saw "rocket" before online but never was sure. I thought it was a spring mix of sorts.
Yep, McK, will certainly hear all my neighbors on Thursday morning. And the snow plow truck. The kids across the street are 10 and 6. I can see them outside later today, enjoying the snow. Yep, us, I like to watch the snow fall, from inside. Fluffy snow is good. Brushes off car easier and not as back breaking. Hope all are safe up your way too. I can see my sister coming home around lunchtime. 309 will be ugly once the snow starts to fall.

Still below freezing. 27 says the thermometer.

Oatmeal with some walnuts I added. Was warm, so that was good. And more tea. Oh yes I will.
Oh yes, early here today. I usually don't get online until 8 ish. I decided to drive dd to work today, since she doesn't have four wheel drive. I'll get her later, hopefully it won't be too snowy. They don't plow much until the storms are over so you never know what you'll be driving in. I heard they are shutting down the interstates here about 12 or 1 to non essential workers. If we get enough snow they will announce a state of emergency. It's mostly to keep people off the roads and to open up funding. They do it all the time when we get bad storms.

Stay safe Lynne! Hubby heard it will be powdery snow, so light to shovel up here. I hope so!

It's a little unnerving at first, but then actually very peaceful when the snow starts piling up and no one is driving or moving around. As soon as hubby gets home and I hear from all my kids, their spouses/boyfriends and my sister that they are safely home then I relax and just wait it out.

When the storm is over the parade of snowblowers starts. We'll be one of them. That's all you'll hear for hours!

Ahhh, that's what rocket is! I saw "rocket" before online but never was sure. I thought it was a spring mix of sorts.

Yes, once everyone is home safe, you can relax and enjoy the bad weather from inside. But, if you know family members are out in, it’s dreadful till you know they’re safe.

lol.....yes, rocket is just of my favourite things to make salad with. I always think the word cilantro sounds so pretty......but it’s just coriander as we call it, which we all hate with a passion......tastes like soap to us. There’s a certain percentage of the population to which it does taste like soap.....the rest of the population think we‘re crazy.....:rotfl:
Happy Birthday Charade! Hope you have a wonderful day and no time on hold with the insurance companies!


Lynne and Mrose - hope you don't get snowed in and all get home safely! Schumi and Julie hope your weather clears soon too!


Mac good luck with your email I think I'd have a nervous breakdown if mine went down!

Have a great day everyone!
Hehe, Schumi, always enjoy hearing what others call differ from what you know.

Elsa, hope you are enjoying your coffee. And yep, will turn into a snow day for us.

And a hehe, news last night said City kids still have school. Yeah, the downside of online learning. Even my DH said, we are getting used to this teleworking routine. Though I have to say, the video meetings stink.
Quick good morning. I am up earlier than I wanted to be today. No snow for us yet. So far just nasty freezing rain. If we have to have winter weather I would prefer snow over the mess we are getting now.

We usually avoid summer,
We do too. We wanted to go for spring break in March, but the university cancelled spring break. The next time we would be able to go would be the week of Thanksgiving, so summer it is.

they are predicting around two feet of snow.
Yikes! We might get an inch or so. I think the most I have seen around here is a little over 1 foot.

Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. I have the day off work today and plan on doing a whole lot of nothing.
Happy Birthday Charade! Hope you have a wonderful day and no time on hold with the insurance companies!

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Lynne and Mrose - hope you don't get snowed in and all get home safely! Schumi and Julie hope your weather clears soon too!

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Mac good luck with your email I think I'd have a nervous breakdown if mine went down!

Have a great day everyone!
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lol.....I was having a panic attack last night as I had sent mac 2 emails and after I sent them I got email responses from that mailer demon saying they couldn`t be found as the address didn`t exist........straight to panic mode!!! I sent emails off to everyone to was so glad to discover the issue wasn`t mine but google mail......I think mac must have got about 10 emails this morning I had tried to send last night......panic over......:thumbsup2

Hope you have a great day too........

Quick good morning. I am up earlier than I wanted to be today. No snow for us yet. So far just nasty freezing rain. If we have to have winter weather I would prefer snow over the mess we are getting now.

We do too. We wanted to go for spring break in March, but the university cancelled spring break. The next time we would be able to go would be the week of Thanksgiving, so summer it is.

Yikes! We might get an inch or so. I think the most I have seen around here is a little over 1 foot.

Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. I have the day off work today and plan on doing a whole lot of nothing.

Glad you have a nice relaxing day sorted out for your birthday.......

I think the rain is back on, wind is still howling and sea looks like it`s wilder than ever......glad to be inside.
I can see my sister coming home around lunchtime.
Now that the PennDot restrictions are coming out some places are closing at noon.
I can see them outside later today, enjoying the snow.
Sometimes we go for a walk in the snow before it stops. It's very pretty. Then by tomorrow the roads will be full of dirty snow.
But, if you know family members are out in, it’s dreadful till you know they’re safe.
Oh yes. Sometimes they get stuck, which is scary. One time my aunt and uncle were stuck on the off ramp of the interstate all night. They were taking their son back to college and tried to get off our exit to safety and got stuck. It's a common thing here to keep blankets, hand warmers, snacks and a coffee can in your car if you have to travel far to work. Use your imagination on the coffee can, lol!

I always think the word cilantro sounds so pretty......but it’s just coriander as we call it, which we all hate with a passion......tastes like soap to us. There’s a certain percentage of the population to which it does taste like soap.....the rest of the population think we‘re crazy.....
That's funny! I love cilantro and use it very often. I have a friend who absolutely hates it and also thinks it tastes like soap. We also have Culantro in some stores, which is similar to Cilantro, but looks very different and is far stronger in taste and smell. We have a large spanish population from the DR and Puerto Rico that use it in their dishes. It's too strong for me and I don't like the leaves, which look like serrated thick blades of grass. We call the seeds of Cilantro Coriander.
Lynne and Mrose - hope you don't get snowed in and all get home safely! Schumi and Julie hope your weather clears soon too!
I always love this meme and my kids and I send it to each other when it snows:

So far just nasty freezing rain.
Oh yikes! Ice is not fun! Stay safe..
Now that the PennDot restrictions are coming out some places are closing at noon.

Sometimes we go for a walk in the snow before it stops. It's very pretty. Then by tomorrow the roads will be full of dirty snow.

Oh yes. Sometimes they get stuck, which is scary. One time my aunt and uncle were stuck on the off ramp of the interstate all night. They were taking their son back to college and tried to get off our exit to safety and got stuck. It's a common thing here to keep blankets, hand warmers, snacks and a coffee can in your car if you have to travel far to work. Use your imagination on the coffee can, lol!

That's funny! I love cilantro and use it very often. I have a friend who absolutely hates it and also thinks it tastes like soap. We also have Culantro in some stores, which is similar to Cilantro, but looks very different and is far stronger in taste and smell. We have a large spanish population from the DR and Puerto Rico that use it in their dishes. It's too strong for me and I don't like the leaves, which look like serrated thick blades of grass. We call the seeds of Cilantro Coriander.

I always love this meme and my kids and I send it to each other when it snows:
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Oh yikes! Ice is not fun! Stay safe..

Oh lordy Culantro sounds even worse!!! :sick:

Yes, we call coriander seeds.....coriander of the reasons we don`t eat a lot of Mexican food in restaurants is because almost everything has cilantro and usually onions that I can`t eat, but I do love onions sadly!!

That coffee can is giving me quite the image now.......:lmao:
Icy, no thank you. I’m with you, Charade. If we are going to have snow, fluffy snow the best. I much rather drive in snow than any road icy. Have slid more times than want to ever. Thankfully, no damage from those skids. But yeah, McK, there will be crazy out there getting their coffee.

Ah, both kids are up. How we have holes in our pantry, is beyond me. Little one declared no food for her in there, so what do I say? Yep, you go to the grocery store. She will. I assume it will be busy.

DH was out and put shovels on stoop and salt bucket right inside the garage. So, we are ready. Cleared cans at top of driveway, so can barely get two cars in driveway. That way, hoping plow truck cleans where car will not be. Less snow to shovel off the driveway too.

Ooh, more tea. And aww, DH brought me a fluffy blanket. It is cold out there, baby. 😊
Nope, McK, saying around 2pm or so. Hence, just overcast looking. Eek, you have snow already. My sister said 1pm was for all off 309, she was home before that. Hunkered down too. She’s just below Quakertown. I’m going to send her compare pictures tomorrow morning. Now saying we may be close enough to the City, may see some sleet and rain after the snow. Ah, either way, we won’t be venturing out soon enough.
And, yep, snow has just started to fall in earnest. Time for some more tea. DH said house feeling too warm. Um, go outside if you are too warm. 30 out there now. Still hear traffic, so not sticking enough to stop people yet.


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