If you're limited to school breaks, what's your favorite time to visit?


DIS Veteran
Jan 13, 2013
I am a teacher and we live too far away (CA) to pull off long weekend trips, so we're limited to school breaks for our WDW visits. Given the following options, what would you choose and why? I'm especially interested in hearing firsthand accounts of crowd levels, weather, etc. We've only gone in May, June, and July, and are hoping to branch out. Right now we are planning/hoping/wishing for Christmas week 2021 (major bucket list item for me), but with how 2020 has gone, I figure having some back up plans can't hurt.

What would you choose?
1. Thanksgiving week (week of and including Thanksgiving)
2. Christmas week (In 2021, this would be the week before and including Christmas - 18th to 26th. After that, it would be the week between Christmas and New Years for a few years, since Christmas won't be at the end of the week anymore.)
3. February break (week after President's Day)
4. Spring break (unfortunately, the week before Easter)
5. Summer (We've done mid June and late July, but not the 4th)

Considerations: Crowds (though clearly all these times are very crowded), weather, Epcot festivals (because Epcot is our favorite park), cost (hotel and flights)

Also, please don't tell me "They're all terrible." I already have a mental wishlist started of times of year I want to visit after I retire, but this is what we're dealing with for the next 30 years or so - it is what it is! ;)

We love Thanksgiving week. Been twice and going again next year and the year after.

To me it is the perfect weather situation and that is the most important to us. Yes it’s crowded, but the atmosphere is special and festive. We did AK last year on Thanksgiving day and it was one of the best Disney days we’ve ever had.

We don’t care too much about having a traditional meal, so that isn’t something I consider.

We did the holiday festival on Black Friday last year and it was insane. We won’t do that again.

The resorts are all decked out by then, so you can check those out, too!
Christmas Break is my favorite time to visit WDW, hands down. There is something special about celebrating one of my favorite holidays in one of my favorite places.

As a teacher, I totally feel the the struggle with being limited to school breaks!
We've been during all the times you listed. Our most visited time of year is the February break due to lower crowds than the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays). However, we do love visiting during the Christmas season, and typically go during Thanksgiving break. I personally think it is a little less crowded than Christmas week, but others may have different experiences.
We always go during school holidays. we have done many Thanksgiving trips, including 2017, 2019, 2020 (2018 was Universal,) The weather is GREAT. Crowds can be pretty heavy sometimes, but manageable with rope dropping, or later nights. I LOVE the Christmas decorations. There is usually not a festival going on though M-Thurs (but, they're often on the weekends, so if you can be there for that, they are fun too)

we also do a lot of summer trips, but our summers usually start early, like May 21 or so, and we can often get some time there before Memorial day, but if we can't, we've enjoyed early June. Did one August trip. VERY HOT! still had fun, but whew.

President's day weekend is only 1 day off for us, so we never go then, and it is very busy from what I hear, but if we had a whole week, we might try it. When we lived in LA, we often went during Mardi Gras break (that varied from Feb to early March) and loved it.

We did one spring break and said never again. I would especially not go the week before Easter.

Good luck planning. We plan all our Disney around school calendars, and while limited, it's all we can work with, and it's totally do-able and fun!
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We personally prefer spring break because they're different all over the country - so it spreads out the crowds a bit. Ever with 9/10 park crowds, we've had really awesome trips....and it's not usually scorching hot which makes my husband happy. :)

February break would also be a good time as not a lot of southeastern school districts get that holiday (at least in my experience in Georgia/Tennessee).
February is great, but the holiday weekend days are pretty crowded. Love the cooler temps but hours are shorter.

We’ve been in early May and over Memorial Day weekend, and it wasn’t stupid hot yet, crowds weren’t too bad, and hours were longer.

Thanksgiving week was great, but we left on the actual holiday to avoid the weekend crowd. Weather was glorious and it was a great start to the Christmas season, even without a Christmas party.

Finally about to get my kids out of school, but now my daughter (my main Disney pal) is going to teach, so we’re right back to those times too!
Ahoy, fellow teachers!! President's Day 2021 falls during Mardi Gras week, which means the parks are full of folks from Louisiana. Last year, our experience was that the parks were more crowded during Mardi Gras break than they'd been for the 3 Thanksgivings we've spent in WDW. We like Thanksgiving in WDW because we can enjoy the Christmas decorations and it isn't quite as crowded as Christmas week. The closest we've ever been to Christmas was departing on Dec. 22 and the parks were so crammed that we couldn't freely move due to overcrowded park areas. We've also been twice during Spring Break/Easter, but we don't like how hot it can get during that time of year mixed with larger crowds. However, no matter what, if we go with a good plan and reasonable expectations, we've always had a great time. Best wishes for happy memories!
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I really dislike the parks on school Hollidays..
But I would pick sb or presidents day because the weather is better
(We no longer go on spring break because we moved to Florida)
We’ve been the week of 4th of July & the week of 12/25-1/1 & I love both! My husband & oldest don’t like crowds, so they would not like to return at Christmas. The crowds really are intense & you can’t do as much as you can at other times, plus it’s the most expensive time to visit. But it’s so beautiful & festive & the weather is fantastic.
4th of July is definitely very hot. We live in coastal VA so we’re used to hot & humid. We go early, head back to the hotel around noon, and then back to the parks in the evening. I find it even too hot for the pool in the middle of the day. But it’s not as crowded as Christmas & I think that there’s a fun holiday mood. We avoided MK on the 4th & watched the fireworks on the 3rd instead.
Between those 2, for me, I’d pick summer. Heat doesn’t bother me as much as crowds.
My favorite was always New Year’s Eve. It’s a crazy busy time but we really enjoyed being at WDW. The celebration was wonderful and the fireworks were amazing!
I'm grateful for all these positive comments and encouragement that it can still be lots of fun with the crowds!

We love Thanksgiving week. Been twice and going again next year and the year after.

To me it is the perfect weather situation and that is the most important to us. Yes it’s crowded, but the atmosphere is special and festive. We did AK last year on Thanksgiving day and it was one of the best Disney days we’ve ever had.

We don’t care too much about having a traditional meal, so that isn’t something I consider.

We did the holiday festival on Black Friday last year and it was insane. We won’t do that again.

The resorts are all decked out by then, so you can check those out, too!
We wouldn't care too much about the meal, either. I think eventually we will do Thanksgiving week. My one hesitation is that we really want to do the Epcot holiday things, and we'd have to leave the Saturday after Black Friday, and I don't want to deal with being there the first day it's open. But agreed - the weather is super important to us!

Christmas Break is my favorite time to visit WDW, hands down. There is something special about celebrating one of my favorite holidays in one of my favorite places.

As a teacher, I totally feel the the struggle with being limited to school breaks!
These are my exact thoughts about Christmas break! It scares me a little because of the crowds, but I absolutely love and adore Christmastime at Disneyland - it's my favorite time of year there - and WDW seems to be even better.

We've been during all the times you listed. Our most visited time of year is the February break due to lower crowds than the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays). However, we do love visiting during the Christmas season, and typically go during Thanksgiving break. I personally think it is a little less crowded than Christmas week, but others may have different experiences.
I'm honestly kind of surprised that Feb break would have lower crowds than those other options! I thought President's weekend and the Princess Half on the weekends surrounding it would make it nuts. Sounds like that's definitely a viable option, then! Festival of the Arts intrigues me.

We always go during school holidays. we have done many Thanksgiving trips, including 2017, 2019, 2020 (2018 was Universal,) The weather is GREAT. Crowds can be pretty heavy sometimes, but manageable with rope dropping, or later nights. I LOVE the Christmas decorations. There is usually not a festival going on though M-Thurs (but, they're often on the weekends, so if you can be there for that, they are fun too)

we also do a lot of summer trips, but our summers usually start early, like May 21 or so, and we can often get some time there before Memorial day, but if we can't, we've enjoyed early June. Did one August trip. VERY HOT! still had fun, but whew.

President's day weekend is only 1 day off for us, so we never go then, and it is very busy from what I hear, but if we had a whole week, we might try it. When we lived in LA, we often went during Mardi Gras break (that varied from Feb to early March) and loved it.

We did one spring break and said never again. I would especially not go the week before Easter.

Good luck planning. We plan all our Disney around school calendars, and while limited, it's all we can work with, and it's totally do-able and fun!
I am glad to hear positive things about Thanksgiving! We definitely plan to try it at some point. I wish my summer started that early. I have a friend who's a teacher and gets out that early, and they went the last week of May. I don't get out until around June 7-10. (Actually, that's probably because we have that Feb break...ha!)

We personally prefer spring break because they're different all over the country - so it spreads out the crowds a bit. Ever with 9/10 park crowds, we've had really awesome trips....and it's not usually scorching hot which makes my husband happy. :)

February break would also be a good time as not a lot of southeastern school districts get that holiday (at least in my experience in Georgia/Tennessee).
Not a lot of districts in CA get it either. But I have heard that a lot of districts in the northeast have it off. Maybe I'm wrong? That's good to know about the southeastern states, though!

I'm glad to hear that about spring break. Have you gone connected to Easter? That's what worries me. My break is always connected to Easter. I wish they'd break it off so I could go to Disney more easily....haha!

February is great, but the holiday weekend days are pretty crowded. Love the cooler temps but hours are shorter.

We’ve been in early May and over Memorial Day weekend, and it wasn’t stupid hot yet, crowds weren’t too bad, and hours were longer.

Thanksgiving week was great, but we left on the actual holiday to avoid the weekend crowd. Weather was glorious and it was a great start to the Christmas season, even without a Christmas party.

Finally about to get my kids out of school, but now my daughter (my main Disney pal) is going to teach, so we’re right back to those times too!
Are the hours during that Feb week long during the weekends, and shorter during the week? Since we've only been during the summer, we've always had longer hours. That would be a weird change.

I laughed at your last sentence. If we have children, I wonder if the same thing will happen to me - ha! I've been tied to the school calendar for my entire life, so I can't even imagine a different way of life! I hope she loves teaching. It really is the best. I'm in my 9th year of it, and right now I teach 3rd grade, which is my very favorite.

Ahoy, fellow teachers!! President's Day 2021 falls during Mardi Gras week, which means the parks are full of folks from Louisiana. Last year, our experience was that the parks were more crowded during Mardi Gras break than they'd been for the 3 Thanksgivings we've spent in WDW. We like Thanksgiving in WDW because we can enjoy the Christmas decorations and it isn't quite as crowded as Christmas week. The closest we've ever been to Christmas was departing on Dec. 22 and the parks were so crammed that we couldn't freely move due to overcrowded park areas. We've also been twice during Spring Break/Easter, but we don't like how hot it can get during that time of year mixed with larger crowds. However, no matter what, if we go with a good plan and reasonable expectations, we've always had a great time. Best wishes for happy memories!
These boards actually taught me that Mardi Gras break is a thing, so I definitely would watch for those being the same week! I'm glad to hear that Thanksgiving is good! That's a good point about spring break. We are ok with heat management in the summer, but of course it's far less crowded than it would be during spring break. The combination of the two might be a bit much!

I really dislike the parks on school Hollidays..
But I would pick sb or presidents day because the weather is better
(We no longer go on spring break because we moved to Florida)
When we were locals to DLR, we were the same way. We totally avoided the parks on school breaks. Now, it's the only time we go, although we have a bit more freedom there since we're a 7 hour drive away and can do a long weekend. We've gotten used to the increased crowds, but it took some adjustment!

We’ve been the week of 4th of July & the week of 12/25-1/1 & I love both! My husband & oldest don’t like crowds, so they would not like to return at Christmas. The crowds really are intense & you can’t do as much as you can at other times, plus it’s the most expensive time to visit. But it’s so beautiful & festive & the weather is fantastic.
4th of July is definitely very hot. We live in coastal VA so we’re used to hot & humid. We go early, head back to the hotel around noon, and then back to the parks in the evening. I find it even too hot for the pool in the middle of the day. But it’s not as crowded as Christmas & I think that there’s a fun holiday mood. We avoided MK on the 4th & watched the fireworks on the 3rd instead.
Between those 2, for me, I’d pick summer. Heat doesn’t bother me as much as crowds.
I was on the July 2019 board on here, and was surprised to read about how people didn't think the 4th crowds are really that bad. We are going to have to try it sometime, because we've done the heat and know we can handle it ok, though it's of course not our favorite thing! We have heat here, but we do not have humidity at all, so Orlando is a shock to our systems. We followed the same strategy, and found that Disney After Hours events really helped (we did 3 of them), since it's so much more tolerable at night.

My favorite was always New Year’s Eve. It’s a crazy busy time but we really enjoyed being at WDW. The celebration was wonderful and the fireworks were amazing!
I have never even considered NYE at Disney, but now you have me intrigued about that too! I'm sure it's super exciting and a fun way to bring in the new year!
We do not have kids so can travel anytime but other than a few summer trips pretty much go every few years during Thanksgiving Week. We have found it crowded but manageable. We have been to Epcot on Black Friday several times when the storytellers and Candlelight Processional began on that day and had made our reservation for the show package and FPs so did not find it too bad. We did have an Epcot day earlier in the trip where we did most of FW and got to some things in WS so on this second day did the rest of FW and most of the rest of what we wanted to see in WS.
Summer break, for the most part. DD and I are both school employees now, so no sneaking down for a trip in the middle of March. We like August, actually. Sometimes we go in early August for the great late night hours, and other times we squeeze a trip in late August before we go back to school as it's less crowded then.
Spring break - if NOT the week before or after Easter. The weather is usually great, F&G is running, and because spring breaks run between later February to mid-April - its not really a school holiday shared across the country.

Not sure when your school year starts and ends - but the first half of June and the fourth week in August are good for crowds - BUT - late summer is miserably hot and humid.

And frankly - whenever is best for you! As folks have mentioned here - it's about the expectations you set. Crowded times can be just fine for some folks (ie Christmas) - and drive others insane.
We went a week before Christmas one year, the parks were really full and lines were really long.. the best day we had was MMVMCP that was amazing.
Are the hours during that Feb week long during the weekends, and shorter during the week?
Not appreciably, best I can recall. Seems like parks mostly closed at 9 or 10. But now with Covid hours, it’s hard to make any guesses. The plus side is since it will get dark early, you’ll prob still get to see the parks at night during that time, even with short hours.

DD has her heart set on 1st grade 😍
What would you choose?
1. Thanksgiving week (week of and including Thanksgiving)
2. Christmas week (In 2021, this would be the week before and including Christmas - 18th to 26th. After that, it would be the week between Christmas and New Years for a few years, since Christmas won't be at the end of the week anymore.)
3. February break (week after President's Day)
4. Spring break (unfortunately, the week before Easter)
5. Summer (We've done mid June and late July, but not the 4th)

I've have visited in every period listed except Thanksgiving.

2. Extremely crowded, can be cold, flights and accommodations are expensive. But it's Christmas.
3. This was our choice most years. Generally less crowded than the other options, mostly because it is not a week off universally around the country. Though as some have noted, when this week coincides with Ash Wednesday/Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras, it seems all of Louisiana also shows up. In my experience tends to be less cold than December, even though it is more in the heart of winter, but that's my personal experience and actual data might be different. Flights not cheap from regions where schools are closed. I have found you can find some value if you don't fly down Saturday or Sunday morning, which has its own trade-offs. This week also coincides with the last week of Epcot festival of the Arts, and there's usually a run of some kind the weekend after Presidents Day weekend, but I have never found that to affect us.
4. Spring/Easter: Can be extremely crowded, but also not as bad. It seems some school districts are a bit inconsistent scheduling the weeks before and after Easter, which I found makes predicting crowd levels those weeks somewhat random. But WDW, especially Magic Kingdom, are beautiful this time of year and the Easter touches in the parade (if parades are back) are beautiful. Some resorts also set up very nice decorated egg exhibits.
5. Crowds in summer have been decreasing. The heat is extreme and the humidity is palpable. But we also have found it easier to manage walking around the parks than any other times because of the noticeably lower crowds. Flight and accommodation costs should definitely be lower.
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We usually do Thanksgiving to avoid the excessive heat in the summer, but if you can deal with the heat, the last week in August is a good time to go with reasonable crowd levels.


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