I'm So Very Sad Today


Mom to Ivan & Kristina
Apr 8, 2002
I had to take my African Grey to the veterinary hospital last night. He was sleeping a lot and just not right. I'd been talking to the vet's office for a couple days, following its advice.

I received a call, just after midnight. He had passed away.

I have been crying all day. I'm not a crier. I think I've cried more for this little bird than I did for either of my dogs that had previously passed. The little bugger crawled right into my heart from they day I brought him home.

He hung out with me during the day and when I was on conference calls, he would make noises, talk and catcall whistle when he found the conversation interesting. When he didn't, he would close his eyes until the meeting was over. He mimicked everything. I loved him dearly.

The funny thing is, I started buying parrots after my last dog passed away. I wanted animals who would outlive me so I wouldn't have to feel this way. He was only 11. I rescued him 8 years ago He was supposed to live for another 25 - 45 years. We did finally get another dog because birds don't keep your feet warm when you're lounging on the couch.

I know that a day or two will help ease this feeling, but I didn't sleep last night after I heard and I just feel so sad. :(
That's so hard and so young.

I speak from experience, it's a different kind of grief when you lose a pet a young age. You are expecting this long, happy life ahead with them, and then it's just ripped away from you. I mourn that loss more than any of our other losses. I didn't love the other pets any less, but the loss of Cashew sure hurt more because he was so young. Still does.

It adds another layer to grief, that's for sure. I'm sorry. :(
I'm so sorry about your loss. The passing of a beloved pet can leave an indescribable hole your heart. Don't feel bad about grieving -- it honors your love and your bond. I'm glad to know he had such a loving home with you -- as a rescue, coming into your home must have been like heaven.

So sorry for the loss of your feathered furbaby. Just know that he is flying free of pain on the Rainbow Bridge with all of our departed DIS pets. In time may happier memories of time spent with him, replace the sadness you are feeling today. He was loved, and he loved in return. I firmly believe that is all we can expect of our pets. God Bless
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose a cherished member of the family. I said goodbye to my Lucy Brown 4 months ago and I still cry almost every day. It's very hard. Parrots are such characters. I'm sure the house must feel so quiet without him. It's only been one day so I know there will be a lot of tough days ahead. It's ok to cry, yell, scream, etc. Life is so very unfair.
So sorry for your loss! :grouphug: It’s hard enough to lose a pet, but when they are young, and it’s an unexpected event, it hurts. Wishing you peace and comfort as you grieve.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose a cherished member of the family. I said goodbye to my Lucy Brown 4 months ago and I still cry almost every day. It's very hard. Parrots are such characters. I'm sure the house must feel so quiet without him. It's only been one day so I know there will be a lot of tough days ahead. It's ok to cry, yell, scream, etc. Life is so very unfair.
I'm sorry, as well, for your Lucy Brown.

My CAG was the quietest of my parrots. I have a macaw and a conure that are LOUD. When the conure starts screaming, the macaw yells either, "STOP" or "MOM", as if I couldn't hear the screaming, too. My grey was a talker and a mimicker. He was a character, that's for sure.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss, we have an accidental cockatiel and I know how heartbroken I would be if we lost her. :hug:


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