To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

I’ve been meaning to ask (and I think I know the answer) if you also do the hiit/cardio portion of the liift4 workouts, or just the lifting since it seems like you’re already doing cardio on those days.

I don't do the HIIT/Cardio of LIIFT4. I only do the lifting and lifting burnouts. It's usually like 20-25 min, and then I transition into McMillan Core which is usually another 15-25 min. I find this to be a better use of my time than additional cardio/HIIT. Mostly that's because, like you said, LIIFT4 is typically one of two workouts on a day and not the sole workout. I also don't do the LIIFT4 leg day and that's because I do McMillan Legs instead.

If I didn't do McMillan Core or McMillan Legs, then I would probably do the HIIT/Cardio and LIIFT4 Legs workout. That's what I did the first time I did LIIFT4 in Spring 2020.
I don't do the HIIT/Cardio of LIIFT4. I only do the lifting and lifting burnouts. It's usually like 20-25 min, and then I transition into McMillan Core which is usually another 15-25 min. I find this to be a better use of my time than additional cardio/HIIT. Mostly that's because, like you said, LIIFT4 is typically one of two workouts on a day and not the sole workout. I also don't do the LIIFT4 leg day and that's because I do McMillan Legs instead.

If I didn't do McMillan Core or McMillan Legs, then I would probably do the HIIT/Cardio and LIIFT4 Legs workout. That's what I did the first time I did LIIFT4 in Spring 2020.

ok that's what i thought. I just went through my half training plan and frankensteined liift 4 into it for the first 8 weeks (schedule permitting) and was trying to ballpark the amount of time i'd need.
13 Weeks to go + HIM Base Mid Volume Cycling + (LIIFT 4 + McMillan Core/Legs)

1/25/21 - M - OFF
1/26/21 - T - Dade-1 (60 min; 81 TSS) + McMillan Legs
1/27/21 - W - 30 min Run @ Easy
1/28/21 - R - Phoenix (90 min; 95 TSS) + 30 min Brick Run @ Easy
1/29/21 - F - LIIFT4-Shoulders + Spruce Knob (90 min; 94 TSS)
1/30/21 - Sa - Andrews (90 min; 74 TSS) + 30 min Brick Run @ Easy
1/31/21 - Su - 60 min @ Long Run

Total Run Miles - 17.75 miles
Total Run Time - 2:30 hours
Total Run TSS - x TSS

Total Biking Time - 5:30 hours
Total Biking TSS - 345 TSS

Total Strength Time - 1:34 hours
Total Strength TSS - x TSS

Total Training Time - 9:34 hours
Total TSS - x TSS


A strange, bizarre, and different week. We got a significant amount of snow Tuesday morning. So Steph and I were up pretty early to take care of that. I definitely tweaked something during the process, but thankfully by later in the day everything was alright. Unfortunately we got some sad news, that one of our neighbors from our old house had passed away. We didn't have all the details, but presumably something about shoveling/snowblowing/slipping was the cause. That makes both neighbors on both sides within the past month.

This was peak week for the end of Phase 1 for cycling. I was tired coming into this cycling workout, so I tried to find a lesser version that was originally assigned. I wanted a 3x2 min at 115% FTP, but there wasn't one in the workout list. So I kept the original and powered through. Dade -1 is three sets of 3x2-minute VO2max repeats at 120% FTP. 2 minutes of recovery fall between intervals and 6 minutes of easy spinning separate each set. I did survive and stayed strong throughout. The cadence was 98 rpm.

Afterwards, I did the McMillan Legs workout.


I had my PT appointment in the morning. The ankle continues to make progress towards a full recovery. The PT had me do the wall move again (trying to touch knee and big toe simultaneously) and I still can't get the two to touch at the same time. She asked what felt tightest and I explained it was my calf. So she decided to try and do some loosening of the calf maneuvers. She wanted to try "cupping" which I had seen before on swimmers. So she had me lay down and we tried that. It was very painful. She said I was wincing a bit too much and perhaps the calves were worse off than she thought. She she tried to massage them and very clearly that wasn't working either. So she eventually had me sit up and did the easiest loosening she could which was far less painful. She gave me some new things to work on for my calf.

An easy 30 min run.

Conditions - 🌙 Clear, Wind 7mph to 12mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 14°F + 11°F; FL - 4°F
End: Temp+Dew = 12°F + 10°F; FL - 4°F

Cold run, but it didn't feel that cold. From memory, I felt quite comfortable. The good news is that this was one of the three runs this week with zero ankle pain. Overall it was 3.3 miles in 30 min at 9:05 pace with HR of 123. That ranks it as one of my lowest HR runs.


Another strange day. I got a text from Steph mid-way through the day that they were evacuating her store. Apparently someone had called in a threat to the store next door and they had to evac the whole city block. A stressful few initial moments, but thankfully no one was hurt and nothing was found.

This was another Brick day. Started off with Phoenix which is 90 minutes of continuous riding where you'll spend 75 minutes between 80-85% FTP. I stayed strong throughout. Then a 30 min easy run.

Conditions - 🌙 Clear, Wind 3mph to 4mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 10°F + 8°F; FL - 4°F
End: Temp+Dew = 10°F + 8°F; FL - 4°F

Another cold one, but also another pain free run. It was 3.3 miles in 9:00 min/mile with HR of 130.


LIIFT4-Shoulders in the morning with Steph.

That evening was a hard 90 min cycling workout. It was Spruce Knob which is 2x30-minute intervals at 85% FTP with a 6-minute recovery between each. So the effort is top end HIM effort. It went better than expected.


I had some commitments for mid-day and I decided to get some well deserved rest. So I decided to cut my cycling ride down from 150 min to 90 min, but kept the intensity at the same level. Andrews is 90 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent somewhere between 65-75% FTP. The effort is around IM pace. Overall it felt fine.

Mid-day I was invited to be a guest on a podcast. I'll be sure to share more when the time comes.

That afternoon we were forecasted for another snow dump. So I headed out in the early afternoon for the run.

Conditions - ☁️ Overcast, Wind 18mph to 33mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 31°F + 25°F; FL - 19°F
End: Temp+Dew = 30°F + 25°F; FL - 19°F

It was windy, but tolerable. Another pain free ankle run. It was 30 min, 3.5 miles, 8:31 pace and 136 HR.


Well instead of the 4 inches we were suppose to get, we got like another 8-10 inches. We're running out of places to put the snow. It's taller than G in most places now. It was super heavy and thick snow, so it was an absolute bear to move. Our poor little snowblower could not keep up. So it was a long morning of shoveling.

I waited until the afternoon to get the run started.

Conditions - 🌨 Light Snow, Wind 13mph to 22mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 31°F + 28°F; FL - 21°F
End: Temp+Dew = 31°F + 28°F; FL - 21°F

It was still snowing a little, but not that bad. The ankle didn't feel as great on this one. So some progress, but not there yet. In all it was a pleasant 7.6 miles in 60 min at 8:00 pace with HR of 141.

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So 13 weeks to go. Some well earned down time this week. Four more weeks of easy training before things start to kick back up.
Just want to say that the dedication you put in, every day, no excuses, is nothing short of amazing. Seriously, so much respect. The time you put towards helping the rest of us toward our goals is equally impressive. Thanks dude!

Mid-day I was invited to be a guest on a podcast. I'll be sure to share more when the time comes.
Heard your interview on the podcast! Great listen! Hope you had fun doing it. It was fun to hear more of your story. :-)
Well if the podcast is out already, I'd say it's time to share more! Where can we hear it?
Yikes what a week you had. But happy your ankle is improving and now you can work on your calf too.

Thanks! Although yesterday and today the ankle hasn’t felt all that great. We’ll see how tonight’s run feels. It seems to come and go right now for no good reason. Like it hurt mid-day yesterday and then was suddenly gone. Did the cycle and McMillan legs with zero issues. Then woke up this morning and pain again. So not really sure what’s going on.

Heard your interview on the podcast! Great listen! Hope you had fun doing it. It was fun to hear more of your story. :-)

Glad you liked it. It was a fun experience and I would be open to being a guest on podcasts in the future. A different way to express ideas than the written form.
Listened to the podcast and it's so authentically you and everything you've said these past years, but I love that you also tailored it for the audience. Very inspiring and informative.

re: your ankle, perhaps working on the calf is aggravating your ankle issues (gastrocnemius and soleus play a large part with the ankle), but I think ultimately it will help. Hopefully you won't be moving more and more upstream: hamstrings then glutes...
I listened today. Very nice! It's hard to be so eloquent with no practice. You have a future in broadcast :D

Thanks! I requested the questions in advance so I could gather my thoughts. You can hear some paper shuffling when I go through my five principles of training methodology. The follow-up questions were more on the spot.

I have to give presentations at work 2-3 times per year. My boss is a NOTORIOUSLY hard follow-up question asker. Like most of us quake in our boots in advance. We very commonly butt heads in a respectful manner. But one of his biggest complaints is that I talk too fast and throw too much information at my audience. So I've worked on that over the years.

Listened to the podcast and it's so authentically you and everything you've said these past years, but I love that you also tailored it for the audience. Very inspiring and informative.

re: your ankle, perhaps working on the calf is aggravating your ankle issues (gastrocnemius and soleus play a large part with the ankle), but I think ultimately it will help. Hopefully you won't be moving more and more upstream: hamstrings then glutes...

Thanks! We had discussions prior about the tenor of the interview. So it let me know how I would want to explain ideas. Touch on the thoughts without digging too deep into the why.

Thanks for the info on the ankle. The injury feels different then it did a few weeks ago. Like we've corrected the main issue and this is something slightly different but in the same area. I've got another PT meeting on Monday.
12 Weeks to go + HIM Base Mid Volume Cycling + (LIIFT 4 + McMillan Core/Legs)

2/1/21 - M - OFF
2/2/21 - T - Baird-1 (60 min; 68 TSS) + McMillan Legs
2/3/21 - W - 30 min Run @ Easy
2/4/21 - R - Looking Glass (80 min; 82 TSS) + 30 min Brick Run @ Easy
2/5/21 - F - LIIFT4-Back/Biceps + Pettit (60 min; 39 TSS)
2/6/21 - Sa - Cumberland (75 min; 78 TSS) + 30 min Brick Run @ Easy
2/7/21 - Su - 75 min @ Long Run

Total Run Miles - 19.2 miles
Total Run Time - 2:46 hours
Total Run TSS - x TSS

Total Biking Time - 4:35 hours
Total Biking TSS - 267 TSS

Total Strength Time - 0:50 hours
Total Strength TSS - x TSS

Total Training Time - 8:12 hours
Total TSS - x TSS


So Monday was fine for the ankle, but woke up on Tuesday and things felt tighter. It got worse as the day went on. I retied my normal shoes in a normal pattern. By about mid-day it was gone as soon as it came. Not really sure where it came and where it went.

Baird -1 is 3 sets of 5x1-minute intervals at 120% FTP where recoveries between intervals are 2 minutes long and recoveries between sets of intervals are 3 minutes long. Felt good throughout.

Afterwards, I did McMillan Legs and it felt good. No issues in the ankle.


Woke up on Wednesday and the ankle pain was back. It lingered throughout the day for no good reason.

Conditions - ☁️ Mostly Cloudy, Wind 10mph to 20mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 24°F + 22°F; FL - 14°F
End: Temp+Dew = 23°F + 21°F; FL - 14°F

Oddly, the run felt alright on the ankle. Better than it did at times during the normal day. Not zero, but tolerable. In all this run was 3.3 miles in 30 min at 9:13 pace with HR of 124. A nice low HR run.


Scheduled for snow today. Contemplated waking up in the morning and running, but I like sleep. We ended up getting a few inches.

Looking Glass is 3x20-minute intervals between 75-90% FTP with 3-minute recoveries between them. Afterwards, I got the running clothes on and prepared to run. Steph looked out the window and said it looked like a snow hurricane. I told her don't worry, I got this.

Conditions - 🌫️ Foggy, Wind 22mph to 37mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 27°F + 21°F; FL - 12°F
End: Temp+Dew = 25°F + 20°F; FL - 12°F

The wind was intense. The snow was deep in places and like running through sand. Especially difficult on the uphills. It was 3.3 miles in 31 min at 9:28 pace with 135 HR. The HR definitely drifted late in the run due to uphill snow plus wind running. It was treacherous. The ankle was ok, but not 100%.


Early morning wakeup for a LIIFT4 session. We cut the McMillan Core afterwards because we had to snow shovel. We're running out of places to move the snow. It's about 6.5 feet tall in some places around our driveway. It was also negative windchill and was pretty rough out there.

Hooray for easy cycling! Pettit is an hour of aerobic Endurance work spent between 60-70% FTP.


Slept for a glorious 11.5 hours. My deep sleep was well over 6.5 hrs which I feel like is a record.

An easier brick day. Cumberland is a 60-minute sustained segment between 80-85% FTP nestled inside of a 75-minute long workout. Afterwards, it was time to go out for an arctic run.

Conditions - ⛅ Mostly Cloudy, Wind 13mph to 20mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 6°F + -3°F; FL - -10°F
End: Temp+Dew = 7°F + -2°F; FL - -10°F

-10F was cold, but tolerable. The ankle was ok. Didn't see any other runners out there. It was 3.5 miles, 30 min, 8:36 pace and HR of 135.


Decided to sleep again. Just over 10.5 hrs. Clearly I've been tired.

Conditions - ☀️ Clear, Wind 9mph to 15mph
Start: Temp+Dew = -15°F + -20°F; FL - -33°F
End: Temp+Dew = -10°F + -17°F; FL - -33°F

Well hello WI winter! Think this makes a new record for coldest run at a wind chill of -33F. I dressed well, but it was still really cold. No frostbite post run though.

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For not really looking at my watch, I felt like this was fairly even paced. The GAP was +/- 6 seconds. My water froze. My face froze. Pretty much my whole body froze. In total it was 9.2 miles in 75 min at 8:11 pace with HR of 140. The ankle felt better this Sunday than last, but worse than it did for the mid-week runs. I still feel like it feels "different". I've added in my old ankle strength routine. The Garmin VO2max dropped to 54, but I kind of expected that with the sub-zero windchill and running like a mummy.

It was a good recovery week. Still three weeks away before the training starts to ramp up. Still feel like I'm making progress on the ankle. I have another PT appointment tomorrow morning, so we'll get her thoughts on the progress.


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