Switching Things Up: A Disney Lover's First Time at Universal - March 2021


Today, BOTH parks were opening at 8a, with both also offering Early Park Admission at 7a. It seemed the Universal was predicting big crowds for today, but I had a feeling the threat of rain all day would keep people away. It was looking like rain chances were low until about 1p, remaining high until 5-6p.

Since Hagrid's was our number one priority for the day, we wanted to be at IoA for EPA, which we are able to access with our preferred pass. The power and seasonal passes did get a lot of EPA dates for March, but weekends were not included, so we were glad to have sprung for the slightly pricier pass.

We set alarms for 5:30a, aiming to be walking over to the park around 6:20 so we would be at the entrance by 6:45a at the latest. I slept really well, but when I woke up, I found out Jason slept really poorly that night--he said he felt like he only got 2-3 hours of deep sleep. I love sleeping in hotels...the tight sheets and fluffy pillows are a dream to me. But Jason doesn't sleep well in unfamiliar environments and we also forgot to turn the AC fan on overnight, so there was some noise from the hallways.

I felt really bad that he was going to be tired, but he insisted that we go to the parks because he knows how much I enjoy getting to the parks in the morning...how sweet. :sad: We decided that a good plan for the day would be to spend the morning in the parks, come back for a nap around noon or 1p, and come back to the parks at 5p. Both parks closed at 10p today, so we felt like that would offer us plenty of time. We were also hoping the afternoon showers would drive people away from the parks.

With a somewhat sleepy Jason in tow, we quickly got ready. We intended to heat up some of the breakfast bowls we bought up at Whole Foods the day before. But our room did not have a microwave, so we would have needed to find the game room, where there was allegedly a microwave. We were just not in the mood, especially considering it was still dark out, so we just said we'd find a place to eat in the parks.

We also abandoned our plan to walk. We just ended up driving to the parks, which was quick and easy. Parking was a little confusing because there weren't many Team Members to direct this early in the morning, but we ended up parking pretty close to the main entrance.

The security checkpoint was quick and easy and within minutes we were heading down CityWalk towards Islands of Adventure. Overall, I was pleased with the ease of parking and prefer the garages and moving walkways to the massive lots and trams of most other theme parks.

When we got to the gates of IoA, they were already letting people inside the park. We were inside the park by 6:45a, which is the earliest I have ever been in a theme park (the previous record was for 8a Extra Magic Hours at Animal Kingdom).

We were speed walking back to Hogsmeade, so I I forgot to take photos of the mostly empty park. There were quite a few people in the park for this early in the morning, all seemingly heading to Hagrid's!

When we got to Hogsmeade the entrance to the line was very close to the entrance of the land. We didn't need a virtual queue and it was never used at all for Hagrid's on Saturday. Luckily, the line moved really quickly. We ended up putting our phones in the lockers because we were unsure how secure they would be on the bike setup of the ride, but it really was a shame considering how awesome the queue was!

The line stopped at points occasionally, but we were sitting down by 7:10a. The ride was so worth waking up early for! Even though the top speed is only 50mph, I loved how close it was to the ground--you felt so fast! I read the sidecar is a little tamer than the bike so Jason wanted to sit on the sidecar. The ride was so long and even had a few surprises in store. I think I might've watched a POV when it first opened, but I was not expecting the drop element. I also LOVED the Fluffy animatronic! It was a dreary morning which made for the perfect setting for a ride in the Forbidden Forest and it was just amazing. We both couldn't wait to ride it again!

We were back in Hogsmeade by 7:15a and took advantage of the extra time to ride...Flight of the Hippogriff. In all honesty, it was fun! I loved the views of Hogwarts and it was a cute little ride. I'm glad we didn't have to wait, because I definitely would not want to...but I would recommend riding it during EPA or when crowds are low for a little bonus fun.

In the spirit of keeping up the Harry Potter streak, we wanted to ride Forbidden Journey again. It was initially displaying delayed, but they eventually opened the queue. Again, we were rushed through the queue by overzealous guests behind us...I guess we'll just have to ride when there's a long posted wait! However, when we got to the final briefing room, we were informed that the ride was still down. It didn't open until 8a, but it was nice to absorb the atmosphere of Hogwarts. We ended up being on the second bench of the day! Both Jason and I thought the ride was actually more thrilling this time! I don't know why, but the animatronics spooked us more. Unfortunately, I also found it to be a lot more nauseating than last time. If the last section of screens would have lasted 10 seconds longer I don't know if I would have made it...I don't think being on an empty stomach helped. Next time I'll have to remember to bring some Bonine so I can enjoy this awesome attraction without worry.

We were feeling pretty famished at this point and needed breakfast. We decided to make our way to the front of the park to grab some Starbucks.

We found the path to walk the Jurassic Park route back and I'm glad we did. I love Jurassic Park and World and I was very excited to see the land! As benign as it sounds I loved the landscaping and overall vibe of Jurassic Park. It was so lush and evocative of the movies. We passed Velocicoaster on the way, which looks SO awesome. Can't wait!

We eventually made our way over to the River Journey area and after seeing two women go down the drop with barely getting wet, we decided to hop in the five minute posted line to ride.


We were assigned the front row, which was exciting...but ultimately a curse. When we boarded, the ride operator said we could take off our masks if we'd like. We thought taking them off and putting them on would be a hassle, so we just decided to keep ours on. We rode Splash Mountain and Kali with masks and didn't think it would be an issue.

Spoiler alert: it was. The ride itself was actually really cool. The beginning of the ride was really pretty and relaxing--the narration reminded me of Living with the Land! Of course, things went wrong, and it was pretty exciting inside the building. The dinosaur before the drop was awesome and the drop was steep and thrilling! What DAMPened (get it) our experience was when we went down the final drop into the splash pond, TONS of water sprayed us from our shoulders up. Our cloth masks, faces, and hair were soaked. The rest of us was actually pretty dry.

We got off the ride breathing in the nasty Jurassic Park water through our masks. They were so waterlogged that our voices were echoing in them! When we got to the ride exit gift shop, we were debating buying new masks. None of them really impressed us and they were a little pricey at $8 each. Once I was about to cave and buy two new ones, Jason had the idea of asking the cashier if they sold surgical masks. Luckily, she gave us two for free from the back and even gave us a little bag for our wet masks.

Still wet and even more hungry, we continued making our way back to Port of Entry. When we got there, we found that the Starbucks line was SO long. We were about to wait in it when I noticed there was the Croissant Moon bakery right across the path. I looked at the menu and they had both cold brew and breakfast sandwiches so we decided to skip the lengthy Starbucks line.


We ended up getting two cold brews and two hot croissant sandwiches for about $23. The sandwiches were pretty good and much bigger than something we would have gotten from Starbucks. Jason's favorite meal is breakfast so he was pretty content with our meal (even if he doesn't look like it in the photo). The coffee was decent, a little weak, but I was glad to have any form of caffeine...I was a few minutes away from a headache if I didn't get coffee...college has turned me into an addict!

Up next: the rest of our morning at IoA, naptime, and park hopping galore!
Fed and caffeinated, we went over to Spiderman and waited about 15 minutes. I was really excited to ride this one, I've heard great things over the years!

I thought it was pretty amazing! I didn't really know what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised. I was shocked to learn that it was over 20 years old! I can't imagine how revolutionary it felt when it opened because it still felt fresh today. It was so exciting and the part where you went up on the building was so cool! Looking at photos of the new Ratatouille ride coming to Epcot I can't help but notice some similarities, so we'll see how it is! My main complaint is that the ride was REALLY loud. We were in the third row and the second row was empty for distancing, so we were getting two rows worth of speakers and it was kind of a lot.

After Spiderman we were kind of without a plan so we just meandered and took a seat with a rather ugly view of the Toon Lagoon area. We were going back and forth on what to do next and when to head back to the hotel. We were looking at wait times and I vividly remember Jason saying "the one thing that will get me off this bench right now is to see Shrek 4D".

So off to USF we went! Shrek is Jason's absolute favorite childhood movie so even with a 50 minute (!) wait, I was happy to do it, especially after he got up and out early after a poor night of sleep. I never thought we would wait 50 minutes for a 4D movie but here we were. The line moved slowly, but we had a good time talking and watching the Shrek clips in line so it was fun. We thought it was kind of iconic that we were waiting so long for Shrek so even though it kinda sucked time, we were amused.

The movie itself was fun! Our all time favorite 3D show is MuppetVision 3D and this did not compare, but we both enjoyed it. Would we wait 50 minutes again? Probably not, but we didn't regret it one bit.

We wanted to grab some food before heading back to the hotel. We still had 11 scans left on our lanyard so we got two arepas again, which again were delicious. It was drizzling, so we sat on a cute little stoop in and enjoyed our food while people watching and chatting.

Next, we went over to the San Francisco area in search of the German food booth--we needed one more little plate to feel more full. The weather was surely fitting the theme!



We ate near the water and shared both plates. We both liked the schnitzel slider more than the bratwurst, which was average but still tasty. Our schnitzel seemed thicker than the photos and display, so it was a little tough, but it had a really good flavor. These chips were the same as the ones at the New Orleans booth.

After finishing up our meal we made our way back over to the parking garage and drove back to the hotel. Of course, as we drove back, the sun started peeking through the sky. But a nap was definitely overdue, especially for Jason, so I was happy to return to our room.

We were back in the room around 12:30p and ended up sleeping around 1p. I set an alarm for 2:30p and ended up waking up a minute before the alarm went off. Luckily, Jason napped well and we woke up feeling much more refreshed. When you have these early park mornings, I think it's a great idea to at least rest in your room a bit--theme parks are mentally and physically demanding and it's hard to get from open to close without some peace and quiet.


We brought our little Baby Yoda and the way the way he was reflecting in the window either looks cute or a little sinister--you decide. Jason and I joke that he was happy to be brought to a place where his face wasn't being plastered everywhere for profit :rotfl:
Your baby Yoda is adorable! And your trip report is so helpful. We're planning on 2 days at Universal later this year and I think it's been at least 5 years since we've been there. Hagrid will be a priority for us too.
We set alarms for 5:30a, aiming to be walking over to the park around 6:20 so we would be at the entrance by 6:45a at the latest.

You guys vacation like I do! 😅

Your food pics are delicious - breakfast is my favorite meal of the day too, and that croissant sandwich looks awesome.

Quick q on eating at Universal right now - did you have to eat in designated eating/seating areas? Or is just sitting down somewhere ok these days?
Your baby Yoda is adorable! And your trip report is so helpful. We're planning on 2 days at Universal later this year and I think it's been at least 5 years since we've been there. Hagrid will be a priority for us too.

Glad you are finding it helpful! I think it will be fun to see all the new things that opened up in the recent years.

You guys vacation like I do! 😅

Your food pics are delicious - breakfast is my favorite meal of the day too, and that croissant sandwich looks awesome.

Quick q on eating at Universal right now - did you have to eat in designated eating/seating areas? Or is just sitting down somewhere ok these days?

Aren't theme parks in the morning the best??

The croissant was so flaky! I wish there were a little more fillings but overall yummy, would eat again. In regards to eating areas, it seemed like their only guideline was that you were stationary, although that rule was definetely not followed by all guests. We were partial to stoops and "grassy" areas, but there were also tons of standing tables and some open outdoor seating areas of closed restaurants.
Excellent, well-written trip report! Thanks for taking me back to the parks. And Go Gators! (I got a masters at UF in 1997.)
We took our time in getting ready, so by the time we drove over to the garage and parked, it was about 4:30p.

We were looking at wait times and they were all kind of high so we chose to go see the Bourne Stuntacular at USF. Unfortunately, we got to the theater slightly before 5p and the 5:15p show was full. We then went down to the Horror Makeup show down the way and there wouldn't be another showing for over an hour. We were unsure what to do. We decided we were a little hungry and that it might be a good idea to eat before restaurants get too busy.

Earlier in the day we passed the Toothsome's Chocolate Emporium place and thought it looked so cool! The menu and atmosphere looked fun, so we made our way over there.

There was a small line at the hostess stand, but we saw a bunch of tables on the patio so we were hopeful (we're only comfortable with outdoor dining right now). However, they said that the next available reservation wasn't until 10p!

After the full Bourne show this felt like flop #2. We sat on the curb trying to think of a plan. I initially suggested maybe going to Leaky Cauldron and coming to Toothsome's tomorrow but Jason was wanting to have a more relaxing meal tonight. We were looking through the table service options in CityWalk, but it was stressful determining which were good and had nice outdoor seating. I remembered I heard really good things about Mythos in IoA and after verifying they had outdoor seating, we made a reservation for 5:45p! It was super easy and we were even able to request outdoor seating on the online reservation.

We originally planned to ride something in Seuss Landing on the way to dinner since we had about 30 minutes before the reservation, but we got a text that we could be seated sooner so we went directly over. After a quick 2-3 minute wait in the lobby we were taken to our table on the back patio.


There was only one other party on the patio, so it was so lovely to have a quiet meal with a nice waterfront view of the park. We've been so busy with school and work that we rarely get to have a sit down meal so we were really enjoying the relaxation.

The indoor seating looked nice but was a little crowded for our comfort level. It was also quite cavernous (literally) but it didn't seem too noisy in there.


For our appetizer, we decided to go with the spanakopita dip.


We were a little underwhelmed with how it looked when it was served, but we really enjoyed this dip! It was similar to a spinach and artichoke dip but heavier on the feta and Greek seasonings. We really loved the chips: they were housemade pita chips and were a little soft in the centers which gave a really nice texture contrast, especially considering most pita chips are VERY crunchy.

I decided to order the lamb shank for my main entree while Jason got the gnocchi bolognese.



We loved both our entrees. The lamb shank was so tender and the sauce was SO delicious. The combination of the rosemary polenta and the lamb was absolutely amazing. The broccoli rabe was also a nice addition to the dish, an easy 9/10 dish!

Jason's gnocchi was also delicious. The sauce was tasty and the gnocchi was really well cooked. The crisped parmesan on top was a tasty topping and I loved the drizzle of olive oil to finish--such a great way to finish a dish! We both agreed my dish was a little better, but both were very tasty.

We really enjoyed our meal at Mythos. The service was excellent, friendly and very professional. The patio was lovely and relaxing. It's completely covered by the rockwork so it would be perfect for sunny days or even a light drizzle. I think it was also a great value. With two entrees, an appetizer, and a generous tip for our awesome waiter, it was about $65. For the quality of food and service in a theme park I felt like it was much less expensive than a comparable restaurant in a Disney park or resort. I heard this is a common theme with Universal table service, so I can't wait to try Toothsome's and all the other CityWalk restaurants!

It was just so nice to enjoy a relaxed, quiet meal in a theme park. We weren't rushed in the slightest and it was just so nice to be able to chat and enjoy the view after we ate.

What a wonderful second day! I think you did quite well with your restaurant and ride choices!

Great info about the availability of surgical masks if you have a water ride incident.

At this point, what was your favorite ride?
We are planning our first Universal trip for Feb. 2022 and will have our 9 year old DD with us. We have considered staying at the doubletree..how is their pool? I am enjoying reading your trip report. Thank you!!!
Nerd alert: I'm a college writing professor, and your writing is impeccable! I've been on the look-out for a comma splice or a run-on sentence, and I haven't spotted anything yet! You even have restrictive clauses down to a T. I truly hope you have a writing-centric major! I can't wait to read more of your fantastically written trip report (no pressure).
You’re making me want to go to Universal, have never been there! Looks like a fun trip!
I would totally recommend!

What a wonderful second day! I think you did quite well with your restaurant and ride choices!

Great info about the availability of surgical masks if you have a water ride incident.

At this point, what was your favorite ride?
I think next time we'll definitely pack some extra masks to change into if needed. We don't like to carry a backpack unless absolutely necessary, but next time I'll just throw one in my back pocket. I think my favorite ride was probably Forbidden Journey at this point. Hagrids was really close, but I'm a sucker for a good dark ride and Forbidden Journey is just amazing, even with the motion sickness issues I had.

I am a Disney girl planning a trip to Universal in June. Can't wait for the rest of your trip report!
I think you'll love it! It's so fun to have a completely different experience, especially if you've been to WDW a lot.

We are planning our first Universal trip for Feb. 2022 and will have our 9 year old DD with us. We have considered staying at the doubletree..how is their pool? I am enjoying reading your trip report. Thank you!!!
While we didn't swim we did check out the pool area and it was nice. There's a very large rectangular pool, as well as a kids splash area with fountains/water features and a large hot tub. There might have been a shallow kiddie pool, but I can't remember. It's above average for a chain hotel pool, but if you're looking for a great pool, I would look into Cabana Bay. I haven't stayed there yet but I know they have a lazy river and water slide. It's a similar price point to the DT on weekends. If you're looking to stay with Hilton hotels, the Hilton Orlando has an awesome pool with lazy river, but it's closer to Seaworld.

Nerd alert: I'm a college writing professor, and your writing is impeccable! I've been on the look-out for a comma splice or a run-on sentence, and I haven't spotted anything yet! You even have restrictive clauses down to a T. I truly hope you have a writing-centric major! I can't wait to read more of your fantastically written trip report (no pressure).
Thank you so much! I'm actually a biology major looking to go to dental school, but I love to write in my spare time. I was thinking of starting a blog or something of the like to exercise that side of my brain. Jason is actually an English major and is always writing papers. He's a great writer too :) glad you are enjoying the report, and I hope I don't mess up...
After finishing our meal at Mythos, we were looking at wait times and saw that rides at USF all had pretty low wait times. Gringotts only had a posted wait time for 15 minutes and we hadn't been on it yet, so we decided to ride the Hogwarts Express over to Diagon Alley.

On the walk over I realized this would be the fourth park hop of the day. After entering IoA in the morning, we went over to USF for lunch and to see Shrek. Then we left the park, napped, and went to USF for all of 15 minutes to try to see the Bourne show which was full. Went back to IoA for dinner and we are now back on our way over to USF! As someone who never got park hopper tickets at Disney, it was really fun to bounce between to the two parks at will. You feel a little less trapped and more free to do what you wish. Park hopping at Disney definitely seems like more work though, so I loved being able to walk or take a train between the parks.

At this point in the night, my phone was dying so I was more judicious with the photos I took. I left my phone charger at home and Jason and I had to share a charger, so I never got a full charge. Sorry about the spotty photos for the rest of this day!

When we got to the Hogsmeade station, the wait was only posted 20 minutes. The line felt like it moved quicker than it did at Kings Cross. I liked how the two trips were slightly different, and it was really cool getting off the train in "London".

Crowds in Diagon Alley were low, so we took the opportunity to stroll around and enjoy the atmosphere. Sadly, we did not get any Butterbeer, but we did explore lots of shops and just watch the happenings in the land.

By the time we got in line for Gringotts, it was posted 40 minutes. Jason said he remembered the queue being cool, so we didn't mind waiting. I think we waited a little less than half an hour and the queue was indeed cool. We waited for a few minutes in the outdoor section of the queue and I was SHOCKED to see how far back the corralls went. I don't think I've ever seen a more anxiety-inducing queue. I can't imagine being stuck in an hours long wait of zig-zag purgatory.

The indoor portion of the queue was amazing.




When we went downstairs into the dungeon area, it seemed like there were some interactive/preshow moments that were skipped to promote physical distancing. I hope they bring these back soon!

The room where you board the ride vehicles is stunning as well. The rockwork and sheer size is impressive. The ride was really fun! I think the 3D visual parts were really crisp and realistic looking. It felt more like a fast dark ride with drops rather than a full on roller coaster, but the first drop is really surprising and thrilling. Overall Gringotts isn't my favorite of the Harry Potter rides, but it's still fun and immersive.

When we left Diagon Alley, we saw Simpsons had a 10 minute wait so we made our way over to that side of the park. We hadn't even gone past Diagon Alley on this trip, so I was excited to see a new area of the park.

For some reason I vividly remember watching a POV of the Simpsons Ride soon after it opened and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. I was excited to ride it but a little worried about motion sickness.

Our ride was delayed slightly because when we entered the ride vehicle, we saw there was a phone and a hat on the seat so Jason ran out to chase the previous riders down. I initially stayed in the room, but the door closed and I didn't want to ride alone with Jason stuck outside so I ran out to find him. By the time we got back to the room, the ride already started, so we found a team member and we went back to our original room to watch the lengthy preshow again.

I love the Simpsons, so naturally I liked this ride. We sat on the bottom left floor of ride vehicles, so we were always looking up and didn't feel like the center of action. The visuals were a little bit dated. However, it was still pretty fun and I liked the subtle digs at Disney. Hopefully next time we will sit on one of the higher floors!

We were about to leave the park, but we saw that ET Adventure only had a 20 minute wait. Jason really wanted to ride it so we hopped in line about 40 minutes before the park was closing. The queue was so atmospheric. I loved the smell, sounds, and trees. It was a really immersive and relaxing queue, just what we needed at the end of the day. The line moved rather slow since they were only using one side of the loading platform, but soon enough we were on the bikes. My bike even was the one carrying ET!

This ride was so lovable. I've seen it described as Peter Pan's flight but aliens and I think that's a fair assessment. I loved the flying sensation, which was a little more thrilling than Peter Pan's flight. When you flew over the city I couldn't help but feel like I was on Peter Pan. However, the ride was much longer than the Magic Kingdom counterpart. I thought it was going to end after we flew over the city but there was a whole other section on ET's planet! That part was zany and cute and we both loved it. I'm disappointed they weren't doing the thing with ET saying your name, but it didn't take away from the experience.

We exited into the gift shop, where Jason bought one of the vintage Universal shirts with all the old attractions (including ET) on it. We went back towards the front of the park to leave, enjoying the feel of the park at night. We could have waited maybe 10 minutes longer to see the nighttime water show, but Jason really wasn't feeling it. I didn't mind--gives us something to look forward to next time!

After a quick but crowded walk through CityWalk to the parking garage, we were back in our car and heading to our hotel. We saw there was an ice cream shop in the lobby of the hotel so we decided to get some. However when we walked up to the ice cream store, the worker pulled down the gate and left. She left the lights on and everything open so we thought she was just using the restroom or something?

We took the time to drop off our stuff in the room. We went back down and she was indeed up and running again. We ended up each getting a small gelato in a cone, which totaled to about $14. It was disappointing because they gave so little ice cream. I feel like at most places, a small is 2ish decently sized scoops. Instead here it was one small scoop slightly bigger than a golf ball in a massive waffle cone. Considering the price I was a bit miffed. At least the gelato was tasty!

We watched TV in the room for a bit before I went to shower. When I came out Jason was already asleep. He looked peaceful and was even snoring slightly :love:so I just left him rest while I finished my nightly routine and went to bed.

Up next: our last day at Universal!
Really enjoying this report!

It was a super short drive before we got to the hotel. The parking lot is controlled by gates, which you can open with the Hilton app. One interesting tidbit: parking at the Doubletree is normally $23 a day. I chose that I needed parking on the app and it showed the price. However, I was not charged on my statement at the end of the stay. Additionally, when I asked for some physical keys at the front desk, they didn't work with the parking gates--only the app did. I'm thinking the parking wasn't activated on the cards by the front desk so I wasn't charged. Can't guarantee this will work for you, so I'm not complaining!
I've never kept track, but I'd guess that 25% of the time I use a paid parking lot at a hotel, I'm not charged; including 3 different stays at Royal Pacific.

I'd also bet that, on the stays where I don't use hotel parking, I've had it added to my bill about 40% of the time.
I hope you are able to do the Bourne show. It is amazing, unlike anything I have ever seen.
Love reading about your experiences on the rides for the first time.....I`m so glad you enjoyed them all, and especially the Potter rides.

I hope the lamb is still on the menu next time we come over, looks gorgeous!

So enjoying reading your TR.......
Really enjoying this report!

I've never kept track, but I'd guess that 25% of the time I use a paid parking lot at a hotel, I'm not charged; including 3 different stays at Royal Pacific.

I'd also bet that, on the stays where I don't use hotel parking, I've had it added to my bill about 40% of the time.
I'm thinking of possibly staying at Royal Pacific later this year, so fingers crossed!

I hope you are able to do the Bourne show. It is amazing, unlike anything I have ever seen.
We unfortunately did not get the chance to see it this trip. However it is definitely on the list for next time!

Love reading about your experiences on the rides for the first time.....I`m so glad you enjoyed them all, and especially the Potter rides.

I hope the lamb is still on the menu next time we come over, looks gorgeous!

So enjoying reading your TR.......
100% recommend the lamb! I usually lean towards chicken and pasta dishes but I had a feeling that I should order the lamb and I'm so glad I did!


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