A Last Hurrah Trip! We just didn't know it at the time. (A Pre-COVID Trip Report)


DIS Veteran
Oct 16, 2015
Welcome Everyone!

This is my 11th Trip Report! I don't know how that is possible! It feel like just yesterday that I was almost afraid to even add a comment here! If you are new to my trip reports, WELCOME!!!! if you aren't, I am soooo glad you came back for yet another trip report! I love reading people's trip reports! I really feel like it is a great way to get a realistic idea of what you can get done in a day. And everyone tours the parks a little different. And I am constantly getting new ideas of things to do on our next trips.

This trip was our last trip before Covid hit. We had gotten annual passes and this was the last trip on those passes. In fact, our last day was literally the last day the passes were valid! Thankfully, we went early February, so the talkings of covid didn't really ramp up until after we were back.

This trip was a VERY different feel for us. Since it was the last of trip on our annual passes, we were pretty chill on doing stuff. We had already gone on 4 trip prior to this. So, I feel like we tried to be more chill but also we wanted to do and try certain things, as we knew that was the last trip for awhile. We just didn't realize HOW long.

This trip was a split stay, we started at French Quarter and switched over to Yacht Club mid week. We flew down Friday night and flew home the following Sunday.

So, I have to admit something, I hate writing up the into's for each trip report... But it made me think, what have I written over the years in each intro. And it's kind of funny! One year I totally didn't even do intros! But I am going to try and use all of the intro for this installment. And possibly write something different... no promises...

First up is me!

Everytime I do one of these intros, I realize how few pictures there of me by myself and the ones that are by myself, I seem to have an adult beverage in my hand...

My name is Ariella. I am the planner of these trips! It really has become my hobby. I love planning the trips. I have been known to plan a few Tinkerbell Gifts for the girls and come up with some fun things to do on the trip. And over time, I have loved planning out some coordinated shirts for the whole family. Although by this trip I was a little planned out!

My Disney World Favorites:
Favorite Park: Was Magic Kingdom and probably still is!

I was a little TOO excitied to be riding on this at the time.

Ride/Attraction: Was Toy Story Mania & the Festival of Fantasy Parade
Another time I said my favorites: Everest, Enchanted Tales with Belle, Soarin', Splash Mountain
And then I just said my favorite ride: Everest
And THEN I switched it to favorite ride: Big Thunder Mountain
As of today, I would say: Rise of Resistance and Big Thunder Mountain
Everything on this list I do still love. I think Enchanted Tales with Belle is prob my least favorite at this point. But I do think it is still a hidden gem.

Snack/Food in the Park: Was a tie between a Dole Whip & the Nutella & Fruit Waffle in Liberty Square
And then I said Snack: Dole Whip or a Make-your-own-Rice Krispie Mickey! (with butterfingers on it!)
As of today, I would say: Orange Swirl and Carmel Popcorn from Germany.
Realistically I still love all of these as snack options!

Not the best pic of me, but I think it is the only one of me with an Orange Swirl.

Favorite Restaurant: Was Boma and/or Skipper Canteena
And then I said restaurant: Sanaa or Boma
As of today, I would say: Sanaa and Homecomin'
I still love BOMA and Skipper Canteen but Bread Service and Moonshine Mash take the win!

Favorite New thing we tried this trip: Was Hoop Dee Doo Review
As of this trip Report: probably going on Rise of Resistance and going to Disney as a whole at Christmas Time.

Next Up... DH... Andy

Growing up Andy didn't go on "traditional" vacations. They went to the family house that was on a small lake in town. Don't get me wrong it is a beautiful lake but driving 10 mintues and going back to your own home isn't a real vacation. And after we went the 2nd time Andy was hooked! (and is why I think his sister also loves Disney). It took I think until the 4th trip to where he really started to admit to wanting to go and wishing we were there now. He was a closet Disney lovers! Ha!

DH's Disney World Favorites:
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Now: Hollywood Studios, for sure
Galaxy's Edge really has pushed this to the top for him. Which is funny, as before Toy Story Land and Galaxy's Edge opened up this was probably our least favorite park. It probably helps that the girls are older now as well.

Ride/Attraction: I didn't write anything! I left it blank. Oops!
And then I finally gave him some favorites: Flight of Passage, Soarin' Big Thunder Mountain
And then I pared it down to just ride: Big Thunder Mountain
And now: Def Rise of Resistance and Rock n. Rollercoaster

These 2 in the front have taken to making faces for the photo op...

Snack/Food in the Park: Was the Pork Shank for sure, RIP

And then I think I gave him this by default snack: Dole Whip
And now his favorite: Candied Bacon and iced tea moonshine
He is also a fan of the Orange Swirl with me. But he does sway to the savory items in Disney.

Andy and his beloved squeeze bottle of Iced Tea Moonshine.

Favorite Restaurant: Boma
And then Restaurant: Ohana Dinner or Hoop Dee Doo Review
Now: probably still Ohana and possibly Le Cellier, oh and Homecoming just for the Ice Tea Moonshine.
Hoop Dee Doo is still probably a favorite but it is just so hard to get to, we can't do it each trip. But HOPEFULLY it will come back and we can do it again.

Favorite new thing we tried this trip: All of the Star Wars stuff & the Starwars Fireworks
Now: I would say maybe the Annual Passholder Preview of Galaxy's Edge? Does that count? Probably also the Jingle Bell Jingle BAM dessert party and fireworks.
We have never seen the Starwars Fireworks since that one trip! I hope it comes back

Next up is Morgan!

Morgan is now 12, going on 13 May 3rd! So, practically a teen! I think I have finally come to terms with this. In the last month she has really turned into a teen. Hiding in her room all day, not sleeping in, but she just wants to lay in bed watching youtube on her ipad. This whole pandemic has really worked for her and her hermit lifestyle. Sigh... I know I am going to have an unhill battle to get her out and about more. yeah, teen years! That said, she has done great with school from home. No problems and still a great student.

Morgan's Disney World Favorites:
Favorite Park: Hollywood Studios
Now her favorite park: Probably still Hollywood Studios
She is probably in the same boat as Andy, that Galaxy's Edge puts it over the top.

Ride/Attraction: Big Thunder Mountain
And then I made her favorites: Everest, Space Mountain, Tomorrowland Speedway
See consistant, with her favorite ride: Everest or Space Mountain
Favorite Ride: Space Mountain
And now: I think it's all the rollercoasters, Everest, Space, BTM and def Rise of Resistance
I would even say, she would put Toy Story Mania in here as well. She loves the competition part of it.

Snack/Food in the Parks: Nutella Waffle with fresh fruit and/or Strawberry Crepes
Snack: Mickey Soft Pretzels
And now: Probably still a soft pretzel and I would add the Cinnamon Roll from Gaston's. Oh and she likes the French Toast Pretzel In HS.
She does love the crepes in EPCOT and she is looking forward to the new crepe restuarant.

Favorite Restaurant: 1900 Park Fare
Restaurant: Skipper Canteen or Boma
Favorite Restaurants Now: Probably still BOMA.
Morgan HATES restaurants, she hates "waiting" So, she perfers buffets. And she is a meat eater, so BOMA is perfect for her. Sadly, it's still not open as of now.

Favorite New thing we tried this trip: Haunted Mansion
Favorite New things as of this trip: Probably Jingle Bell Jingle BAM dessert party and fireworks show. And being in Disney with family friends.
You can read about both in my just finished trip report listed below.

And last but not least, is Gwen.

Gwen is currently 10. I had a hard time with her turning double digits! Gwen has grown a TON during all of this. And really turned from a kid to pre-teen. I always say that Gwen is our wild child. But I think she has mellowed a bit. (minus the desire for purple hair!) Gwen is much more social than Morgan, and Gwen really suffered from being home so much and doing school from home. But she has worked hard and is doing fine. (thankfully) Gwen is probably the second biggest Disney fan in this house. She is just as obsessed as me. And pretty much any writing assignment for school turns into Disney as the topic!

Gwen's Disney World Favorites:
Favorite Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Park now: I think she is with me, Magic Kingdom still

Ride/Attraction: Splash Mountain
Top 6 Rides: (self proclaimed list) Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Kali River Rabbits (Rapids), Splash Mountain, Flight of Passage, Peter Pan
Ride: Primevil Whirl or It's a Small World
Favorite Ride: Tower of Terror
Favorite Ride Now: It's a Small World and Tower of Terror. How about that for a combo?
I think this list totally shows Gwen's personality. She is all over the place. And it is a progression of her growing up over the course of our trips!

This is Gwen and Morgan on Primevil Whirl. They loved that stupid ride!

Snack/Food in the Parks: Dole Whip and/or Cronut
Snack: Macaroons
Favorite Snacks now: Macaroons, Churros, and Candied Bacon.
All 3 of those are def must gets for Gwen over the course of the trips. I don't think we have had a cronut since that one time. I think we all forgot about them!

Favorite Restaurant: Via Napoli
Restaurant: Bon Voyage Breakfast or Tusker House
Favorite Restaurant now: Artist Point with Snow White
I remember that 1st time at Via Napoli, she was in love with fresh fruit app that came with her meal and the zeppoli dessert. She was in heaven! The rest are totally because of the characters at the meal and not about the food.

Favorite New thing we tried this trip: Test Track
Favorite new thing as of this trip: This is hard for me to decide for Gwen. Possibly staying club level? (We were upgraded in August and she LOVED every second of it) That and probably being at Disney with family friends.

This picture is in the main area of club level. And Gwen's face is saying "This is 'free' ice tea AND I got to put mickey shaped sugar cubes in it! This is the best day ever!" But I am just paraphrasing for here.

Well, I hope my intos have you wanting to follow along on this trip report!
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Joining in, I love how everyone’s favorites change over the course of all the trips.

I think my favorite park, rides, dining, and events change as the years go on!

The time flies with the kids, wow your girls are growing up!
I love that you went back on your previous TR for the intro... it’s fun to see the girls grow and their preferences change over time!
I am excited to read about your last pre-CoViD trip!
Hi Everyone!!!
I am so happy to see everyone here!!! Now I have to get my butt in gear and organize all my photos!!!

Hi Ariella! Semi stalker coming out to say hi!

(Also first lol)
I am so glad you came out of semi stalker mode to say hello!

Excited for another trip report!

Thanks for coming over!

I'm here! I need to go back get up to speed.
Glad you came over!!

Love the introductions both past and present. Love seeing the girls growing up. I just hit me that Gwen will be a Disney adult on our next trip.
Ugh!!! I know, right?!? Although, with the annual passes last year, I think it was just one price. So, we "kind of' misses out on the whole kid pricing.

Can’t wait to read along!
Thanks for following along! I need to know get my photos together!

Woo hoo - so glad you started this TR! Can’t wait to read all about your adventures!
Thanks for following along with another adventure! I feel like I might be reliving this trip with everyone. I feel like I don't remember what we did!

Joining in, I love how everyone’s favorites change over the course of all the trips.
It was funny how Morgan didn't really... She is all about constancy! Which this past year has been a challenge for her with things being different all the time!

I think my favorite park, rides, dining, and events change as the years go on!
I think mine honestly might change by the day.

The time flies with the kids, wow your girls are growing up!
Right? I am sure you know. I do try to just enjoy each phase as best as possible.

I love that you went back on your previous TR for the intro... it’s fun to see the girls grow and their preferences change over time!
Thanks for following along! It is crazy how they have grown with these trip reports.

Signing on for all the fun!
Thanks for following along with another report!
Everytime I do one of these intros, I realize how few pictures there of me by myself and the ones that are by myself, I seem to have an adult beverage in my hand...
She who plans the trip, gets to drink all the adult drinks!!

This was a super fun intro! I like how you added a little bit of everything and a few pictures, too :) Excited to read along for your last pre-Covid Disney trip!
I have to leave lurkdom to say hi and thanks for your tr ! I read through a bunch in the past year and they really brightened my days. You have a knack for story telling. I wanted to say Thanks!!
I have to leave lurkdom to say hi and thanks for your tr ! I read through a bunch in the past year and they really brightened my days. You have a knack for story telling. I wanted to say Thanks!!
Thank You so MUCH!!!! I can't tell you how nice that is to hear. I know we all enjoy reading them but it's still nice to hear. I try to write a trip report that I would want to read. DH is a writer by trade and I always feel less of a writer to him. And really writing about our trips is to do just that, brightened someones day! And god knows we all need it these days!
Ohhhh... I think this is the trip me and my girls got a quick meet with you guys in HS? We were there for my oldest cheer competition. But was my youngest with us? Wow it's only been a little over a year now and I can't remember. We had gone 3 years in a row for cheer and Ellie didn't get to come to all of them. Anyways... so happy to be here for another TR.
Ohhhh... I think this is the trip me and my girls got a quick meet with you guys in HS? We were there for my oldest cheer competition. But was my youngest with us? Wow it's only been a little over a year now and I can't remember. We had gone 3 years in a row for cheer and Ellie didn't get to come to all of them. Anyways... so happy to be here for another TR.
I believe you are right! So, you will be making a guest apprearance! It's crazy how time is going by so slow and fast all at the same time!


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