A Last Hurrah Trip! We just didn't know it at the time. (A Pre-COVID Trip Report)

I'm here too! Can't wait to read on
Thanks! Glad you are here!

I think it's hilarious! All those poor other kids with dentist and orthodontist appointments--psh! Not for the Saucier girls!!!
Right! I am hoping to avoid the orthodontist all together...

I have yet to stay at French Quarter or have those beignets. They look so good!!!!
Sadly this was the only time we got them this trip. I had big plans to get them a few times... nope...

As someone with extreme anxiety it would stress me out not knowing when the next trip would be, but so fun the girls love it so much!
Morgan actually can be fairly anxitious. When we surprised them with the trip to Disneyland, she cried! I wasn't expecting it. She didn't want to do the long flight. But it's a balance with her, if we tell her ahead of time she will do nothing but worry about it. They are pretty comfortable with the flight and Disney World, so it is all good for those suprises.

I am also stealing your tinkerbell gift ideas! We are taking out daughter for her first trip in November, she will be 15 months, so we wont need gifts yet, but DH and I bought DVC in 2019 (which we have never used thanks to Covid) and will be doing this for sure when she gets big enough to understand gifts!
It is PERFECT when they are really little. I started it by reading about it here, and I stocked up on cheap princess dresses at Target. And use that as a way to not need to buy the pricey dresses in the parks! And it worked perfectly! And honestly, my girls perfered the Target versions as they weren't as bulky. (they also would only wear them for a little while)

I also used to have a welcome letter from Tinkerbell reminding them of the "rules" of being in Disney. They were things like staying with a parent, going to the bathroom when someone else has to go, that you need to rest in the middle of the day. Those kinds of things. And it worked well, because it came for Tinkerbell and not you!
Welcome Everyone!!!

I just want to say thank you once again to everyone who is here and following along! Let's get this party started!!! First up is the ever popular Reveal and Travel day!!

Reveal Day & Travel Day

So, this trip was the 5th trip on our annual passes, so it wasn't a true surprise for the girls. They knew we were going one last time in February just not EXACTLY when. And I wanted the girls to know at least a little ahead of time, as I wanted them to talk to there teachers about getting any needed work.

Speaking of which, I found this all VERY exciting. Gwen at the time was in 4th Grade and her teacher easily gave her work to do. (but was also a big Disney fan, so didn't give her too much) But Morgan was in 6th grade and at the middle school. And for whatever reason, her teachers didn't seem like they could give specific things to work on while gone or ahead of time, which I thought was so strange. Any middle school teachers out there, know why that would be?!?!

Anyway! Saturday Night before we were leaving, I set up the dinning room table with a breakfast surprise.
I grabbed the table cloth, plates and napkins from target in the party aisle. And used the girls plush. And Andy wrote the little sign for me.

Those plush did not want to stay sitting up!

They came down in the morning and were happy and only slightly surprised. But that was ok. I knew it wouldn't be the biggest surprise! (It's hard to beat our Christmas trip)

We made homemade waffles and put nutella and fresh fruit as a nod to one of our favorite snacks in MK. And we talked about the upcoming trip.

Telling them Sunday morning, also allowed me to recruit the girls to help pack!!! Which was sooo nice, as I usually have to pack in secret! I like to have us 95% packed the weekend before we leave, as the work week always ends up crazy for me leading up to leaving. And this was the same...

Work was in fact crazy as usual. Filled in with swim practice, rock climbing class and god knows what else. (it's been too long to remember anymore)

But finally Friday arrived!!!

Andy took the whole day off. This has become his thing. He packs up the last of the items, runs any last minutes items. And is in charge of picking up the girls from school.

I on the other hand, usually work a full day, as I only work 8:30 - 3:00. So, It is fairly easy for me to come in early that day and leave a little early and not need to take any PTO for the day. (also Andy gets unlimited vacation, where I do not)

Andy picked up the girls from school and I met them at home around 3:00.
Sign Out Sheet Sign Out Sheet_Gwen
Andy wrote Disney as the reason for the girls leaving school early. I am not sure the school completely appreciated that... but...

One our Way!
By 3:11, we were on our way to the airport!

I think by now, we decided that the best way to park was to use one of the paid private parking services. It was only a few bucks more a day and they bring the shuttle right to your car and drop you off right in front of your car when they drop you off. And Andy is now spoiled, as I think the Feb. trip of 2019, Andy ended up walking through the snow to get the car because there was ZERO shuttles coming by and the crowd of people was growing and growing.

We made it through security with no issues, as I have no memories of doing it nor pictures. So, it went PERFECT!!! (right that is how that works, no?)

Any rate, we were flying American Airlines, as we were planning on banking miles to use towards a trip to Hawaii in 2022... That is going great by the way..

Because of this, we were in a new terminal for us, and our usual dinner place was not nearby. So, we decided to try a new place for an early dinner. Bud & Marilyn’s is a local restaurant in philly known for comfort food. So, we decided to give it a try.

We started off with drinks and our traditional cheers to vacation! Andy and I started with some beers and the girls Pink Lemonade.

Morgan & Gwen decided to split Chicken and Waffles from the adult menu. And when we ordered the waiter said they had to make a fresh batch of waffle batter, so it might be a little while. We said that would be fine, but just asked if we could get our app as soon as it was ready.

Which the waiter gladly did, it was just an order of french fries, but I have no picture because we devoured them! We were starving, even with it being early-ish. I want to say I skipped lunch with how much work I was trying to get down before I left. (this seems to be the case most times)

We must have scarfed them down fast because the waiter brought out these cheese curds for us as well.
Cheese Curds
He said they were on the house for being so patient. These were REALLY good! We talked about ordering them, but we weren’t sure if we would like them. So, it was a nice surprise.

Eventually, the girls chicken did come out.
Waffles part Chicken Part
Why is the Chicken on a separate plate? Gwen decided to eat the waffles and Morgan was going to eat the Chicken. But then they started eating it, and ended up swapping?

Gwen loved the Chicken and talked about it FOREVER!!! It had a honey sauce on them, and she just loved it. Morgan found it too sweet, especially with the waffles and syrup.

Andy and I decided to split the Nashville Hot Chicken Sliders
Nashville Chicken Sliders
Crispy chicken, potato bread, nashville hot dip, charred scallions, ranch

These were good, but since there was only 2 it wasn’t super filling. We were glad that we had the free cheese curds, as I think we would have been hungry still.

We finished up our meal and headed back to our gate.
Crochet in Airport
There was some sort of crochet exhibit in the airport at the time.

As we were headed back, we got stopped at an intersection by a bunch of airport security and airport workers. And I got this pit in my stomach. They were asking everyone to stand still exactly where they were. I was seriously internally freaking out thinking it was some sort of bomb threat or something!

But THANKFULLY, it was a drill of some sort and 30 seconds later they let everyone go about there business. But have to say, I couldn't believe how many people were completely oblivious to what was going on around them, and just kept walking!

Around 6, we were on the plane are ready to go.

Airplane Remote
We flew American and we were able to sit 2 and 2, which was nice. I got to read and watch shows on the plane like an adult! I sat down and found this in between our seats. And I really wondered how old this plane was!

We were in the air on time, and Morgan got to work on as much homework as she could. And Gwen did as well, but she didn't have nearly the amount of work as Morgan.

Those are Gwen's sneakers on the tray... I don't know why she thought it was a good idea to put them there. But she did...

We arrived in Orlando around 9PM.

And we were on a new pho-monorail around 9:40. We always end up stopping at the bathroom once getting off. And I think we were pretty far back in the plane.

We went and picked up our luggage and headed to magical express. We didn’t want to wait the 2-3 hours for the luggage to arrive with it being so late, so, we just went ahead and picked it up ourselves. And it wasn't too big of a deal.

We must not have waited long to get on a bus and leave, as I have zero pictures of magical express. We usually take a traditional magic band picture. But I don't have any.

Around the time we were on the pho-monorail, I got our room ready notice! I always love getting that text message!

We were in Room 7247, 2nd Floor Building 7. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed with this room assignment. We have somehow managed to stay in Building 7 everytime we have stayed here. And it is literally the farthest away you can get from the main area. I was hoping for literally ANY building BUT Building 7. I didn’t complain or anything, as it’s not a huge resort to start or anything. Just one of those things.

I did take this picture at 10:44!
We made it to French Quarter
So, it looks like we arrived at French Quarter under an hour from getting on the pho-monorail. So, not bad at all!

And it looks like we grabbed our traditional magic band pic once we got to the hotel!

Magic Band Unite

Since we got our room ready notice. We headed to find our room.

We dropped off our stuff in the room and quickly turned around and headed back to the main area. I lagged behind and took out Tinkerbell Gifts. Then caught up to Andy and the girls.

I practically threw this on the bench! Not the best presentation, but I didn't want to be too far behind them. Gwen got the Marie night gown, Morgan got the Leopard Mickey Print Pj bottoms' and the other pair was for me! (yes... sometimes I buy myself tinker bell gifts!)

First order of business, was to order beignets to take back to the room for a late night snack!

At the time you ordered the beignets from the Scat Cat Club Cafe. I think the time before you ordered them in the quick service area.

There was only one other party in front of us, but at this time of night, they were not very fast moving.

I sent Andy across the way and asked bell services for our Garden Grocer order. They gave him a whole cart for the items! So, I sent him back to the room with the girls and I waited for our order to be made.

Pretty sure, Andy let Gwen ride on the cart with the groceries. And they almost tipped over the whole thing on the cobblestones! But none of them would officially admit it. But alluded to it happening.

We were all back in the room around 11:20-ish, we ate our snacks and I unpacked a bit.

We were greeted with some beads!

The last time we were here at French Quarter, the beignets were just square... I don't know about you, but they taste better in mickey shape! These were good and messy, as I assume beignets should be.

I have been ordering groceries for most of our trips, and I don't think I always talk about what I order. But by this trip, I really had it down to a science of what we needed.

Andy is an iced coffee drinker, he doesn't like anything hot. So, somewhere along the way I started ordering him a container of iced coffee so he can have one in the room. We used to get coffee and put it in the fridge so it would be cold the next day. But that just got to be a lot to remember after a long day in the park. We also, always order milk! Those creamers they leave in the room are GROSS! So, I use the milk with the machine as well. And it makes the morning coffee so much better.

I also, tend to buy small bottles of diet coke. Andy swears the soda taste funny in Disney because of the water. But he will grab one from the fridge on the way out and it saves us at least 1 less soda to buy. This time I also bought some cans of seltzer water for me.

I always get some fresh Strawberries, blueberries and watermelon for the girls for breakfast along with mini muffins. We aren’t big breakfast eaters, so this is usually more than enough for us to get started each day. Oh and Chocolate Milk for Gwen. This usually tides us over.

And then some snacks for the girls to pack in there park bags for off times. When the hungries get to them in line. Chex mix for Morgan and pringle containers for Gwen. I will say it is also REALLY nice that they each have there own park bag and carry around there own water bottles, snacks and what ever else they need, instead of trying to get it all into 1 book bag.

I have always used Garden Grocer, and I know there are many other services I could use but they always do a good job. And well, it's what I am used to, so I stick with it!

Andy took a picture of the hat rack, he thought it was hilarious to have Gwen's hat with his..

We ate our beignets, got into our new pj's thanks to Tinkerbell! And went to bed!

Up next, can we get up early enough to get a boarding group for rise?

Your breakfast table setting at home to surprise the girls looks fantastic. What a neat idea!
Anyway! Saturday Night before we were leaving, I set up the dinning room table with a breakfast surprise.
I love all the care you take in making things so special for the girls! :)
Andy wrote Disney as the reason for the girls leaving school early. I am not sure the school completely appreciated that... but...
As a kindergarten teacher, I 100% approve!
He said they were on the house for being so patient. These were REALLY good! We talked about ordering them, but we weren’t sure if we would like them. So, it was a nice surprise.
They look delicious!
As we were headed back, we got stopped at an intersection by a bunch of airport security and airport workers. And I got this pit in my stomach. They were asking everyone to stand still exactly where they were. I was seriously internally freaking out thinking it was some sort of bomb threat or something!
I would be the same way. You just never know what could happen these days.
I practically threw this on the bench! Not the best presentation, but I didn't want to be too far behind them. Gwen got the Marie night gown, Morgan got the Leopard Mickey Print Pj bottoms' and the other pair was for me! (yes... sometimes I buy myself tinker bell gifts!)
Too cute! Love these special gifts.:goodvibes
I have been ordering groceries for most of our trips, and I don't think I always talk about what I order. But by this trip, I really had it down to a science of what we needed.
I always order groceries too. Even on a solo tip I will do breakfast stuff, water, a few snacky things and some poolside beverages. For family trips it's a must do as a QS or TS breakfast for a family of 5 every day adds up pretty quick!
Day One: A Morning Fail

Hollywood Studios / EPCOT

  • Spaceship Earth 9:45 - 10:45
  • Soarin’ 9:45 - 10:45
  • Living with the Land 11:35 - 12:35
Reservation: San Angel Inn @ 5:00 PM
Tinkerbell Gifts: Must do Lists & Festival of Arts Art Hunt Check Lists
Day One Schedule

These were our plans for the day.. So, why did we go to Hollywood Studios first? Can you guess?

Well, we def had decided to wake up when we woke up. BUT we are naturally early risers and then being in Disney.. We can never sleep in. So, once we were awake we talked about whether we should try and get on Rise or not.

Tinkerbell Gifts
The Tinkerbell gifts today were 2 sets of cards that I had made before we left. The first was a list of items that I wanted to try not forget to try / do. And the other was a scavenger hunt of some of the art in festival of arts.

The majority wanted to try and get on, so we got ready and headed out. I had said we NEEDED to be IN the park before 8:00 in order to get one. But since it was after a late night, we were slow moving. And I think Andy didn’t believe me that they would go THAT fast. I think he really thought I was being dramatic. sigh....

Gwen Ready to go
We were outside of French Quarter at 7:46 waiting for an Uber to pick us up. But we
had an issue with the uber being at Riverside and not French Quarter. So, it cancelled our request. And we had to find a new one. I was stressed at this point. I knew we weren't going to make it into the park in time.

But we entered Hollywood Studios JUST after 8:00, like 8:02..
And all boarding groups were gone already. They already had a sandwich board out saying they were all gone.

We were all a little deflated. But I said let's go and ride Rock n' Rollercoaster.
Rock n' Rollercoaster Line
But when we got there, the line was already SUPER long. And the girls didn't want to wait in line, so we opted not to wait.

At this point in time, you had to get a boarding group only if you were in the park. And as a result all of the rides got LONG lines IMMEDIATLY! I hope that the new way of getting a group from your room, has helped with the situation.

So, we decided to do Star Tours instead,

We got in line around 8:24 and on the ride at 8:49. Much better!

Space Flight Cabin Ceiling
Has anyone noticed the ceiling in the ride itself? We were sat in the very back row and you are higher up than everyone else, so in turn higher to the ceiling. And I never noticed that it looks like an airplane! Sorry that the picture is blurry. I tried to snap the photo and stow my phone before the ride started.

We checking out the merch in the dump shop.
Gwen was in love with the display of porgs.

And she discovered the Jedi Stich. She had never seen him before. And I had mentioned that there were more stitches around the park.

Jedi Stitch

We decided we needed some breakfast, so, we headed over to toy story land.

Toy Story Tinker Bugs

I believe we mobile ordered while we walked over that way.

Cartwheel / Ball 1

Cartwheel / Ball 2
For some reason Gwen wanted to do a cartwheel in front of the ball.

We headed over to Woody's Lunchbox and said we were here for our order. I failed at taking any pictures of the food. I think we were hungry and still a little bummed at not getting a boarding group.

But we ordered:

  • Smoked Turkey Sandwich - Thick-sliced Smoked Turkey Breast with egg served chilled on Sunflower Multigrain
  • Breakfast Bowl - Hearty portion of Potato Barrels smothered in Smoked Brisket Country Gravy, Scrambled Eggs and a sprinkling of Green Onions
  • Potato Barrels with a side of Cheese Sauce
Andy and I split the sandwich and remember it being good and def hit the spot but the breakfast bowl is still my favorite. Morgan got the breakfast bowl, and I am sure Andy and I ate what she didn't eat. I think Gwen just had plain potato barrels with a side of cheese sauce.

While we were eating, we talked about the rest of the day. HS had long waits already, so we figured we should just head to EPCOT once we were done eating. So, we finished up and headed towards the exit.

We shopped out our way out of the park. Morgan and I both ended up purchasing Star Wars sweatshirts. Morgan really wanted to Baby yoda Spirit Jersey. And I had been hoping to get the new HerUniverse sweatshirt. Ashley Eckstein had been modeling it all over the place. And I was hooked!
Morgan & Me New Star Wars duds

After we purchased our new goods, we headed over to the skyline and headed to EPCOT.


Caribean Beach Transfer

Skyliner Ride #2

Up next some fun in EPCOT!
Such a bummer missing out on a boarding group! On all my trips since RotR opened, we still haven't been lucky enough to get one, BUT we haven't been since they changed the process to not having to be inside the park to get one. Hopefully in December we'll finally get our chance!! :)

Love your new Star Wars shirts!

And definitely sounds like a smart idea to hop over to Epcot. We always love park hopping, and I really hope we still enjoy it with the new time limitation in place. Of course, maybe by December that will be lifted, but who knows!?
On all my trips since RotR opened, we still haven't been lucky enough to get one, BUT we haven't been since they changed the process to not having to be inside the park to get one. Hopefully in December we'll finally get our chance!!
I hope you guys can too! I have a love hate relationship with the boarding groups. I like having a fast pass and know that we will get on at least once... you know? I feel like with the new way, it is actually harder to get the boarding group. I mean you have to have a reservation to that park but now you can't take away the folks who couldn't get up am moving in time.

And definitely sounds like a smart idea to hop over to Epcot. We always love park hopping, and I really hope we still enjoy it with the new time limitation in place. Of course, maybe by December that will be lifted, but who knows!?
Hopefully it will be closer to normal by then. But like you said, who knows! I am torn as to whether we should pay for park hopper on our next trip. We got real used to it with our annual passes!

I'm sorry you couldnt get a BG
At least it was the first day. We had plenty of opportunities to try again.

but can I also say how much I love Gwen's?!?!?
Isn't it cute! I think we got that on one of the other trips.
And I think Andy didn’t believe me that they would go THAT fast. I think he really thought I was being dramatic. sigh....

Sounds like my DH.

I was stressed at this point. I knew we weren't going to make it into the park in time.

I'm stressing with you.

And all boarding groups were gone already.

Of course! Did you tell Andy "I told you so"?


This is really cute!

Love both of these sweatshirts.
Oh, no! Sorry you weren't able to get a BG for RotR! What a bummer, especially when you knew what was going to happen if you got in after 8 :headache: I bet everyone plans to listen to you the next time! And hopefully you were able to get on later in the trip :thumbsup2
Following along - new reader here! Your girls are about the same ages as mine and very similar to ours in personalities so I am loving "getting to know you" - will start reading some old trip reports now while I wait for the new posts!
Sounds like my DH.
Right? And I think I am always so surprised that he doesn't believe me sometimes. like all I do is talk about Disney World. How do you NOT believe me?!?!

Love both of these sweatshirts.
Thanks. I have worn mine to death during quaranteen this winter!

Oh, no! Sorry you weren't able to get a BG for RotR! What a bummer, especially when you knew what was going to happen if you got in after 8 :headache: I bet everyone plans to listen to you the next time! And hopefully you were able to get on later in the trip
They def learned there lesson! It was just a bad idea to try and do on the first day. We were all just too tired.

Aw... what a bummer. Hopefully, you had a chance to try again later during your trip.
WE had a few more chances to try, never fear!

Following along - new reader here! Your girls are about the same ages as mine and very similar to ours in personalities so I am loving "getting to know you" - will start reading some old trip reports now while I wait for the new posts!
Welcome!!! :welcome:
I am so glad you are here!!! I love reading trip reports of families with kids the same age!

Bummer about missing out on that boarding group! Hopefully, you found less daunting lines at Epcot.
It was fine, we had ridden it already and we knew we had other times to try again, but it really just deflates you a bit!
I love that your girls carry their own bags. Just wondering if they have ever left one behind? Would love for Abby and Ellie to do the same but I envision it lasting .5 days before they left somewhere :duck:
I love that your girls carry their own bags. Just wondering if they have ever left one behind? Would love for Abby and Ellie to do the same but I envision it lasting .5 days before they left somewhere
Believe it or not, only once! And it was at a restaurant. Restaurants def seem like the easiest for them to forget. But I guess we always ask? Maybe? I can't even think when we remind them and don't. On most rides you have to still kind of hold it or have it at your feet, so they never have a problem there. The times that they don't bring the back pack and are carrying something small is actually when they tend to forget things on rides. On the bus and transportation, they usually have them on there laps and we are always asking when we leave buses and cars and stuff like that.
What a bummer about the boarding group but nice to see everyone adapted and moved onto plan b. I know at times with my kids of things don’t go the way they want there can be attitudes (teenagers!)

I hear you on the husbands not believing us. We know these things! Lol
What a bummer about the boarding group but nice to see everyone adapted and moved onto plan b. I know at times with my kids of things don’t go the way they want there can be attitudes (teenagers!)

I hear you on the husbands not believing us. We know these things! Lol
The only good thing, is that my girls have gone to Disney enough to know how it all works. But I am def entering the world of attitudy teenagers!! oye!


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