Poll - Will your kids get the Covid vaccine?

Will you get your 12-15 year old kids vaccinated for Covid?

  • Yes - ASAP

    Votes: 196 68.3%
  • No - Never

    Votes: 40 13.9%
  • Possibly in the future (once it is fully approved)

    Votes: 51 17.8%

  • Total voters
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Do you have a peer reviewed study to back up your claims there is zero proof they are tied together? I'd be interested in reading it.

Do you have peer reviewed study that ALL of them ARE tied? Because that’s what’s being currently accepted and that is what I do not believe and have seen zero proof towards.
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I definitely understand the ethical struggle. But I also feel that this is sort of a case of "put on your oxygen mask first." Like you said, kids are driving spread now. Couple that with the vaccine hesitancy in this country, and vaccinating the kids of willing parents is our best hope to get to something approaching herd immunity. Which as you know creates a bubble around those who can't medically get vaccinated or don't develop a full immune response. So if we don't vaccinate the kids, and we instead send those doses to other countries, we risk another massive surge here, which doesn't help us or the world. I believe we should keep buying doses, vaccinate the kids, and then send doses to other parts of the world. I've heard some experts say something similar, though there is certainly a debate. I'm glad you've chosen to vaccinate your kids.

Oh, I definitely understand and agree with everything you're saying, and I'm hoping we reach herd immunity, although not as confident after I read that Times article the other day. I think, for lack of a better word, I feel a measure of guilt with my gratitude that I have access to it to protect my kids. As I said, my town was hit hard in the beginning, and unmanageable community spread was a direct result of testing restrictions, and I'm glad that we're at a point now that we can isolate and contact trace. Hoping things continue to improve.
My kid is 4 so I suspect it will be a while before it is approved for his age group. He has all his other vaccines and gets the flu shot annually so I suspect in time he will get this one too.
Husband and I are vaccinated and we will not be getting our boys (age 12) vaccinated any time soon.

Those citing kids who had covid and 6mo later have seizures or some other random issue - would you say the seizures had been caused by the vaccine if it had been the vaccine they’d had 6mo earlier instead of the virus? I’m guessing the answer is no. I’m sure that the response will be “There’s no way a vaccine could cause that.” Well I’m sure that doctors and scientists thought there was no way a vaccine could cause a rare blood clot either.

I do not believe that there are as many cases of long term side effects as they are currently proclaiming. Some? Absolutely. However, many things are being found simply because people are now LOOKING for symptoms of ANYTHING once they’ve had Covid. There is zero proof that all of it has actually been caused by the virus.

As for the risk of covid to a healthy child... any research will show you that the vast majority of serious cases have been in kids who had pre-existing conditions.

Finally, there are literally 5 cases in my town right now. Single or low double-digits in all the surrounding towns. I’m just not seeing a risk/cost benefit here.
I can tell you exactly what will happen. Any issue that happens after getting the vaccine or long-term side effects from the vaccine won't be stated as so. It will be "coincidence". It has happened with the HPV vaccine and the H1N1 vaccine. Autoimmune issues that have been linked to vaccines have been quickly dispelled by "experts". I know people personally who have had this happen to them. I tried to bring up on another thread yesterday that the long-term side effects of covid are being overstated to no avail. Not saying that there are not some, but not to the degree they are being reported.

If people want to get the vaccine for their kids, great, fine, their choice. I feel many will wait, especially for the very young ones who have essentially zero risk of death or complications from covid.
I can tell you exactly what will happen. Any issue that happens after getting the vaccine or long-term side effects from the vaccine won't be stated as so. It will be "coincidence". It has happened with the HPV vaccine and the H1N1 vaccine. Autoimmune issues that have been linked to vaccines have been quickly dispelled by "experts". I know people personally who have had this happen to them. I tried to bring up on another thread yesterday that the long-term side effects of covid are being overstated to no avail. Not saying that there are not some, but not to the degree they are being reported.

If people want to get the vaccine for their kids, great, fine, their choice. I feel many will wait, especially for the very young ones who have essentially zero risk of death or complications from covid.
I had a whole long post that I was going to post but then realized that I am not going to change our opinion so just not worth it. I will say though I personally know 9 people who have lost loved ones to Covid. Over 15 people I know have had Covid and of those 5 are still dealing with massive issues months (some 6 months) later. I strongly disagree that long term effects from Covid are being overstated. I am happily vaccinated; my kids will be as soon as they can be. And I will continue to shout from the roof tops how important it is to get vaccinated (if you medically can be).
I can tell you exactly what will happen. Any issue that happens after getting the vaccine or long-term side effects from the vaccine won't be stated as so. It will be "coincidence". It has happened with the HPV vaccine and the H1N1 vaccine. Autoimmune issues that have been linked to vaccines have been quickly dispelled by "experts". I know people personally who have had this happen to them. I tried to bring up on another thread yesterday that the long-term side effects of covid are being overstated to no avail. Not saying that there are not some, but not to the degree they are being reported.

If people want to get the vaccine for their kids, great, fine, their choice. I feel many will wait, especially for the very young ones who have essentially zero risk of death or complications from covid.
So if vaccines are so dangerous, and the experts (and apparently the hospitals where these people must be getting treatment for such dangerous side effects) are hiding all these terrible responses: how on earth do you explain the fact that they paused the J&J rollout based on SIX cases of blood clots out of seven million J&J vaccines? Why would they pause the rollout for that, while simultaneously hiding all these other dangerous issues? Are they out to get J&J? If so, why?
I had a whole long post that I was going to post but then realized that I am not going to change our opinion so just not worth it. I will say though I personally know 9 people who have lost loved ones to Covid. Over 15 people I know have had Covid and of those 5 are still dealing with massive issues months (some 6 months) later. I strongly disagree that long term effects from Covid are being overstated. I am happily vaccinated; my kids will be as soon as they can be. And I will continue to shout from the roof tops how important it is to get vaccinated (if you medically can be).
Yeah, everybody here pretty much knows where the others stand and probably won't change our opinions. I feel for any dealing with long-term issues. The flip side of that is that I know at least 30 people that have gotten covid and have no long-term effects to speak of. Shout away about the vaccine! Just don't persecute the ones who don't get it or are hesitant because most I know who feel this way have had bad experiences with vaccines in the that past that come into play.
Possibly in the future, but not because we are waiting on approval, but because my DD is almost 18 and she has not decided yet what she wants to do. If the college she wants to go to decides to mandate it, then she’ll definitely get it.
Do you have peer reviewed study that ALL of them ARE tied? Because that’s what’s being currently accepted and that is what I do not believe and have seen zero proof towards.

No, but I’ve never claimed they were all connected. You are claiming they’re overblown. I’m interested in the research that has led you to make such a definitive statement.
I can tell you exactly what will happen. Any issue that happens after getting the vaccine or long-term side effects from the vaccine won't be stated as so. It will be "coincidence". It has happened with the HPV vaccine and the H1N1 vaccine. Autoimmune issues that have been linked to vaccines have been quickly dispelled by "experts". I know people personally who have had this happen to them. I tried to bring up on another thread yesterday that the long-term side effects of covid are being overstated to no avail. Not saying that there are not some, but not to the degree they are being reported.

If people want to get the vaccine for their kids, great, fine, their choice. I feel many will wait, especially for the very young ones who have essentially zero risk of death or complications from covid.
I’ll ask you as well then. Will you share your peer reviewed data that shows the long term effects are being overstated?
No, but I’ve never claimed they were all connected. You are claiming they’re overblown. I’m interested in the research that has led you to make such a definitive statement.

I’ll ask you as well then. Will you share your peer reviewed data that shows the long term effects are being overstated?
Long-term effects are still being researched. There was a PBS article someone posted on another thread yesterday with experts talking about a study whose headline was 1 in 3 have long-term neuro or psychological effects from covid. They discredited themselves throughout the article by cautioning that other things could be at play and they can't be sure it was covid that caused the issues. It's not an easy thing to link especially because we are a sick country with a high percentage of people having co-morbidities.
So if vaccines are so dangerous, and the experts (and apparently the hospitals where these people must be getting treatment for such dangerous side effects) are hiding all these terrible responses: how on earth do you explain the fact that they paused the J&J rollout based on SIX cases of blood clots out of seven million J&J vaccines? Why would they pause the rollout for that, while simultaneously hiding all these other dangerous issues? Are they out to get J&J? If so, why?

You've asked the right question, so I hope you follow through on your own research. If there were only six reported blood clots out of 7 million J&J vaccines, why would they stop the rollout? Before you mimic "abundance of caution", research. Independent research, which means you're going to have read medical papers, not snopes.com. What kind of blood clots were they, and how rare are those types of blood clots in that unvaccinated demographic (under 50)? What are the chances that six people in that demographic had that rare type of blood clot after having received the vaccine? Ultimately, what you do to yourself and your children is your business, but my children deserve me to be their patient advocate because they are too young to protect themselves. I need both hands, both feet, and also those of my wife to count the number of times the CDC and the WHO have lied to us from the beginning of this pandemic. A wise man once said, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me, can't get fooled again."
You've asked the right question, so I hope you follow through on your own research. If there were only six reported blood clots out of 7 million J&J vaccines, why would they stop the rollout? Before you mimic "abundance of caution", research. Independent research, which means you're going to have read medical papers, not snopes.com. What kind of blood clots were they, and how rare are those types of blood clots in that unvaccinated demographic (under 50)? What are the chances that six people in that demographic had that rare type of blood clot after having received the vaccine? Ultimately, what you do to yourself and your children is your business, but my children deserve me to be their patient advocate because they are too young to protect themselves. I need both hands, both feet, and also those of my wife to count the number of times the CDC and the WHO have lied to us from the beginning of this pandemic. A wise man once said, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me, can't get fooled again."

The bolded is exactly why if I had young children they would be getting the vaccine! The would count on me protecting them, so I would!
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