Is it miserable or enjoyable?

We've gone twice now in early June. It's both. It's both enjoyable and, at times, miserable. This is one of those things where the phrase "your mileage may vary" definitely applies.

We're from Arizona. It's hot. really hot here. But it's a different kind of hot. At my house right now, the temp outside at 1:00 pm is 90 degrees, but it's 9% humidity. On Sunday, we were at MK and it felt like 107-108 to us. The ambient air temp, though? 90 degrees at 11:00 am. At WDW, I sweat more than a sinner in church. DH & I also went in the 3rd week of January of this year. High temps were much more manageable, but I sweat an awful lot then, too. On that trip, it was funny to see some people walking around in winter jackets, whereas DH & I were wearing sandals & shorts and sweating our butts off...the humidity made a huge difference.

It was miserably hot in MK on Sunday. But we still had a good time. We adjusted. We left early. Went back to the hotel, took a couple of naps, swam, and didn't go back to MK until after dinner. Did we go on a ton of rides? No. But for us, at least, when we're on a WDW trip, we just can't handle going commando style from open to close.

On a DL trip? Definitely. I've done 8 am - 12 am days before at DL and it's been awesome. But the weather isn't 90 degrees with central Florida humidity.

We adjusted how we handled things this trip and here's what worked for our family of delicate desert flowers:
  • wear loose fitting clothing
  • put Body Glide on your feet & other areas that might be prone to chafing
  • drink copious amounts of fluid. A lot. All day long. Tank up the day before you get there. Drink 8-16 oz before you leave the hotel room in the morning. And drink all day long. Even when you don't feel thirsty, you should drink. We were sweating SO profusely, doing this was necessary.
  • wear a big sun hat
  • bring a UV umbrella - the kind that's silver on the top. It felt a good 5-10 degrees cooler under that umbrella. My DH mocked me before the trip about the umbrellas, but on that murderous MK day on Sunday when the hot weather was truly miserable? Guess who was using one of those UV umbrellas? DH was.
  • Skip the WDW fans and instead buy a neck fan or a hand-held USB-chargeable battery-operated fan from Amazon or some place similar. Those fans worked best for us. Every person in the group should have either a neck fan or the handheld USB fan.
  • Skip the Frogg Toggs. To us, they just feel like smothering hot wet blankets. We've used them a lot back home in AZ, where there's, like, no humidity, so that swamp cooler effect is VERY effective on a day when it's 105-110. But in Orlando? Forget it. To us, they just make us feel hotter.
  • Try to get to the parks as early as you can. And leave at noon. Stay away all afternoon.
  • Book ADRs for lunch time as much as possible.
  • Eat meals at locations with indoor seating (A/C!).
  • When you get back to the room to take a break, strip off all the sweaty clothes.
  • Be willing to be flexible and change your plans based on how weather conditions change or how you or your group feels physically.

This so much! I will be using these tips myself for next month. Thanks!
We go in the summer and it is crazy hot. We make sure to drink plenty of water and we take lots of breaks. It can be pretty brutal and we are from the south. However, summer has a different vibe than our fall or winter trips. We love our summer pool days and hit the parks early in the morning. It does feel like walking on the surface of the sun, but we love it!
I love the heat ( I live in the midwest and with a good 5, and sometimes 6, months of winter I welcome the warmth ), that said when I was in Disney in June 2019 it was warmer than average and it was HOT and sweaty. It didn't take away from my enjoyment of being there and I treated myself to a cool shower once I got back to the room.
When I lived in NY and went to WDW in July or August it was always hotter in NY. Humidity about the same. I actually preferred it to the December or March when you have to pack for hot and cold. We did one trip end of March it was record col followed by record hot.

This!!!. I'm from NY and I have absolutely no issues going in August. I actually find it more comfortable than at home. We've gone in February, and to me it felt hotter.
Hydration is essential. Sweat is nature's cooling system, amiright? Course, then you have be prepared to be a sweaty mess which for some might be a deal breaker.
I’m a local and AP. And I don’t think you ever get use to the heat and humidity of Florida summers. With that said, we rarely ever spend a whole day at a park. We use to know all the cool spots in the parks because years ago my son couldn’t regulate his body temp. And now many of our favorite cooling off spots are closed or gone. But we are discovering different places to cool off.

Staying hydrated is key. As you mentioned, mind set is an influence.

I went live yesterday in the MK with @scrappinginontario and as we were talking sweat was burning my eyes and rolling down my face. I wanted to show her how different things are in just a month’s time.

I think if you go with realistic expectations. Hydrate. Understand that a lot of queues have you in direct sun. Find shade or air conditioning as needed. You can still enjoy the Disney magic.
We've been doing July/August for the last couple years as our kids' breaks don't line up anymore in the Spring. After going Columbus Day weekend one year where it was mid 90s and humid (and 60s and dry at home), we decided if we could survive that trip, we could do summer when we're more used to the heat and humidity at home vs Fall. (We live in MA.)

We did last summer with masks everywhere and survived.. Book some late lunches to get out of the heat for a while, go to some longer indoor shows/rides, or take a breàk at the resort. Drink plenty of water, and be prepared for daily afternoon thunderstorms or showers...but they can be spotty storms and only affect a couple of the you may not experience them every day.
We did August ONCE. Never again! Even the pools were hot, like bath water. The humidity is a killer. I don’t enjoy my clothes sticking to me and sweat dripping down my back. The crazy thing you still have to pack a sweater because when you go inside to eat it’s freezing!!! And then there are the frozen hallways at the resort.
We used to do March when the kids were younger but as they got older and it got more difficult to take them out of school we did August. Yes it's HOT and I don't like the heat but it definitely manageable. I don't do well in the heat BUT I didn't find late August that much different than back home. We always had the plan of rope drop, out of the park by noon, pool time and back to a park in the evening, usually by 5ish pm. It worked out great.

I did Jersey Week last trip (first week of November) and per the locals it was unseasonably hot. Let me tell you, going from 40s to 90s was a shock to my system. I got some headaches and we were zapped some days. I didn't feel that way on our August trips. I also did October almost 20 years ago and it was HOT that week too. Another unseasonably hot week. So you could pick a "perfect" weather time and get stuck in 90+ degree heat

One thing I like about summer trips is packing and planning is much easier. You know it's going to be hot. No need to pack winter and summer gear. You know your strategy. You know you DEFINITELY will not be in the park from 12-4 (well for us anyway) so it makes the planning easier IMO. When we had FP+ we enjoyed making our FP+ for our evening parks when we went in August.

BUT just because it worked for us doesn't mean it's for the next person. My brother went to the Orlando area in April this year and it was HOT HOT HOT. He did one day at Disney and other Orlando attractions. They did not do well. My nephew was miserable and my brother wasn't well. They had to switch plans a few days because they couldn't take it.
We are here now. It’s very very hot. And having to wear masks in outdoor lines is making it more unbearable. They even make you wear them on the River ride at animal kingdom so unfortunately I had to wear a wet mask the rest of the day. I would suggest spending days at the pool and going to the park later in the afternoon when it starts to cool down a bit. We have spent a few days at blizzard beach and it’s wonderful there :)
I don't like the high heat and humidity. I've gone in late June and September and I was not comfortable. otoh my husband and kids have gone without me in July, August and September while I stay home with the dog. It's really what you think you can tolerate. I dreaded going out at 8am and feeling that first blast of heat and humidity that would be going on for the next few hours until I went back to the room. But plenty of people do it and have a great time. My favorite times to go are November-January.

ps I know I could not do it with a mask on. I would stay in the room all day.
We went the last week in August for years. I live in the Northeast and honestly didn't think it was any worse than at home. We get up early, do the parks for a few hours, spend the afternoon at the pool and go back at night.
Exactly what we do from MA. Would much rather have cooler weather but we deal with it because it doesn't cause us to take our daughter out of school but we also do that for our November trips lol
My wife is a teacher, so our only "low-crowd" opportunity is the last week of August so that is pretty much when we always go and it has not ever felt any less magical. Just like everyone else is saying, drink water, get inside for lunches, go through a store for a bit, watch a show, take an afternoon break if it will work time-wise, and if you have kid take a stop at the child care centers.
New Englander here and went in August, I don't mind the heat. Schedule dining for midday when it's the hottest (pick a FS or quick service restaurant with indoor seating), or head back to the resort for a break. Frequent A/C breaks on rides/stores also help a lot. Drink plenty of water!

I couldn't do Toy Story Land however. It's an open area with no shade and it was too much for me.
We are here now. It’s very very hot. And having to wear masks in outdoor lines is making it more unbearable. They even make you wear them on the River ride at animal kingdom so unfortunately I had to wear a wet mask the rest of the day. I would suggest spending days at the pool and going to the park later in the afternoon when it starts to cool down a bit. We have spent a few days at blizzard beach and it’s wonderful there :)

You brought one mask to a Disney park for the whole day? :yo-yo:
We have never been to Disney World in Summer. We know it’s hot and humid, but the question is, is does the misery overwhelm the magic? I know part of it is mindset.

We used to go every Thanksgiving, (stay until first week of December) -- the weather is perfect that time of year !! (Not to mention the holiday happenings)--- Now, we have to go in the summer, because I cant take my kids out of school anymore--- we swore off August, after going one time--- was way too hot and humid !! Now we go in July--- and honestly--- might be in the minority, but we dont find it to be that bad-- we bring cooling towels, and keep hydrated.. take breaks.. Honestly, we live in NYC, and the summers are not much cooler here !! Rather sweat in WDW !!
Went many years in the summer (one thing we loved was the long hours) but even that doesn't tempt us anymore. The heat for us was mostly unbearable and the older we get the worse it is. Definitely will not visit Disney in any type weather with a mask. We haven't/won't go in summer anymore - stopped summer going several years ago - love April.
Our summers are also very hot and humid, but I don't stay outside all day either like we do at Disney - that's the 100% difference there!
We used to go every Thanksgiving, (stay until first week of December) -- the weather is perfect that time of year !! (Not to mention the holiday happenings)--- Now, we have to go in the summer, because I cant take my kids out of school anymore--- we swore off August, after going one time--- was way too hot and humid !! Now we go in July--- and honestly--- might be in the minority, but we dont find it to be that bad-- we bring cooling towels, and keep hydrated.. take breaks.. Honestly, we live in NYC, and the summers are not much cooler here !! Rather sweat in WDW !!

We did November last trip (jersey week) and we’re thinking of doing it next year but we’re thinking of July. I figure DD is a sophomore and I won’t have to do summer trips anymore once she’s done school so why not. I do feel that the vibe at Disney is different in the summer.

We really liked November but having MVMCP run so many nights annoys me a bit. It cuts into evenings at MK and makes other parks so crowded.


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