The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

Sometimes trips need to be on the cheap, and this was one such occasion.
Then you're in the wrong theme park, lady. :jester:
So, I gathered up some girly roommates to split the cost of a basic Little Mermaid room at AoA.
Pillow fights... every night!
And for 3 ladies, while do-able, they can get a little cluttered and yucky.
Sure. All those feathers everywhere. Totally get it.
we could make the most of our evening of unabashed debauchery.
At first I thought you were taking literary license... then remembered... Nope. You weren't.
We checked in and, to our delight and surprise, the friendly CM told us that we’d been upgraded to a Family Suite! Beast! Best part? It was exactly the building/location/section etc… I had hoped for.
Nice! And... again! How do you keep getting those upgrades?!?!?
Love this shot. Presume that's your DD?
Yes, my daughter is a "messy"
Feathers. Everywhere.
and yes, she is a bad influence on me.
And yes, I wish Mousekeeping would come back.
I remember being offered $10/day to forgo mousekeeping. Are you kidding? I travel to get away from mundane things like making a bed!
she drinks it for her addiction, not the taste
Oh, dear.
Also, it was quiet!! <Ominous foreshadowing of my next TR....>
Uh, oh...
Cute. :)
No way! They have traffic cone lights?!?!? :thumbsup2
(I was highly amused by this for 2 reasons. Ask me what they are!)
I'm gonna guess...
1. Mount Hood. So you traveled to Disney but still have Oregon displayed.
2. The hidden Mickey on the left hand side.
<Sanaa bread service on shirt fronts happen>
Protip: Take a little bit of laundry detergent powder in a doubled baggie. It’ll save you a couple bucks.
I am not taking a baggie of white powder across the border!!!
It’s got a quiet bathroom too. #mostimportantthings
Therrrrrre it is.
Anyone who’s ever traveled to Florida knows the spectacular nature of the thunderstorms and squalls that sweep through on a fairly regular basis May-late October.
The comforting rumble of thunder- which instantly brings back distant memories of time spent with my grandparents in Ohio, an epic childhood roadtrip to Oklahoma with my best friend, and summers at my old college stomping grounds in Flagstaff, Arizona
Awww. :)
They aren’t the most professionally filmed clips of the pre-dawn downpour, but it was thrilling,
Glad you enjoyed them so much. Even if it was in the middle of the night!
and I hope you enjoy the few seconds of grandeur I was able to get
I did! I loved the UFOs too. And... the Cozy Cone sign rotates! I had no idea!
Lightning was pretty close, too. 1-2 miles away if I was seeing/hearing right.
Arriving a bit on the early side, with a tailwind in our favor, we did not dilly-dally and found favor with ME so we could make the most of our evening of unabashed debauchery. We checked in and, to our delight and surprise, the friendly CM told us that we’d been upgraded to a Family Suite! Beast! Best part? It was exactly the building/location/section etc… I had hoped for. Cars, Building 3. My favorite section for sure and, bonus, the closest one to the ‘Liner. The landscaping combined with the hardscaping characters really make you feel like you are in the Cars movie. It’s super creative and just plain fun.
Sweet upgrade! The Cars rooms are so well themed!
They aren’t the most professionally filmed clips of the pre-dawn downpour, but it was thrilling, and I hope you enjoy the few seconds of grandeur I was able to get, knowing that there is no possible way to capture the power and creative workmanship of a Force greater than us.
I love a good thunderstorm. My cottage in PEI has a wide, roofed verandah and I love to sit out there when a storm is brewing. You can see the rain and thunderclouds as they gather in the distance and sweep across the water. It is majestic.
I honestly am not sure where I left off on your fabulous report but since I too love FARTS I figured I'd just pick up here :P

Another act we spent some time watching was a duo called Art Defying Gravity. Basically, it was a balancing act that was fairly entertaining- like a mini-Cirque in its most basic setting. It killed some time and prevented us from freezing to death outside, but it wasn’t anything I’d have made a special trip for.
We've watched these guys before; like you said they're fun and I certainly can't do what they do but we don't really go out of our way to watch. We do always try to find Trevor Carlton though!
Here it is, Folks, the piece that screamed “Take me Home!!” I obeyed and now this beauty is waiting to be moved across the country and framed appropriately. Huzzah!
Love it!!!!!

AOA was upgrading folks to the suites like crazy for a month or so; glad you got upgraded as well!
Really! I thought there'd be quite a bit. Even better!

Nope. I really lucked out on a few photos that trip. :)
I can see that.
Bored CM: "Here, paint 100 squares."

I did not know that!

Now ya know and can be on the lookout for fun art all around Disney!

:) I like that you do that.


Nope! Gotta be Little Eva or nothing.

Little Eva - Loco-motion(1962) - YouTube

LOVE it!!

I've been hearing horror stories. I fear that even I would be waiting.

IT's not looking pretty these days. I think a killing could be made with Uber or Lyft right now.
I really enjoy this one too. I've only had 2 small chanced to enjoy it.

I think it's one that'll stay for a while, so I'm sure you'll get another chance sooner or later, esp with Danielle there now.

I love the scavenger hunts too. I agree it's a great way to get you to look harder.

And if you can't get them all on one day, you can space the hunting out. :)

These look so fun. I'm tired of them at all and you look fabulous.
Fun to take home and look back on. :) They make decent profile pix too. ;)

Enjoyed this too, but I thought it would have been bigger.

I did too. The way it was hyped up made me think it would be. But, I think much larger and it'd been glossed over. Too bad they didn't include a 10-minute docu-show or something with it.
You were incredibly lucky to escape the Little Mermaid room. ::yes:: Who was lucky enough to sleep in the bedroom?

We gave it to MEK since she'd worked so hard using her TA magic for our trip. She really did a lot of work getting Mik and I tickets, ADRs, the room, etc... She showed up a couple of nights in and had had a super tough week at work, so it seemed right.

One of the things my daughter missed when living in Colorado was the Midwest thunderstorm.

I think everywhere in N. America gets them except Oregon and Washington. We get about one a year, if that.
I think she'd REALLY love it, being the artist she is. You must be so proud of her!! I wonder if she'd apply to Disney one day and pursue a career there. And isn't it awesome having something in common with our kids/grandkids? How fun!! Feel free to showcase her work here anytime; I'm sure many of us would love to see it!

Pretty creative. I'm not sure I could pick a favorite Festival as they are all so special in such different ways. I almost wish they'd add one more Festival, so there's one year-round, so every time I go I could experience one.

I think art is her backup plan. She wants to be a Vet. She has loved all kinds of animals and creatures since she was a toddler. On an Easter Egg Hunt at church she found a snake and skipped looking for eggs trying t convince her mom to let her keep the snake. Thankfully my dad convinced her to let it go, it was born wild and should stay wild.

Festival events all year would be nice. I'm going just before Christmas this year. One of my favorite times in Disney.

I would never impose on someone's trip report but since you invited me to post some of my granddaughter's art I will oblige.

She drew this completely freehand, it's one of her earlier pieces

An oil painting she did. She started out with one design in mind but something went wrong and she corrected it to this.

And my favorite piece and the one she gifted to me for Mothers Day 2 years ago
9 (2).jpg

I may be biased but I think she is very talented. To get in the school she attends you have to be interviewed, have a portfolio of several mediums and good grades. This school has been so great for her. She was bullied in grade school and has just blossomed here. The virtual school has been horrible but thankfully she will be in person next year for her senior year

I miss a good minor league game. Once I get moved, next year, I'll be able to go see the Hot Rods play.

Then you're in the wrong theme park, lady. :jester:

True, so let's go with "cheaper" or "less expensive".

Pillow fights... every night!
Sure. All those feathers everywhere. Totally get it.

Feathers. Everywhere.

No, if I jumped on a bed now, I'd probably break it And that would be expensive.

At first I thought you were taking literary license... then remembered... Nope. You weren't.

Heh, no. It was a little off the rails.

Nice! And... again! How do you keep getting those upgrades?!?!?

I honestly have no idea. I really don't. But I like it and I'll take 'em!

Love this shot. Presume that's your DD?

It is! She is just so darned photogenic!

No way! They have traffic cone lights?!?!? :thumbsup2

I toldja!! It is just SO well themed!!

I'm gonna guess...
1. Mount Hood. So you traveled to Disney but still have Oregon displayed.
2. The hidden Mickey on the left hand side.

You got it!!

I am not taking a baggie of white powder across the border!!!

Hahaha!! Point well taken, but a quick sniff would likely set their minds at ease.

Therrrrrre it is.

MIddle-aged women kinda need to know these things.

Glad you enjoyed them so much. Even if it was in the middle of the night!

I wouldn't get up often for a thunderstorm but they are such a rare treat for me.

I did! I loved the UFOs too. And... the Cozy Cone sign rotates! I had no idea!
Lightning was pretty close, too. 1-2 miles away if I was seeing/hearing right.

Yeah, I noticed those too when I was uploading them. Weird how those showed up. YES!!! There are so many cute details like that. Night time is lights all up in neon just like old Route 66!
Sweet upgrade! The Cars rooms are so well themed!

They really are just adorable! I loved how the couch looked JUST like an old Chevy benchseat too.

I love a good thunderstorm. My cottage in PEI has a wide, roofed verandah and I love to sit out there when a storm is brewing. You can see the rain and thunderclouds as they gather in the distance and sweep across the water. It is majestic.
I can imagine that it is absolutely LOVELY and that added drama of a summer storm adds a wild beauty to that. As you say... "majestic"!
We've watched these guys before; like you said they're fun and I certainly can't do what they do but we don't really go out of our way to watch. We do always try to find Trevor Carlton though!

There's really a lot packed into the Showplace and plenty for all tastes. I did see Trevor in there (pretty sure he was there) and browsed his work as well.

I wonder if people would pay to see us TRY to do what they do?? :rotfl2: :lmao:
Love it!!!!!

AOA was upgrading folks to the suites like crazy for a month or so; glad you got upgraded as well!

They were, but more often I'd heard of upgrades to CSR, and was secretly hoping for that. Although I do think I'd have thought twice given how often we were planning to be at EPCOT and wanted to be on the 'Liner.
So which do you prefer?

Little Eva. The dancers are better and her voice is more fun.
Hmmm... dunno. Aren't they going through some issues?
The only issue I know of is that there are too few of them and it can be hard to get one. The longest we waited was 20 minutes, which is plenty of time to call for one as you exit the park or leave your room.
I think art is her backup plan. She wants to be a Vet. She has loved all kinds of animals and creatures since she was a toddler. On an Easter Egg Hunt at church she found a snake and skipped looking for eggs trying t convince her mom to let her keep the snake. Thankfully my dad convinced her to let it go, it was born wild and should stay wild.

To be honest, while I do agree she is quite talented, having a skill that could bring in a dependable income while she builds her clientele in art would be wise. I told my kids the same- having a skill/degree to fall back on when economics can't support pleasure spending like art is smart.

THat's a super fun story about the snake!! She certainly has a tender heart for nature!

Festival events all year would be nice. I'm going just before Christmas this year. One of my favorite times in Disney.

Sadly there is no way I could go over Christmas this year. I'll be working but want to spend it with my family for the first time in many years (my folks and sisters).

I would never impose on someone's trip report but since you invited me to post some of my granddaughter's art I will oblige.

OH no, never "imposing"!! This is a place to gather and share. :) I love to hear others' stories and tips, hints, and just share life.

She drew this completely freehand, it's one of her earlier pieces

That's a fun one!! It's one thing to copy someone else's, but to create out of one's own imagination is altogether amazing.

An oil painting she did. She started out with one design in mind but something went wrong and she corrected it to this.
I love this one! Nicely done!
And my favorite piece and the one she gifted to me for Mothers Day 2 years ago
9 (2).jpg

Is there a symbolism or message she wanted to convey through this one?

I may be biased but I think she is very talented. To get in the school she attends you have to be interviewed, have a portfolio of several mediums and good grades. This school has been so great for her. She was bullied in grade school and has just blossomed here. The virtual school has been horrible but thankfully she will be in person next year for her senior year

I'm so tickled for her. Seeing kids blossom and find their passions and be able to ground themselves is so fun to watch. I'm happy to hear she's overcome the bullying and had found purpose and direction despite that. Let's hope all of our kids moving forward can put this whole Covid nonsense behind them and pick up life and pursuits full steam ahead with renewed energy!!
I miss a good minor league game. Once I get moved, next year, I'll be able to go see the Hot Rods play.
I can't stand watching baseball... unless it's live. Then it's fun. :)
No, if I jumped on a bed now, I'd probably break it And that would be expensive.
pfft. I've seen you. You're tiny, I remember that! You ain't breaking any beds.
Heh, no. It was a little off the rails.
I honestly have no idea. I really don't. But I like it and I'll take 'em!
Well, pass some on to the rest of us!
It is! She is just so darned photogenic!
Well... not so much in that photo! It was dark and her back was to the camera. I really wasn't sure who it was!
I toldja!! It is just SO well themed!!
You got it!!
Where's my prize?
Hahaha!! Point well taken, but a quick sniff would likely set their minds at ease.
Go sniff your own baggie of powder, lady.
MIddle-aged women kinda need to know these things.
YES!!! There are so many cute details like that. Night time is lights all up in neon just like old Route 66!
I'd like to visit with my tripod in hand.
Little Eva. The dancers are better and her voice is more fun.
I can't stand watching baseball... unless it's live. Then it's fun. :)
That's me too!! LOVE a live game with hot dogs and the 7th inning!
pfft. I've seen you. You're tiny, I remember that! You ain't breaking any beds.

I'll test it out next time I'm there. If I break it, I'll send you the bill.

Well, pass some on to the rest of us!

I'll make you a deal. Let's trade some bus luck with upgrade mojo.

Well... not so much in that photo! It was dark and her back was to the camera. I really wasn't sure who it was!

I like this photo cuz she posed to perfectly and it's a bit shadowy. It really was exactly what it was like walking home all giggly that night.

Where's my prize?

Atta boy.

Go sniff your own baggie of powder, lady.

I have a funny story from work today:

So this lady comes in to the ED who was found "down" from sniffing air from a can- the kind you would use to clean a keyboard. She was examined and deemed completely fine, no issues.

The nurse was reading the cannister's fine print and found on the back, "This product formulated to prevent addiction and had no dangerous chemicals", or something to that effect.

I suppose the moral of the story is, if you wanna get high, read the fine print! :lmao: She hyper-oxygenated herself AND has an ER bill. (that tax payers will probably have to pay). Yes, I'm sad at her situation, but we did chuckle at the irony.

I'd like to visit with my tripod in hand.
I still need to learn how to use my stupid tripod I bought 5 years ago. :sad2:
I'll test it out next time I'm there. If I break it, I'll send you the bill.
Worth it. I'll need video proof, though.
I'll make you a deal. Let's trade some bus luck with upgrade mojo.
Heh. Then we'll both have bad luck with the busses and no upgrades.
I like this photo cuz she posed to perfectly and it's a bit shadowy. It really was exactly what it was like walking home all giggly that night.
So this lady comes in to the ED who was found "down" from sniffing air from a can- the kind you would use to clean a keyboard. She was examined and deemed completely fine, no issues.

The nurse was reading the cannister's fine print and found on the back, "This product formulated to prevent addiction and had no dangerous chemicals", or something to that effect.

I suppose the moral of the story is, if you wanna get high, read the fine print! :lmao: She hyper-oxygenated herself AND has an ER bill. (that tax payers will probably have to pay). Yes, I'm sad at her situation, but we did chuckle at the irony.
Oh dear!
I still need to learn how to use my stupid tripod I bought 5 years ago. :sad2:
We checked in and, to our delight and surprise, the friendly CM told us that we’d been upgraded to a Family Suite!
Now that's a nifty surprise!

They aren’t the most professionally filmed clips of the pre-dawn downpour, but it was thrilling, and I hope you enjoy the few seconds of grandeur I was able to get, knowing that there is no possible way to capture the power and creative workmanship of a Force greater than us.
I did enjoy it!


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