The ABC's of a BSN Celebration! Trip Wrap up; Final Thoughts (7/11)

Yes, I have NO idea why the queue areas are so long but I will say, if the lines WERE long, it'd be nice to spend the time in A/C'd shade.
"Okay, folks. We're building a new ride. And it's going to be so popular that the lines will be miles long! So make sure you plan for that!"
"Uh, sir? I don't think they'll be that..."
"Quiet! Look new guy, I know what I'm talking about! Lines! Miles long! Now pipe down and let the grownups plan."
I love fish too, and no, not everyday. I guess on off days, a seagreens salad would work. :)

I want a nice steak (medium-rare, please) to fall in the water at regular intervals.
I do too. So many of my co-workers have just abandoned it altogether. I wore it for one day and when I took my mask off an hour after I got to work I almost threw up. There was NO way I was going to wear a mask caked in goo which I'm SURE harbors FAR more bacteria than our own noses could filter. Yuck!
Well they do both have corndog places- Caseys and Red Wagon.
MK does not have a corndog place. Yes you can get corn dog nuggets at Casey's but not a whole corn dog, which is what I want at the Wagon.
Management loves it that way. :rolleyes:
It was some sort of mollusk happily swimming along. SO funny how it looked after I got it home on the computer! :rotfl2:
I’m anxious to wrap this TR up so I can get the Flower and Garden one started.
"I can't wait to get rid of this TR so I can write a TR!"
Interesting. That looks like it would fit in more at AK, than at DHS.
ToT seems to SOP with one elevator these days.
I think I read a TR recently that had both running... but not sure.
Know that area back where Fantasmic used to be? (Wonder if they’ll ever bring that back.)
I'm pretty sure they will.
The line for the glamour of a once posh and chic, upscale hotel stretched all the way back to there and it moved sloooooowly.
As with the rest of this trip, it had its ups and downs.
Nice one. Don't remember the lamps.
Another nice capture. :thumbsup2
and drive like you hope there’s a cop up ahead.
Um. Don't you mean "drive like you hope there isn't a cop up ahead"?
Or am I missing something?
How many of you have taken the time to browse back behind Fairfax Faire, Anaheim Produce, and Hollywood Scoops? Did you know there is some super cool theming back in there?
I've rarely been back there, but...
Do you know that during WW2 our moms and dad and grandparents grew “Victory Gardens” to boost morale and help with the war effort by saving metal needed for aircraft? Well, there’s one back there. 😊
...but I do know about that. :)
From you, I think!
Is it just me, or does Jessie look a little ticked?
With the right side of the park done, we slowly made our way to Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway. It’s not the GMR. Wish they’d just given that a facelift and, while the new ride is cute and the technology fun, I miss the scenes of the classics played by true movie greats.
I've not seen it yet, but... I too think it's sad they removed GMR.
Yes, agree it needed a facelift, but... yeah. :(
Remember the busts and tributes to movie stars and other Hollywood celebs?
Those are gone too?!?!?
The umbrella shots and snowman selfies?
I can do without the snowman. Trust me!
But removing the umbrella is a travesty.
But Toy Story Land is a fun addition with its whimsy and bright colors.
So... you're saying it was cold.
We took in the Frozen Sing-a-long as well, and sadly, the Historian that I liked best is no longer there. Or at least wasn’t the last 2 trips.
That's a shame. If it's the same one I saw, she was very good.
we both enjoyed the waltz though with Walt’s attraction- One Man’s Dream.
I haven't been in there in years!
Other than Prime Time, the whole area is deadsville. Sad.
another Covid snack cuz eating out of boredom is the new norm
:sad2: Don't remind me.
Hoping your Father’s Day was a good one if that’s you!
You can pick your friends,
You can pick your nose.
But you shouldn't pick your dino's nose.
It looks like it was a very chilly day in Florida. You don't see too many people wearing a nice warm scarf there. But I totally understand. We have been in WDW in January many times when it was cold enough to wear our "Northern" winter gear.

We took in the Frozen Sing-a-long as well, and sadly, the Historian that I liked best is no longer there.

We have gone to the Frozen Sing Along twice this year and it has been awesome to see actors on stage without masks for a change.
Sporting a great set of... clamshells, and prone to letting herself get duped by a scam artist, she traded her family, longevity, and magical powers for a dude. I guess he was worth it, but sadly a great lot of her died and she changed who she uniquely was for him.

I feel like I should point out that the dude asked for none of this.

Heh, I find myself wondering if merpeople even use bathrooms. Do they just "go" behind a rocky outcrop?

Just think about the kiddie pool, and you have your answer.

They are expensive- you ladies that collect the Doonies and Loungeflys (you know who you are) I love you each to pieces, but I am just not one to spend a ton on something like a purse, 2) I’m going to lose it anyway.

I love my Dad cargo shorts!

Sadly, the meal isn’t Victoria and Albert’s quality, it takes 10 instead of 3 minutes to get her pain meds, the doctor hasn’t been in, PT didn’t work in 1 session, and the neighbor’s TV is too loud. Oh, and they didn’t bother to tell the nurse that the family snuck in some meth last night and now they can’t figure out why they’re whacked.

Please tell me this is not the voice of experience talking.

I’m glad she most likely has a staff to clean her bedroom because I personally know of exactly zero 16-year-olds who can keep their clothes off the floor and dirty dishes cleared out.

Can't help you there.

Probably looking for a time when there’s Annual Passes, ADR availability, and Fastpasses.

No idea what you're talking about.

For all the dads out there, Happy Father's Day! Despite what the world is telling you, you are IMPORTANT and needed. Keep on doing the hard work on being dads!

Hey, thanks!

Know that area back where Fantasmic used to be? (Wonder if they’ll ever bring that back.) The line for the glamour of a once posh and chic, upscale hotel stretched all the way back to there and it moved sloooooowly.

Yikes. That sounds...not fun.

Joffrey’s is growing on me and I definitely prefer the no line vibe to them.

I prefer their coffee over Starbucks. I'm sure I'm in the minority.

I didn’t care for the long parades with hordes of people blocking every pathway to wherever you needed to go for up to 30 minutes.

Me neither.

With the right side of the park done, we slowly made our way to Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway. It’s not the GMR.

And that's a wonderf--

uh, I'm sorry that you miss it. :rolleyes1

Regardless of the ride, the whole Mann’s Theater/ Animation Courtyard area is, and more importantly was, amazing. Remember the busts and tributes to movie stars and other Hollywood celebs? Remember the Streets of America where we used to take silly selfies? The Karate poses in front on the Chinese Restaurant? The umbrella shots and snowman selfies? Miss those! This was the DHS I remember and loved so much.

I do feel you there. Loved the whole old Hollywood vibe.

The Tune-in is still closed, as is the Indiana Jones show. Other than Prime Time, the whole area is deadsville. Sad.

Let's hope that changes soon.
This is my newest one. I love it.
Ariane does have so many Disney related bags, I loved the loungefly one she had when we met up in Epcot. It was like old school Sleeping Beauty, so cute!
Beautiful bag, Caroline!
However, I hadn’t ridden this one in a while and had a hankering to enter the Twilight Zone. As with the rest of this trip, it had its ups and downs.
How many of you have taken the time to browse back behind Fairfax Faire, Anaheim Produce, and Hollywood Scoops? Did you know there is some super cool theming back in there? Do you know that during WW2 our moms and dad and grandparents grew “Victory Gardens” to boost morale and help with the war effort by saving metal needed for aircraft? Well, there’s one back there. 😊 I adore this tribute to the sacrifices our older generations made to ensure our freedoms and for causes they believed in!!! (photos in next TR as I didn’t take any THIS trip but wanted to show Marcia the area in April.)
I have not been back there but am making a note to do so in August.
We waved a friendly hello to some friends as we made our way back to the other areas of the park. Such cute Cavalcades and I REALLY hope this concept sticks around. I didn’t care for the long parades with hordes of people blocking every pathway to wherever you needed to go for up to 30 minutes.
I agree, the cavalcades are much better.
We took in the Frozen Sing-a-long as well, and sadly, the Historian that I liked best is no longer there. Or at least wasn’t the last 2 trips. Made me sad- she was WAY funnier. Mik thought it was ho-hum, but we both enjoyed the waltz though with Walt’s attraction- One Man’s Dream. There is so much awesome stuff in there and some seems to be new, or new to me, each time I visit.
The Frozen Sing a long all depends on your historians. I love One Man's Dream.... such a great spot to browse through and I always find something new and interesting.
"Okay, folks. We're building a new ride. And it's going to be so popular that the lines will be miles long! So make sure you plan for that!"
"Uh, sir? I don't think they'll be that..."
"Quiet! Look new guy, I know what I'm talking about! Lines! Miles long! Now pipe down and let the grownups plan."

Honestly, they should just hire me. ;)

No really, I would very much consider an RN job for a season.

I want a nice steak (medium-rare, please) to fall in the water at regular intervals.

Hmm, I think sharks eat meat. Maybe merfolks do too and we just don't know it.

MK does not have a corndog place. Yes you can get corn dog nuggets at Casey's but not a whole corn dog, which is what I want at the Wagon.

Ok, I stand corrected. And I do heartily agree the Red Wagon ones are much better being hand-dipped, and yet, when Casey's is open it's a must-do cuz Main Street=Corn dogs of some iteration or another.

"I can't wait to get rid of this TR so I can write a TR!"

Well, not exactly, but I do want to get it started before I move for sure, my memory fades. I think though, I will cut from my usual style and go with chronological for a change (for me).

Interesting. That looks like it would fit in more at AK, than at DHS.

That's EXACTLY what I thought!! BUT, I think it does fit. The rich folks of the 1930's and '40's were collectors of "exotic" stuff and I can see it sitting in a foyer of a big house with potted palms and Art Deco or Craftsman-style decor. Think ToT...

I think I read a TR recently that had both running... but not sure.

Hit and miss for sure. The line the last several trips has been extra long. And when I've bothered to wait in it there was only one shaft operating when I got to the front.

Nice one. Don't remember the lamps.

Since the pre-show was just a walk-through I could linger a bit. Was fun to explore a tiny bit. I'll never have
Another nice capture. :thumbsup2
Why thank you!
Um. Don't you mean "drive like you hope there isn't a cop up ahead"?
Or am I missing something?

Nope. I'm a pretty conservative driver and when someone ricky-races by me being unsafe, I SUPER hope there's a cop up ahead ready to nail them.

...but I do know about that. :)
From you, I think!

Awww, someone remembered! Yes, I have mentioned it before.

Is it just me, or does Jessie look a little ticked?

:laughing: Now that you mention it....

I've not seen it yet, but... I too think it's sad they removed GMR.
Yes, agree it needed a facelift, but... yeah. :(

MMRR is, as I said, cute and definitely worth a short wait. I'd do it again, but no way every trip. Just me though. I know lots of people REALLY like it a lot and I'm glad they have an attraction they enjoy.
Those are gone too?!?!?

Yep. :(
I can do without the snowman. Trust me!

I still miss it. Have (somewhere) some cute pix of the kids.
But removing the umbrella is a travesty.


So... you're saying it was cold.

It super was. At least the first several days of our trip.
I haven't been in there in years!

Worth a pilgrimage. ::yes::
You can pick your friends,
You can pick your nose.
But you shouldn't pick your dino's nose.

He wasn't happy.
It looks like it was a very chilly day in Florida. You don't see too many people wearing a nice warm scarf there. But I totally understand. We have been in WDW in January many times when it was cold enough to wear our "Northern" winter gear.

It was SO cold! I think that was Day 2 in that photo and we had hand warmers in, and all the warm clothes we'd brought, which honestly weren't enough. I've been to Florida a few times in winter and I just never expect it. I hope for pool time and warmth, but NOPE!
We have gone to the Frozen Sing Along twice this year and it has been awesome to see actors on stage without masks for a change.
I can't wait, they were in them in April I think? I'm pretty sure anyway, cuz they kept on making reminders (in character) through jokes to keep ours on. January same thing. I am beyond thrilled to see them without when I go next!!
I feel like I should point out that the dude asked for none of this.

Nope, but he wasn't complaining about her company.

Just think about the kiddie pool, and you have your answer.

:scared1: 💩
I love my Dad cargo shorts!

As much as I love my phone wallet. Although if rain is forecast, I'll carry a bag for a poncho.

Please tell me this is not the voice of experience talking.

I wish I could.

Can't help you there.

No experience with that, huh?

No idea what you're talking about.


Yikes. That sounds...not fun.

A FiP would've been awesome!

I prefer their coffee over Starbucks. I'm sure I'm in the minority.

I"m right there with ya!

And that's a wonderf--

uh, I'm sorry that you miss it. :rolleyes1
No FiPs for you.

I do feel you there. Loved the whole old Hollywood vibe.

Especially the soundtrack!

Let's hope that changes soon.

I think it's simply going to have to in order to absorb the capacity crowds now.
I have not been back there but am making a note to do so in August.

Worth it for sure. ::yes::

I agree, the cavalcades are much better.

Saves time and is "just enough".
The Frozen Sing a long all depends on your historians. I love One Man's Dream.... such a great spot to browse through and I always find something new and interesting.

For sure!! I think the last one was fine, just not quite as charismatic and funny to me.

I am certain it is curated with rotating exhibits that bring a newness to it each time.
Honestly, they should just hire me. ;)

No really, I would very much consider an RN job for a season.
I do recall you've mentioned that once or twice.
Hmm, I think sharks eat meat. Maybe merfolks do too and we just don't know it.
Traditionally, mermaids lured sailors to their deaths, so...
That's EXACTLY what I thought!! BUT, I think it does fit. The rich folks of the 1930's and '40's were collectors of "exotic" stuff and I can see it sitting in a foyer of a big house with potted palms and Art Deco or Craftsman-style decor. Think ToT...
Very good point!
The line the last several trips has been extra long. And when I've bothered to wait in it there was only one shaft operating when I got to the front.
When it's extra long, you want to make sure that shaft is operating well.
Since the pre-show was just a walk-through I could linger a bit. Was fun to explore a tiny bit. I'll never have
I think I might have gone through it when the pre-show wasn't running. But I didn't linger there and should have.
Nope. I'm a pretty conservative driver and when someone ricky-races by me being unsafe, I SUPER hope there's a cop up ahead ready to nail them.
Ohhhh... Okay, with ya now.
I know lots of people REALLY like it a lot and I'm glad they have an attraction they enjoy.
Well, maybe I'll like it too, then. :)
Was this the one you saw @pkondz?
Yes! I'm almost positive it was.
I enjoyed your Mermaid musings and it really gave me a lot to think about. Of course your photos are always excellent. I also love the music from "The Little Mermaid" and also sing it at the top of my lungs while cleaning house or driving in the car.

I have been know to lose too much time looking around at the different aquariums in the Living Seas. So many pretty sites.
We first had to stop at Guest Services to get MEK added to our Boarding Group- they were really nice about it and it only took about 10 minutes.

I did not know you could do this. Thanks for the tip.

ToT seems to SOP with one elevator these days.

I very sadly missed TOT in May. I plan to make up for that in September.

Meanwhile I sat off in that shady little area to the left just before you enter the RnRC area with a fresh latte in hand from the ToT Joffrey’s as you exit the $hitshop off the ride.

I love this area. I don't ride RRC so this is where I end up too.

How many of you have taken the time to browse back behind Fairfax Faire, Anaheim Produce, and Hollywood Scoops? Did you know there is some super cool theming back in there?

:wave2: I do! I saw this on my very first trip to MGM in 1999 and try to look for it each trip. I did get some pictures in May.

Such cute Cavalcades and I REALLY hope this concept sticks around.

Me too! It's like sighting a Movie Star.

Regardless of the ride, the whole Mann’s Theater/ Animation Courtyard area is, and more importantly was, amazing. Remember the busts and tributes to movie stars and other Hollywood celebs? Remember the Streets of America where we used to take silly selfies? The Karate poses in front on the Chinese Restaurant? The umbrella shots and snowman selfies? Miss those! This was the DHS I remember and loved so much.

I miss all of these.

We took in the Frozen Sing-a-long as well, and sadly, the Historian that I liked best is no longer there.

Who is your favorite?
Your mermaid commentary reminded me of ZZUB who used to maintain that Belle was the best princess because she loved her daddy unlike Ariel who ran away for some random crush she'd never even met. Love the pics as always!
Your mermaid commentary reminded me of ZZUB who used to maintain that Belle was the best princess because she loved her daddy unlike Ariel who ran away for some random crush she'd never even met. Love the pics as always!
Seeeeee?!?! M

I loved ZZUB’s writing! Sooo good!
Traditionally, mermaids lured sailors to their deaths, so...

... and who really knows what actually happened to them.
When it's extra long, you want to make sure that shaft is operating well.


I think I might have gone through it when the pre-show wasn't running. But I didn't linger there and should have.

You can't linger. They won't let you since another group follows straight in!
Well, maybe I'll like it too, then. :)
It's cute and high energy, but not something I personally need to do every trip. But everyone should do it at least once!

Yes! I'm almost positive it was.
If so, wasn't she a hoot!?
You have the best luck at being upgraded. I need you luck to rub off on me.

I have NO idea why I've gotten them. And most of the time it's been fun!
Me tooooo!


I enjoyed your Mermaid musings and it really gave me a lot to think about. Of course your photos are always excellent. I also love the music from "The Little Mermaid" and also sing it at the top of my lungs while cleaning house or driving in the car.

Ariel... silly girl! I love to put Disney soundtracks on in the evenings when I get home from work and surf or read with it in the background. :)

I have been know to lose too much time looking around at the different aquariums in the Living Seas. So many pretty sites.

Yes! You can totally get sucked in over there and before you know it, an hours gone by.

I did not know you could do this. Thanks for the tip.

You're welcome!! Now.... to clarify, it wasn't just a random adding, she was IN our room and IN our planning party, but not linked with Mik yet, so she didn't populate into the Boarding Group party. WE KNOW you absolutely do NOT waste time trying to add someone while getting the boarding group, so you add whoever auto-populates. THEN you can go to Guest Services and politely! explain what happened and I've heard stories that almost always they can add on or at most 2 to your BG.

I very sadly missed TOT in May. I plan to make up for that in September.
Me too!!

I love this area. I don't ride RRC so this is where I end up too.

I will ride it every once in a while, but have gotten a headache the last few times. It really whips my neck around. :(

:wave2: I do! I saw this on my very first trip to MGM in 1999 and try to look for it each trip. I did get some pictures in May.

Nice!! I got some in April and will post them at some point.
Me too! It's like sighting a Movie Star.


Who is your favorite?
W is for: Wine Bar George With a Bit of Boathouse

After a phenomenal catch of Boarding Group 4 by Mikki McQuickdraw, and a fantastic morning at The Studios, we hopped to MK and managed to tackle JC (our longest wait at 40 minutes), POTC, HM, Pooh, IaSW (where yes, we did name each culture even down to the Uzbeks), PP, the Carrousel, the Speedway (where we giggled like a couple of 8-year-old boys), and Buzz. COP was already closed, or we would have done that too before dragging our tired butts back down Main Street. Funny how the entrance involves skipping and the exit looks more like a Neanderthal knuckle-dragging walk.

I looked up some historical weather data and it looks like the low was 41. All I can say is that when we made our way from MK to the Poly on a bus, we knew we were woefully under-dressed and were having some very unmagical moments. We waited for 15 minutes shivering our ninnies off waiting for a bus, and then made the executive decision to Lyft it. And here’s where discomfort turned to misery. A lot has changed since Covid and continues to as the winds of the powers that be blow. I called for our Lyft and thought the obvious place for pickup was the front desk. (I'd forgotten that the front entrance was torn up and non-functional.) If not, we could at least ASK where it was. So we hiked the frozen mile to the Lobby and were socked it the face with the answer that the Lyft pickup was back where we had just come from and even beyond that. I’d already called and now we had to run with a bitter, icy wind in our faces praying that our driver would wait for a couple minutes if our out-of-shape selves couldn’t make it. Sure, I know, I know… you Canadians and Minnesotans are laughing your heads off right now, but we didn’t have the right clothes AND we’re not used to this nonsense!

He did and then proceeded to say on the way there the evil words… “The Lyft drop off is a long way away from Wine Bar George.” Yay. I couldn’t wait to walk 9 miles in a light coat through DTD at 41°! Adding insult to injury by no fault other than our own, we were an hour early. If you’ve ever been to Wine Bar George you know how insanely popular it is. This, combined with the Covid capacity rules, there was no way were getting in an hour early. That does NOT preclude me from begging once we got there. All my charm and wit would not budge the Hostess’ answer: “We’ll text you when your table’s ready.” Fine. Be that way.

What to do… what to do?! Freeze to death Han Solo-style or seek shelter. Shelter with cocktails would be even better. I racked my brain, but not too hard… and we headed to Boathouse; they have a bar area and might do a walk-up. I boldly went to the podium and she told me that I could choose any empty table if there was one in the bar area. GREAT!! A couple just happened to be leaving and, rather than wait for the table to be cleaned, I headed for it. Yes, I know that servers would rather have it done but I was taking NO chances. There were other table-lurkers waiting to swoop in for the kill and I chose to be faster. And possibly ruder. Legit shivering, we took a deuce hightop and within seconds a busser came and cleaned it up, white tablecloth and all. I was instantly transported back to that Magical Disney Mindset and all was right with the world. Maybe not for the slower, but most likely more polite, folks who were aced out. Sorry ‘bout that guys… I was cold and hangry.

Mikki was even moreso than me and we each ordered a cocktail and the firecracker shrimp. While we waited on those to arrive, Manna was sent from Heaven. It rained down by way of bread bowl filled with the most celestial rolls ever made. I ate ½ of one, Mikki made herself an absolute piggy and ate the other 3 ½. Good thing too for what was to follow…..


Our drinks arrived and I am sure that I got the Coconut Mojito- Rumhaven coconut rum, simple syrup, mint, soda for $13 and if I know Mik at all, she probably got The Bradford- Four Roses small batch whiskey, Blenheim spicy red top gingerale $14. Both were quite strong so it’s a good thing there was bread onboard.

ETA: I was mistaken. I found a stray picture and it looks like we both got the Mojito. :)

And now… an ode to Firecracker Shrimp.

Shrimpy, shrimpy perfectly done,
You sure added to our fun.
Tasty and hot,
And super spicy;
I’d have some more
But tomorrow might be dicey.

PSA: Folks, really, these, as a spicy-food lovin’ girl, were a 6-7/10 on the spicy scale. They were amazingly delicious but may not be for everyone. After our little appetizer, which really turned into a pre-dinner, which was unfortunate, we got our text that our table was ready. Rather too full, we checked in and got an AMAZING table near the big windows upstairs. Another couple had ordered the "Whole 9 Yards" whatever it’s called and had about, not even joking, 15? empty wine glasses on the table. Obviously, a grand tasting of some sort. It was fun to watch their eyes grow heavier and heavier throughout our stay. With each new pouring, they got the sommelier spiel and at that point, Mikki declares that she feels completely out-of-place and underdressed and has NO idea what she’s even doing there. She wasn’t mad, but clearly she’d not have picked this place if she’d known. On top of that, neither of us was particularly hungry anymore, so we ordered light. If anything, being in a customer service/management profession, Mikki knows how to salvage a situation with grace and poise; I’m grateful she is adult like that.

I ended up ordering the Frisée Salad- seasonal fruit, orange vinaigrette, blue cheese, walnuts $10.00 and this came out. Ummm, while it was incredibly tasty, it was NOT seasonal fruit. At all. But because it was delicious, we let it go and enjoyed every bite. And because Mikki is a foodie like her mom she needed to now what this was. Like a dork she took a photo so she could look it up.

I also ordered the Crispy Mac & Cheese Bites, tomato nage / pecorino- $12.00. I ate one and took the rest home and did nibble on them for “breakfast” the next couple of days. I submit to you, Dear Reader, that this is an exquisite dish, perfectly filled with cholesterol-laden cheese, grease, and thigh-enrichening carbs. Delicious and delightfully decadent, butt too much after the Boathouse Shrimp and Bread Fest. I also ordered the Frozcato with Pineapple, Vodka, and Moscato. Super yum, yums.

Now…. Mik wasn’t having the rich Mac and Cheese Balls, so chose to go with a dessert. She is a Whiskey girl, NOT a wine girl. So, she ordered the Wine and Chocolate Pairing. I don’t see it on any menu posted anymore, so maybe it’s an unpublished “thing”. Dunno. It came with 3 (I’m guessing) 2-oz pours- White, Red, and a Tawney Port and 3 chocolates- Milk, Dark, and White (🤮). The server who brought it waxed eloquent about how to taste and mix and gave some information about the wines. Mik was warming up to the whole experience and began to experiment. She was beginning to relax and although it was late and we were both tired, and ready for bed, she did begin to enjoy the place. Sometimes I think when one gets out of one’s element all that’s needed is some gentle coaching and the tincture of time.

Meanwhile, MEK had been texting since she landed. This was the first time that we’d see our roomie and, even in our weariness, we were all so excited!! MEK was having a HORRIBLE week culminating in a terribly awful, no-good, very bad day. Her flight was delayed but ME was on their game and she was looking forward to joining us as soon as she could get there. But we were stalling- we knew it; the staff knew it. But we were just too full to order more. Eventually, she made it and ordered a beer. She nibbled on this and that and dispatched the white chocolate that neither Mik or I wanted. Because yuck. Even with wine.

Now, the success of the day? Mik, after tasting the Tawny Port, declared it a new favorite alcohol. Enough so that she took a photo and has had it several times since coming back. I finished the Red and had a couple of small nibbles of the dark chocolate.

Meantime, the soused couple at the neighboring table was fading as fast as we were, the good news is that we were probably in better shape to walk to our bus. Which we did after settling the bill. Wine Bar George was nice as always and while I was worried at first that Mik would just hate it, it ended being a nice surprise for her and pleasing for me, as always; it was a great way to start off a week-long Ladies Trip.
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