Scooter Tips?

Thanks for mentioning this about parking it in designated spots and walking around some. I was always worried that I shouldn't leave it parked somewhere (other than maybe outside a ride entrance that required it) even though I felt I could walk for some short distances. I will definitely try that some in the areas you mention. It would be nice to be able to leave it behind for short periods and distances. Sitting in it all day also came with some difficulties and it was nice to be able to get up and walk some when I felt up to it.

I cannot stress enough that I OFTEN park my scooter and walk around. I have badly arthritic knees so some trips my knees are "ok" and others they were awful so sometimes I'd walk more than other trips. Your scooter isn't bothering anyone when it's parked anymore than when you're in it. Just find an appropriate spot (usually near strollers - you can ask a CM). I will almost always park and go into stores to shop. I also usually walked into lines that required transfer to a WC when I had a FP so I figured the line wouldn't be too bad (like Buzz LY). At Epcot I'd park in each land and walk around, etc. I've had some trips where my knees were bad enough I stayed in the ECV even to shop, and I found the best time for that was in the mornings when the stores were fairly empty. I think there are more than a few of us that can go for awhile walking but cannot go all day/long distances but walking whatever we can walk is a good thing!
practicing in Walmart made a world of difference the first time using a scooter. be prepared to run into the end of the isle when trying to turn for the first time. Turning is the biggest thing to learn (it's a very WIDE turn) and to master it in Walmart before coming to Walt Disney World will boost your confidence!
LOL blame my friend @Selket up there - they forgot that, like Beetlejuice, if you say my name, I'm gonna show up...

and so now it is time for... (because all of the regulars here *know* what is coming next...) my patent pending version of:

How To ECV at Disney World ™

Yep, It's time to talk about using ECVs at WDW; this is a (hopefully) helpful guide for newbies. 🙂

Mostly it's all about the buses (and boats, and Monorail and Skyliners too, for that matter.)

But first things first - Repeat after me - Every night, I will plug in my ECV, and charge it completely overnight in my hotel room.

Do that, and you should not have to worry about your battery at all the next day. Fail to do that, and you will have a miserable day, constantly searching for outlets (many are covered, or are inaccessible without tools) to try and charge your scooter. Every night, charge it all night, until it is fully charged.

There's plenty of room in every Disney Resort hotel room to charge *2* scooters - If you need furniture moved or removed to accommodate the ECV, pick up your room phone, and use the button labeled "Housekeeping". The person answering the phone will help set up either the removal or placement of furniture for you.

When it comes to Resort hotel room doors, ask someone in your travel party if they can hold the Resort Hotel room door open while the you move the ECV through. A great door stop (I personally recommend this one from Amazon) is also a very helpful tool! While out and about at WDW, look for the handicapped door buttons on many doors (at lobby entrances, shops, dining, etc.) for the automatic openers. Some are round, others are square, most all of them are a silver metal, but they all have the HA ♿ symbol on the button itself, and will be located very near the door.

One more note: When we talk about using the "brakes" on an ECV, what we really mean is letting go of the throttle. The vast majority of ECVs in the US don't have an actual braking system (like a car or truck has) and rely strictly on the driver of the ECV to be aware, and to let go of the throttle when they need to stop. Additionally, most ECVs that you will encounter have a speed control that goes from slowest to fastest, with a small icon of a turtle for slowest, and a rabbit for fastest. We often talk about "turtle speed" here, and that means turning your speed control all the way down to the slowest setting for safety.

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Let's get on the bus!

Sometimes people worry that other Guests are watching them when they use the ramp to drive their device into/out of the bus. I've been using a personal mobility device for *years* at WDW now, and I know that people who appear to be staring at you when you are loading/unloading from the bus really are often just watching out of curiosity.

Think about it like this: The bus pulls up, and everyone gets off. BUT before anyone can get on, the driver closes the front doors, and the back doors, and then walks to the back of the bus. The back doors open again - but only *after* the bus has "kneeled" (with a great huge wheezy gasp) and then barfed out a ramp with all kinds of beeping as well!

It's a wonder that Disney hasn't decided to sell tickets for the spectacular that is the bus deploying/retracting the ramp!

So, often the folks who may (to us) appear to be staring at us, are actually WDW newbies who are startled by all of the commotion. But it's the *bus* they are watching - not the scooter driver. 🙂

And some of them are just flat out exhausted, and staring off into space, unaware that they are looking at anything at all!

So, ignore them - and at the Resort Hotel, make sure you are parked in the white painted rectangle HA symbol ♿ at the bus stop (unless another guest beat you to it) so that the driver sees you, and knows you are waiting to ride. As the bus approaches, I usually try to wave and smile to let the driver know I will be riding their bus, or shake my head "no" so that they know I am waiting for a different bus. Some Disney Resorts have queues or rope lines set up for the buses; others just kind of form loose lines. Often in the mornings, there will be a CM at the main Resort bus stops; just as at the Parks, take your guidance from them. (Special note for Resorts with more than 1 bus stop: Try to make your way to the *first* stop at the Resort; as the bus travels through the Resort to pick up other Guests, the chances increase exponentially that there will not be a space for your ECV when the bus arrives, leading to longer wait times.)

Once the bus stops, and everyone is off, the driver will typically close the doors, kneel the bus, and then open the back doors and flip out the ramp. Wait for the driver to motion you on, and then up the ramp you will go.

When the driver says that it's time to board the bus, just let them know that you are a newbie, and will appreciate all the help and guidance that they can give you. Remember - they are an *expert* at getting folks on and off the bus, so just take a deep breath, and listen to their instructions, and everything will be fine! Disney bus drivers help *thousands* of people load and unload ECVs, so you are not a surprise to them in any way!

When you are at the base of the ramp, try to go right up the center. At the top of the ramp you will typically have to turn a bit to the right. GO SLOWLY, especially until you are used to the ECV. (This is a moment where "turtle speed" is your new best friend!) Even experienced users take this carefully - the last thing you want is to bump into the driver, or hit the side of the doorway going in. The drivers will give you instructions and will help as much as they can, but *technically* it is up to you (or a member of your party) to actually get the ECV up into (or back out of) the bus. You will hear stories about drivers that "park the ECV for you", but that is considered "pixie dust" and is not expected behavior.

Once you are parked, you can take a seat on the bus, if you want to. The bus driver will "tie down" the ECV, by clipping on the tensioned belts down at the wheel level, front and back. If you decide to sit on the ECV during transit, the driver will also offer you a seat belt to help hold you securely in place as the bus moves through traffic.

With buses, you will typically board first, and disembark last. Ignore anyone who says anything about how "it must be nice to get on the bus first"; if you really feel the need to reply, just give them your biggest smile, and a big 'ol southern "Oh, bless your heart!". That's all they deserve. 😉

If you are just too worried about driving on and off the bus, someone who is with you can do that for you. Again, they just have to follow the bus driver's instructions. You can walk up or down the ramp after the driver tells you it is safe to do so.

While you are boarding the bus, the rest of your group will wait outside the bus, next to the ramp. Once the ECV is parked on the bus, the driver will indicate to your party when they can walk up the ramp to join you, and they should be able to sit near/next to you.

When it's time to disembark from the bus, the rest of your party can get off the bus with all of the other passengers, and they will wait for you outside the bus (or wherever you have agreed upon). Again, the driver will assist you in getting the ECV positioned to drive down the ramp, and out of the bus; listen to their instructions, and you should be fine. 🙂 When driving off the bus, the most important thing is to make sure that you don't turn your front wheels (or the "tiller" - the steering mechanism) until AFTER your rear wheels are completely on the ground, and you are completely clear of the ramp. You don't want the rear wheels to catch the edge of the ramp if you turn too early, and tip you over!

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As far as boats go, *most* boats at WDW are quite accessible; the notable exceptions are some of the small launches that serve Poly/GF to MK and back, and a small launch that runs every other trip on the WL/MK route. At WL, the bigger boats historically don't use a ramp there, and you just have to hope that the water level (and number of people on the boat) work in your favor! (Makes it kind of exciting LOL!) We have had a CM instruct us to wait while more people board/disembark to lower the boat, and then when the doorway is at the optimum height to the dock, they wave us on. All other boats will have a portable ramp that a CM (Cast Member) will place for you, including the Sassagoula fleet (Currently not in service) that serves parts of Saratoga & The Treehouses/OKW/POR & POFQ, and the Disney Springs Water Taxis (which are the same type of boat.) The Friendships that ply the waters between Hollywood Studios and the International Gateway at EPCOT use the exact same ramp as well. The ramps are *noisy* when driving on and off, but quite safe, I promise! The main thing to watch for here is using "turtle speed" coming *off* the boat - if there is no fencing around the dock, you don't want to make a BIG "splash" in more ways than one!

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The Monorails use the same portable ramp for loading/unloading as the boats use, and the worst part is some of the pedestrian ramps going *up* to the Monorail stations may really tax the battery on the ECV. A CM will place the portable ramp into the Monorail for you - just follow their instructions. Most of the time, you will have to back off down the ramp at the next station. Remember to keep your wheels straight, have someone behind you giving you clear verbal cues, (CMs are used to doing this, and will be glad to help you) and take your time for safety.

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The Skyliners are VERY accessible, and the gondola cabins are a direct drive on, no ramp needed. CMs will "chock" the ECV wheels to prevent it from rolling across the cabin while in flight. The user simply rolls straight in and sits between the benches. Follow the signs and CM directions at each Skyliner station to go to the HA loading area - they fully stop the gondolas to load there, and you can take all the time you need for both loading and unloading. The exception is Riviera - they cannot stop the Skyliner there, and so loading/unloading is only done while moving (and so mobility devices are not loaded there). Only 1 ECV (or personal mobility device of any kind) per Skyliner Cabin, so be prepared to split up here if you have a larger party, or more than one mobility device in your group; just make plans for where everyone will meet!

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In general: Whenever loading/unloading from Disney transportation of any kind, use the *slowest* possible speed on the throttle control, and listen to the CMs who are there for your safety. They are all experienced in helping Guests with their mobility devices.

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Once you are in the Parks, don't worry if y'all park the ECV, and you come out of a ride, attraction or meal to find it "missing". This is probably the the most startling thing that will happen during your trip!

Cast Members routinely have to shift around scooters and strollers to keep walkways clear, and to fill in blank spots. Because there are so many similar ECVs (especially rental ECVs) it can be easy for it to become "lost" in a small sea of similar looking units. So, one of the things we recommend you do is tie a brightly colored length of ribbon, or even a brightly colored cotton bandana somewhere on the scooter. You can even pop a favorite Disney T-shirt over the back of the seat! That way, you ask the CM who is moving scooters and strollers around if they have seen the scooter with the bright green and pink striped ribbons on the basket - instead of "the black one" or "the one with a captain's chair".

In all the years I have been hanging around here, we have had *one* scooter that was literally taken by accident because it was identical to the scooter that person had rented. (for rentals, the keys are all the same so the rental company doesn't have to keep track of one particular set of keys - they can hand over any key for any scooter). It all got sorted in the end, and everything was OK. But seriously, at WDW, in the Parks, you don't have to worry.

Nowadays, most vendors will put a "license plate" with your last name in a plastic cover that is usually on the back of the ECV seat, or the front of the basket, but those all start to look the same after a long day, so... ribbons, bandanas and/or t-shirts!

And always always always take the key if you leave the scooter anywhere. Cast Members know how to disengage the brake that keeps the ECV from rolling when parked, to move it if need be.

It should go without saying that you never leave anything in the basket, or on the scooter that you want to keep, otherwise, it could "grow legs" and disappear...

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So that you can have the best trip possible, here's a few more tips:

- Plan ahead if you are flying. Remember that long lines at TSA - and long concourses inside terminals - can be problematic. You may want to consider bringing along a folding rollator or a wheelchair that someone in your party could push, or arranging for an airport porter service if you will need it. Domestic airlines fly mobility devices for free, and the airline will be happy to help you with it at the gate; just allow a bit more time; just like at Disney you will usually be first one, but last off as you wait for your device to come up from the gate-check hold.

- If flying in to Orlando, be sure to let Disney's Magical Express know if you will need to use the lift to get in and out of the bus that goes to and from the airport. (you must be seated on/in a wheelchair or ECV to use the lift). Remember that you now have to stop and collect your own luggage before proceeding to the Magical Express.

- You can always practice your ECV driving and parking skills at Wal-Mart, Target, Lowe's, the grocery store, etc. and it can help. It's a great way to practice for the inevitable moment when someone *will* walk right out in front of you while you are driving at WDW! (Pandemic disclaimer: Please follow all local & store requirements regarding masks). These kind of shopping cart/ECV hybrids tend to move very slowly, like the Disney Parks rental units. Most "outside" rental vendors in Orlando rent standard scooters that anyone can buy, and that have a vastly better (and faster) speed control system.

- Grab a towel from the hotel to cover the seat bottom - black vinyl or fabric can get very hot in the Florida sun! Some models have seat backs that fold down to help protect the seat bottom, but a simple bath towel works as well. Some folks cover their rental seats with a Disney shirt or beach towel for fun!

- If you are worried about rain, most vendors provide a clear plastic shower cap to cover the controls; you can throw a poncho over the seat (especially when you are not riding) to help keep it dry. I often ride with the front of the poncho OVER the tiller/controls, and the back of the poncho OVER my seat back to help keep everything as dry as possible! Looks weird, but who cares? You're at Disney World! Yay!

- WDW has a rule - for everyone's safety - that only you ride the ECV. You will undoubtedly see people holding children on their laps while driving their scooters, but it's very dangerous, and I hope you will agree that safety comes first. One ECV, one rider. One seat, one butt.

- Don't allow the scooter to become your group's personal pack mule. It's a medical mobility device, meant to carry a person, not everyone's bags, coats and "stuff". A lot of people see the basket on the front, and start loading it up! For the comfort and safety of the rider, try to make sure that they are not overburdened. This is especially true at bag check - ECVs still have to go through security lines, and the person on the ECV is responsible for everything on the ECV, or in it's basket/compartment/bag at security.

- Remember to stay sharp and focused while driving the ECV - people at WDW tend to be doing everything but paying attention to others when they are walking, and many of us here have had folks run right into us, or walk right in front of us as we are moving!

Bipeds don't realize that many scooters can't just stop on a dime; some of them "coast" a tiny bit before coming to a complete stop, even if the driver is fast on letting go of the throttle. To help keep everyone safe and whole, I try to make eye contact, smile politely, and offer an cheerful "Excuse me!" when needed. Little kiddos are also prone to running out in front of mobility devices because they are blissfully unaware of the laws of physics.

Personally, I have my family create a "bubble" around me to help with this issue. Some walk just ahead of me, and someone will typically (when possible) walk on my left side. I try to stay to the right side of walkways, "streets" and sidewalks and that means I still have to watch for people popping out on the right side, but hopefully helps cover the left.

- Ideally take some time to practice a bit with your rental (at the Resort is a great spot for this) prior to going in to the parks. Get used to how it handles, turns, stops and starts. Every ECV is a bit different (just like any other vehicle). I have 2 personal ECVs, identical models and they each have their own "personality" (and name. Because I'm weird like that LOL). Everyone is eager to get to the theme parks, but 15 minutes of practice (going through the shops, the Quick Service, dealing with different types of surfaces, doors, ramps and obstacles) will make you feel much more confident, and more "in-tune" with your rental.

- A few miscellaneous driving tips: anytime at WDW (or anytime using an ECV for that matter) be aware of ramps, hills and slopes. Going up, you may want to lean forward slightly to help shift your center of gravity towards the front of the ECV. Take your time on steep slopes, hills or ramps, and if possible, approach them at a slight angle at the base.

Coming down, be very aware of your speed (turtle speed is recommended for best control), and make sure you can brake effectively. This is a time for two hands on the wheel!

When crossing the train tracks embedded in Main Street at MK, be sure to cross at an angle. Otherwise, you risk the wheel(s) getting caught, and you could find yourself dumped rather unceremoniously onto Main Street. Everyone wants to have an unforgettable trip - just for the right reasons!

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Sorry this was so long, but I hope it helps answers any questions y'all may have!

Let us know if you have any more questions about ECV use at WDW!


*Feel free to share with any interested members of your travel party!
WOW! thank you for all of the wonderful tips! I've been using an ECV on and off for a year....a few times at Disneyland where the worst thing that happened was some one running into me, stopping and screaming at me to watch where I was going! I said I'm sorry and off I went! don't let people bother you. I kind of had to find all of the stuff above out for myself but for a beginner they are THE things to do. I am going to be off site and using a mini van to transport my ECV.....any suggestions on how to move the ECV from place to place? it's a 3 wheel from Gold Mobility. Thanks again!
I cannot stress enough that I OFTEN park my scooter and walk around. I have badly arthritic knees so some trips my knees are "ok" and others they were awful so sometimes I'd walk more than other trips. Your scooter isn't bothering anyone when it's parked anymore than when you're in it. Just find an appropriate spot (usually near strollers - you can ask a CM). I will almost always park and go into stores to shop. I also usually walked into lines that required transfer to a WC when I had a FP so I figured the line wouldn't be too bad (like Buzz LY). At Epcot I'd park in each land and walk around, etc. I've had some trips where my knees were bad enough I stayed in the ECV even to shop, and I found the best time for that was in the mornings when the stores were fairly empty. I think there are more than a few of us that can go for awhile walking but cannot go all day/long distances but walking whatever we can walk is a good thing!
I've also got badly arthritic knees and I noticed that on many ride experience that a cast member will ask you if you can walk a short distance or stand in line., I can walk a short distance but it depends on how long the line is as to how long I can's extremely painful as my legs don't like to bend at all after I've stood for a few minutes. I also try to park my ECV outside of stores and shops but there are certain times I can barely move so I creep through the shop and be very polite saying excuse me A LOT! I found that I MUST get up and walk a little through out the day....1 because it's good for me and 2 because if I don't, I'll be too stiff to get out of my chair at the end of the day.
I can't agree enough with the PP who suggested you tie something visible and unique to your scooter to make it easy to find, and I'll give you another reason. I use a pink bandana, and a couple times I got off an attraction and the CM offered to run over and bring me my scooter. Gratefully, I'd just point to the general area where a bunch were parked and say "It's the one with the pink bandana over there." The CM ran over, put it in neutral, and always brought me the right scooter. Now, if someone else ever chooses a pink bandana-then I might have a problem!
I can't agree enough with the PP who suggested you tie something visible and unique to your scooter to make it easy to find, and I'll give you another reason. I use a pink bandana, and a couple times I got off an attraction and the CM offered to run over and bring me my scooter. Gratefully, I'd just point to the general area where a bunch were parked and say "It's the one with the pink bandana over there." The CM ran over, put it in neutral, and always brought me the right scooter. Now, if someone else ever chooses a pink bandana-then I might have a problem!
I can't agree enough with the PP who suggested you tie something visible and unique to your scooter to make it easy to find, and I'll give you another reason. I use a pink bandana, and a couple times I got off an attraction and the CM offered to run over and bring me my scooter. Gratefully, I'd just point to the general area where a bunch were parked and say "It's the one with the pink bandana over there." The CM ran over, put it in neutral, and always brought me the right scooter. Now, if someone else ever chooses a pink bandana-then I might have a problem!
To tell you the truth, I've never thought about doing that. I've always relied and my scooter license plate but now I realize how much longer it was to find my ECV!:oops:I will be making sure to get something nice and colorful for this trip for sure! is it best to tie on steering column or around the head rest? thanks again for the tip! 78 days and counting but still a little nervous about Delta Variant in Floridao_Oo_O
I think the handlebars are best. The wrong person might sit down and never notice the decoration on the seat behind them. It would be much harder to miss it it in front of you.
Ill definitely practice at our resort and try to get as comfortable with it as possible. I really had some rough nights crying over this but i know it for the best. I was really hoping to walk with my toddler and enjoy the magic but it won’t be if I’m fainting and getting dizzy.
Thank you for your response, makes me feel better about it.

Since you specifically mentioned walking with your toddler….below is one of my all-time favorite trip pictures. My nephew and I “strolling” the parks together.

I think me being on an ECV was actually an upside for him. Since he was usually in a stroller, I was usually the family member most visible to him and closest to eye-level. So when using an ECV, it’s still very possible to feel connected to your family and have the magic. Have a wonderful time!

WOW! thank you for all of the wonderful tips! I've been using an ECV on and off for a year....a few times at Disneyland where the worst thing that happened was some one running into me, stopping and screaming at me to watch where I was going! I said I'm sorry and off I went! don't let people bother you. I kind of had to find all of the stuff above out for myself but for a beginner they are THE things to do. I am going to be off site and using a mini van to transport my ECV.....any suggestions on how to move the ECV from place to place? it's a 3 wheel from Gold Mobility. Thanks again!

You can contact Gold Mobility directly - or I believe? they have some YouTube videos on how to assemble/disassemble their scooters for transport. Additionally, if you ask them to show you how to do it when they deliver your scooter, you will get a live and in person "class" right there!
I can't agree enough with the PP who suggested you tie something visible and unique to your scooter to make it easy to find, and I'll give you another reason. I use a pink bandana, and a couple times I got off an attraction and the CM offered to run over and bring me my scooter. Gratefully, I'd just point to the general area where a bunch were parked and say "It's the one with the pink bandana over there." The CM ran over, put it in neutral, and always brought me the right scooter. Now, if someone else ever chooses a pink bandana-then I might have a problem!
I think the handlebars are best. The wrong person might sit down and never notice the decoration on the seat behind them. It would be much harder to miss it it in front of you.

Yep - I think handlebars are best for that very reason!

If you have a local hobby/craft/sewing center, check there in the ribbon section - you will find all kinds of bright, beautiful ribbons - some crazy plaids, or stripes, others in very distinct colors - shoot, you could even buy 3 thin ribbons, and "braid" your own special colors if you want!!! (now I'm thinking I might want some Mardi Gras colors - green, gold & purple - for my first trip back staying at POFQ!)

Bandanas are usually pretty cheap - often in the $1 range at WalMart, and you can find them in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Even if someone picks the exact same bandana as you do, *and* they go to WDW on the exact same days that you do, *and* they go to the same Parks on the same days as you do...? The chances are still pretty slim that you will wind up parked together! 😉 Put whatever color *you* want - what makes you happy! - on your scooter, and have a fantastic trip!
When I was first going to WDW and needed a scooter (osteoarthritis in knees and injury from domestic violence type situation), I worried too because I'm overweight and had seen YT videos about people being mean about fat people on scooters. I could walk if not for my knees.

But I have never heard a single unkind word. Most people are so nice and helpful. And if I ever did, I'd feel sorry for them. Would suck to be such a shallow, mean-hearted person.

I was worried this trip about holding up the bus people but again, everyone was super nice, drivers parked it for me, too.

As for practice, just when the company delivers it (and get a Gold Mobility 3 wheeler imo because it turns sharp in lines, etc.), just driving to your room or around a bit will be plenty. Go slow in large crowds and watch for side swipers - nobody has any self awareness. They're daydreaming and walking into you. People don't watch their kids, either, so one will be coming head on toward you, and even if you're stopped, he'll walk right into the scooter, even if you're saying "Watch out!" lol

I use my hand in large crowds if someone is walking sideways into me to put a barrier between myself and them to protect them.

Haven't run into any problems (or people) on any of my trips.

For the first time ever I'm going to be renting a scooter for our week long stay at Disney. I've never used one and wanted to know if you guys had any tips or tricks? I'm very nervous about running someone over or getting sassed at for being in a scooter in the first place. I'm relatively young and my condition is not visible, I will also will be requesting a DAS pass which has nothing to do with my mobility, I think the combo might send someone over the edge lol. I've heard horror stories recently on some Disney FB pages. Any advice, experiences or reassurance would be much appreciated! Thank you!

I’ve use a scooter for years. Today, I ordered a motorized wheelchair. One thing I started doing when in the parks, because I look fairly healthy, but I’m a little overweight, I wear tee shirts that have things about MS. One I have says, “The only good thing about Multiple Sclerosis is zombies don’t want our brains.” It helps curb the attitude of able-bodied people about a ”fat lazy person” using a scooter.

I’ve only had a couple of comments over the years. Once was on a cruise, but for the most part, people haven’t said anything to me personally.
Just wanted to say thanks for the thread. I'm weighing what I should do (no - more correctly I'm weighing what I will do). When I last visited WDW (the last 3 trips) and most conferences, I've used an ECV - and I'm still wrestling with that. My next trip (if I proceed with covid) is solo and it's a weird situation where I'll feel significantly less self-conscious but also because I'm alone, I can stop more, rest more, etc. My real concern is when I take my two kids in Jan. If I were with another adult, I'd use an ECV - but I don't see a way for me to navigate that with them (and yet the nature of that trip and being the only adult will make it more helpful than usual). The solo trip is a complete bonus (I booked a non-refundable room and learned about 15 min later that I couldn't take the kids then) - so, I look at it as a sort of trial run and I plan to scope out a number of things before I take the kids (including how I hold up). Anyway - there are many of us who struggle with things similar to what you posted (even without knowing the details). ❤️
Just wanted to say thanks for the thread. I'm weighing what I should do (no - more correctly I'm weighing what I will do). When I last visited WDW (the last 3 trips) and most conferences, I've used an ECV - and I'm still wrestling with that. My next trip (if I proceed with covid) is solo and it's a weird situation where I'll feel significantly less self-conscious but also because I'm alone, I can stop more, rest more, etc. My real concern is when I take my two kids in Jan. If I were with another adult, I'd use an ECV - but I don't see a way for me to navigate that with them (and yet the nature of that trip and being the only adult will make it more helpful than usual). The solo trip is a complete bonus (I booked a non-refundable room and learned about 15 min later that I couldn't take the kids then) - so, I look at it as a sort of trial run and I plan to scope out a number of things before I take the kids (including how I hold up). Anyway - there are many of us who struggle with things similar to what you posted (even without knowing the details). ❤

Without knowing more, I would suggest a couple of things for your January trip, like...

- Consider a Rollator for that trip - it keeps you upright, but gives you a built in seat (and typically some storage as well which is always great with kids) for wherever you are.

- Or, if the kids ages are appropriate, consider using a stroller as a walker; you can corral the kiddos in there, and will just have to be on the lookout for places to sit.

- Remember that you can always go back to the Resort hotels (would *strongly* advise staying onsite, given the kids + no adult helpers situation) for a brief nap/afternoon pool break and then go back to the Parks for a bit afterward. In January, the pool might not be quite as tempting, but the nap might be great for everyone!

If you really feel like you need an ECV for the January trip (luckily you have time to plan ahead) you might want to consider a couple of other options, like:

- Take along a friend, family member or even a paid caregiver to help wrangle the kids.
- Hire a caregiver to meet with you at the Parks, and help with kids while in the Parks.
- Hire a babysitter, and take one child at a time to the Parks, while leaving the other child at the Resort with the sitter.
- (If age appropriate) consider a leash/harness to help with at least one child. If they are too old, you can still make a "rope line" with a long length of grosgrain ribbon (grosgrain will hold up better to the demands of a Disney trip, and is less likely to cause a "rope burn" if someone gets rowdy) that each child must hold on to at all times, and that is attached to you or the scooter.
- Practice ahead of time (at Target, WalMart, Lowes, Home Depot, your local grocery, etc.) with each child walking alongside the ECV with one hand on the ECV or you at all times. Regardless of which side you practice on, you will also have to develop and practice for queues, where they kids will have to go through either ahead of, or behind you. This may be a great place for the "rope line" as discussed above.

You may have to do Disney differently. That's OK, because honestly, kids don't really see Disney the way adults do; we view it as a map to be conquered, while they view it as a swirl of color, fun and sugar LOL. And adults tend to forget that kids can get hot, tired and cranky just as fast as we do!
Without knowing more, I would suggest a couple of things for your January trip, like...

- Consider a Rollator for that trip - it keeps you upright, but gives you a built in seat (and typically some storage as well which is always great with kids) for wherever you are.

- Or, if the kids ages are appropriate, consider using a stroller as a walker; you can corral the kiddos in there, and will just have to be on the lookout for places to sit.

- Remember that you can always go back to the Resort hotels (would *strongly* advise staying onsite, given the kids + no adult helpers situation) for a brief nap/afternoon pool break and then go back to the Parks for a bit afterward. In January, the pool might not be quite as tempting, but the nap might be great for everyone!

If you really feel like you need an ECV for the January trip (luckily you have time to plan ahead) you might want to consider a couple of other options, like:

- Take along a friend, family member or even a paid caregiver to help wrangle the kids.
- Hire a caregiver to meet with you at the Parks, and help with kids while in the Parks.
- Hire a babysitter, and take one child at a time to the Parks, while leaving the other child at the Resort with the sitter.
- (If age appropriate) consider a leash/harness to help with at least one child. If they are too old, you can still make a "rope line" with a long length of grosgrain ribbon (grosgrain will hold up better to the demands of a Disney trip, and is less likely to cause a "rope burn" if someone gets rowdy) that each child must hold on to at all times, and that is attached to you or the scooter.
- Practice ahead of time (at Target, WalMart, Lowes, Home Depot, your local grocery, etc.) with each child walking alongside the ECV with one hand on the ECV or you at all times. Regardless of which side you practice on, you will also have to develop and practice for queues, where they kids will have to go through either ahead of, or behind you. This may be a great place for the "rope line" as discussed above.

You may have to do Disney differently. That's OK, because honestly, kids don't really see Disney the way adults do; we view it as a map to be conquered, while they view it as a swirl of color, fun and sugar LOL. And adults tend to forget that kids can get hot, tired and cranky just as fast as we do!
I have thought about trying to bring a friend along. I currently only have a studio - so paying for another room may be hard. I'll look into that. Ironically, I played that role for an aunt maaaaaany years ago!
I have thought about trying to bring a friend along. I currently only have a studio - so paying for another room may be hard. I'll look into that. Ironically, I played that role for an aunt maaaaaany years ago!

When I was young and healthy, I would’ve gladly gone alone with a friend to help out with the kiddos. Maybe a niece or nephew or cousin’s teen/young adult would like to go. If it doesn’t go over the allowable people in a studio, a young person could sleep on an air mattress and probably would be happy to do it.
I’ve use a scooter for years. Today, I ordered a motorized wheelchair. One thing I started doing when in the parks, because I look fairly healthy, but I’m a little overweight, I wear tee shirts that have things about MS. One I have says, “The only good thing about Multiple Sclerosis is zombies don’t want our brains.” It helps curb the attitude of able-bodied people about a ”fat lazy person” using a scooter.

I’ve only had a couple of comments over the years. Once was on a cruise, but for the most part, people haven’t said anything to me personally.
I'm a bit over weight too and I do feel a little self conscious some times but I'm not there to worry about what others think...I'm there to have fun! I've had people run into my ECV and yell at me to use my horn but never anything else. I've contemplated buying a "canned horn" occasionally though! lol
I'm a bit over weight too and I do feel a little self conscious some times but I'm not there to worry about what others think...I'm there to have fun! I've had people run into my ECV and yell at me to use my horn but never anything else. I've contemplated buying a "canned horn" occasionally though! lol

I’m a bit overweight, too. The only time I really had anyone get angry with me was mom who dragged her kid into my stopped scooter. She yelled at me in Russian. I think she thought I ran into them, but I was actually at a standstill so they could pass in front of me. She just never saw me and instead of walking in front of me, she dragged him into me. He gave me an embarrassed look because he knew what had happened. I just smiled at him.
I’m a bit overweight, too. The only time I really had anyone get angry with me was mom who dragged her kid into my stopped scooter. She yelled at me in Russian. I think she thought I ran into them, but I was actually at a standstill so they could pass in front of me. She just never saw me and instead of walking in front of me, she dragged him into me. He gave me an embarrassed look because he knew what had happened. I just smiled at him.
You just have to take this stuff with a grain of salt. I've been doing this at Disneyland in Anaheim for a couple of years so I'm pretty good at it mostly...backing up can be tricky though. One time a lady ran into me and yelled at me to use my horn....I did! she either couldn't hear me or didn't hear me. Ah well.....that's the way it goes.:flower1:


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