Disney Very Merriest After Hours Party just announced!

Where else has he been? Honestly.

As I remember it you asked for other ideas about a year ago and since then you’ve been to wdw every 3-4 months, and complain about the experience, yet keep going back.
Gatlinburg & different beaches most recently. And that’s exactly the point, there are things that I think wdw can definitely improve; however, DS is at the age that he loves wdw & Disney more than anything so it’s an experience we can’t get anywhere else. We have APs & live in driving distance so it makes sense for us. And, ftr, the last few trips have been wonderful & ive had fewer complaints (partly b/c we have done things to improve our experience). Sure there are things they could do better, but not enough to make us go anywhere else right now especially when DS pretend plays rides at wdw or something like that almost every day.
Yes but Disney is slowly killing its bread and butter. Catering to.the wealthy is not a recipe for long term success.

If you can get on 10 rides at this event youd pay a whopping $25 plus per ride!

They aren't killing anything they are reacting to the current economic market just like they will in the future whether it be high or low.

Disney is absolutely capitalizing right now on the post-lockdown travel boom, and that will carry well past Christmas season and Very Merriest After Hours. However, it will not last forever.

At normal pre-pandemic demand and pricing, appetite wasn’t there to fill event capacity. Disney had already found their upper price point. It will be interesting to see what happens a year or two from now, when demand returns to more normal levels, or is (hopefully not) reduced by an economic slowdown. Maybe more discounts, maybe the return of regular parties, who knows. Just have to wait and see.

This travel boom is gonna crash fast when it does and probably will start sometime in 2022. 2021 is full of people with extra vacation days that they were able to roll over into 2021, many companies are not allowing rollover into 2022, plus the money saved from all the cancelled events/trips and daily life of 2020 that is being spend now and many of those people won't have the extra next year. Unemployment benefits are expired in many places and will in others soon and while those may not be fueling disney as much they are fueling the economy in general. Disney is going to get as most as they can out of the boom and lets hope nothing goes as bad as the recession where projects got cancelled and so little new got built for many years.
I'm assuming by regular guests you mean anyone who goes to the park during normal daily park operating hours. Sorry- sometimes it's hard to tell what people really mean when we all don't really know each other in real life and we have to talk through the keyboard. :)

I absolutely hope they bring back parades for all guests as soon as they think it's safe to do so. They're still bringing performers back and working with negotiating with their union. If I was making a bet I would say there's a small chance we could see parades return unexpectedly around Christmas or sometime in January. Actually, now that I think about it, I wouldn't be shocked to see them take certain parts of the Christmas parade and make them cavalcades during the day for guests to enjoy around the holidays. If I was Disney that's what I'd do if I wasn't ready to commit to a full daytime parade due to crowd control attempts.

We really do love some of the parades, our favorite being Spectromagic (RIP) and the Christmas parade. Even though the majority of the other ones aren't always our cup of tea many people do enjoy them...I enjoy them because the ride and attraction lines are shorter. :)
Why aren’t parades safe?
I wonder how many people who were not negatively impacted by Covid, stashed away those stimulus payments for travel when things be came more normal again.I think Disney is attempting to cash in on those people. The issue is without those payments can these people afford to return and pay these prices again. Is Disney's goal to become a once in a lifetime event or create a loyal following as it did with many in the past.
I wonder how many people who were not negatively impacted by Covid, stashed away those stimulus payments for travel when things be came more normal again.I think Disney is attempting to cash in on those people. The issue is without those payments can these people afford to return and pay these prices again. Is Disney's goal to become a once in a lifetime event or create a loyal following as it did with many in the past.

How many people do you think realistically have gone to Disney many times? For most Americans, it is a once in a lifetime trip.
For the little ones the character meet and greats were what they looked forward to most.

I literally had to hire a Mickey Mouse for my son’s first birthday party because I felt that he would never get a chance to meet Mickey Mouse again it said and I understand but how cool is it to meet Mickey Mouse with your kids
Does anybody know if these tickets are refundable?
I don't think they are usually but i contacted disney guest services on twitter and explained that if the usa border was still shut to the uk in December could i get my money back? They said yes but i take that with a pinch of salt. Someone else said they look at people's requests at a case by case basis. I think there is a pretty good chance if the border is shut and you move your holiday but beyond that reason for cancelling, i don't know.
I don't think they are usually but i contacted disney guest services on twitter and explained that if the usa border was still shut to the uk in December could i get my money back? They said yes but i take that with a pinch of salt. Someone else said they look at people's requests at a case by case basis. I think there is a pretty good chance if the border is shut and you move your holiday but beyond that reason for cancelling, i don't know.

If they aren't refundable, I could sell them online though correct? Hopefully, those tickets aren't specifically dedicated to me.
I have just confirmed with Disney that these tickets are NOT refundable. That's wack IMO. Especially with the pandemic. Who the heck knows what the status will be in November/December. I'm really on the fence now.
However, Disney's help confirmed that "If you do not use the tickets at all, you could always use the value of the tickets towards a new ticket purchase later."
I have just confirmed with Disney that these tickets are NOT refundable. That's wack IMO. Especially with the pandemic. Who the heck knows what the status will be in November/December. I'm really on the fence now.
I have heard different dependent on the circumstances so it's a risk you will have to weigh up. If the border is still shut and what can you do? It's out of your hands.
I have heard different dependent on the circumstances so it's a risk you will have to weigh up. If the border is still shut and what can you do? It's out of your hands.

Exactly. They should honor that refund. That would be the right thing to do.


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