Something About Nothing............ #14

Good afternoon everyone. We have had a very productive day. We got the lights for our front porch, a new toaster, and I bought a new case for my phone. We are trying to figure out ways to maximize kitchen counter space, so we are also looking at getting rid of our countertop microwave and having one installed over the oven. We want to talk to the electrician before making the purchase though.

We have also been looking for a small, rolling kitchen island.I want one that also has storage space. Today I was looking online and think I have found exactly what I want on I went ahead and ordered it and it should be here by Friday.

Miami was a fun combination of locals, tourists, and snowbirds who couldn't drive. I'm glad I'm not living there anymore.

Have a safe flight. Hope you miss the rain.

We have the opposite problem where I live. People seem to forget that it is right turn on red after stop. I often have to turn left when coming out of my neighborhood, but have to watch the cars coming from the opposite direction. People often turn right on that red light without stopping to consider that the cars coming from the opposite side may have the right of way.

You are a braver person than I. I am not brave enough to try to cut anyone's hair. I am afraid of whatI might do to it.

Congratulations! That is a great accomplishment.

A vegan who eats bacon. Hmm.......
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Hope you had a nice flight. Have you seen the new Harry Potter pattern from Vera Bradley? Really cute.

Good luck with the driving. My daughter still doesn't have a license and she is almost 21. She is scared to learn. I wanted to take her to a driving class in Martinsville, but it was crazy expensive.

Dh has left for a football game, so I need to figure out what to do witht he rest of the evening.

She’ll learn one day I assume. Most kids are desperate to drive.

Nice purchases, hope you’re happy with the rolling island. Anything that gives you more storage is ideal.

Yes, she was caught eating a bacon sandwich in a cafe a few years back by a mutual friend. She lives and works in Paris, only comes back every few months, so goodness knows what she eats usually. She’s very smug and sanctimonious……..and incredibly competitive. So, she‘s not much fun to be around.

I think I’m too full of food…….beached whale time along the sofas……..
Good luck with the driving. My daughter still doesn't have a license and she is almost 21. She is scared to learn. I wanted to take her to a driving class in Martinsville, but it was crazy expensive.

He will eventually get his license, because I will not drive him around that long. Public transportation here is garbage. Kids here can't drive with anyone else in the car but a licensed adult or an immediate family member, sibling, until they are 18. So he won't be able to get rides from friends. He wants to learn, but he kind of wants to take the easy way out and do the automatic. We are teaching him instead of a school. The class portion is online. I don't trust the other drivers out there and would prefer to make sure he doesn't start out with bad and infuriating habits. He can develop those after he moves out :rotfl2:

We just got back from practicing a bit ago. I wish I was drinking right now. He was braking really hard today and kept looking at the shifter to change gears. He tends to vear when he does that and drive on the wrong side of the road:scared1: Luckily, this is all happening in our neighborhood at 30mph max. DH said he would take him out tomorrow. I still need to clean the back of the car and put the student driver magnet on. I am hoping it will keep people from tailgating him and almost rear-ending him when he actually comes to a complete stop before the stop sign, which is required by law.

She’ll learn one day I assume. Most kids are desperate to drive.

Yes, she was caught eating a bacon sandwich in a cafe a few years back by a mutual friend. She lives and works in Paris, only comes back every few months, so goodness knows what she eats usually. She’s very smug and sanctimonious……..and incredibly competitive. So, she‘s not much fun to be around.

It's strange with my husband's nieces and nephews. They are all in Oklahoma, Dallas area, or Houston, and most didn't want to learn to drive for a long time:confused3 There is no public transportation. Their friends with licenses couldn't drive them around. Those areas are not very walkable either. Once I got comfortable with the idea of driving (felt like they put me in a weapon instead of a car and really respected the heck out of the responsibility being given to me), I loved it. We love driving on vacation, especially in foreign countries. I could totally see people living in a big city with public transport or walkability not wanting or needing to drive, but everywhere else in the US, you really need to be able to drive.

I hate when people get all preachy about how they eat. It's one thing to talk about it, but it's another to expect others to eat that way too or to judge them for not eating the same way. Does she eat root vegetables or anything with a shadow? You can call her out on that next time:rotfl2:
Taking a breather before I go out to supervise the mr put up the 1st of the Halloween lights. when we were out stocking up on wings (yet another shortage), decided to stop at the Spirit Halloween store. Believe the subliminal messaging worked :). Going to plop up a couple of the inflatables & my skeleton flamingos. staying classy as usual my friends :smooth::p

He's probably the only one learning to drive a standard. All of our cars are manual, except the pickup, which doesn't brake well.
used to be more common here when i started to drive. Never did get the hang of it, shifting after stopped for a light on a steep hill. That sickening feeling of sliding backwards and fearing u will go right into the impatient vehicle on ur ahem rear.
Missed the spider bite. Ouch! I hope it's OK.
woke up, still sore, now has pin point white bumps under the skin. DH ’joked’ they may be ‘Laid eggs’. he was almost kicked out of bed.
I went to DLP once, about 20 years ago. It was not too long after 9/11, and folks were afraid to fly. I got the absolute bargain airfare for international and couldn't pass it up!!
score! Starting to think we’ll never get there at this point
Going to meet friends tonight to sit at an outside bar. The bar will play the Brewers game on the jumbo screen, and there is also great local band scheduled to play. Should be a fun night!
absolutely, enjoy. Had to sit thru the end of the Notre Dame game :)
think they scraped the sauce on, then scraped it off again.
oh, that is so gross, poor Kyle.
You are a braver person than I. I am not brave enough to try to cut anyone's hair. I am afraid of whatI might do to it.
i was literally sweating putty balls I was so nervous. took my time, shockingly, he loved it. A first, always some constructive criticism in The past. Refused to let me snap a pic, said he knew I’d post it out. As well I would!

what’s funny is he wanted a modified mullet. Little does he know the cut in the back is pretty much how my Mom had me layer her hair. Turns out he has quite a bit of curl in it, once layered properly the back had some nice body to it.

not sure how it is elsewhere in the country, they are still quite trendy here, with the millennials. along with the dreaded man bun. I don’t judge, safest way to let that freak flag fly is with your hair IMO

Yes, she was caught eating a bacon sandwich in a cafe a few years back by a mutual friend. She lives and works in Paris, only comes back every few months, so goodness knows what she eats usually. She’s very smug and sanctimonious……..and incredibly competitive. So, she‘s not much fun to be around.
give new life to being caught ‘cheating’ LOL
We just got back from practicing a bit ago. I wish I was drinking right now.
hahaha maybe just a nip to steady those nerves
Taking a breather before I go out to supervise the mr put up the 1st of the Halloween lights. when we were out stocking up on wings (yet another shortage), decided to stop at the Spirit Halloween store. Believe the subliminal messaging worked :). Going to plop up a couple of the inflatables & my skeleton flamingos. staying classy as usual my friends :smooth::p

used to be more common here when i started to drive. Never did get the hang of it, shifting after stopped for a light on a steep hill. That sickening feeling of sliding backwards and fearing u will go right into the impatient vehicle on ur ahem rear.

woke up, still sore, now has pin point white bumps under the skin. DH ’joked’ they may be ‘Laid eggs’. he was almost kicked out of bed.

score! Starting to think we’ll never get there at this point

absolutely, enjoy. Had to sit thru the end of the Notre Dame game :)

oh, that is so gross, poor Kyle.

i was literally sweating putty balls I was so nervous. took my time, shockingly, he loved it. A first, always some constructive criticism in The past. Refused to let me snap a pic, said he knew I’d post it out. As well I would!

what’s funny is he wanted a modified mullet. Little does he know the cut in the back is pretty much how my Mom had me layer her hair. Turns out he has quite a bit of curl in it, once layered properly the back had some nice body to it.

not sure how it is elsewhere in the country, they are still quite trendy here, with the millennials. along with the dreaded man bun. I don’t judge, safest way to let that freak flag fly is with your hair IMO

give new life to being caught ‘cheating’ LOL

hahaha maybe just a nip to steady those nerves

I need to put up our Halloween stuff next week, maybe some tomorrow.

The car my son will drive, a Mini Cooper, has what they call "hill climb assist". It keeps the car from rolling backwards. It's pretty awesome, especially for a new driver.

The spider bite sounds pretty bad:crazy2: I am actually extremely afraid of them.
Ouch, Keisha. Hope it starts to go away. Ick. I hate any bug bite. I did get bit by a spider once. Got in my shirt and bit me on my arm. Hurt like the devil, but it did heal completely. Why I now hate going in our attic.

Finally got the luggage out. Time to pack.
Well not going to repeat posts, multiple ugh. Hate when that happens. I think it took me an hour to catch up and reply.
So safe travels to all leaving soon!
Keisha hope that bite gets better. Sounds scary.

Did anyone see Space X? There was a launch I think last time we were there. I determined best spot to view was the bridge near the Studios going over to other side. Apparently quite a few others thought same. Nope. Nothing. Grrrr. But we were on our way to bus loop, had planned on grabbing lunch at CB! We like their roast chicken lol. As we were passing through the security area, along the side looking out, yup saw the trail of the rocket. But by that time it was too high.

I survived the storm yesterday and kept power. Some areas of black outs.
I heard California had a quake, my partner in crime felt some shaking.

This morning was nice, and a I went out for a 10km paddle. Was nice to be out on the ocean After yesterday being cooped up inside.

Schumi too funny about the vegan being caught having a bacon sandwich. Reminds me of the TV commercial with Mila Kunis caught eatting Cheetos to the song Wasn’t Me!
:wave2: Quick evening stop in while watching the Nascar night race tonight.

A day of puttering and putzing around the house. Got the clothes sorted and ready to sell. I sold a few items already on facebook. Now hopefully the others will sell as well. Most of our clothes we donated...but some items I know we could get a few bucks for.

Supper was steak sandwiches, roasted potato wedges, asparagus and ceasar salad. The garlic toast was delicious with the oven roasted garlic I had in the fridge. Tomorrow is grocery shopping, a little meal prep and not sure what else.

Toasted tomato and bacon sammies on the menu for breakfast tomorrow. It will be the last of the fresh garden tomatoes from my mom. Gotta enjoy them while I can.

Here is the youtube link for Michael Meyers. I didn't even think about the FB thingy :o

Have a great evening everyone!!! Stay safe!!!
Good Saturday night all :wave2:

I hope the headache goes away. It's great your taking care to not overdo things with your back. Back issues are not to be taken lightly. Enjoy the parks!!!!!!!!

Headache did resolve. I think it might have been something I ate at the steak restaurant. Back is still tender, but enjoying the distraction of vacation. Avoiding rides that could make things worse.

How cool. I love that movie.

Me too.

I am melting the Autumn on Main Street scent from Magic Candle Co. I have an HHN candle that I will start burning in a couple of weeks, in time for our trip. I like to burn a candle for the HHN scent, because the flame gives it that extra feeling of fire at UO.

Sounds nice.

Hope your trip is going well and that you feel better soon.

Thank you . I’am having a nice time.

Robo enjoy your pool day and tour! Hope headache is better.

I did enjoy a few pool days so far.

Robo, I will PM you the recipe for the cookies.

Thank you for sharing your cookie recipe. I did get your PM. I’am looking forward to making them when I get home.

Might go solo.

Do it.

Sorry to hear you all have had another loss. Friends are like family and are hard to say goodbye to.

J’aime thank you for your condolences and every sympathy to you and your Dad on his loss. Sadly will be long delay till we can have a funeral. Charles was my husband’s best friend and it’s really hit him.

My condolences to you all.

Some unseen creepy crawly (Boris? Is that you) took a chimp on my thumb near the joint. Now, have ice on it as nearly doubled in size. May take a Benadryl sooner vs later but, they make me drowsy and it’s Friday Night Lights

Ouch.......hope it heals up soon. I won’t soon forget the brown recluse spider bite I got gardening a couple years ago.

It's almost go my hair cut, eyebrows waxed and pedicure done. Instacart order placed and checked into our SW flight.

Have a safe flight Tink. Time to have a good vacation now.

2 pics from the beach this morning.....first one, the sun was barely up, it`s very pretty.

Pretty beach pictures.

Sorry to miss Mac and Robo this year. But the hotel prices much better in September, so I can see me doing these last two weeks instead of first two weeks of October next year.

Sorry to miss you too on tour this year Lynne.

hope it's nothing serious. I have to get a biopsy-like procedure on Tuesday. It will be the second time my obgyn has gotten flesh from me in about a month.

Charade and Soniam hope the biopsies come out good and there is nothing to worry about. Sending mummy dust your ways.

As said, very much hoping tomorrow night has no rain. Will be my first night, with a private RIP the second night I go. So my first night does not have to be having to see and do everything.

Like Metro said. We got a good qdown pour yesterday evening. It also rained this evening.

Back in my room with my feet propped up. Decided not to go into HHN this evening.

Had a long day. I had my UMH tour this morning and did a little park time after.

Went into Confisco for a light dinner while it was pouring rain. Then I hung around for the first night of the return of The Dark Arts show in Hogsmeade.

Ready for bed.

Night light from Castle show this evening.

He will eventually get his license, because I will not drive him around that long. Public transportation here is garbage. Kids here can't drive with anyone else in the car but a licensed adult or an immediate family member, sibling, until they are 18. So he won't be able to get rides from friends. He wants to learn, but he kind of wants to take the easy way out and do the automatic. We are teaching him instead of a school. The class portion is online. I don't trust the other drivers out there and would prefer to make sure he doesn't start out with bad and infuriating habits. He can develop those after he moves out :rotfl2:

We just got back from practicing a bit ago. I wish I was drinking right now. He was braking really hard today and kept looking at the shifter to change gears. He tends to vear when he does that and drive on the wrong side of the road:scared1: Luckily, this is all happening in our neighborhood at 30mph max. DH said he would take him out tomorrow. I still need to clean the back of the car and put the student driver magnet on. I am hoping it will keep people from tailgating him and almost rear-ending him when he actually comes to a complete stop before the stop sign, which is required by law.

It's strange with my husband's nieces and nephews. They are all in Oklahoma, Dallas area, or Houston, and most didn't want to learn to drive for a long time:confused3 There is no public transportation. Their friends with licenses couldn't drive them around. Those areas are not very walkable either. Once I got comfortable with the idea of driving (felt like they put me in a weapon instead of a car and really respected the heck out of the responsibility being given to me), I loved it. We love driving on vacation, especially in foreign countries. I could totally see people living in a big city with public transport or walkability not wanting or needing to drive, but everywhere else in the US, you really need to be able to drive.

I hate when people get all preachy about how they eat. It's one thing to talk about it, but it's another to expect others to eat that way too or to judge them for not eating the same way. Does she eat root vegetables or anything with a shadow? You can call her out on that next time:rotfl2:

I loved driving too as soon as I could, think we were all the same, although sometimes other road users don`t make it as fun as it should be.

Yes, she is quite preachy, and was annoyed we found out she got caught......said it was a one time thing! OK.

I remember there was a sign that used to be up in Smokey Bones on the 192, it said Plants are living things too......I had it made into a birthday card for wonder she doesn`t like

Taking a breather before I go out to supervise the mr put up the 1st of the Halloween lights. when we were out stocking up on wings (yet another shortage), decided to stop at the Spirit Halloween store. Believe the subliminal messaging worked :). Going to plop up a couple of the inflatables & my skeleton flamingos. staying classy as usual my friends :smooth::p

used to be more common here when i started to drive. Never did get the hang of it, shifting after stopped for a light on a steep hill. That sickening feeling of sliding backwards and fearing u will go right into the impatient vehicle on ur ahem rear.

woke up, still sore, now has pin point white bumps under the skin. DH ’joked’ they may be ‘Laid eggs’. he was almost kicked out of bed.

score! Starting to think we’ll never get there at this point

absolutely, enjoy. Had to sit thru the end of the Notre Dame game :)

oh, that is so gross, poor Kyle.

i was literally sweating putty balls I was so nervous. took my time, shockingly, he loved it. A first, always some constructive criticism in The past. Refused to let me snap a pic, said he knew I’d post it out. As well I would!

what’s funny is he wanted a modified mullet. Little does he know the cut in the back is pretty much how my Mom had me layer her hair. Turns out he has quite a bit of curl in it, once layered properly the back had some nice body to it.

not sure how it is elsewhere in the country, they are still quite trendy here, with the millennials. along with the dreaded man bun. I don’t judge, safest way to let that freak flag fly is with your hair IMO

give new life to being caught ‘cheating’ LOL

hahaha maybe just a nip to steady those nerves

Love your decorations for Halloween!

Ouchy on the bite and yes a comment like that wouldn`t be popular here either......we`ve had several spiders in the last week as temps are cooling down at night, not much to do about them except catch them if we can.

Good job on the`ll have a job for life now!

What was funny to the friend that saw her eating the sandwich, was she waved to her as she was mid bite with the bacon sticking out of the`t even disguise it!

:wave2: Quick evening stop in while watching the Nascar night race tonight.

A day of puttering and putzing around the house. Got the clothes sorted and ready to sell. I sold a few items already on facebook. Now hopefully the others will sell as well. Most of our clothes we donated...but some items I know we could get a few bucks for.

Supper was steak sandwiches, roasted potato wedges, asparagus and ceasar salad. The garlic toast was delicious with the oven roasted garlic I had in the fridge. Tomorrow is grocery shopping, a little meal prep and not sure what else.

Toasted tomato and bacon sammies on the menu for breakfast tomorrow. It will be the last of the fresh garden tomatoes from my mom. Gotta enjoy them while I can.

Here is the youtube link for Michael Meyers. I didn't even think about the FB thingy :o

Have a great evening everyone!!! Stay safe!!!

Thanks for the link Pumpkin........yes, wouldn`t fancy coming across him, especially at night.

Dinner sounds so good!

Good Saturday night all :wave2:

Headache did resolve. I think it might have been something I ate at the steak restaurant. Back is still tender, but enjoying the distraction of vacation. Avoiding rides that could make things worse.

Me too.

Sounds nice.

Thank you . I’am having a nice time.

I did enjoy a few pool days so far.

Thank you for sharing your cookie recipe. I did get your PM. I’am looking forward to making them when I get home.

Do it.

Sorry to hear you all have had another loss. Friends are like family and are hard to say goodbye to.

My condolences to you all.

Ouch.......hope it heals up soon. I won’t soon forget the brown recluse spider bite I got gardening a couple years ago.

Have a safe flight Tink. Time to have a good vacation now.

Pretty beach pictures.

Sorry to miss you too on tour this year Lynne.

Charade and Soniam hope the biopsies come out good and there is nothing to worry about. Sending mummy dust your ways.

Like Metro said. We got a good qdown pour yesterday evening. It also rained this evening.

Back in my room with my feet propped up. Decided not to go into HHN this evening.

Had a long day. I had my UMH tour this morning and did a little park time after.

Went into Confisco for a light dinner while it was pouring rain. Then I hung around for the first night of the return of The Dark Arts show in Hogsmeade.

Ready for bed.

Night light from Castle show this evening.

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I do remember that spider bite you had a time back....nasty.

Glad the headache cleared and you`re doing better......nice picture of the castle and hope you sleep well. And hope you enjoyed Confisco`s, one of our favourite places that sometimes doesn`t get the love it deserves.

Well the heavy rain forecast overnight never turned up. Not impressed they try to tell us what the weather will be like in a 1000 years, but can`t quite correctly predict the next few days.

So, early walk again this morning before we need to go buy a few fresh items for next few days. Thinking roast rack of lamb for dinner tonight, doesn`t take long to cook like a full leg and very tasty.

Rest of the day, no idea yet, it`s one of my friends birthdays so will go drop off her card and gift, she did tell me it was also her dog`s birthday too...... :confused3 Not sure what I`m supposed to do about`s a dog.

I think I`m still full from last night, so might wait till after our walk to eat this morning, having a ginger tea right now as I await some light to begin to seep through the trees, and it`s only going to get darker next few weeks.




Happy Sunday :sunny:
Happy Sunny Sunday from Devon. Forecast before we came said rain and so far wall to wall sunshine. Feeling very lucky.

We started with a beach and coast walk and Louie playing in the sea. Friday night we walked down to the cricket club as I’d seen advertising for a “gourmet” food van. It really was excellent but also the banter of the end of season match.

Yesterday we started with a visit and walk at the Donkey Sanctuary then into Sidmouth where we used to have our property. There was a vintage car show on and the town was so busy for parking but Kev was persistent and we had a long walk around our favourite places. Keto out the window we had a cream tea in the gardens before another walk and Pimms at our favourite outdoor bar.

I’m usually so on the ball with events around here and was disappointed I hadn’t realised it is Budleigh Literary Festival. All set up just minutes away from the apartment. I would definitely have booked for a couple of the authors eg Ann Cleeves. We did walk past the children’s author Jacqueline Wilson.

We are off out to walk along the coast and up the river Otter today and returning to a Sunday meal booked in the town.

Saw this and thought of you guys this morning.
So cute, I bet Louie was enjoying his romps in the sea and now trotting along the river with you and Kev. Sounds very scenic, Julie. Enjoy your dinner in the town tonight.

Robo, when do you leave? I hope your back is feeling better today. Yeah, I’ve heard rainy HHN nights were had since it started. Though I also heard it did not much lessen the crowds. I do have a cheap poncho, but hoping tonight MonyK and I have a dry night. My phone says good chances of rain from late afternoon until around 7 tonight. But as it’s still that more like Summer time, yeah some rain falling almost daily, is expected this time of year. But we were very lucky last month, the only heavy rain we got was when we were at the pool, and then only a few times, light, and very quick, rain showers. And they actually felt good, as was icky hot that week we were there.

Sue, a paddle sounds so relaxing. Yeah, I’ve had a long post I’ve typed go poof. Nice to get that closet clear out. And yum to your great, descriptive meal.

Schumi, yeah the weather has been hot, then not so warm. But around here, we should be in the mid 70’s and mid 80’s. And a beautiful clear sky this morning. And 64 out.

Well, I’d better get finished packing. Have that Super Duper Sunday homies. And hope all are feeling well today, too.
Love the picture of Louie and the beautiful background, Julie.

45 minute drive, no line for a kiosk, checked in, no line to drop off bag, no line to wait for agent in pre check. No line through security, happily enjoying quiet at the yay, it’s opens USO. Will wait until closer to my flight time, before I depart. Ugh, even with early bird purchase, I’m at the last number or close to it in the A group. Eh, as a single I may get lucky and snag a up closer seat.

Glorious ☀ here.


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