SPACE RESTAURANT WATCH THREAD—Entrance photos post #1609!!

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I was able to get dinner September 30h. Times went fast! I had several options but 1 went as I was booking, picked a different time & got it. Now nothing is showing available for a party of 4 for dinner.
Should have woke up earlier, darn! Was aiming for a 5:45 start time.

Congrats to those who got in!!
Just got mine for early November! I was prepping the computer to be ready, searched Epcot for the heck of it, and there it was!!
Should have woke up earlier, darn! Was aiming for a 5:45 start time.

Congrats to those who got in!!
I’d keep looking - I can’t believe a place with that much capacity is already booked solid. When our 60+ opened last month, more reservations populated after about 15 minutes (ie locked out of Citricos at 6am but found one at 615).

maybe more slots will drop?
Well, that was an experience. Glad my insomnia and nerves took over tonight to keep me up. But I got it! Dinner on Oct. 7th606114
OMG! That was a nightmare!! I had and lost like 4 times but finally got one exactly what I wanted!! Now, to find a Via Naploli that I had to give up!!
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