Josh Duggar's Trial Begins Today... GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!

I’m so glad his children are now protected.

Sad thing is they really aren't.
They have a mother who stood by him and continued to have babies exposing them to potential danger by their own father.
They have grandparents who covered and excused his molestation of his sisters and others.
They don't stand a chance, nobody is looking out for them.
Sad thing is they really aren't.
They have a mother who stood by him and continued to have babies exposing them to potential danger by their own father.
They have grandparents who covered and excused his molestation of his sisters and others.
They don't stand a chance, nobody is looking out for them.
I'm worried about that as well. She could write a book, start a podcast, even throw up a GFM and end up with enough to leave the family forever. But I doubt she will. I just hope they don't allow conjugal visits and she somehow keeps popping out more victims.
If he is convicted of these charges will he be required to register as a sex offender? I know at the State level (at least in my State) he would. I am not sure how Federal charges work. If so, I don't see any Judge granting visitation with minor children without supervision.
They were talking about the first things that came out and that she should have left him then. Yes, I if he's convicted with this, then I think that's a very different story and cannot imagine he wouldn't have to register as a SO.
It will be interesting to see where he is sent. The nearest Federal facility with a sex-offender program is in Seagoville, TX (near Dallas); about a 6 hour drive from the home where Anna lives.
That one is low-security, which is the most likely level he would be assigned. There is also a medium-security facility that houses such offenders that is located in Marianna, FL; that one is about 4 hours from where Anna's parents live. Those would be the 2 closest to allow family to visit most easily, but I wonder if, given the level of enabling the family has done, if it might be decided to deliberately put distance between him and Arkansas in order to make visiting him difficult. The maximim sentence he could get is 40 years, but the odds are that he won't get the maximum; my guess would be 20 years, to allow his kids to reach adulthood before he is released.

Another interesting question at this point is if we will see the Arkansas DCFS now open an investigation to determine if his own children have been victimized.

Something else I wonder: Jim-Bob is a pretty venal kind of guy, and is widely known to have a really explosive temper. I wonder if there is any possibility that he might encourage Anna to leave NW Arkansas, in order to essentially remove Josh and his nuclear family from the Duggar narrative. Her parents live on a large plot of land in rural Florida, but do not have much money; one scenario could be that she could be encouraged to move back there and given enough money to build a home on their land, where they could help her raise the children. (If her parents have any sense at all, they will insist that JB provide her with ongoing child-support payments; it's not like Josh is going to be sending them any money.)
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It will be interesting to see where he is sent. The nearest Federal facility with a sex-offender program is in Seagoville, TX (near Dallas); about a 6 hour drive from the home where Anna lives.
That one is low-security, which is the most likely level he would be assigned. There is also a medium-security facility that houses such offenders that is located in Marianna, FL; that one is about 4 hours from where Anna's parents live. Those would be the 2 closest to allow family to visit most easily, but I wonder if, given the level of enabling the family has done, if it might be decided to deliberately put distance between him and Arkansas in order to make visiting him difficult. The maximim sentence he could get is 40 years, but the odds are that he won't get the maximum; my guess would be 20 years, to allow his kids to reach adulthood before he is released.

Another interesting question at this point is if we will see the Arkansas DCFS now open an investigation to determine if his children have been victimized.
I wonder if they'll just put him in the prison in Pine Bluff. That's where my former sister-in-law's brother went for actually having relations with minors.
I definitely knew that they always dressed more modestly, but I’m wondering if there was a difference in their modesty after Josh confessed to the molestation. I can only find one family picture of them before the show started (and Josh was 16 by then) and Michelle had on a top that was sheer from the neck down to the top of her “girls”.
There’s “modest” and then there’s “keep your entire body covered in hopes that Josh won’t do this again” modest. (I’m not victim blaming, but I wouldn’t put it past JB &M to believe that putting the girls in sacks might somehow change Josh’s wicked ways 🤷🏼‍♀️)
I think this would have been before that happened. Looks like the oldest might be 11-12 here
I wonder if they'll just put him in the prison in Pine Bluff. That's where my former sister-in-law's brother went for actually having relations with minors.
That's an Arkansas state prison; as a Federal-system inmate, he has to be sent to a US Bureau of Prisons facility, and there are none in Arkansas. The 3 closest are in Texas, Alabama, and southern Illinois (but he won't be sent to Illinois; Marion is a super-max facility, reserved for very violent offenders.) The Federal system requires sex offenders to receive treatment while in prison, and not all of the federal prisons have those programs, so that also limits the options.
That's an Arkansas state prison; as a Federal-system inmate, he has to be sent to a US Bureau of Prisons facility, and there are none in Arkansas. The 3 closest are in Texas, Alabama, and southern Illinois (but he won't be sent to Illinois; Marion is a super-max facility, reserved for very violent offenders.) The Federal system requires sex offenders to receive treatment while in prison, and not all of the federal prisons have those programs, so that also limits the options.
There's Leavenworth. It's a medium security although I don't know about the sex offenders aspect if they have it there. I suppose it depends on what type of facility they'll be sending him to.
I have several random thoughts on this:

  • Thank goodness they found him guilty!
  • He faces up to 20 yr in prison for each of the 2 counts and up to $250,000 in fines for each of the 2 counts. So he could end up spending 40 yr in prison and owing half a million dollars in fines as well.
  • I hope they give him the maximum sentencing.
  • There was a brief press conference that the prosecution team did earlier outside the courthouse. The lead prosecutor was spot on when he said that this verdict demonstrates that no one is above the law.
  • The lead prosecutor is a member of a community which the Duggar clan shuns & shields itself from. How ironic is it that the lead prosecutor, then, is right there leading the charge talking about how important it is to prosecute every single time somebody downloads the sort of material that Josh Duggar did, because every time someone downloads that stuff, a child is victimized again. So who is it who's helping protect victimized children? A member of the very community which the Duggars think is dangerous.
  • The prosecution did an amazing job.
  • The defense was a total joke.
  • Anna Duggar, Josh's wife, needs to wake up and divorce him. IF she does it, I doubt it'll happen until after sentencing occurs.
  • Sentencing is supposed to happen w/in 4 months according to what I read.
  • I'm glad that I didn't have to serve on that jury. That would have been hard.
It's a good day, y'all! He will be staying in prison till sentencing in 4 months. He will be in a federal system with no conjugal visits. His defense already plans to appeal. GOOD RIDDANCE.
She could already have a bun in the oven, especially if she stopped breastfeeding so she could attend the trial.
  • The lead prosecutor is a member of a community which the Duggar clan shuns & shields itself from. How ironic is it that the lead prosecutor, then, is right there leading the charge talking about how important it is to prosecute every single time somebody downloads the sort of material that Josh Duggar did, because every time someone downloads that stuff, a child is victimized again. So who is it who's helping protect victimized children? A member of the very community which the Duggars think is dangerous.
Which community is that? Or do you just mean secular v/s religious?
Which community is that? Or do you just mean secular v/s religious?
I'm reluctant to go into details because it touches upon religion and some very strong views which the Duggars' sect has and I don't want to get points. But you can do a Google search and find out pretty easily.


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