Josh Duggar's Trial Begins Today... GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!

So glad he was found guilty. I grew up knowing about some of the teaching the family followed. My parents never got too into it, but my mom still thinks Gothard is a "good man". :scared: I had a friend who is still into the Pearl's. I read some of their books and was horrified. As long as people excuse their teachings, they will still continue.
So glad he was found guilty. But does anyone else also think could be cyclical? In the sense that he was abused possibly by Jim Bob and the cycle continues? I can’t stop thinking that something like that is very possible.
Jill tweeted that the family believes that justice was served and that it took the jury to make them understand how many times they were lied to.
Interesting, I know her relationship with the family has been strained/more distant over the last several years, but I still kind of surprised (glad, but surprised) that is the stance she took and I wonder if tge rest of the family feels the same.
So glad he was found guilty. But does anyone else also think could be cyclical? In the sense that he was abused possibly by Jim Bob and the cycle continues? I can’t stop thinking that something like that is very possible.
I believe many things tend to be cyclical. But I also believe some things are so heinous that it's incumbent on each individual to break the cycle themselves.

If Jim Bob started it, then what if HIS father started it before him?

Not everyone who grows up dealing with things like that continues the cycle. So it has to come down to the individual as an adult seeking the help they need to break whatever cycle might exist.
Hallelujah! Glad that justice was served. Finally a reality check for Josh. My heart goes out to all the children harmed, including the sisters he molested. I feel sorry for his and Anna’s children; I wonder how she will explain to them what happened to Daddy?

This may sound terrible, but it gives me some satisfaction to see the Duggars’ fall from grace. I used to watch the show sometimes, and found it disturbing to see how JimBob and Michelle treated their children, especially the girls. Those kids were exploited and neglected, kept sheltered and uneducated, so JimBob could control them, even into adulthood. And their sanctimonious attitude made me sick. I still worry about the youngest kids still living with them, and poor Jana, who deserves to have a life of her own.
I trust my judgement very much. I thought there was something OFF before he and Anna even had their 1st child. There was something about him that made me think abuser. I didn't get the crime correct , but he was a creep after all.
I trust my judgement very much. I thought there was something OFF before he and Anna even had their 1st child. There was something about him that made me think abuser. I didn't get the crime correct , but he was a creep after all.

Ugh do you remember “the talk” JB had with Josh right before the wedding? It was such a gross conversation. And knowing what we all know now? Just so foul.
So glad he was found guilty. But does anyone else also think could be cyclical? In the sense that he was abused possibly by Jim Bob and the cycle continues? I can’t stop thinking that something like that is very possible.
Once the molestation story got out, and it was mentioned that JB&M took Josh to some family friend/state trooper named Hutchens for counsel, and then that very same person is serving 56 years for also having child pornography, I wondered if maybe he had also done something to Josh 🤷🏽‍♀️ For JB&M to trust this man to counsel Josh makes me think that this man had spent a lot of time with Josh already by that time. 🤔
Here's a quick synopsis of the past few years of Duggar News for anyone who is just tuning in:

  • Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: We must protect the children from homosexuals! They will corrupt our children! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
  • Josh Duggar: Yay! I landed a job as executive director of Family Research Council in DC! Also, PROTECT THE CHILDREN FROM THE GAYS!
  • FRC: Get lost, Josh. You cheated on your wife at Ashley Madison.
  • Duggars: blah blah, forgiveness, blah blah, pray for Josh.
  • Jim Bob: Vote for me for state senator! So we can protect the children!
  • Michelle Duggar: Men would not stray if their wives were always joyfully available to them. Hey Anna (Josh's wife), this is your fault.
  • FBI: That idiot just downloaded kiddie porn. Do you understand your Miranda rights, sir?
  • Josh: Yes. Gee, officers, did somebody download kiddie porn?
  • FBI: You're under arrest.
  • TLC:'re canceling the Duggars show.
  • Jim Bob: My son has been framed! Don't worry, son. I'll get you free. Blah blah prayers for our family and all that stuff.
  • Michelle: Ladies, beat your children & make sure you're joyfully available to your husband!
  • Josh: It wasn't me! Must have been some homeless guy in McDonald's hacking into my PC with more Linux knowledge than my cybersecurity expert witness.
  • God/Your Favorite Higher Power/Deity of Your Choice: Enough with this nonsense. I'm sending a gay lawyer from Yale to humble his sorry behind and send him to prison for 40 years. Just watch me. Better check yourself, buddy.
  • Defense attorneys: It could have been a homeless guy down the road at McDonald's. Or somebody in Paris. What about the router?
  • FBI: Your witness doesn't know anything about Linux. Shut up.
  • Jim Bob: Vote for me for state senator! Josh is innocent. Protect the children!
  • Also Jim Bob: Don't worry, Josh, I'll take some of the TLC wages that your molested sisters were supposed to get and I'll use it for your defense.
  • 1 of the molested sisters: I'm suing you, Mom & Dad. I want the money I was supposed to be paid. Missionary work? Missionary work, my butt.
  • Jury: Shut up, Jim Bob. He's guilty as can be. We saw all the evidence.
  • Judge: Book 'em, Dano.
  • Defense: We'll appeal!
  • FBI: Good luck with that.
  • Jim Bob: Darn it, there goes the rest of my money.
  • Michelle: Be joyfully available to your husband and none of this will happen! We thought that making him dig a pond in somebody's backyard would cure him of this.
  • Josh: But I'm innocent! I've been framed.
  • God/Your Favorite Higher Power/Deity of Your Choice: You'll have plenty of time in prison now to think about all that. I cleared your schedule for you, thanks to your stupid decisions, that awesome prosecutor I sent to go get you, and that kick butt jury I got for you. You're welcome. Feel free to call me toll free any time. We have a lot to talk about.
I don't care how sheltered you are, no mentally healthy adolescent naturally gets sexually curious about 5 year olds. It should be pretty obvious even to an idiot that a small child and a sexually mature girl are not the same physically. The "sheltered and curious" argument might have held some water if he was accused of peeping at his essentially same-age siblings, but not the little ones. Besides that, scriptural lessons would have made it very clear by that point that such behavior was totally beyond the pale.* Josh knew it was more than just typical adolescent lust, and JB knew it, too; but he was embarrassed at the loss of his vaunted control over everyone in the family. These days what I think JB is most angry about is that Josh's carelessness blew up a situation that JB had come to believe had been successfully buried for good.

(*Edited because my original wording probably was too religion-specific.)
Not to mention that they were all raised the same but none of his brothers were molesting their younger sisters.
Here's a quick synopsis of the past few years of Duggar News for anyone who is just tuning in:

  • Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: We must protect the children from homosexuals! They will corrupt our children! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
  • Josh Duggar: Yay! I landed a job as executive director of Family Research Council in DC! Also, PROTECT THE CHILDREN FROM THE GAYS!
  • FRC: Get lost, Josh. You cheated on your wife at Ashley Madison.
  • Duggars: blah blah, forgiveness, blah blah, pray for Josh.
  • Jim Bob: Vote for me for state senator! So we can protect the children!
  • Michelle Duggar: Men would not stray if their wives were always joyfully available to them. Hey Anna (Josh's wife), this is your fault.
  • FBI: That idiot just downloaded kiddie porn. Do you understand your Miranda rights, sir?
  • Josh: Yes. Gee, officers, did somebody download kiddie porn?
  • FBI: You're under arrest.
  • TLC:'re canceling the Duggars show.
  • Jim Bob: My son has been framed! Don't worry, son. I'll get you free. Blah blah prayers for our family and all that stuff.
  • Michelle: Ladies, beat your children & make sure you're joyfully available to your husband!
  • Josh: It wasn't me! Must have been some homeless guy in McDonald's hacking into my PC with more Linux knowledge than my cybersecurity expert witness.
  • God/Your Favorite Higher Power/Deity of Your Choice: Enough with this nonsense. I'm sending a gay lawyer from Yale to humble his sorry behind and send him to prison for 40 years. Just watch me. Better check yourself, buddy.
  • Defense attorneys: It could have been a homeless guy down the road at McDonald's. Or somebody in Paris. What about the router?
  • FBI: Your witness doesn't know anything about Linux. Shut up.
  • Jim Bob: Vote for me for state senator! Josh is innocent. Protect the children!
  • Also Jim Bob: Don't worry, Josh, I'll take some of the TLC wages that your molested sisters were supposed to get and I'll use it for your defense.
  • 1 of the molested sisters: I'm suing you, Mom & Dad. I want the money I was supposed to be paid. Missionary work? Missionary work, my butt.
  • Jury: Shut up, Jim Bob. He's guilty as can be. We saw all the evidence.
  • Judge: Book 'em, Dano.
  • Defense: We'll appeal!
  • FBI: Good luck with that.
  • Jim Bob: Darn it, there goes the rest of my money.
  • Michelle: Be joyfully available to your husband and none of this will happen! We thought that making him dig a pond in somebody's backyard would cure him of this.
  • Josh: But I'm innocent! I've been framed.
  • God/Your Favorite Higher Power/Deity of Your Choice: You'll have plenty of time in prison now to think about all that. I cleared your schedule for you, thanks to your stupid decisions, that awesome prosecutor I sent to go get you, and that kick butt jury I got for you. You're welcome. Feel free to call me toll free any time. We have a lot to talk about.
You forgot the part where Josh assaulted a sex worker and, my personal favorite, when Jim Bob campaigned for the death penalty for people who commit rape and incest at the same time his son was molesting his daughters.
So glad he was found guilty. But does anyone else also think could be cyclical? In the sense that he was abused possibly by Jim Bob and the cycle continues? I can’t stop thinking that something like that is very possible.
I wonder, too. Not that it would excuse Josh, of course. I know several CSA survivors, myself included, who never committed abuse. My thought is that Jim Bob should be investigated to make sure he doesn’t also belong behind bars. It’s very suspicious that his old sherif friend also went to prison for CSAM.

I do hope that’s not the case, though. Not all abusers have been abused. The less abuse in this world, the better.
So glad he was found guilty. But does anyone else also think could be cyclical? In the sense that he was abused possibly by Jim Bob and the cycle continues? I can’t stop thinking that something like that is very possible.
I think this family had the potential of raising an army of pedophiles, I don’t think it was necessarily Jim Bob, I believe a lot goes on behind closed doors in these “churches.”
Here's a quick synopsis of the past few years of Duggar News for anyone who is just tuning in:

  • Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: We must protect the children from homosexuals! They will corrupt our children! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
  • Josh Duggar: Yay! I landed a job as executive director of Family Research Council in DC! Also, PROTECT THE CHILDREN FROM THE GAYS!
  • FRC: Get lost, Josh. You cheated on your wife at Ashley Madison.
  • Duggars: blah blah, forgiveness, blah blah, pray for Josh.
  • Jim Bob: Vote for me for state senator! So we can protect the children!
  • Michelle Duggar: Men would not stray if their wives were always joyfully available to them. Hey Anna (Josh's wife), this is your fault.
  • FBI: That idiot just downloaded kiddie porn. Do you understand your Miranda rights, sir?
  • Josh: Yes. Gee, officers, did somebody download kiddie porn?
  • FBI: You're under arrest.
  • TLC:'re canceling the Duggars show.
  • Jim Bob: My son has been framed! Don't worry, son. I'll get you free. Blah blah prayers for our family and all that stuff.
  • Michelle: Ladies, beat your children & make sure you're joyfully available to your husband!
  • Josh: It wasn't me! Must have been some homeless guy in McDonald's hacking into my PC with more Linux knowledge than my cybersecurity expert witness.
  • God/Your Favorite Higher Power/Deity of Your Choice: Enough with this nonsense. I'm sending a gay lawyer from Yale to humble his sorry behind and send him to prison for 40 years. Just watch me. Better check yourself, buddy.
  • Defense attorneys: It could have been a homeless guy down the road at McDonald's. Or somebody in Paris. What about the router?
  • FBI: Your witness doesn't know anything about Linux. Shut up.
  • Jim Bob: Vote for me for state senator! Josh is innocent. Protect the children!
  • Also Jim Bob: Don't worry, Josh, I'll take some of the TLC wages that your molested sisters were supposed to get and I'll use it for your defense.
  • 1 of the molested sisters: I'm suing you, Mom & Dad. I want the money I was supposed to be paid. Missionary work? Missionary work, my butt.
  • Jury: Shut up, Jim Bob. He's guilty as can be. We saw all the evidence.
  • Judge: Book 'em, Dano.
  • Defense: We'll appeal!
  • FBI: Good luck with that.
  • Jim Bob: Darn it, there goes the rest of my money.
  • Michelle: Be joyfully available to your husband and none of this will happen! We thought that making him dig a pond in somebody's backyard would cure him of this.
  • Josh: But I'm innocent! I've been framed.
  • God/Your Favorite Higher Power/Deity of Your Choice: You'll have plenty of time in prison now to think about all that. I cleared your schedule for you, thanks to your stupid decisions, that awesome prosecutor I sent to go get you, and that kick butt jury I got for you. You're welcome. Feel free to call me toll free any time. We have a lot to talk about.
I'm howling over here! This was brilliant!
I'm wondering at what point they will start holding JB and Michelle accountable for their knowledge in this? I realize there's a statute of limitations, but they have worked to cover up details for so long that at what point will someone decide that it's their turn to be brought in for investigation? What other details could they possibly be hiding? Things have seemed off about this family from the start, so nothing would come as a surprise at this point.


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