Do you shake hands?


This person totally gets me
Jun 5, 2000
I've never been a fan since I get EVERYTHING I'm exposed to. One thing I was hoping came out of the Pandemic was for shaking hands to become a thing of the past. (Personally I like to greet them by looking them in the eyes with a smile and nod/bow slightly, not elbow touching etc. because that just seems goofy.)

My area is still masked and this is the first week numbers are really down from Omicron, so I went back to in person church again today. Everybody was shaking hands. I know that handshakes weren't the big transmission vehicle for Covid, but still. I had really hoped... Oh well.

Do you shake hands? Do people seem to be back to shaking hands in your area?
I've never been a fan since I get EVERYTHING I'm exposed to. One thing I was hoping came out of the Pandemic was for shaking hands to become a thing of the past. (Personally I like to greet them by looking them in the eyes with a smile and nod/bow slightly, not elbow touching etc. because that just seems goofy.)

My area is still masked and this is the first week numbers are really down from Omicron, so I went back to in person church again today. Everybody was shaking hands. I know that handshakes weren't the big transmission vehicle for Covid, but still. I had really hoped... Oh well.

Do you shake hands? Do people seem to be back to shaking hands in your area?
I'm also not fond of shaking hands. Or hugs from people I don't really know (which happens a lot at church).

If they start approaching me with outstretched arms, or a hand out, I will often just say, "Sorry, I'm not into touching right now.". Most of the time they say OK.
I stopped for the first year of the pandemic (who am I kidding, I didn't meet anyone then anyway) but since being vaccinated I've gone back to shaking hands almost reflexively. I blame law school....
I follow the cues. In the vast majority of situations, a handshake is not offered. If it is, I would consider the source and either fistbump or shake. The only person I shake hands with routinely since the pandemic is DD's boyfriend.

I haven’t shook hands since the beginning of COVID, and I haven‘t noticed anyone else shaking hands either, but I’ve never been one to hang with the movers and shakers anyways. Lol.
shaking hands is nasty. too many people have terrible hand hygiene.

That's they way I feel too. This isn't about Covid at all - except for the fact that I was really hoping it would be an impetus for a permanent change. I see how many people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, etc. I definitely saw a decline in handshaking (maybe because I wasn't really seeing anyone) but was shocked that it seems to be right back to normal handshaking - even living in a place that still has a mask mandate.

I literally just got offered a hand from a nurse at my mom's care facility in the time since I wrote this post. I still have to be masked with an N95 even in her room, they have strict handwashing protocol, limited visitors, temperature monitoring and health questionnaires to enter (all of which I'm fine with if it keeps the doors open) but the nurse wants to shake my hand? It just seems weird.
While covid remains an issue, I have seen fewer people shaking hands. You could always decline or use a fist bump if you find that more suitable. In the business world, shaking hands was considered good etiquette when meeting new people, but they also realize that covid has made that more of an issue then in the past. Whether that will change once we are beyond covid is anyone's guess.

It seems in general, more people are conscious about how to avoid passing various types of germs, washing hands/using hand sanitizer, etc. which is probably a good thing even after covid is behind us.
I have yet to see a case of COVID passed by a handshake, but some in the medical community say that handshaking is fine as long as you are vaccinated.


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