Closing Time!

How do you find out if/when the seller submits their closing documents? Are you notified by the title company?
Beyond frustrating when we are ready to get it done, but they are on their own schedule.
I’m with you guys as well. We were finally notified on Friday that our seller shipped the documents but I’m waiting for the title company to confirm they have indeed receive them. Tuesday marks four weeks since we passed ROFR. I never thought it would take this long
I’m with you guys as well. We were finally notified on Friday that our seller shipped the documents but I’m waiting for the title company to confirm they have indeed receive them. Tuesday marks four weeks since we passed ROFR. I never thought it would take this long
That's a long time to wait! When was your official closing date in your contract? They make it so far out that you typically don't even get close to going over but you may have been close!
How do you find out if/when the seller submits their closing documents? Are you notified by the title company?

The title company should let you know. I do not transfer the closing funds until I get confirmation that the closing docs have been received and that seems to help the sellers have a bit more urgency in getting them back, but there are always reasons it may not happen quickly.
Home Resort: Boulder Ridge Villa (BRV)
Title Company: Mason Title
Offer made: 02/15/2022
Offer accepted: 02/15/2022 (0 days)
Sent to ROFR: 02/16/2022 (1 days)
Passed ROFR: 03/11/2022 (23 days)
Estoppel Received: 03/11/2022 (0 days)
Closing docs received: 03/16/2022 (5 days)
Closing docs returned: 03/21/2022 (5 days)
Seller returned closing docs: 03/18/2022 (2 days)
Closing: 03/22/2022 (1 days)
Deed recorded:
Contract Showing on Membership:
Points in account:

We are in the final stages now. Closing docs and payment are in. 36 days and counting...
Home Resort: Boulder Ridge Villa (BRV)
Title Company: Mason Title
Offer made: 02/15/2022
Offer accepted: 02/15/2022 (0 days)
Sent to ROFR: 02/16/2022 (1 days)
Passed ROFR: 03/11/2022 (23 days)
Estoppel Received: 03/11/2022 (0 days)
Closing docs received: 03/16/2022 (5 days)
Closing docs returned: 03/21/2022 (5 days)
Seller returned closing docs: 03/18/2022 (2 days)
Closing: 03/22/2022 (1 days)
Deed recorded: 03/24/2022
Contract Showing on Membership (New):
Points in account:

What is the time-frame for an account to get created? Was trying to look at recent contracts and seemed 15-16 days after the deed is recorded. My patience is waning. LOL.
Title agency received the seller's closing docs today! Finally moving forward!

Closing Update:

Home Resort: OKW
Broker: DVC Resale Market
Title Company: Magic Vacation Title
Offer made: 2/17
Offer accepted: 2/18
Sent to ROFR: 2/21
Passed ROFR: 3/15 (23 days)
Estoppel Issued: 3/15
Closing docs received: 3/16 (1 day)
Buyer Closing docs returned: 3/21 (5 days)
Seller Closing docs returned: 4/11 (25 days)
Deed recorded:
Contract Showing on Membership (new member):
Points in account:

Days Total:
Home Resort: Boulder Ridge Villa (BRV)
Title Company: Mason Title
Offer made: 02/15/2022
Offer accepted: 02/15/2022 (0 days)
Sent to ROFR: 02/16/2022 (1 days)
Passed ROFR: 03/11/2022 (23 days)
Estoppel Received: 03/11/2022 (0 days)
Closing docs received: 03/16/2022 (5 days)
Closing docs returned: 03/21/2022 (5 days)
Seller returned closing docs: 03/18/2022 (2 days)
Closing: 03/22/2022 (1 days)
Deed recorded: 03/24/2022
Contract Showing on Membership (New):
Points in account:

What is the time-frame for an account to get created? Was trying to look at recent contracts and seemed 15-16 days after the deed is recorded. My patience is waning. LOL.
I feel you. Mine recorded on the 3/23 and still not showing up in my account. I'm an existing member. Usually takes about 3 weeks but the verbiage is 30 days. Hang in there!
Passed ROFR & estoppel issued 3/29, still waiting to get my closing docs. Email said it can take up to 21 business days to get them so I haven’t pestered anyone yet. I was hoping that timeline was going to be a gross exaggeration but perhaps it wasn’t. How long did you wait to inquire about the status of closing docs? (Or were you just a patient soul?)
Passed ROFR & estoppel issued 3/29, still waiting to get my closing docs. Email said it can take up to 21 business days to get them so I haven’t pestered anyone yet. I was hoping that timeline was going to be a gross exaggeration but perhaps it wasn’t. How long did you wait to inquire about the status of closing docs? (Or were you just a patient soul?)
oh you are very patient!! i would have emailed about four times already!
Passed ROFR & estoppel issued 3/29, still waiting to get my closing docs. Email said it can take up to 21 business days to get them so I haven’t pestered anyone yet. I was hoping that timeline was going to be a gross exaggeration but perhaps it wasn’t. How long did you wait to inquire about the status of closing docs? (Or were you just a patient soul?)
If you’re with Magic Vacation Title, one of their agents left recently, and of course that person was handling my closing. I reached out to them when I found out and only then was I assigned a new closing agent.
Last edited:
If you’re with Magic Vacation Title, one of their agents left recently, and of course that person was handling my closing. I reached out to them when I found out and only then was I signed a new closing agent.
Oh thank you, I am with them! I think I’ll shoot them a quick email then to make sure mine’s not wasting away at a now-empty desk.
Home Resort: Boulder Ridge Villa (BRV)
Title Company: Mason Title
Offer made: 02/15/2022
Offer accepted: 02/15/2022 (0 days)
Sent to ROFR: 02/16/2022 (1 days)
Passed ROFR: 03/11/2022 (23 days)
Estoppel Received: 03/11/2022 (0 days)
Closing docs received: 03/16/2022 (5 days)
Closing docs returned: 03/21/2022 (5 days)
Seller returned closing docs: 03/18/2022 (2 days)
Closing: 03/22/2022 (1 days)
Deed recorded: 03/24/2022
Contract Showing on Membership (New):
Points in account:

What is the time-frame for an account to get created? Was trying to look at recent contracts and seemed 15-16 days after the deed is recorded. My patience is waning. LOL.
I'm in that phase now too. Definitely have "waiting fatigue" by the time we hit this phase...especially with banked 407 points that expire 7/31...sigh....
Home Resort: VGF
Title Company: Magic Vacation Title
Offer made: 3/6/22
Offer accepted: 3/6/22
Sent to ROFR: 3/7/22
Passed ROFR: 3/28/22
Closing docs received: 04/07/22
Closing docs returned: 04/07/22 (buyer)
Closing docs returned: 04/12/22 (seller)
Deed recorded:
Contract Showing on Membership (new member):
Points in account:
Closing day!!

Closing Update:

Home Resort: OKW
Broker: DVC Resale Market
Title Company: Magic Vacation Title
Offer made: 2/17
Offer accepted: 2/18
Sent to ROFR: 2/21
Passed ROFR: 3/15 (23 days)
Estoppel Issued: 3/15
Closing docs received: 3/16 (1 day)
Buyer Closing docs returned: 3/21 (5 days)
Seller Closing docs returned: 4/11 (25 days)
Closing: 4/12 (1 day)
Deed recorded:
Contract Showing on Membership (new member):
Points in account:

Days Total:
That's a long time to wait! When was your official closing date in your contract? They make it so far out that you typically don't even get close to going over but you may have been close!
our closing date was may 6, so they were in line, but we lost like a whole month just waiting for the seller to sign the docs! we are hoping to plan a quick little trip in october and have just accepted that our inventory is limited to SSR.
Home Resort: Boulder Ridge Villa (BRV)
Title Company: Mason Title
Offer made: 02/15/2022
Offer accepted: 02/15/2022 (0 days)
Sent to ROFR: 02/16/2022 (1 days)
Passed ROFR: 03/11/2022 (23 days)
Estoppel Received: 03/11/2022 (0 days)
Closing docs received: 03/16/2022 (5 days)
Closing docs returned: 03/21/2022 (5 days)
Seller returned closing docs: 03/18/2022 (2 days)
Closing: 03/22/2022 (1 days)
Deed recorded: 03/24/2022
Contract Showing on Membership (New):
Points in account:

What is the time-frame for an account to get created? Was trying to look at recent contracts and seemed 15-16 days after the deed is recorded. My patience is waning. LOL.
same here.
My contract just showed up in my account. Now for the points load......
our closing date was may 6, so they were in line, but we lost like a whole month just waiting for the seller to sign the docs! we are hoping to plan a quick little trip in october and have just accepted that our inventory is limited to SSR.
I know it will not be at your Home Resort but SSR with the refurb is REALLY nice now and you're really close to DS. Keep checking - something may open up at OKW. Good Luck!!!
Home Resort: AUL
Title Company: Timeshare Title Co.
Offer made: 2/1/22
Offer accepted: 2/10/22
Sent to ROFR: 2/10/22
Passed ROFR: 3/7/22
Estoppel Received: 3/7/2022
Closing docs received: 3/8/22
Closing docs returned: 3/14/22
Closing: 3/22/22
Deed recorded: 3/23/22
Contract Showing on Membership: 4/12/22
Points in account: 4/12/22

Days Total: 61 days (From offer acceptance)

Contract showed this morning. Chatted with a CM named Amber an hour later and she had no issues loading points for me. I also highly recommend Timeshare Title co. They have a great up-to-date online status tracker that I was able to check myself without pestering anyone. Good luck everyone!


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