Survivor 42

Yeah, Romeo is the goat.

If I were Omar, with that win, I'd have done the sustenance choice and taken just 2. But I guess it didn't help him or hurt him either way. So no biggie.

Lindsey should have used her idol on Omar. Totally 100% should have. That was a game losing choice for the both of them.

Good on Maryann. Not fond of her personally (she annoys me with her over the top persona). But she played that well. And had cajones to stick firm to her plan. With a big smile on her face.
Yeah, Romeo is the goat.

If I were Omar, with that win, I'd have done the sustenance choice and taken just 2. But I guess it didn't help him or hurt him either way. So no biggie.

Lindsey should have used her idol on Omar. Totally 100% should have. That was a game losing choice for the both of them.

Good on Maryann. Not fond of her personally (she annoys me with her over the top persona). But she played that well. And had cajones to stick firm to her plan. With a big smile on her face.
Not sure why Lindsey thought it would go back in play if she used it for Omar. I am thinking since this was the last time she could use it, it would just be gone.
Not sure why Lindsey thought it would go back in play if she used it for Omar. I am thinking since this was the last time she could use it, it would just be gone.
I think she was looking for an excuse not to use it on him. Don’t know if she thought he was at risk, but she also didn’t want to be the one to save him for whatever reason.
I really hate when they drag the "goat" along forever. And then at the final tribal, the goat tries to defend themselves by claiming all these bold moves. Poor Romeo, he's being led to slaughter. I would think as a competitor, you'd want the best next to you, and to beat them would be an honor. To beat a goat...

This is a good interview done with Omar.

I wanted to see him go all the way. He is from Canada as is MaryAnne. They were in our little town paper before this season started. They only live 30 minutes away from me.
Yep, I knew they didn't show a lot. Way heavy edited. And I liked him too. Reminded me of Boston Rob a little. Would love to know the Ponderosa story. I kind of could read between the lines to guess. Interesting they didn't show Ponderosa videos this year.
I really hate when they drag the "goat" along forever. And then at the final tribal, the goat tries to defend themselves by claiming all these bold moves. Poor Romeo, he's being led to slaughter. I would think as a competitor, you'd want the best next to you, and to beat them would be an honor. To beat a goat...
I feel the same way. But look what happened to Colby Donaldson in Season 2. He said the same thing so he took Tina with him to the finals and he lost (should have won though).
Meh. I think Maryann was just a better BSer...better salesman. All 3 were kind of smarmy con artists and had to really sell themselves. Mike was not very self aware. But I do feel he did more in the game to earn a win. Don't think Maryann did much of anything until in the end she found an opening to glom on and get big credit to sell herself to the jury. I wish we had another F3 and not those (maybe Omer and Lyndsay and Drea). Did feel bad for poor Romeo getting no love. And it was hard work for him to be bottom week after week. Hard emotionally I am sure. Didn't like all of them doing the mini sob story heartstrings pulling at that final tribal. They all had teary bits in there and that gets old. Just tell me why you are THE winner and not stories of your parents not accepting you or a friend starting a rumor about you or your kids being proud of the old dad getting to F3. Smarmy salesmen for sure.
I didn't think she should have gotten as many votes as she did. She didn't do anything until she made 1 move on Omar. So she had an idol and kept a secret, that is worthy of 1 million? I guess so. Mike played the game the entire season. You could kind of figure out who was going to win 1) after a particular TC, and 2) with all the editing she was getting last night. Kind of getting tired of this game, the most deserving people just aren't winning and it's starting to get a bit out of hand with all these idols and advantages. Throw in a season with only 1 idol and no advantages and let's watch the players scramble because there aren't 12 idols/advantages to look for. Lets get back to the more physical challenges, the food eating challenges and the auction (just don't put an advantage up for auction at the end). All the balancing and puzzle challenges are getting old. This is why I enjoy re-watching past seasons more than the last few seasons.
Maryanne definitely gave the best answers. She was (at least in the diary segments) very thoughtful about her game and how it was going. No one else may have seen it during the game, but I think she was able to convince them that she wasn't just being pulled along for the ride.

I would have liked to have seen a show of hands of how many of the jury would have voted for Johnathan, had he beaten Mike in the firemaking. (but he was in the cursed firemaking station, so what else did we expect?) It might have been very different. That said, Johnathan didn't play as good a social game as Maryanne and he was never good at puzzles, just the brute strength challenges.

Kudos to Romeo for pulling out a win on that final challenge. He deserved that.
Ugh, Maryann. She’s like Patty Simcox (Grease) on steroids. I would’ve strangled her in her sleep on the first night, just to save my sanity. Not thrilled with her win. And Romeo WAS a cockroach.
Why not?

Kudos to Romeo for getting to the end without having to do too much.
Good for him. It kind of bugs me when people feel they have to pull off some strategic move to prove to the jury that they are worthy of winning. Romeo was paranoid, had pretty much no alliance, and seemed to vote people out randomly. I’d love to see a person who, everyone felt didn’t have any kind of a shot, win.
This game needs some shaking up.
Why not?

Kudos to Romeo for getting to the end without having to do too much.
Good for him. It kind of bugs me when people feel they have to pull off some strategic move to prove to the jury that they are worthy of winning. Romeo was paranoid, had pretty much no alliance, and seemed to vote people out randomly. I’d love to see a person who, everyone felt didn’t have any kind of a shot, win.
This game needs some shaking up.

He only got to the end because everyone knew nobody would vote for him. He did absolutely nothing that was worthy of winning the game.


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