Post a opinion on a light hearted issue which will divide people?

I'll wade in, my opinion is that you should put your grocery cart back in the coral vs. just leaving it wherever in the parking lot of the grocery store.
Can I expand on that, don't just toss it from 2 feet away from the corral either. Walk the remaining 8 steps and push the cart into the other carts so they are like they were in the store where you got it from. So simple. It's unbelievable how lazy people are.
Captain Picard was a better captain than Captain Kirk.
I took a reliable poll of alien women and they all chose Kirk. And so did a plurality of star fleet women.

Here's a typical answer. Kirk vs Picard? No contest. Even a horga'hn on Risa didn't work for Picard.

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It's true. She is not THAT good at singing. Destiny's Child had some great songs. Once she went on her own, I haven't liked any of them.
She has a nice voice but not star quality. Michelle Williams (DC group member) has a above and beyond incredible voice.

Just goes to show it's all about who you know or who you marry. The ability to afford a massive support team who writes your material, designs your costumes and has a PR machine creating the success for you.


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