Son says he needs to cut his long hair for job


Earning My Ears
Sep 7, 2022
My son just got his first job at a grocery store. It is one of those traditional stores that still make male employees wear ties and all that, and he says he needs to cut his hair short (off collars/ears/eyes) for it. He has gorgeous long surfer hair, and he is both excited for the job because he will be working with a bunch of his friends, but also disappointed to have to cut his hair.

I said he shouldn't have to cut his hair for a part-time job, but my husband (who has never been a super big fan of his hair and tbh I think it's just glad he is finally cutting it) says that that is bad advice, and that a professional haircut would suit him well. I know there are lots of other jobs out there that is less strict, but he also seems excited to work with friends so I am not sure how to advise him.
My son just got his first job at a grocery store. It is one of those traditional stores that still make male employees wear ties and all that, and he says he needs to cut his hair short (off collars/ears/eyes) for it. He has gorgeous long surfer hair, and he is both excited for the job because he will be working with a bunch of his friends, but also disappointed to have to cut his hair.

I said he shouldn't have to cut his hair for a part-time job, but my husband (who has never been a super big fan of his hair and tbh I think it's just glad he is finally cutting it) says that that is bad advice, and that a professional haircut would suit him well. I know there are lots of other jobs out there that is less strict, but he also seems excited to work with friends so I am not sure how to advise him.
Advise him that if he wants the grocery store job, he will have to conform to their dress code - period. The alternative is to pass on it and find something elsewhere that does not have such a requirement. Let him make his own decision but now is as good a time as any to learn the larger world has rules; like them or lump them.
If that is their dress code then he needs to decide if he wants to work there or keep his long hair. More and more places are moving away from strict dress codes but lots of companies still require a certain look. No more than one ear piercing for females, no gauges or face piercings, no non-natural hair colors and no visible tattoos. If he doesnt want to cut his hair I would suggest finding a company that will not require that.
I worked at a grocery store in the past and my store didn't have a requirement like this. As long as your uniform was clean, management didn't care about your appearance (they were also understaffed and were actively hiring so perhaps they didn't want to be too picky). Personally I would never cut my hair for a minimum wage part time job but others may feel differently. Your son will have to decide if he wants to work at that store or keep the long hair.
he says he needs to cut his hair short (off collars/ears/eyes) for it.

I work for various companies that also have a similar dress code and hair requirement for men. What the men do is put their hair up in a discreet, low man-bun or super-low pony tail where the end tucks into the back of their collar, (if the bun is too big.) That has often fulfills the requirement to look neat and professional, and appearing from the front and most angles to have "short" hair. One really has to look to see the man-bun or pony-tail tucked in.

He may want to ask a supervisor in HR for the company if that will be acceptable.

Otherwise, if he really is okay with it, he may feel it's time for an updated change. This period of life is all about experimenting. If it turns out to be a mistake, he can always grow it back and find a different job that will accept him with long hair. It will be a win either way, as it's a learning experience for him.
Let him decide.

And it's hair, it will grow back if he doesn't stay there. But who knows, maybe he will love the new look. My kid had long wavy beautiful hair in high school. He decided to cut it once and never grew it out again. I missed how pretty it was but it's his hair not mine.
A requirement like that seems to be far from the norm around me. There is a variety of looks at the stores I frequent and I'm surprised something like this is even an issue in today's world.

it's not exactly the same, but it is a little....

The New York Yankees have in their player contracts that the player must maintain a certain personal image, both on and off the field. No long hair and no facial hair. Players can either accept the contract, or pass. I assume similar applies here at this grocery store.
it's not exactly the same, but it is a little....

The New York Yankees have in their player contracts that the player must maintain a certain personal image, both on and off the field. No long hair and no facial hair. Players can either accept the contract, or pass. I assume similar applies here at this grocery store.
A couple of Yankees have mustaches. I noticed that a few days ago during one of the games. It caught my attention because I know about that requirement.

My son had to bun his hair up when he worked at our local movie theater. Is that an option?
If he wants to fight it, he can try, but he’ll likely lose his job in the process. Making men cut their hair but not women can be considered gender discrimination. He can contact an employment attorney to see what advice they have. If he really doesn’t want to cut his hair, then another job might be wise.
it's not exactly the same, but it is a little....

The New York Yankees have in their player contracts that the player must maintain a certain personal image, both on and off the field. No long hair and no facial hair. Players can either accept the contract, or pass. I assume similar applies here at this grocery store.
I was talking specifically about the people I see working at the various grocery stores I shop at. I see all kinds of looks and accessories that would have been a problem in the past. It seems pretty wide open where I am which is why I commented on it.
With all the problems in the world, I am continually amazed by the petty things people will concern themselves with. A man with long hair — there are people who still care about this?

There’s no need for you to advise him. He can decide if this job is worth cutting his hair. Personally, it would be a no for me. I have no desire to work for a company that micromanages its employees to that degree. And where on earth are grocery store employees wearing ties? That seems A) weirdly formal and out-of-place for a grocery store environment and, B) kind of hazardous around conveyor belts. :crazy:
My son just got his first job at a grocery store. It is one of those traditional stores that still make male employees wear ties and all that, and he says he needs to cut his hair short (off collars/ears/eyes) for it. He has gorgeous long surfer hair, and he is both excited for the job because he will be working with a bunch of his friends, but also disappointed to have to cut his hair.

I said he shouldn't have to cut his hair for a part-time job, but my husband (who has never been a super big fan of his hair and tbh I think it's just glad he is finally cutting it) says that that is bad advice, and that a professional haircut would suit him well. I know there are lots of other jobs out there that is less strict, but he also seems excited to work with friends so I am not sure how to advise him.
Welcome to the dis, 64.
It's appears pretty simple. I actually do hiring. If we had a dress code you don't have to agree to it. As the employer, I don't have to hire you. Please feel free to find a job and company that is more in line with your appearance, they are out there. No hard feelings. I don't owe you a job.
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