Big Brother summer 2022

I'm doing my yearly check in on this thread after the season is over post because I don't like spoilers, but I'm surprised with the outcome. The only other people's opinions I hear are my family's and one of my co-worker's and none of us liked Taylor. In fact, I even said that if we could see the full tally of America's Favorite Houseguest vote, that Taylor would be near the bottom, but not only was she in the top 3, she won it! When the Cookout was on the other night and they were talking up Taylor so much, it did occur to me that I could be way off-base with my thinking. She wasn't a bad person, I just really didn't care for her at all (and neither did the other people I know who watched it). I don't know if Monte would've beaten Turner or not, but the votes probably would've been more split, so obviously Monte was off-base with what he thought the jury would think too. I was really rooting for Turner and was surprised he wasn't in the top 3 of America's Favorite Houseguest.
To me it feels very....staged...the whole thing. For Monte not to get the story Taylor was putting out there and take her anyways, the votes, the America's favorite player???? All of it just seems a bit over the top and a facade really.
I have heard stories of BB producers manipulating things in the past so I never place a lot of trust in the fairness of the "game" - esp America's favorite player.

Taylor wasn't my favorite - I was actually rooting for Turner - and think Monte would have won against Turner. In the end, it was kinda nice to not have a given winner this year, or a floater still hanging around.
I'm doing my yearly check in on this thread after the season is over post because I don't like spoilers, but I'm surprised with the outcome. The only other people's opinions I hear are my family's and one of my co-worker's and none of us liked Taylor. In fact, I even said that if we could see the full tally of America's Favorite Houseguest vote, that Taylor would be near the bottom, but not only was she in the top 3, she won it! When the Cookout was on the other night and they were talking up Taylor so much, it did occur to me that I could be way off-base with my thinking. She wasn't a bad person, I just really didn't care for her at all (and neither did the other people I know who watched it). I don't know if Monte would've beaten Turner or not, but the votes probably would've been more split, so obviously Monte was off-base with what he thought the jury would think too. I was really rooting for Turner and was surprised he wasn't in the top 3 of America's Favorite Houseguest.
I think that your surprise may be due to watching the show only and avoiding spoilers. Those who watch live feeds, or check in on the reports of those who do, often have a different perspective than those who watch the televised only.

I was OK with any of the final 3 winning but as soon as Monte took Taylor, I knew she won. He gave the money away imo. He had a much better chance against Turner. I’m not sure who he thought was going to vote for him.🤷🏻‍♀️
To me it feels very....staged...the whole thing. For Monte not to get the story Taylor was putting out there and take her anyways, the votes, the America's favorite player???? All of it just seems a bit over the top and a facade really.
Do y'all remember years ago on American Idol there was a contestant named Sanjaya that made it through week after week despite him not being that great and not really being liked by the judges that much? There was some website or message board called "Vote for the Worst" that was part of a campaign to get him to make it through each week. I couldn't help but think there was some social media campaign to vote Taylor "America's Favorite Houseguest" because she was actually the most disliked, lol. Like I said, I would've thought she'd be near the bottom of that vote, but not only did she make the top 3, she WON... so bizarre to me.

I didn't care for her in the very beginning because of her shamelessly trying to flirt and get in with the guys and how she was doing those "fashion walks" -- really shallow and self-absorbed. I did hate how she was somewhat bullied by the other women and Daniel was a jerk to her, but they nipped that in the bud pretty quickly and she was taken in by The Leftovers fairly early on in the game. Then she has this semi-showmance with Joseph, but then has a full showmance with Monte -- I would've bet money that would've turned the jury off as well as the public, but nope. :confused3

I think that your surprise may be due to watching the show only and avoiding spoilers. Those who watch live feeds, or check in on the reports of those who do, often have a different perspective than those who watch the televised only.

I was OK with any of the final 3 winning but as soon as Monte took Taylor, I knew she won. He gave the money away imo. He had a much better chance against Turner. I’m not sure who he thought was going to vote for him.🤷🏻‍♀️
I think you're probably right. When The Cookout peeps were talking about her the other night, that was kind of a wake up call for me that people had a different opinion of her than what I was seeing.
I know a couple weeks ago I didn't care who won at that point, even if it was Taylor. I thought is was a fairly boring season with boring people who mostly forgot it was a game of strategy. So many were carried through by so few. Just get it over with.

But the last ten days or so I really had changed my mind about who I wanted to win, and how I viewed many of these people and how disappointed I am in the lack of game play and very sad about how America has reacted or shall I say not reacted to certain behaviors from multiple players.

I would have voted for Turner if he made it because he was the best player after taking out THE best player, Monte came close with his stronger resume on moves and play. Taylor's claim to fame is she didn't get evicted each time on the block - well that happens because the house votes for you to stay and float you on through another week. She did very little game play, winning very little and used her "personality" to float through with the guys. I have no issue with lying if you are game playing, I do have issue if you are lying to get intimate with someone to buy your way to the end. There is a word for that.

I find it sad so many young people online don't think it's an issue. Women have worked hard for decades to always be judged on their work and attained their goals with their brains. To have this woman use her sexuality during the season ... whatever if guys fall for it ... but to be intimate goes back to women having to get promotions on their back. I found it so offensive and demeaning ... And now I see Joseph doesn't care that she did that - what does that say? I thought so highly of him, not anymore.

While her speech was animated and colorful I thought she was bullying the jury - you HAVE to vote for me because some of you were mean, and some of you are racists, and some of you have to support girl power ................ no, you vote for the person who worked hard to win stuff, who made big moves in getting out top players .... you don't earn a vote floating to the point you have to sleep with someone. You don't vote for someone out of some kind of guilt laid on you.

I've watched this show since it started, I love game play, big moves, hanging in to win until you hurt. So many quitters. I appreciate the social game to get others to move pieces and get blood on their hands. This was a very clean season, very few made big moves ... and two of the biggest were made by Turner and Monte. If this was just a social game we wouldn't need any competitions or HOH or veto. Just each week they vote out the person they like the least. This is a COMPETITION game with social components.

I've heard all this season they are in DR room for hours on end to convince them to make certain moves, that is disappointing. This was the calmest "whatever" final night, I feel like the winner was decided by production and they told them who to vote for. I am not sure I even want to watch anymore. I'm bummed about the season, about the jury letting themselves be bullied, about America voting for Taylor and Kyle. Sad commentary all around.

I waited a couple days to see if it bothered me less, but it bothers me more.
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I was never a big Taylor fan. I don't think she deserved to be bullied and I don't care that she was a flirt... that's worked in the past. But I don't think she did all that much through the season. She was taken in by an alliance that pitied her and wanted to make things right for her. She rode that to the end. She had a quasi-showmance with Joseph - who was crushed when he heard she had moved on to Monte (poor Joseph fell hard for her!). Then, when it was convenient, she had a showmance with Monte, which got her to the final 2. Monte also fell hard for her.

Oh, that's another first... a showmance made it to the final two.

Yes, Taylor won 2 HOHs and a Veto maybe? But still, the guys did far more than her.

I also didn't like her alluding to sitting next to a racist on the block as a trauma. She knew she wasn't going home after that. It was her ticket off the block and she didn't even have to get her hands dirty for it. It wasn't necessary to mention that and make it about race.

Of the girls, she was the best. I can't think of a woman I would have rather seen there than her. Neither Alyssa nor Brittany deserved it over her. Of all the houseguests, she shouldn't have won. Monte would have been a better pick. But I was routing for Joseph and was so disappointed when they voted him out. Turner certainly deserved it more than Taylor. Monte's whispering in Taylor's ear after the eviction "you see, I told you I'd take you" tells you all you need to know about that argument that went on and what Monte's hoping for after the game.

As for AFH, I thought Joseph was going to take it. He was such a nice guy and didn't deserve to be cast out when he was. I can only assume that people who though Taylor deserved the win for the game wouldn't get it, so they gave her equivalent to Miss Congeniality, which she alluded to. But I didn't think she was the worst by any means. She was mostly liked (on Twitter anyway) throughout the season. IMO, she deserved to be in the final 4 at least and did earn her spot in final 3 when it counted.

Finally, when Joseph stood up and said he was a lawyer, did you see Taylor's jaw drop? I can't help wondering (being catty here) if it crossed her mind that she dumped the lawyer for the personal trainer.
I was never a big Taylor fan. I don't think she deserved to be bullied and I don't care that she was a flirt... that's worked in the past. But I don't think she did all that much through the season. She was taken in by an alliance that pitied her and wanted to make things right for her. She rode that to the end. She had a quasi-showmance with Joseph - who was crushed when he heard she had moved on to Monte (poor Joseph fell hard for her!). Then, when it was convenient, she had a showmance with Monte, which got her to the final 2. Monte also fell hard for her.

Oh, that's another first... a showmance made it to the final two.

Yes, Taylor won 2 HOHs and a Veto maybe? But still, the guys did far more than her.

I also didn't like her alluding to sitting next to a racist on the block as a trauma. She knew she wasn't going home after that. It was her ticket off the block and she didn't even have to get her hands dirty for it. It wasn't necessary to mention that and make it about race.

Of the girls, she was the best. I can't think of a woman I would have rather seen there than her. Neither Alyssa nor Brittany deserved it over her. Of all the houseguests, she shouldn't have won. Monte would have been a better pick. But I was routing for Joseph and was so disappointed when they voted him out. Turner certainly deserved it more than Taylor. Monte's whispering in Taylor's ear after the eviction "you see, I told you I'd take you" tells you all you need to know about that argument that went on and what Monte's hoping for after the game.

As for AFH, I thought Joseph was going to take it. He was such a nice guy and didn't deserve to be cast out when he was. I can only assume that people who though Taylor deserved the win for the game wouldn't get it, so they gave her equivalent to Miss Congeniality, which she alluded to. But I didn't think she was the worst by any means. She was mostly liked (on Twitter anyway) throughout the season. IMO, she deserved to be in the final 4 at least and did earn her spot in final 3 when it counted.

Finally, when Joseph stood up and said he was a lawyer, did you see Taylor's jaw drop? I can't help wondering (being catty here) if it crossed her mind that she dumped the lawyer for the personal trainer.

Not the first showmance to make final two. Jackson (Mickie) and Holly from season 21 made final two.
I am so surprised by all the Taylor hate. SMH at such catty and judgmental comments. I’ll admit she came across as unlikable the first week, but then settled in and became someone I was rooting for.

My DS follows all sorts of BB on Twitter, and Taylor had a huge, HUGE fan base. She won AF because people liked her, not because they felt sorry for her. Interestingly enough, Turner’s girlfriend was also immensely popular, lol.

Just wanted to point out Turner only had one more HOH win than Taylor. Neither had a veto win. Taylor worked hard all season building relationships with the other houseguests, even the ones who had treated her so poorly early on. Turner and Monte both had people they barely spoke to. As I mentioned before, I would’ve been fine with any of the final three winning. But in no way was Taylor less deserving.

Anyway, that’s it until next year…
I am so surprised by all the Taylor hate. SMH at such catty and judgmental comments. I’ll admit she came across as unlikable the first week, but then settled in and became someone I was rooting for.

My DS follows all sorts of BB on Twitter, and Taylor had a huge, HUGE fan base. She won AF because people liked her, not because they felt sorry for her. Interestingly enough, Turner’s girlfriend was also immensely popular, lol.

Just wanted to point out Turner only had one more HOH win than Taylor. Neither had a veto win. Taylor worked hard all season building relationships with the other houseguests, even the ones who had treated her so poorly early on. Turner and Monte both had people they barely spoke to. As I mentioned before, I would’ve been fine with any of the final three winning. But in no way was Taylor less deserving.

Anyway, that’s it until next year…

We’re allowed to not like someone, just like you are allowed to like them. No catty or judgemental thoughts required.
I have not watched in weeks not really liking who was left except for Turner but checked to see who won. I had a feeling it would be her since she was one of my least favorite houseguests.
I guess I am in the minority here as I did not really care for Turner and found him disingenuous. I was not thrilled by any of the final 3 but was not surprised by Taylor winning or getting the favorite.


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