Something About Nothing............ #14

Struggling to find proper lighting for some rooms and downstairs a few more places to try first.

Fitted wardrobe place we wanted to use closes on Mondays.......typical! Will try again later in the week.

Gorgeous and mild day again, got towels out on the line that`ll dry in no time at all.....loving this milder autumnal weather that is almost summer like.

Off to make grilled brie, turkey and cranberry sandwiches for lunch......quite addicted to them now. And a large strong pot of tea......
Happy Halloween!!!!!

We made it back from the big city. Kids are all moved in and mostly settled. They moved into a smaller home - so there were decisions that needed to be made...still some boxes to go through and pick out what they want to keep or donate. But for the most part...they are moved in.

Enjoyed our time with our gd. She didn't want us to go home...broke my heart to leave her :sad: Thank goodness for video chatting now! She is definitely growing toooo fast! Dumb and Dumber were very happy to see their Mom & Dad. They will have an adjustment period in the new house. But I sure missed my little partners in crime last night when I was locked up the house and heading to bed. There were no extra hugs and pets to give them...or fighting over the space on the bed for everyone to get into their own zones :laughing:

It is another surprisingly warm day here! It's a brown halloween!!!! THAT doesn't happen often! It will be a beautiful night for them to go out trick or treating. There will be no snowsuit wearing under the costumes this year! I can't wait to see all the little ghosts and goblins come to the door! I bought one box of treats for the trick or treaters - and one box for the household. Dh and boys love their chocolate, so I always make sure there is enough for the trick or treaters. And yes - I hide it or else it gets eaten before halloween.

Surprisingly there is that dreaded "s" word forecasted for later in the week. BUT we did see the geese are still here yet - so I am hopeful we don't get much more than a skiff of it.

@macraven I believe @Sue M watches that show yet.

@Charade67 - Great mark!!!! I hope you can find the motivation you have been missing.

@schumigirl - I hope you find the perfect lights that you are looking for. Dh is a sparky - so I have always been able to find what I was looking for. He knew where to go, but sometimes it was a struggle - as it would be the obscure little store that would have what I was looking for. I have my eye on a new closet organizer as well. I am hoping next time we go to the city - there will be one in the truck box for dh to assemble.

@Robo56 Happy Halloween to you as well!

Well, I should shuffle a few more papers. Gotta love month end!

Have a spooky day everyone!

Have a great evening Robbie……hope you have a lovely Halloween.

Happy Halloween!!!!!

We made it back from the big city. Kids are all moved in and mostly settled. They moved into a smaller home - so there were decisions that needed to be made...still some boxes to go through and pick out what they want to keep or donate. But for the most part...they are moved in.

Enjoyed our time with our gd. She didn't want us to go home...broke my heart to leave her :sad: Thank goodness for video chatting now! She is definitely growing toooo fast! Dumb and Dumber were very happy to see their Mom & Dad. They will have an adjustment period in the new house. But I sure missed my little partners in crime last night when I was locked up the house and heading to bed. There were no extra hugs and pets to give them...or fighting over the space on the bed for everyone to get into their own zones :laughing:

It is another surprisingly warm day here! It's a brown halloween!!!! THAT doesn't happen often! It will be a beautiful night for them to go out trick or treating. There will be no snowsuit wearing under the costumes this year! I can't wait to see all the little ghosts and goblins come to the door! I bought one box of treats for the trick or treaters - and one box for the household. Dh and boys love their chocolate, so I always make sure there is enough for the trick or treaters. And yes - I hide it or else it gets eaten before halloween.

Surprisingly there is that dreaded "s" word forecasted for later in the week. BUT we did see the geese are still here yet - so I am hopeful we don't get much more than a skiff of it.

@macraven I believe @Sue M watches that show yet.

@Charade67 - Great mark!!!! I hope you can find the motivation you have been missing.

@schumigirl - I hope you find the perfect lights that you are looking for. Dh is a sparky - so I have always been able to find what I was looking for. He knew where to go, but sometimes it was a struggle - as it would be the obscure little store that would have what I was looking for. I have my eye on a new closet organizer as well. I am hoping next time we go to the city - there will be one in the truck box for dh to assemble.

@Robo56 Happy Halloween to you as well!

Well, I should shuffle a few more papers. Gotta love month end!

Have a spooky day everyone!

Oh you’ll miss that little one for sure! Yes, thank goodness for FaceTime and similar…….glad they’re all moved in now.

And no snow is always a result!!! We’re the same Pumpkin, very mild for the time of year, although I think it‘s going to bite us soon…..

I always get our lights/lamps from the same place……independent place not a chain nor is it mass produced. But, he’s heading for retirement so he’s not replacing stock as he’s selling up. Wonderful little place that can get anything you want. I have a few other places to try though. I agree, it’s good to be in the know for golden nugget places.

Enjoy tonight too….

Ended up going down to one of the pubs in our village that was having a non Halloween dinner service tonight……I was so surprised how busy they were! Restaurant was packed, so we sat in the bar and had some food there, you can get bar style food or order off the restaurant menu too.

We both had Surf and Turf, filet and shrimp for me and Scallops for Tom and the dishes were lovely. Walked back home and it is still so mild……rain due overnight but should be dry for tomorrow.

Starting to look for places to replace all our bedroom fitted closets……I again, thought that would be easy, but too many choices and we need to narrow down the options. And don’t want a company to fit them till mid February when decorating will be done and new bed arrives……all about timing!

Going to watch Halloween now…… of wine time!
Trick and treating is now over for our area

We had lovely groups of parents with the kids

and do have some candy bars left which will be for tomorrow’s breakfast…

Glad it was such a nice evening mac.........leftover candy bars is a good thing!!!!! Our village was quite busy last night when we left the pub, I think we need to rethink our village Halloween party being cancelled, it was so popular.

November 1st!!!! Next month is Christmas.....🎄

Watched the original scary movie for us last night...Halloween of course, always enjoy watching that. No need for a marathon as the rest of them are not good.

We had such heavy rain start around 9.30 last night, missed all the families out at least, but never stopped till around 5 this morning and it`s still drizzling a little, no wonder our country is so green.

Lemon curd with crosissants for breakfast, no idea for the rest of the day, but heading out to visit two furniture places, one has a showroom and one is just his work place, it`s huge but he prefers working that way. Will see what they have, then tomorrow we`ll go look at some more, although it`ll be in the morning as the afternoon we both have our 4th covid vaccination......hope we sail through that one! Still deciding if I want the flu jab or not at the same time.

Time for tea.......🫖




Happy Tuesday ☺️

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Yay, a Taco Tuesday starts this month of November.

Oh my, was at a store this weekend, and yes, I heard Christmas music playing. By this weekend, also not much Halloween stuff seen, and the amount of Christmas decor has only started to be twice as big, maybe even more seen shortly.

Ah, but the day Mac can hopefully enjoy some Taco Bell fare today.

And tea for me. And not complaining about the weather. Sad to have rain for our trick or treating night. But it did not last long and was not a downpour, more like a lighter looking rain. Cloudy this morning, and a warmer week predicted. Yay, while more rain chances in the mid afternoon, today, woot to 68 the high. Then warmer nights, not going below 50’s in the overnights, and even 70’s the high this week. And woot, as the high weather system sets up from the SW, so glorious sunshine predicted Wednesday through Friday, and a spell of no rain or any precipitation in the 10 day forecast after today’s chance. What a way to start November.

And was a most glorious sunny Tuesday 25 years ago, the first week of November. And lucky older one, as was born on Election Day, and got his birthday off from school some years. So a birthday month for us.

Good morning, Tea is here and commuting to be later this week. That’s fine with me. Clear, and dry weather early morning commute? Better than the damp and overcast this early morning has been so far.
We finished off what halloween candy we had left for our breakfast this morning

yea for Taco Bell dinner tonight!

lol.....hope you enjoyed it.

Well, ended up not going out in the end, arranged for three bedroom fitters to come out and give us a quote, two were going to be in our area conveniently and one will drop in sometime this afternoon, he couldn`t be precise which is fine since we`re in anyway.

First two have been, don`t think we`ll use either of them as their prices were completely ridiculous. I don`t mind paying for anything whatever it costs, if it worth it. But, this didn`t seem worth it, Tom was relieved when I vetoed both....I think he thought I was

And organised for an Electrician for tomorrow night to look at giving us recessed lighting in all the bathrooms and downstairs toilet too. Hope we don`t feel like carp after the booster!

So, today I managed to do some TR, baked a little, enjoyed shrimp salad sandwiches for lunch and made seasoning to make Southern Fried Chicken tonight....boneless for us! Made up some coleslaw and will throw a salad together later.

Gorgeous day again though....little breezy but sun has been out all day!!
Well sad day as Mr Mac said he wanted mac and cheese and fish sticks for dinner..

No Taco Bell night for me
Looks like I was out voted..

cats even agreed with him for the fish…

(I can do a run for the border tomorrow)

Spicy Southern Fried Chicken here mac if you fancy it……..I made too much as always…::yes::

Definitely a change in the weather today, gone a little cooler so I doubt we’ll get any more washing dried outside now. But, still lots of sunshine around.

Dinner was lovely, and now Tom is through making a pot of tea, will have a slice of ginger cake with buttercream frosting to go with it…it is so nice……and calorie free……:rolleyes1

Think we’ll pop the tv on and try and find something to watch on regular tv…….not easy as most of it is junk!
Quick stop in today!

Busy day trying to get the last of the papers completed for month end and our fiscal year end as well.

I am scheduled to work tonight - just received a call that there is no power currently there and if it's not restored by the time I'm shift tonight. We can't work in the dark! So I guess we will see what happens.

Same ole same ole here. It's a cool crisp sunny day today. The forecast pushed off the white stuff even farther out :cheer2: So that makes me happy!

Not sure what I will do tonight if I'm not working. It might just be a plop my butt on the couch - after I take my butt to the gym. I was busy puttering and handing out halloween candy last night. We only had about 25 kids. Kids got big handfuls of candy to get rid of it - parents were welcome to a shooter or hot chocolate wih or without a shot of Bailey's. It's always nice to give the parent a little something too! Most take up the otter too ;) I remember the days of taking the kids out - freezing out butts off with the cold weather but the kids wanting to keep going to get as much candy as they could. to shuffle a few more papers and p/o to complete.

Have a great evening!!!!
Quick stop in today!

Busy day trying to get the last of the papers completed for month end and our fiscal year end as well.

I am scheduled to work tonight - just received a call that there is no power currently there and if it's not restored by the time I'm shift tonight. We can't work in the dark! So I guess we will see what happens.

Same ole same ole here. It's a cool crisp sunny day today. The forecast pushed off the white stuff even farther out :cheer2: So that makes me happy!

Not sure what I will do tonight if I'm not working. It might just be a plop my butt on the couch - after I take my butt to the gym. I was busy puttering and handing out halloween candy last night. We only had about 25 kids. Kids got big handfuls of candy to get rid of it - parents were welcome to a shooter or hot chocolate wih or without a shot of Bailey's. It's always nice to give the parent a little something too! Most take up the otter too ;) I remember the days of taking the kids out - freezing out butts off with the cold weather but the kids wanting to keep going to get as much candy as they could. to shuffle a few more papers and p/o to complete.

Have a great evening!!!!

Weather sounds ok Pumpkin……hope it stays that way. I’ll vote you have a quiet night in front of the tv if you’re not working, you’ve had a busy time recently…enjoy whatever you end up doing….

I‘m surprised Legends house won house of the year for HHN this year, I’d have gone with Dead Man’s Pier as the winner. Graveyard was a deserved winner for street/scare zone of the year.

And not a fan of Chucky, so even if I was going next year, wouldn’t impress me too much.

Heavy winds forecast for us tomorrow, more into the evening, not looking forward to that, but we’ll be in by then.

Enjoyed an episode of Midsomer Murders tonight, classic one with the original detective, easy watching. Heading to bed soon, both of us are yawning our heads off.
Hey all, belated Halloween greetings from the house of keisha…

look at me, getting all artsy-fartsy with my weeping angel pic
Sam doesn’t look quite pleased in the picture below, however I was. the old clown I fashioned out of a $5 goodwill costume years ago was ahem brought to new life with a lighting effect I dreamed up…make sure to zoom in on it’s face. AD6834AE-93D3-4EE1-998A-337EE7CD0E7F.jpeg
It was raining & a pouring. Glad to have the pop up to duck under

Booked our meals out for Christmas Eve and Boxing Night in Scotland, will be at my sister`s on Christmas Day, all booked into our favourite hotel for that stay.
I have already wrapped some gifts for Christmas.
Lol, really? Heck, I was all full of myself for grabbing a few today to toss in the pile. every year say I’m gong to wrap as I go & every year it’s a marathon couple of days wrapping them At the bitter end.
I have wrapped a couple, and found five gifts I forgot I think I hid them a little too well!
You too? Surrounded by over-achievers lol. I keep a box full of generic sort of presents going. Lost it last year, thankfully surfaced again when I cleaned out a bedroom closet this weekend.

had my youngest DS & his two cats come for 4 night ‘staycation’ this weekend. Wanted to do a dry run they would be ok here when he travels. All, thankfully, went well other than I’m allergic to cats 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ Sniffle snorfel
I saw someone mention etsy. I love that site. I have found things there I couldn't find anywhere else. I plan to order several t-shirts from etsy sellers before we go to Disneyland next year.
I have a real love-hate relationship with Etsy. Mostly re the WDW custom tshirts. Highly rated shops and about 50-50 received off center decals & even some shirts with holes in them! Don’t get me started on shipping delivery times, admittedly spoiled by amazon but, most seem to have had a 3 week turnaround.

received an email coupon for multiple stores, took a quick browse & found really cute personalized cat xmas decorations that are perfect for youngest DS.

Ordered two, then looked at delivery Date & method. Ok, approx 3 weeks as expected. Method: Royal mail. :scratchinI assume they are coming from England. Interesting the shipping time is both typical price and time as those in US:confused3
Am I the only poster here that still watches the walking dead series?
Nope, watch them all. Do think many of the spinoffs have really outshined the original the last few years. Admittedly 3 weeks back on TWD.

and I will miss it when it ends which is soon coming up
Well, at least 4 new ones on tap next year

Isle of Dead,
Darryl (no carole) in Paris,
Richonne ;)
an interesting FtWD spinoff-a prequel of sorts as to the crew of the sub USS PennsyLavinia
Enjoyed our time with our gd. She didn't want us to go home...broke my heart to leave he
Aw, how sweet.
Aww the rain came and a grand total of 5.
Whaaaat? going by leftover treats estimating 115. Pretty good for a steady drizzle. Word has gotten out, we give out dog treats, had to run back into house & get another bag of them.:dogdance:
It's always nice to give the parent a little something too!
we saw so many dads with a beer in one hand and wagon handle in the other. They have been known to hand out summary offenses (fine $500 range) to those obviously inebriated in public here when the adult is supposedly to be responsible for their kids.

What a world🧙‍♀️

Well, I never did get the appeal either, until now.

The ’lil ran amuck (amuck) & won a Hocus Pocus drag brunch halloween contest this weekend (in another one of those outcast $5 costumes found at goodwill :))


Great pics Keisha. I think our low count was due to being a school night and it was raining pretty good. Plus, my average is 10. At least it was warmer last night as is tonight too.

Oh my, we had a late lunch from Mad Mex, and we are still full feeling. Hence, tea and a muffin kids got from the bakery near Mad Mex. That was my dinner.
Great pics Keisha. I think our low count was due to being a school night and it was raining pretty good. Plus, my average is 10. At least it was warmer last night as is tonight too.

Oh my, we had a late lunch from Mad Mex, and we are still full feeling. Hence, tea and a muffin kids got from the bakery near Mad Mex. That was my dinner.
we are still smarting from Sunday’s game lol. Painful to watch

Had to be some real rain to delay the Series game there! The season stretching into November is just asking for bad weather when in the north. File that under what were they thinking I guess.
Funny, Keisha as games on Thursday has baseball, football and soccer all playing that night. City will be rocking for sure. Have to say, bleeding red, green and blue. Hehe. not sorry to have seen those Steelers get beat good.

Ah. what a nice evening.


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