Park and line etiquette

NOTE: Splash Mountain and Pirates of Caribbean both have signs warning you about getting wet. And yes we have gotten wet on Pirates, soggy shoes, socks, wet shirts and shorts.

Same. I saw a teenage girl a couple of weeks ago getting off of Pirates and she was upset because her jean shorts were completely soaked. Not just a splash. They were soaked! So if someone wants to put on a poncho or spend more on a park poncho for one of these rides, it does not impact my life in any way. I probably wouldn't want to walk around the park in soggy jean shorts, either.
One time I rode Kali and by the time I got off I may as well have put my tennis shoes in a pool - they were soaked! Not fun for the rest of the day.
One thing I hate: parents who let their kids just run riot in the line. One time on River Journey, I stood in line behind a family where kids were doing a "punching game"- just running up to each other and punching arms and laughing, then running off, then the next person would run up and punch them. For like 30 minutes, lol.

The "will you get wet?" thing varies. On Kali they stick every male on one side of the boat for a reason- so we SLAM the side of the funnels and get absolutely soaked- I couldn't have been wetter if I'd literally jumped in. On Splash you'll get wet, but not drenched... unless you're in the front. I was on my second WDW trip when I learned that one! Though even then I mostly got a little wet.

I've gotten surprisingly wet on Frozen but not Pirates- I think it's a matter of luck and being in the right spot. Sometimes a big gulp of water WILL come up and just splatter you- I've had to guard my paper souvenirs for that reason.
What's the etiquette for one member of a party getting in line and then several minutes later the remaining seven members show up asking to "join their party" in line? I had this happen to me and my family in April and I thought I was letting one person through, only to have six more follow suit. It wasn't like we were the only family between the one person and the seven others. I feel like the more appropriate thing to do is for the one person to actually join their party instead.
if you see a child in a stroller that looks to old to be using one, follow these helpful steps
1 - Mind your business and go about your day
2 - see step one

see another guest doing something you think is silly but isn't actually hurting anyone? (ie taking 3 minutes to put on ponchos)
see above helpful suggestions.
The main problem I have witnessed whenever I would go to Disneyland and when my family would watch a parade or a show the people sitting behind us would always wear hats or baseball caps and their baseball caps/hats would always block our vision of the stage or the parade and even though Dad would ask politely for the people to remove their baseball caps they never did it. I think Disney parks should have a rule added to the announcement that says this "PLEASE REMOVE HATS/BASEBALL CAPS DURING PARADES/SHOWS FOR BETTER VISION OF GUESTS VIEWING SHOWS/PARADES" and an announcement like this would help a lot. Another annoying thing I witnessed at Disney parks is that parents who have kids who run around circles like crazy and making noise while waiting in line and the parents don't do things about it and all they do is tell the kids "Not so loud please" and I get that the kids are just plain excited to ride rides or meet characters but these two things Disney parks should improve on
The main problem I have witnessed whenever I would go to Disneyland and when my family would watch a parade or a show the people sitting behind us would always wear hats or baseball caps and their baseball caps/hats would always block our vision of the stage or the parade and even though Dad would ask politely for the people to remove their baseball caps they never did it. I think Disney parks should have a rule added to the announcement that says this "PLEASE REMOVE HATS/BASEBALL CAPS DURING PARADES/SHOWS FOR BETTER VISION OF GUESTS VIEWING SHOWS/PARADES" and an announcement like this would help a lot. Another annoying thing I witnessed at Disney parks is that parents who have kids who run around circles like crazy and making noise while waiting in line and the parents don't do things about it and all they do is tell the kids "Not so loud please" and I get that the kids are just plain excited to ride rides or meet characters but these two things Disney parks should improve on
the only thing is Dodger, think about those people sitting in the hot sun to watch the parade, without a hat on sitting there for long periods of time they could get heat exhaustion or a bad sunburn a ball cap is not a big hat, I could see if someone had a giant goofy hat on or something but you can't expect people to put themselves into dangerous health situations so someone else can see a parade
the only thing is Dodger, think about those people sitting in the hot sun to watch the parade, without a hat on sitting there for long periods of time they could get heat exhaustion or a bad sunburn a ball cap is not a big hat, I could see if someone had a giant goofy hat on or something but you can't expect people to put themselves into dangerous health situations so someone else can see a parade
I'm confused how a baseball on a person sitting behind you (as per the PP's post) can block your view?
Last trip I got soaked on Splash.

People running is just unsafe, but as long as CMs have no power to stop it , better stay out of the way.

Out of it people at WDW? No paying attention? Thats like saying you do not wanna see any mouse ears in the park.

I get it, annoying people are everywhere. Nothing you can do about them. Gross peiple also, the hygiene habits of some guests is astonishing. Best to not people watch too much and count to 10 alot.
Not sure if this is the right forum category for this rant but...

Just wanted to express some gripes about park etiquette that I saw last week on our trip...

1. You're not gonna get that wet on Splash Mountain! Quit holding up the line to put ponchos on your kids and yourself! Suck it up, move along, and let the front tip of your hair get a little wet! Geez! People act like they're gonna get absolutely drenched on this ride, and it's never happened once on the many times I've ridden!

2. It's early entry, I get it it, you want to get to Seven Dwarfs quickly....but don't run over my damn wife's feet with your double stroller in the mad rush! Speaking of these damn double's infuriating to see how many people have their kids in these things that are old enough to WALK! Disney busses also need to have dedicated racks/shelves for the strollers so they're not clogging up as much space on the bus....better yet, have a compartment that opens up below the bus where people can stash them so more people can actually ride the bus!

3. If you're in line....STAND IN LINE! I had a group in front of me that was in line....then leisurely moved off to the side as they were yacking about something....I asked one of the fathers if they were in line....he gave me a snotty "yes". I'm sorry, but your group moved off to the side so I couldn't tell!

4. If you're not in line, GET OUT OF THE WAY! We were trying to get through to the LL line for Rockin Rollercoaster and a group of teens were just standing there blocking our path. I asked if they were in line and they were like "".....GET OUT OF MY WAY THEN!

5. I'll admit my wife pulled kind of a crappy move on a family.....a family ahead of us for Rockin Rollercoaster was checking their daughter's height for the wife, having been fed up with people for the day, proceeded to walk past them. She was done with people holding up lines.....I felt this was kinda rude on her part....but it was done and over with and I could see the frustration on her I stayed quiet.

I feel like we are a really courteous family overall...more so than many others I saw at Disney.....but even our courtesy has its limits at points...especially when with your courtesy you feel like you get taken advantage of at times.
1. Why go on a ride where you're likely to get wet ... only to try to avoid getting wet? :confused3 Never understood that.
2. You are absolutely NOT obligated to wait while someone measures his kid. Nope. You don't have to wait for someone to repack their knapsack or clean up the ice cream or tie their shoes. You don't have to not use the accessible stall in a rest room because a person who requires accessibility just might show up. [And that is from someone -- me -- who has traveled the world with wheelchair users. Or as they told me, "That's just stupid."] If someone just drops a hat & needs to stoop to get it, that's different -- we're talking about a split-second. If the line is cruising along & Joe Visitor decides he needs to stop to retie his sneakers, well, sorry, buddy but that brings everything to stop.

Full disclosure: I am a theatre manager, in guest services for DECADES. I have fielded complaints about all sort of things, some I can understand & some I just don't. My favorite: "Excuse me, miss. Can you PLEASE tell those people behind us in standing room to shut up??" "Um, no ma'am, I'm sorry but I can't. At least not until the show starts. If they're still talking when the show starts, I will surely ask them to be quiet." That is to say: it's about where you are & when.

3. I WILL add, though, that it drives me nertz when someone is in front of me on line & then 10 of her nearest & dearest cut the line to join her. They then push everyone back in line because of how much room they take. Again, not talking about Muppet Vision, where there are a gazillion seats, but something with a long line & limited capacity. 🤬
I feel like you always tend to see the best in people at Disney, and the worst. But sometimes, those of us who go on repeated trips get a bit overly frustrated at things that wouldn't frustrate or even occur to someone on their first trip. In my experience, if I get this angry... I take a break from the parks and have a tasty drink by the pool and remind myself how blessed I am to be on vacation in Forida.

One last note - it drives me crazy when people complain about older kids being in a stroller. You have no idea what is going on with that child. They could have a mental or physical challenge that is not visible to you - one that may make a stroller make sense for that family.
And it's a lot of walking, even for older kids. Sometimes they just need a break.
I deal with all the people "I think are behaving badly" by drinking beer. Lots of beer. At MK we always book lunch first thing so I can drink a few or 4 before we venture into the activities. We also book a dinner and a break at The Plaza so the kids can have ice cream and we can have more beer. It's amazing how much you can tolerate when you've had more than a few alcoholic beverages! And the reason I quoted above people I think are behaving badly is because it just may be me that's the bad one but I usually hit a point where I just don't care how others are acting! :)


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