The Running Thread—2023

I think it's good that I didn't know about this version of the Epix before I got mine. :) I do love it, though. Hopefully you will, too.
It's supposed to be delivered today, so I know what I'll be doing when I get home from work...
Well, I had my first DNF today. It was at the Hy-Vee Twin Cities Women’s Half Marathon and basically everything went wrong. I was under-hydrated, over-tired, and the field was very tiny, with no one but me being slow. Also, it was 65°F and 88% humidity. So that meant that by mile 3 I was DFL (dead bleeping last, for anyone who doesn’t know) and I mostly couldn’t even see the people ahead of me.
Don't let one single race or one single training run define who you are or what you can do as a runner. I am sorry everything went wrong--I know how hard that is. But you are clearly a tough cookie and I am excited to see you tackle your next race and smash it! 💜 ☺️
thank you. Sadly I’m still sick today so I missed my tempo run. :( Hoping I’ll feel good enough by my next scheduled run to get back on track.
Get better, and I feel for you. Non runners *really* don’t get the level of angst that goes with not only being sick, but with also missing out on runs that we should be doing.
I just got back from a 2.5 week combined work trip and vacation to Europe where the weather was 65F in the morning and like 85F in the afternoons. Now I'm in HTX where the T+D is 161 at 4:28a. I'm going to try and ease back into running here, please send me your coldest thoughts 😭
HTX here too. This summer has just been the worst and it’s barely started! Currently drinking coffee and trying to pep myself up for T+D 156 at sunrise. I was in southern CA a couple of weeks ago and highs were barely touching 70. It was heaven! But also a really rude awakening when I got home. The reintroduction to the heat is brutal! IDK if it helps to know that someone else is out there suffering with you, but misery loves company, right?
Get better, and I feel for you. Non runners *really* don’t get the level of angst that goes with not only being sick, but with also missing out on runs that we should be doing.
Thanks. Feeling better today so I'm hoping I'll be good enough for an easy run tomorrow. I used to be one of those people, but now I'm one of US people. :D
HTX here too. This summer has just been the worst and it’s barely started! Currently drinking coffee and trying to pep myself up for T+D 156 at sunrise. I was in southern CA a couple of weeks ago and highs were barely touching 70. It was heaven! But also a really rude awakening when I got home. The reintroduction to the heat is brutal! IDK if it helps to know that someone else is out there suffering with you, but misery loves company, right?
It’s absolutely brutal, glad I’m not the only one in this boat. With my luck we’ll get acclimated to the heat and then it’ll be 25F on marathon weekend lol

Heading out at 5a I had water actively condensing on me

Not ideal!
Luckily, it wasn’t hot here this morning, but humidity was still 88% I took a 3 minute break between my magic mile and my scheduled run and my glasses fogged up on me
T+D is only 109 here right now. Which is great for my run today, but sucks for acclimatizing to the heat. The weather yoyos so much, that I feel like I'm never really acclimatized to the heat.
What is your electrolyte drink of choice? Do you have a favorite flavor? Not for fuel necessarily, but for dealing with the summer temps/heat.
ATTQOTD: Nuun tabs for me - the OG kind. It makes life easy running with a 12oz handheld: I just bring an extra tab in a tiny ziploc and plop it in when I stop to refill at a fountain. I don’t need carbs in my drink because I get that through gels. But I absolutely DO need the electrolytes on even short runs to get through FL summer running. My blood sodium is always at the low end of normal, and I’ve sweat as much as 10% of my body weight on summer runs - I need a LOT of sodium replacement.
So I finally have some answers to my pain issues and some guidance on how to hopefully recover. Only took 5 different practitioners and a whole lotta $$ in testing. :rolleyes: In the end, it was a referral to an amazing sports med practice that finally got me somewhere - I can’t express the relief I felt with professionals that don’t want to mask the problem, but want to solve it and get me back to running pain-free!

X-rays show major compression in my lower spine; getting an MRI Thursday to get more detail on that. But doctor feels that compression is pinching multiple nerves, including sciatic, and has caused muscle weakness, which, in turn, has forced other muscles to get overworked to compensate. My chronic pain is a combination of nerve pain and the overworked muscles. I just started PT and the physical therapist is a runner, which is great, and absolutely feels this is fixable, which is REALLY great!

I’m still doing 3-5 mile run/walks, but with more walking and less running than my usual… which is honestly delightful in the heat of FL summer and probably what I should be doing EVERY summer just to deal with the heat. This is the least amount of weekly/monthly mileage I’ve done in many years, which feels odd… but it’s actually pretty nice to have more free time and not constantly feel worn out from cumulative heat stress! Highly recommend. :rotfl:
So I finally have some answers to my pain issues and some guidance on how to hopefully recover. Only took 5 different practitioners and a whole lotta $$ in testing. :rolleyes: In the end, it was a referral to an amazing sports med practice that finally got me somewhere - I can’t express the relief I felt with professionals that don’t want to mask the problem, but want to solve it and get me back to running pain-free!

X-rays show major compression in my lower spine; getting an MRI Thursday to get more detail on that. But doctor feels that compression is pinching multiple nerves, including sciatic, and has caused muscle weakness, which, in turn, has forced other muscles to get overworked to compensate. My chronic pain is a combination of nerve pain and the overworked muscles. I just started PT and the physical therapist is a runner, which is great, and absolutely feels this is fixable, which is REALLY great!

I’m still doing 3-5 mile run/walks, but with more walking and less running than my usual… which is honestly delightful in the heat of FL summer and probably what I should be doing EVERY summer just to deal with the heat. This is the least amount of weekly/monthly mileage I’ve done in many years, which feels odd… but it’s actually pretty nice to have more free time and not constantly feel worn out from cumulative heat stress! Highly recommend. :rotfl:
Glad you were able to find out what was causing your problems! Finding a PT that specialized in running was a huge help for me too, I find that too many of them are dismissive or outright misinformed about running's impacts on the body.
Glad you were able to find out what was causing your problems! Finding a PT that specialized in running was a huge help for me too, I find that too many of them are dismissive or outright misinformed about running's impacts on the body.
Thank you! And yes, that was my previous experience with PT - it was for a very specific ligament issue, but never took running into consideration and was pretty useless. This experience has been MUCH different, for the better. Just working with professionals who understand athletes - even the recreational ones - is a way better feeling than previous providers I saw who were basically like, “it’s not crippling you, so you should just be satisfied with that.” The sports med team asked if running a marathon again is my goal and I said IDK - I just assumed that’s not on the table for me anymore… and their response was “let’s get you to where you CAN train for a marathon and then you can decide if you WANT to.” YES!!!
Anyone else affected by the latest round of wildfire smoke coming in from Canada? All I want to do is go for a run outside but it was awful here yesterday and we’re under an air quality advisory through at least tomorrow yet. It is so unbelievably frustrating because they were saying that yesterday was actually a completely cloudless day, and the temperature/humidity was very comfortable but the sky was completely obscured and smelled like smoke so we couldn’t even take advantage of it. Stuck inside with the windows closed. We’re probably going to be dealing with this on and off all summer. :(
Anyone else affected by the latest round of wildfire smoke coming in from Canada? All I want to do is go for a run outside but it was awful here yesterday and we’re under an air quality advisory through at least tomorrow yet.
Waving from Michigan. 🙋‍♀️ Yes, it's not been too great in lower SE MI this week. I don't mind my treadmill but I live for the summers so I can get outside. 😏
Anyone else affected by the latest round of wildfire smoke coming in from Canada? All I want to do is go for a run outside but it was awful here yesterday and we’re under an air quality advisory through at least tomorrow yet. It is so unbelievably frustrating because they were saying that yesterday was actually a completely cloudless day, and the temperature/humidity was very comfortable but the sky was completely obscured and smelled like smoke so we couldn’t even take advantage of it. Stuck inside with the windows closed. We’re probably going to be dealing with this on and off all summer. :(
I haven’t been impacted yet but it’s quite bad this morning. Today is my rest day so I’m hoping it clears up before tomorrow.

It’s going to be a rough weekend though. We usually get covered in haze for a couple of days from all of the amateur 4th of July fireworks. Combining that with the wildfire smoke is a recipe for disaster.
QOTD: beets. Gross.

I know that Wake Forest T&F/CC uses cherry juice as a recovery tool due to it's massive anti-inflammatory properties (and I only know this because a kid from our school is going there next year and his dad couldn't stop talking about it at the meets. :upsidedow )
Anyone else affected by the latest round of wildfire smoke coming in from Canada? All I want to do is go for a run outside but it was awful here yesterday and we’re under an air quality advisory through at least tomorrow yet. It is so unbelievably frustrating because they were saying that yesterday was actually a completely cloudless day, and the temperature/humidity was very comfortable but the sky was completely obscured and smelled like smoke so we couldn’t even take advantage of it. Stuck inside with the windows closed. We’re probably going to be dealing with this on and off all summer. :(
I'm just below you in the northern suburbs of Chicago and I heard that Chicago and Milwaukee are the worst in the country right now. I skipped my run yesterday and will go to Orange Theory today to stay inside.


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