Candy Apples, Monsters, Haunted Houses, Scare Zones, Strange Things an Exorcist and more. Is there a Doctor in the House? HHN 32 trip.

Thursday, September 14th continued.

After we left the Tribute Store we walked through the Vamp 69: Summer of Blood Scare Zone.








This was by far the most colorful of the Scare Zones this year for sure.

There were male and female vampire Go Go dancers and the the roving Vampires seem to come out of nowhere and scare you.

Loved the music played in this Scare Zone.

After walking through the Vamp 69 we headed to Chucky House.


There was a 85 minute wait time posted and with EP we were in the house’s in about 20 minutes. This house was located by Fast and Furious where Freaky and Black Phone was located last year. It was broken up into two small house just like above mentioned houses were last year.

Chucky was one of the houses on the UMH Tour and again I was able to appreciate the house better having seen it in the daylight.

After we were done with Chucky we headed across the bridge that leads over to the Simpsons area. We were tired and worn out. The heat and humidity just takes it out of you.

We started off the night by breezing through the houses at the front then the heat and humidity just started to slow us down literally.

We passed on the Houses close to MIB and actually were going to continue out of the park, but I could not pass on going to Monsters Unmasked House.

This house was a hike to the back lot to reach. You entered the line by E.T. and it seem to snake around for ever. We were tired and exhausted and by feet had had it for the night. I was almost sorry I had suggested we do this last house as we walked and walked to the the back lot.

I was so looking forward to seeing this house in the night as it had been a fun house to see in the UMH Tour.

I enjoyed this house so much and I think we got every scare as we walked through. I was glad we made the trek back to the house after walking through.

It was just walking back out after the house that was agony. We stopped a couple of times on the way out of the park.

We stopped and had a look at the Dark Zodiac Scare Zone. Then made our way to the Water Taxi. I was so glad there was a Water Taxi there for us when we arrived. I heard the younger ones in line for the boat crying the blues about their feet and how tired they were. This grandma didn’t feel so bad after hearing others way younger then me were pooped too.

After reaching the resort we had the walk back to the room. That seemed to take forever….of course any distance is agonizing when your tired and exhausted from the heat.

My sister and I took turns in the shower and I got ready for bed and was out like a light.

To be continued

Friday, September 15th

Today was going to be a laid back Pool Diva day. I was still exhausted from the night of HHN. I knew better. I should have left earlier as we had plenty of days to come back and wonder around and go in the houses for HHN.

It‘s like being a kid and just wanting to do everything at once.

My sister K had warned me about taking that hike back to Monsters Unmasked when I was already tired. K is 10 years younger then me and she is the youngest in our family. K is very easy to travel with. We like a lot of the same things and it is wonderful to have a sister along for the trip. We never tire of things to talk about.

I discovered I had rubbed a blister on the ball of my foot under my left big toe when I woke up. This is a problem area for me with blisters. I had two large bandaids protecting that area and alas it did no good. Rats….Oh well.

We got ready and went down to have a light breakfast at the Club Lounge. The coffee is very good there and I really enjoyed having Cup in the morning.

I really like Starbucks and I usually go there every morning while I’am staying at Portofino, but the coffee is so good in the lounge I only made a couple of Starbucks visits while I was there.

After breakfast we got ready for the pool. It was quiet at the Villa pool again. After setting up our loungers I swam a few laps and then had a nice rest and read a little of my book I had brought with me.

My sister and I had a cocktail and enjoyed the sun and refreshing pool.

At about 3 pm we went up to the room and took turns in the shower. Afterwards we both had a nap. My sister told me when I woke up she looked over to my bed and said I was out when my head hit the pillow.

It was about 6 pm when we ventured to the Club Lounge to see what was on offer for dinner.

There was mostaccioli. Meatballs and sauce. There was also a nice salad and veggies, fruit, cold meats, cheeses and rolls.


The food was good and enough to make a nice meal.

The lounge was very busy considering past couple of days. I think the crowds had arrived for the weekend.

After dinner we went back up to the room and got ready to head over to HHN. The plan was to go to Diagon Alley to see the Death Eaters. There were no times set that I could find so we decided to go and wait and see if we could catch a glimpse of them.

The boat over to CityWalk from Portofino was full. Once we got into the Studios we headed for Diagon Alley. It was busy in there. I noticed a lot of people hanging around the stage near the Hopping Pot.

My sister and I purchased some drinks at Hopping Pot. She wanted a Frozen Butter Beer and I had my favorite Fishy Green Ale.

At about 7:50 pm the music started and green lights came on and the show Started.






One of the Death Eaters started play sparing with a little girl who drew her wand. That little girl had such a wonderful time. The Death Eater eventually bowed to her and acknowledged her superior wand capabilities.

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The Death Eaters roamed all over Daigon Alley. They were on the move constantly. They did go into Knockturn Alley.

If I remember correctly they were out for a good 25 minutes or so. It was fun to watch. I wish they would make this a regular event for the Death Eaters not just during HHN.







I needed to take some photos of the Dragon on top of Gringotts Bank.



The only thing that would have completed the mood was a Skull and Nagini reflected in the night sky.
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It was really warm and humid. You can see how menacing the sky was. How appropriate for a night of Death Eater performances.

Next we had a rest on a bench in Knockturn Alley. It is nice and cool there and a wonderful place to rest your feet. While we were sitting there another showing of the Death Eaters began. When they entered Knockturn Alley we really enjoyed the performance from our bench. The TM’s that preformed as Death Eaters were awesome.

Of course I needed to visit Borgin and Burkes.





When we decided to leave Diagon Alley it was getting really busy with people waiting to see the Death Eaters.

I had my sister call the Ministry of Magic which of course one should do when visiting Diagon Alley.


I’am looking forward to seeing what is new in Epic Universe in the Harry Potter World. If it is anything like Diagon Alley it will be awesome.

To be continued

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Friday, September 15th continued

After leaving Diagon Alley we wanted to walk through the Vamp 69 Scare Zone again.

They had male vampire GO GO dancers tonight. I had seen this guy the other night also and he was a very good performer.






After walking through Scare Zone we took another look in the Tribute Store.







After we finished in the Tribute Store we were walking down past the entrance to the Exorcist house when I saw a food truck that had the Sour Apple Funnel Fries my sister had wanted to try. She had looked up all the Halloween food that was on offer for HHN and wanted to try these.


I tried a couple of the fries and they were ok. The funnel fries had what tasted like Churro flavoring. Cinnamon and sugar. I did not like the sour apple ice cream at all. There was enough for four people to eat these funnel fries. This was a large portion. We ended up tossing most of it. We had bought cold sodas too and I was more thirsty than hungry.

On the Mardi Gras food cards. I had a lot of money on the card I bought in February and I had no problem using it at HHN.

We sat down for a rest and the lady next to us told us she was going to try all the food on offer for HHN. She said she had tried the Apple Funnel Fries and she liked them.

After we had rested a little I wanted to go to the Five and Dime before we left.



I noticed the 3D glasses on the some of the Monster shirts and wondered if this was a hint on one of the rides that will be at Epic Universe in the Monsters section of the park.

We walked through the big Universal Store on the way out.

I did eventually get this shirt.

i loved the cute little Zombie Tim and I did get little J my great Nephew one. These were exclusive to HHN.
I also saw this little zipper Tim and the Tim pillow below and got those for little J also.


After we were done looking in the store it was time to head to the Water taxi. When we got to the dock it wasn‘t long until the boat arrived.

It had been a warm night and it was nice to feel a little breeze while the Water Taxi was under way to the Resort.

It was so nice to be back to the room in the air conditioning.

We were feeling spoiled for sure returning to our room every night and finding the beds turned down, bottled water on the night stand and the bathroom refreshed with toiletries and fresh towels.

After taking turns showering I got ready for bed and I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

To be continued

Saturday, September 16th

Woke up and the sun was shining again this morning when I pulled back the curtains.
The curtains keep the room nice and dark for sleeping in the morning.

After going down for a light breakfast in the Club Lounge we decided to head over to the Vineland Outlet Mall.

I like this Outlet Mall. It is not really that far from the resorts at Universal so it makes it convenient.

There are only a few shops I like to look in. My sister wanted to go to the Disney Warehouse.

It was pretty busy when we arrived. We were lucky to get a parking spot fairly close to were I like to park.

We walked through the Food Court and they had a new place that was selling Gelato. The Gelato choices looked really good. I will have to stop by another time on another shopping trip and try a Gelato.

There are a lot of food choices in the Food Court. I have never eaten there, but it seems to be busy.

There was a line to get into the Disney Warehouse so my sister got in line and I headed to Coach and Michael Kors. Then I went to MCM, Kate Spade, Vera Bradley and Gucci.

I did find a few things at Vera Bradley and Gucci. My sister and I met back up and then decided to head out for lunch.





It was really cute they had Minion Pops.

We went to the Cheesecake Factory off of Daryl Carter Parkway.

I always have the Renee‘s Special. It is served with your choice of soup, sandwich and salad. I chose the Mexican tortilla soup, chicken salad sandwich and Caesar salad.

The Food was good and the service was fantastic.

After lunch we headed back to the resort.

I dropped my sister at the front door so we could unload our shopping before I took the car to park it. It did not take long and I was back and we took our things to the room and it was time for a rest.

After a nice nap I had some business to attend to for the rest of the evening and then Sunday morning also. I don’t usually let business interfere with vacation, but sometimes it is unavoidable. While I was busy my sister enjoyed some pool time and shopping at CityWalk.
Sunday, September 17th

Another beautiful morning. I needed to finish taking care of business and my sister went down to enjoy some pool time. I was looking forward going to HHN tonight and seeing a couple more houses.

Finally I was done in the afternoon.

After a rest if was almost 6 pm and we decided to go and look to see what was on offer at he Club Lounge.

We had a light dinner and then went back to the room to get ready for HHN. It was going to be a warm night.

The Water Taxi was at the dock and we were lucky to get a seat. It was full by the time we pulled away for CityWalk.


We walked around a really looked a the Scare Zones this evening. We had a seat for a little while by Dark Zodiac and watched the SA’s.

We then went to Monsters Unmasked House. I have to admit I really liked this house. There were a couple SA’s missing this evening in areas, but I still enjoyed it.

I wanted to do The Darkest Deal House. My sister did not want to go to this house and said she would wait for me on the bench across from MIB.

It was interesting that as soon as I had entered this house it reminded me about the The famous blues man Robert Johnson. Legend has it that he made a deal with the devil to become a great Blues guitarist. His contribution to the blues in the short span of his career is said to have contributed to the birth of Rock & Roll. His music was an inspiration to many blues guitarist that came after him.

You enter the club and see him up on stage and then you see the devil. Eventually the devil got his due and the Blues Man is encased along with his guitar in hell.

This was an interesting house and I liked it.
After I left the house I saw a couple of ladies I know from the Disboards coming out of the exit. It was the lovely Janet and Mac. We walked over and found my sister and we all had the nicest visit. It was so good to see then again and catch up on things.

Before long it was getting late and everyone was ready to head back to their Resorts. I decided to go to another house at the front of the park before heading back to the Resort.

I went back into Stranger Things House. It was busy, but with EP it took about 20 minutes.

I also decided to go into Dueling Dragons: Choose thy Fate. This house was busy also. By the time I reached the EP line were it was stopped up by people it was about 15 minutes to the door of the house. I saw my buddy Merlyn at the end of the house again.

I would have done Yeti again, but the hike back to the house was not going to happen. My feet were tired and I needed to head back to the Resort.

I was happy to catch the Water Taxi back to the Resort.

After getting back to the room I was ready for a hot shower. My sister had already had her shower and was on the phone with her hubby.

After my shower I called my hubby with the days events.

We had talked to my older sister who lives in Harmony about meeting up and having a sisters day at Downtown Disney the next day So we had a fun day planned for tomorrow.

I was ready for a good sleep. I was out like a light after my head hit the pillow.

To be continued

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Monday, September 18th

I had a great sleep last night. I think I mentioned how well the curtains keep the sun out in the morning. The room is black as night until I open the curtains.

I usually wake up earlier than my sister so I just do some work on my IPAD for awhile.

We were not in a hurry this morning as our older sister D was meeting us at Disney Springs at about 12:30 pm. We were going to meet at the Lime Parking garage.

In my past experience if you arrive too early you are directed to the Orange parking garage which is what I call the back of Disney Springs. I like the Lime Parking garage as it is closer to the front of Disney Springs and the World of Disney Store etc.

We went down for a light breakfast at the Club Lounge and enjoyed taking our time.

The staff in Club Lounge are so nice. They are very kind and they keep the food refreshed and the tables clean. I had never thought of staying Club for a long period of time and this was a wonderful experience so far.

After we were done with breakfast we headed up to the room and showered and took our time getting ready. We left about noon and headed to parking garage.

We took what I call is the back way to Disney Springs. I don’t like to get up on the I4 very often. It is pretty busy most of the time. I always take Turkey Lake Road.

We arrived at the Lime parking garage at 12:30. Our sister D was there already and we were able to get a parking spot close to her. She has scooter so we were able to help her get that out of her SUV and get it put together.

The walk to get to the elevators or escalator down to Shopping areas still have the barriers that you have to walk way out of your way to get to. This was started during Covid and needs to stop in my option. It is ridiculous. I understand having a shorter area sit aside for security check, but forcing people to walk all that distance out of way is unnecessary.

It was so good to see our older sister D. I was looking forward to a wonderful day of sister time.

My the time we had gotten down to the shopping area and looked in a couple shops my sister D was ready for lunch. It was about 1:30 pm. We did not have a reservations anywhere so we tried our luck at Chef Art Smith’s Home Comin‘ This area around the restaurants did not seem busy. So fingers were crossed.

We stopped at the podium and were told it would be about 20 minutes. That was fine with us. We had a seat and visited away and before we knew it our table was ready.




We were seated at a nice table overlooking the water. There was a big area by the window for my sister to park her scooter so it was out of the way.

I laughed as no one wanted their picture taken today as everyone was having a bad hair day. It was warm and humid out already, but the dining room was comfortable.

Before long our waitress arrived and took our drink orders. My sister D ordered a Bloody Mary and K and I had a diet soda.

I have never had any of the apps at this restaurant so we asked the waitress her opinion and she said definitely the Church Lady Deviled Eggs.
The eggs were delicious. We all enjoyed them. I’am pretty picky about deviled eggs and these passed the test.

Last year when we had visited here the waiter had told us about the option of having one piece of fried chicken instead of the full dinner option of two large chicken breast. That meal is huge and we knew it was to big for us.

We had the one chicken breast and the three sides.

Your sides are served in 3 little cast iron containers. We all had the greens and mac and cheese, my sister K had the sweet potatoes and I had fries. We each had a chicken breast.

We all had plenty of food left over. I can see a hungry teen being able to finish off the portions, but this is a nice amount of food. I don‘t like to feeling to full when I know I’am going to be walking around in the heat.

Our waitress was very attentive and kept our drinks refilled and table cleared. We had a wonderful time talking and enjoying our meal.



We stopped to use the restroom on the way out then were ready to shop.

We saw the line for Gideon‘s Bakehouse was doable so we decided to stop in. Raglan Road is right across from Gideon‘s.


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I like Gideon’s Bakehouse more for the vibe. It is like a creepy little haunted library bakery.

While you are waiting in line the staff come along and give you the monthly cookie card.



The line moved quickly and we were in the bakery in 15 minutes.

I love the photos inside.





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We all decided to get a couple of cookies. I bought the Orange Pecan Chocolate Chip and the Pistachio Chocolate Chip. They wrap the cookies nicely and put them in boxes. The cookies are big and easily shared.
I bought one of the candles after asking one of the staff which she felt was the best. I smelled the candle and it smelled fantastic.

Our day at Disney Springs to be continued.

Monday, September 18th continued

After coming out of Gideon’s we turned left and walked over to the Ganachery.

We had a stop in here last year and looked around.










There were a lot of specialty chocolates to choose from. I was concerned about buying anything as I thought the chocolates might melt while we were walking around shopping. Will try some maybe another time.
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After looking around the Ganachery we came back out of and turned right past Gideon’s and back over the little bridge.

We decided to stop at a few shops as we were making our way back to The World of Disney Store.

We stopped in the EverAfter Store to have a look around.





My sisters are both big Disney fans so they enjoyed looking around.

They had a lot of the Baublebar Disney jewelry on display. If you are into the Disney Baublebar pieces have a look at TJ Maxx they have Disney Baublebar and the price is about 1/2 as much as you would pay here.
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Then we walked across the way from the EverAfter store to the POP UP card store.

They have such unique cards to choose from. I liked the Hocus Pocus Cards.





I was tempted to this card for my sister K. She likes UP.



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