Rain gear

I always pack the cheap ponchos that have elastic around the wrists and a drawstring hood. I take bread bags for wearing between my socks and shoes (I always wear pants in the parks so the bags aren't visible). I carry a small umbrella for use in the sun or rain. I do find that ponchos can be tricky but they are better than nothing. I bought myself a lightweight ran jacket for our last trip but, luckily, it didn't rain so I can't comment on that. Ponchos also come in handy for putting down on seats if it has rained. They also kept us warm on our last trip when it got quite chilly/breezy and we didn't have jackets.
What I don’t like with the raincoat option is how do you keep your lower body dry? I’m originally from Seattle so all we did were raincoats (you’re pegged immediately as a tourist if you’ve got.a “bumper shoot”😂). That’s why I like the ponchos—keeps majority of me dry. We bring big ziplocs to store them in if we’re going on an attraction/restaurant situation.

The disposable rain coats I ordered from Amazon go to just below the knee. They're listed as "ponchos" but they're cut like a roomy raincoat -- they have actual sleeves, snap up the front like a coat, and have a drawstring hood. I almost *want* it to rain while we're there so I can try them out! :D
I’m not bringing rain coats in my luggage. It’s an added space that I would rather save

Ponchos with a small portable umbrella has always worked fine for all my occasions.
The disposable rain coats I ordered from Amazon go to just below the knee. They're listed as "ponchos" but they're cut like a roomy raincoat -- they have actual sleeves, snap up the front like a coat, and have a drawstring hood. I almost *want* it to rain while we're there so I can try them out! :D
Good call but you jinxed it, now it’s going be perfect weather. It’s WDW, try them on anyway.
I may have to look into the "longer" raincoats! Although with 2 of those WDW ponchos, I may have to just do with those until they tear and are no longer usable.
Good call but you jinxed it, now it’s going be perfect weather. It’s WDW, try them on anyway.

Back in May 2009 we visited Disney during what we now fondly refer to as Monsoon week. It felt like it rained almost all day, every day (they literally got over 12" of rain while we were there....more than a typical hurricane and this was just a stalled tropical depression). We had a few hours of sunshine here and there throughout the week. The worst part was that even the day before we arrived, the forecast was calling for one day of rain (on day 2 of our vacation) and sunshine the rest of the week. I always travel with several disposable rain ponchos and make sure we all (DH & I and 5 kids) have at least 2 pair of shoes and lots of socks packed -- so we were ready for a day of rain. We arrived on day 1 and spent a few hours at EP before the rain started. We used 7 ponchos that night (I think I had brought about 15 with us). Day 2, we got up and it was pouring and the forecast had changed to 2 full days of heavy rain (thankfully it wasn't windy and temps were in the 80's) so we went straight to the gift shop at the hotel and bought the good Disney ponchos for all of us. Best purchase of the week. Every day we'd wake up and watch the weather forecast and they'd say, "We'll have rain today and tomorrow but then sunshine will return..." It felt like Groundhog Day. Anyway, we still had a great trip and the weather gods have smiled on us ever since. The very next trip we had zero rain -- well, it rained during the night one night but we only knew that because there were puddles everywhere in the morning. Our trips in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2022 were mostly rain free -- just a random afternoon shower one or two days during the week. Keeping my fingers crossed for this year's trip. I think we paid our dues in 2009. :D But now I over pack for rain...just in case (we drive, so I have plenty of space to take things along that I know we'll never use).
I may have to look into the "longer" raincoats! Although with 2 of those WDW ponchos, I may have to just do with those until they tear and are no longer usable.

When we bought the Disney ponchos in 2009 the CM told us they would replace them for free if they ripped. We replaced several during the week. Not sure if they still do that....or that you wanted to read that. ;D
You never know what the temps will be. For example, today is going up to near 80 degrees. And recently we had evenings in the 49’s. I’ve lived in central Florida for 24 years and have never worn a raincoat. It’s umbrella or poncho for me. And fast drying shoes like support flip flops.

It rained for one of the RunDisney 5Ks that my husband and son did. Their sneakers remained wet for days. Being in an hotel room at CSR we couldn’t leave them outside to dry. Ended up going to one of the Nike outlets to get them another pair of shoes. Because neither packed extra shoes and we didn’t want to drive back home.
The easy way to dry shoes overnight is to stuff them with paper towels several times to absorb the water then put them someplace where the toe of the shoe is pointing up when they’re laying upside down at an angle. In front of the HVAC vent is ideal.
When we bought the Disney ponchos in 2009 the CM told us they would replace them for free if they ripped. We replaced several during the week. Not sure if they still do that....or that you wanted to read that.
LOL--Now I'll never be rid of them! But that's awesome if the still do that. Kinda like when if you bought a balloon and brought every component of it (weight, ribbon, balloon) they would replace it! I would deflate my kids balloons and get them replaced every trip, including the light-up ones. As for the ponchos, my mom ripped the buttons on one side and the hole trip she was trying to rig a way to keep it closed.
The easy way to dry shoes overnight is to stuff them with paper towels several times to absorb the water then put them someplace where the toe of the shoe is pointing up when they’re laying upside down at an angle. In front of the HVAC vent is ideal.
Whoo! I think if my son's sneakers got wet, we'd be throwing them away. The stink that comes out of those shoes is enough to kill you when they're dry! Would hate to have them wet in a confined space!🤣

ETA: We've found packing dryer sheets and putting them in his shoes works fantastic, for anyone with this, er, problem!
The easy way to dry shoes overnight is to stuff them with paper towels several times to absorb the water then put them someplace where the toe of the shoe is pointing up when they’re laying upside down at an angle. In front of the HVAC vent is ideal.
We didn't have paper towels during monsoon week so we would stuff ours with washcloths and hand towels at night and then unstuff them in the morning and let them air dry the rest of the day. I've heard stuffing them with newspaper also works.
In February, definitely pack a good LL Bean or Columbia-quality rain coat versus a poncho -- you may want the extra layer if it gets cold, even if it's not raining.

Given the time of year you're visiting, I don't think umbrellas or rain boots/special shoes are necessary, but like PP mentioned, I would have 2 or 3 pairs of sneakers per person so if a pair of shoes gets soaked one day, you have a dry pair of sneakers to wear the next day. Can't speak on covers for strollers unfortunately.

What does Disney make available to outdoor CMs for rain gear?
It’s an inexpensive opaque raincoat, not a rain jacket, that goes below the knees and has a hood hidden in the collar. It has snaps in the front. It fits into a small hip pouch when not needed. Worked well and lasts for years.

This brought back sooooo many memories of my Fall '16 CP... countless times getting drenched in the Small World Stroller Parking lot while wearing that raincoat :laughing:
We use to pack the ponchos. My family would grouse about the cost of the Disney ponchos but I have to say they are thicker and larger than the dollar store/freebie ponchos. I stopped packing the ponchos after a summer vacation because they were too hot. Now I pack umbrellas - not the mini ones or the large golf size but the mid-sized/regular sized umbrellas. Frankly, if it's really a downpour rain the only way not to get wet - using ponchos or umbrellas - is to stay inside. After a day in the rain the only dry part of me, with or without ponchos, is my waist.
Team Poncho! I have a SaphiRose poncho that I adore and can vouch for. They zip (easier to got on and off), have a pocket, and come in fun designs. They also fold up into a pouch that I can throw in a tote or clip to a smaller bag.

As a pedestrian/transit user, I also use it all the time at home, so can confirm that they have good longevity.
In February, I would bring rain coats over ponchos. The average high is in the mid 70’s so you won’t roast in a jacket. The average low is in the mid 50’s and you might want to use it to layer up over a sweater or sweatshirt. We also bring lightweight umbrellas when it’s warmer to avoid wearing another layer in 90 degree plus heat, but the main problem with umbrellas is that sometimes the rain goes sideways.

We had our own stroller with a rain cover when our daughter was young. Were you planning to rent a stroller from the park, or from an outside vendor? An outside vendor may provide a rain cover with the stroller. I’ve seen park strollers covered with ponchos and kids inside the strollers wearing ponchos. You might also be able to find a stroller cover that will fit a Disney stroller on Amazon.
Team Poncho! I have a SaphiRose poncho that I adore and can vouch for. They zip (easier to got on and off), have a pocket, and come in fun designs. They also fold up into a pouch that I can throw in a tote or clip to a smaller bag.

As a pedestrian/transit user, I also use it all the time at home, so can confirm that they have good longevity.
Now I need one of these!
At 6'2" the ponchos I buy don't come down long enough to cover the bottom edge of my shorts so they get wet, and often people don't take their ponchos off to go on even the indoor rides, so the ride seats are often wet. Because of that I wear my rain suit from my golf bag :D I like that the pants cover my shorts, plus they keep my butt dry on rides.
I have a Columbia rain jacket that folds up small, has a hood, is light weight but yet also doubles as a nice jacket for the evenings over the winter months when it isn't raining yet can get down to the 50's and 60's.
I like using a poncho. Mine is a non-disposable type that folds up in a little pouch. It's long enough to cover my backpack and still allows for some airflow. I've tried rain jackets but they were too hot for me in the summer.
The CM raincoats I mentioned went a few inches below the knees.
I still have one that is over 15 years old! I keep it in my car, don't use it at Disney. I bought one of their ponchos back in 2019 and I'm still wearing it. Definitely worth the $10 I paid for it. I leave it at my brother's house (in Orlando) and reuse it each trip.


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