DAS changes coming WDW May 20/ DL June 18, 2024

A very reasoned response!

My question for the folks that, based solely on the initial press release, as we don't really know what final accommodations would be, what would be a reasonable accommodation for Chron's or MS if DAS is taken away? I know for some, leave & return to the line would work, so that's a subset. But if leave and return isn't adequate and DAS isn't available, what would you see as a reasonable accommodation?

Seriously asking, because I have no idea what that middle ground might be.
That is a very good question. I`m afraid I don`t have the answer just yet.

Me personally would be happy If I get a certain amount of option to get in the LL line per day. Since the number of rides I can do per day is limited anyway. I would be happy to do a certain amount of rides "underwear safely". Or would be happy to wait in waiting area where bathroom is easily accessible for my turn. To be honest if Disney really takes away DAS my experience in the parks will be quite limited as most of the rides won`t be accessible for me.

Will see ....
I have ulcerative colitis, the main issues with leaving and returning to the line are:
1. It is an urgent need. So i need the ability to quickly leave the line and run to the bathroom.
2. I dont have time to find and talk to CM or tap out.
3. I need to be able to return when im ready not at a predetermined time. Some instances are 1 and done and im good for awhile. Others hit in waves and can be 20+ min. before they are over.
3. How do i rejoin the line and my family? Do i now have to fight back to them or am i stuck waiting by myself for them to reach the front of the line. If my family has already ridden the ride do i now have to ride alone?

OK, but that wasn’t my question.

If DAS isn’t available for you any longer, and since leave and return won’t work for you, what accommodation would work for you?
Disney has to provide reasonable accommodation. That could involve a variety of things. He’d be happy with a cooling vest, but I’m not sure how that would work, given that Disney isn’t requiring documentation. So what’s stopping people without MS from claiming they need one? What happens if we get there and there aren’t any left?
I am not sure but I do think you were wanting Disney to provide your DH with a cooling vest. You even previously stated that his work gave him one. Once a Moderator pointed out to you that the ADA doesn’t require Disney to provide personal items as a means to accommodate your changed your tune. When it was suggested that you could purchase a cooling vest, now all of a sudden it wouldn’t solve all his issues. Only DAS will work.

A note from your healthcare provider saying your husband needs “handicapped accommodations” is worthless. It doesn’t state what kinds of accommodations. Disney can interpret that to mean anything from “handicapped” parking, a ramp, return to line pass, etc. They will not know what specific accommodations your DH needs from the note, even if they read it.

To me, my philosophy is to provide whatever accommodations my DD requires to have her enjoy things. She has to accommodate her disability all the time in many settings. She needs to take responsibility and self advocate. It is her life, not anyone else’s. It may mean that we can’t do a lot of things, but that is life. We all have challenges. We will sit for 2 hours to watch a parade because that is the only way to accommodate her visual issues. It may mean we can only afford to go to her beloved Nutcracker every 4 years. It may mean she watches gymnastics on television and not in person. I just don’t understand why so many want Disney to accommodate everything. How do people function in everyday life?

Call me rude and mean but don’t call me stupid. I know what I read.
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Guys. Don’t attack other posters it will get you banned for at least 10 days.

Those of us who need DAS and have real disabilities are shocked (and venting) with this sudden change that is going to impact upcoming trips.

We don’t need to prove anything to other posters.
You keep mentioning Crohn`s and that return to line is a viable option.

"I know you are just the messenger and only telling what you think Disney thinks" but again it seems like you keep getting back to this particular disease....

Let me give you some inside info...
It MIGHT work in theory in a line like Dumbo because both lines are equal
BUT in a long maze like narrow line like BTM or SM or even POTC there is no way you can get to the bathroom on time in most cases.
With DAS you have the option to enter the line when you "feel ready to ride". Numerous occasion CM offered me to get in line straight away when I tried to obtain return time at the ride entrance and I had to refuse it. Knowing I would need a bathroom brake before I "feel ready to ride". And when I was ready I only had to conquer a shorter line.
If someone like me is forced to enter a 2+ hours line it is guaranteed that I would need to fight my way out find a bathroom and kinda fight my way back ? (That part is still unclear). I would feel really bad doing this several time and all together my wait time would be considerably longer than those who don`t need to live the line ... until you don`t have experience what is having Crohn`s mean please stop saying that...

I don`t know what is like having MS means and I`m not trying to say for those with MS that return to line is a reasonable accommodation. I just don`t.

If that`s the case really that people with IBD will be refused DAS I guess lot of accident will happen and that will make some noise. It`s interesting that in Europe in numerous countries IBD is a well recognised disability and tried to be accommodated well. (again we can`t be sure yet that Disney won`t accommodate it in satisfactory manner for now everything is a guessing game).

I genuinely hope Disney reads this forums....

I have IBS-D, diagnosed, and I have had to leave Disney lines before. The cast members have always been super accommodating and helpful. I'm glad, however, that they will soon have an official policy to allow people to return to the lines. I look forward to hearing more details n it.

Here is what I don't understand: How DAS is supposed to help someone like me. I never applied for it because it doesn't help. Whether a line is 80 minutes long or 20 minutes long, if I get the urge to go, I need to leave ASAP. I can't just finish out a 20 minute line and ride an attraction and then go to the bathroom. No way. So, DAS doesn't seem like a good accommodation for someone like me. If you have a condition like me and need to be able to leave and use the bathroom and any time, then being able to RETURN to the line is really the best accommodation possible! I'm so excited about it. Getting a shorter line doesn't make sense. Returning to the line makes sense!

For example, one time I was at Test Track and got all the way to the loading area.... and then had to leave. It didn't matter that I had no more wait in front of me. I had to go. I told the cast member at the loading area. They directed me to the nearest bathroom and also showed me where I could knock to be let back in, and they took me right back to the loading area! It was perfect and exactly what I needed.
A huge part of the problem with long waits in the LL is the large groups of non-disabled attaching themselves to the DAS user. I have read so many posts of people asking if they could go over the 6 limit and how when they were at Disney they argued for it and got it. I think Disney was very generous in the past and continues to be so with allowing 4 and possibly extra for people with small children who cannot be left alone. Is it the law that a business has to not only accommodate the disabled person but their entire extended parties as well? Legitimate question not sarcasm. Given that LL can only accommodate a certain number of people at a time to keep waiting times low smaller parties would allow for more people who need it to be given DAS as well instead of being excluded.
The problem is that it makes going to WDW with a group pointless. DAS becomes useless if my party has to split up. Those with the person with DAS would be on completely separate schedules than the rest of the group; why would you even go to Disney together then, if you couldn't experience the parks together?

I understand some people have abused the system; that is terrible and if it really is true that DAS abuse is causing issues with the LL, then something should be done about it. Is it really that rampant though? If it is, is this the only way to curtail the abuse? I've used LL on 4 different trips over the last 2 years and haven't had issues with longs lineups there.

Perhaps if they went back to free LL/FP the abuse would stop?
I received an answer for my email within a couple of hours.

FYI for International guest:

International Guests visiting May 19, 2024 or earlier may request to register for Disability Access Service (DAS) directly with Guest Relations Cast Members. For International Guests arriving May 20, 2024 or later, Guest Relations Cast Members will have devices available to lend to our Guests so they may chat with DAS Cast Members on-site should they be necessary.

Please note that if a DAS is provided, Guests only need to do this on the first day of their visit, not every day. The DAS will be valid for the duration of your visit. No documentation is needed. "
And be prepared to wait hours to chat with a CM online (just kidding/not kidding)😂 Seriously, I was chatting with someone who called yesterday and was on hold from 8:00 am-7:30 pm. I seriously hope they upstaff significantly or have an alternative for the international guests (or someone who's tried to go without DAS and realized they can't manage).
If DAS isn’t available for you any longer, and since leave and return won’t work for you, what accommodation would work for you?
Honestly i like Koszmok's suggestion of a set number of options to join the LL. That would at least give me a fighting chance.
I have IBS-D, diagnosed, and I have had to leave Disney lines before. The cast members have always been super accommodating and helpful. I'm glad, however, that they will soon have an official policy to allow people to return to the lines. I look forward to hearing more details n it.

Here is what I don't understand: How DAS is supposed to help someone like me. I never applied for it because it doesn't help. Whether a line is 80 minutes long or 20 minutes long, if I get the urge to go, I need to leave ASAP. I can't just finish out a 20 minute line and ride an attraction and then go to the bathroom. No way. So, DAS doesn't seem like a good accommodation for someone like me. If you have a condition like me and need to be able to leave and use the bathroom and any time, then being able to RETURN to the line is really the best accommodation possible! I'm so excited about it. Getting a shorter line doesn't make sense. Returning to the line makes sense!

For example, one time I was at Test Track and got all the way to the loading area.... and then had to leave. It didn't matter that I had no more wait in front of me. I had to go. I told the cast member at the loading area. They directed me to the nearest bathroom and also showed me where I could knock to be let back in, and they took me right back to the loading area! It was perfect and exactly what I needed.
The example here is the test track loading area. Some places, such as the very middle of a long and windy queue, would not be so easy.

The point several of us are making is that being caught short and urgently needing the bathroom in a queue is less likely to happen when the queues you are joining are shorter. The less time you spend in a physical queue, the lesser the chance of being in that queue when you suddenly need the bathroom.

No one is suggesting you’d be able to wait a little longer and ride first if you’re in the LL queue. I would certainly still have to leave. The point is, I’d be in those queues for significantly shorter durations. Massively shorter over my whole trip. That’s far less opportunity for there to be an accident. Not even considering the more complex logistics of exiting from the middle of a long, packed, two hour queue.
If DAS isn’t available for you any longer, and since leave and return won’t work for you, what accommodation would work for you?
Honestly i like Koszmok's suggestion of a set number of options to join the LL. That would at least give me a fighting chance.

That sounds like Genie+ to me. If an existing service meets your needs, I'd recommend using it!
I'm curious - do you think the likely possibility of an issue occurring would justify DAS? For some disabilities, a flare up might be obvious with warning signs and maybe you know when you wake up if you'd be good the entire day.

But lets say 75% of the time you're OK, 25% of the time with little to no warning you aren't. In your opinion, should you gamble on using the standby line since most of the time you'll be fine, or should you use DAS all of the time to prevent an issue that occurs 25% of the time?

Its difficult imho on where to draw the line.
I think this is exactly the situation they’re struggling with and what has brought on these changes. If we remove the term “developmental disabilities” from the equation and just think about this as whether or not someone can wait in lines most of their day without issue (with one or two possible situations where they need to leave a queue) OR if the person needs to avoid lines all together because the line environment is the issue/trigger.

Disney is now asking themselves if someone might be fine in lines most of the day, should they offer a different accommodation instead of the one that allows them to avoid stand-by lines all together. This is where the “return to line” comes into play, for people who may possibly have to leave some lines but will be fine in other situations.

I do not however think this decision should be made on specific diagnosis but instead on the particular needs. Not all people with the same disability have the same needs. I truly hope Disney still focuses on needs over diagnosis when it comes to assigning the type of accommodation.

I think developmental disabilities are just the most obvious “likely won’t be able to handle any lines”situation to Disney. I know there are those who can, but for a lot of people with them it’s near impossible.

For me, developmental disabilities are something that impact almost every second of your day. For example, I could not wait in a line with other guests that’s more than 15-20 minutes MAX at any point in the day without issue. Waiting in a line wouldn’t just possibly lead to me needing to exit the line. It could and has led to me needing to leave the PARK for the DAY. Promptly shortening my day compared to other guests. I know there are other disabilities that can have this impact other than developmental; and this is the situation where I believe and hope Disney will give DAS.

Reaching the point that I have to leave the park altogether has happened to me even with DAS due to excessive lightning lane waits. I now have to make a judgment call on whether the return line is even manageable. We’ve waited for our return window, seen the lightning wait and had to avoid going on the ride until later (or at all) because even that line is too long. This is an issue. This is where I understand Disney needing to make changes. The accommodation is no longer working as intended if this is the situation those who need it are facing.

There were, however, other solutions for this issue and I think Disney took the “easy way out” that would cost them the least. They could’ve added separate return locations for the rides that also have a lightning lane. They could’ve decreased the lightning lanes / Genie+ they sell per day. But instead, they’re making drastic changes to decrease the number of people that qualify for DAS.

I do think there were people who got DAS that didn’t necessarily need it. I know there were liars. I do think they needed to make some changes. I would’ve preferred IBCCES like Universal, personally. Maybe one day we’ll get there though, as I don’t really see how this will decrease abusers. They’ve made it perfectly clear what the liars have to claim they have to get the pass and we all know they aren’t above claiming it.
I couple of years ago I witnessed a dog mauling a lady in front of the Mexico pyramid in EPCOT. I almost got a panic attack witnessing it. I`ve been told there is no licence/training required to a dog be called a service dog so basically they have to let in every dog to the park with up to date vaccination. I`m no expert but I would think a trained service dog wouldn`t maul someone. But again I`m not an expert... it was awful!
No, they can ask is the dog or miniature horse (still want to see that one at the parks) a service animal trained to do tasks related to a disability which you have? And they can ask what tasks is it trained to perform.

They cannot ask for proof of vaccination either. If the dog is misbehaving and the handler is not correcting the behavior, they can invite the service animal to leave and not come back. And mailing someone is definitely misbehaving.
I feel that what happens after 5/20 should have been addressed on the website. We arrive a few days after this change occurs. Five weeks is not enough notice for such a major change. I no longer want to take this trip. Wish I could get my money back.
We're due to arrive the week after the change. Waiting to hear from Disney and also to have my pre reg interview. In the meantime, I'm booking a Uni trip just in case. I absolutely need the DAS and if it is deemed that I don't qualify, we'll just go to Uni and stay at a resort that guarantees us FOTL.

Might schedule 1 day at WDW so that our grandson who has never been can see MK and ride Dinosaur at DHS. My husband can take the boys and I'll stay at the resort. Really stressing which is silly because my life is not at stake. This has thrown me off balance though.
And be prepared to wait hours to chat with a CM online (just kidding/not kidding)😂 Seriously, I was chatting with someone who called yesterday and was on hold from 8:00 am-7:30 pm. I seriously hope they upstaff significantly or have an alternative for the international guests (or someone who's tried to go without DAS and realized they can't manage).
Last year it took us 2 hours. Some people reported 3 hours so that is consistent (on avg 2 hours).
The example here is the test track loading area. Some places, such as the very middle of a long and windy queue, would not be so easy.

The point several of us are making is that being caught short and urgently needing the bathroom in a queue is less likely to happen when the queues you are joining are shorter. The less time you spend in a physical queue, the lesser the chance of being in that queue when you suddenly need the bathroom.

No one is suggesting you’d be able to wait a little longer and ride first if you’re in the LL queue. I would certainly still have to leave. The point is, I’d be in those queues for significantly shorter durations. Massively shorter over my whole trip. That’s far less opportunity for there to be an accident. Not even considering the more complex logistics of exiting from the middle of a long, packed, two hour queue.
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I have IBS-D, diagnosed, and I have had to leave Disney lines before. The cast members have always been super accommodating and helpful. I'm glad, however, that they will soon have an official policy to allow people to return to the lines. I look forward to hearing more details n it.

Here is what I don't understand: How DAS is supposed to help someone like me. I never applied for it because it doesn't help. Whether a line is 80 minutes long or 20 minutes long, if I get the urge to go, I need to leave ASAP. I can't just finish out a 20 minute line and ride an attraction and then go to the bathroom. No way. So, DAS doesn't seem like a good accommodation for someone like me. If you have a condition like me and need to be able to leave and use the bathroom and any time, then being able to RETURN to the line is really the best accommodation possible! I'm so excited about it. Getting a shorter line doesn't make sense. Returning to the line makes sense!

For example, one time I was at Test Track and got all the way to the loading area.... and then had to leave. It didn't matter that I had no more wait in front of me. I had to go. I told the cast member at the loading area. They directed me to the nearest bathroom and also showed me where I could knock to be let back in, and they took me right back to the loading area! It was perfect and exactly what I needed.
So IBS is not IBD ! I don`t want to explain the difference for you...
Also someone already answered for this and gave a pretty good explanation and examples. I won`t repeat it please look it up!

I`m so happy for you that the return to line option would work for you. I honestly envy you.

For me standing in a 2 hours line is equal to at least 2 bathroom breaks (if I make it on time, if not probably a whole attire change and to leave the park)

I`m not sure about how YOUR IBS works I only know about how my IBD works. Not 2 body works the same just please accept it. Fighting out of lines 6-7 times per day it`s just not an option for me!

I`m using a bathroom almost every hour If Disney can track my Magicband they can see on which ride I`m spending the most time and how often :) that`s the bathroom ride!


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