“Les poissons, les poissons!” A vegetarian and a carnivore EAT! *30/4 COMPLETE!!*

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Enjoying your review so far and I love, love, love your leopard top int the first pic!!
YAY! Love your title and your rating system! You and Ben are adorable! Can't wait to read more.

(I flew BA once and the food WAS incredible!)
Great start!:thumbsup2

I agree the BA food looks vastly superior to the Virgin food!

Can't wait to read more!
I'm in!

Fellow veggie here! :hippie: I had to laugh because women are always assumed to be the vegetarians...:laughing:
We are here and reading and waiting for more! That plane food looks good! When we flew BA to UK, the flight crew was on strike, so they didn't serve food, just gave us airport vouchers. We had to buy food in the airport and carry it on. Looks like we missed out!:scared1:
I absolutely love this trip so far. Very entertaining. What an adorable couple!

Aww thank you! :lovestruc

:goodvibes You two are SOOO cute, and I am loving your reviews! Count me in :hippie:

Thank you! Glad you're enjoying them!

I'm definitely in! I've loved reading your trip report over on the dibb, but didn't get a chance to comment on it.

Helloo :yay: glad you enjoyed the trippie! This is like a lighter, paired down version haha, trying not to write as much!!

Hey Libby,

Your full report is fantastic, and being such a foodie I have to follow you here too.

Yum yumpopcorn::
Hope the two of you are well xx

Aww hey Sarah! Didn't realise you were on here :) Food reports are plentiful here aren't they!! Glad you're following, we are both well thank you :) Hope you and the fam are good! xxxxx
Great dining review! Can't wait to read more! ALso love your rating system...Little Mermaid is a sentimental favorite of mine, my cousin's husband was one of the art directors. His little girl had red hair and green eyes which is one of the reasons Ariel's hair is that color, since they said too many other main characters had blond hair.

Awwww I never knew that! Oohh your cousin's husband worked on the movie, that is so cool!!! Literally livin' the dream there!! Glad you're enjoying :)

Libby, great start to your reviews. We are obsessed with American fare too and all of our restaurants are planned months in advance.

I also love your rating system - the Little Mermaid is my second favourite Disney film (the first being Beauty and the Beast).

Hope you get some more of your review done soon, can't wait :thumbsup2

Hi there :wave2: American food is THE BEST!!! Awww B&TB is my 2nd favourite!! :lovestruc very close call though as I love both those films very much! Hope you enjoy the rest of the reviews xxx

loving your reviews - as a definite carnivore I still enjoy having veggie meals (just not meat substitutes) and the meal on BA looks excellent - we prefer Virgin for everything except the food. BA definitely wins there hands down.

Looking forward to the rest.

Ahh yes it is nice to have veggie food every once in a while, I love fake meat too though! Yummers! I've never flown Virgin but honestly can't fault BA at all and would love to fly with them again if we can afford it!!

Looks great. Can't wait to read all the reviews!

Thank you!

Really love your reviews!!!! I'm excited to read more!!!!

Thank youuu! Glad you're enjoying!

Enjoying your review so far and I love, love, love your leopard top int the first pic!!

Hi there :) thank you! I got it from H&M via eBay!
Loving your review. Keep it up.

Thank you! I will indeed :thumbsup2

YAY! Love your title and your rating system! You and Ben are adorable! Can't wait to read more.

(I flew BA once and the food WAS incredible!)

Hehe thank you, glad you're enjoying. Yep, the food was awesome!!

Great start!:thumbsup2

I agree the BA food looks vastly superior to the Virgin food!

Can't wait to read more!

Welcome! It was reallly good, I could eat that curry again and again!

I'm in!

Fellow veggie here! :hippie: I had to laugh because women are always assumed to be the vegetarians...:laughing:

I know!! It makes us laugh!! People are quite often surprised when they realise the veggie meals for Ben haha! :goodvibes

We are here and reading and waiting for more! That plane food looks good! When we flew BA to UK, the flight crew was on strike, so they didn't serve food, just gave us airport vouchers. We had to buy food in the airport and carry it on. Looks like we missed out!:scared1:

Awww that sounds lame! Silly strikes!! Maybe you'll get to fly with them again and get to try the food!? Fingers crossed! :rotfl:

We woke up at 5am…but managed to snooze until 7am when we got up and unpacked our stuff a bit. Then it was breakfast time! We were so impressed with the breakfast at Homewood because it was free! And the choice was amazing!

The breakfast area


We couldn’t believe there were people on TripAdvisor saying things like ‘The breakfast gets really repetitive after a while” Let me tell you, you could have eaten a different thing every day! Each day they had porridge with loads of toppings, cereal, a waffle maker with add-your-own chocolate syrup, maple syrup and whipped cream, English muffins, bagels, cinnamon whirl toast, French Toast, fresh fruit and yogurt and normal bread. And every day they had rotating hot items which were soooo good, the first day we had scrambled eggs with cheese, sausage patties and breakfast potatoes. Other days they added bacon and differently done eggs etc. Ben became obsessed with the combo of scrambled eggs and salsa and had that every morning!

I chose some of the hot items first, sausage patties, scrambled egg and potatoes. Yum!


Ben got French toast, eggs and salsa.


They had loads of drinks, tea, coffee, fruit juice etc. We went for OJ!



I was embarrassed by my modest first plate so decided to go and get us a giant waffle to share. It was fun making it (I don’t get out much) and I then slathered it in chocolate syrup and whipped cream and took it back to the table when Ben just stared at it in horror.


It was really lovely though. Veryyyyy sweet and we aren’t used to having such sweet stuff for breakfast but it was a nice treat :)

The Verdict:

No complaints! We were really impressed with the quality and quantity of the hotel breakfast and couldn’t find fault with anything!

Gotta be a

Friendly’s Lunch

We didn’t want to go to a theme park on our first day since we thought we’d be jetlagged and we really were so this turned out to be a good plan. We spent the morning in Wonderworks before going to the Titanic Experience and doing a bit of shopping on I-Drive where we realized we were starving! We got the I-Trolley back down to our hotel where it was a toss up between Denny’s and Friendly’s. Friendly’s won since I knew they did amazing milkshakes!

We had a really funny waitress who was really sarcastic, she recommended a sandwich to me (that I had already decided months ago I would get…) and said it might not make it out in one piece!

Perusing the menu


We both decided to get the lush sounding ‘Fribble’ milkshakes, I got chocolate and Ben got strawb. They were amazing but we were slightly gutted when we realized later that we could have got them with any flavour of ice-cream!! Doh!


General Friendly’s



After much deliberation, we were ready to order. I chose the Honey BBQ Chicken Supermelt which was just as amazing as it sounds and came in a cute basket with a side of fries. This was seriously good. The bbq sauce on the chicken was incredible, oh how I long for this sandwich :(


Benj was going to get a grilled cheese as that was all he could have :( BUT then I noticed at the bottom of the burger section it said “swap any burger for a Boca burger” and due to my obsession with American food I knew boca was fake meat so we were sorted!! He decided, in a Man vs Food moment, to get the Grilled Cheese BURGER Sandwich! A boca burger in between two grilled cheese sandwiches. Adam Richman eat your heart out.


In an extra greedy move we also got a portion of mozzarella sticks to share between us…not needed. Not needed at all.


The mozzarella sticks came very close to beating the sandwich in the “best element of the meal” competition but I think the sandwich just pipped it to the post . The sticks were so good though, dipped in the sauce mmmmm we definitely had no trouble finishing them off.

Dessert was sadly out of the question seeing as we’d each had about a pint of ice-cream to drink alongside our meal. We really enjoyed our meal here; the waitress was hilarious and kept making us laugh and snort on our milkshakes, we had a really cute little booth, the food was amazing and best of all it was really cheap! The only bummer was the milkshake mixup as I would have REALLY enjoyed a peanut butter and chocolate milkshake. Never mind, we’ll know for next time! I wish they had branches of Friendly’s in England :( :(

The Verdict

Tempted to give a wedding dress but I don’t think it’s quite deserving so it’s a pink :)

Bonus Photos

I have to share these, we went to the liquor store to get some drinks to enjoy while we got ready for dinner and were unnaturally excited when we received a brown bag to carry our booze in. I had to take a photo of Benj outside! JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIES!!!


And pretty rainbow colours of alcohol


And a HUGE bottle of Disaronno that I really wish we’d bought just for the heck of it!!


End of Bonus Photos

Actual Review – Millers Ale House

We were so excited for this dinner!! We were meeting a girl and her boyfriend who were both from the UK and I’d been chatting to on the other forum about basketball; we had planned to watch a game at the Amway Center and they had very kindly offered to give us a lift as they were hiring a car. Obviously with the lockout grrrrrr the game was cancelled but we were getting on so well in our emails that we decided to go out for dinner anyway! We chose Millers as we were both staying near and were planning to visit there at some point.

After a pretty stressful experience of torrential rain (this was 7/10/11, the evening before the GREAT RAIN of 2011) starting just before we were about to leave, getting a taxi, leaving my iPhone on the back seat and phoning the guy who bless his heart drove back to give it to me, I was ready for a drink!! We met Vicki and Ian at the bar and then were taken to a booth by our waitress. The waitress was…weird. I couldn’t decide what to order and she kept coming back and sighing and saying “I’ll try again laterrrrr” and I’m sure she was trying to be funny but it just came across as rude!! Anyway, we got some drinks in (pitcher of beer for the boys and cocktails for us girls) and waited for our food to arrive.

My only photo of Millers!


The food took aggggessss to come which we didn’t really mind as we were enjoying chatting over our drinks and it was really busy in there, but when it did arrive it was so disappointing!

I chose the ‘Seafood Combo” Shrimp, Scallops, Clams and Fish Fingers Fried Golden Brown and Served with Cole Slaw & Fries.


Urgh, this was not good. All the seafood tasted the same :( The scallops were tiny and seriously overcooked (the reason I chose the dish!) and the batter on all the seafood was greasy and tasted of old oil. Yuck! I mainly picked at the fries and the cole slaw and filled up on more cocktails haha!

Ben had slightly more success with an item off the vegetarian menu (I had emailed before we left to check they did veggie food as there isn’t any on the normal menu and he was brought out a sheet with 3 or 4 options which was good) He chose a veggie wrap that was stuffed with sweet potato, salad, sweetcorn, peppers and a nice spicy sauce. It came with fries and was quite a big portion. He really enjoyed this and couldn’t understand that I didn’t like mine haha!


I didn’t take photos of what Vicki and Ian ate but Vicki had nacho’s and Ian had chicken wings and I believe they were unimpressed by their food as well.

Overall we were really disappointed with Millers as we’d been so looking forward to it but I guess the prices were too good to be true! Although Ben did enjoy his. But to be honest I think it deserves no higher than a 1 because of the food and poor service. Sorry Millers!

Walmart Haul and Another Pizza

So today was kinda lame in terms of good eats! It was 8/10/11 otherwise known as the DAY IT RAINED!!


We had Discovery Cove booked for this day….not gonna happen, the rain was absolutely INSANE!! We phoned up and asked to reschedule it, possibly telling a little white lie about Ben being ill as I wasn’t sure they’d accept rain as an excuse, turns out they did though! But we were able to reschedule for Thursday which was brilliant! So we switched our shopping day and headed off to Premium Outlets after a Homewood breakfast. We didn’t really have lunch because the weather was so blah and obviously being outlets we stupidly got soaked…

We ended up in Walmart about 1pm and bought a whooolllleee bunch of food for our room that we really didn’t need and actually ended up bringing the majority home!! But there was just so much good food that I had, HAD to buy it all :)


Hot Sauce!!


When we got back to the hotel about 4pm we cracked open the spinach and artichoke dip that we’d bought and ACCIDENTLY ate most of it! Oops!!


So obviously by the time 7pm aka time to think about dinner rolled around, neither of us was remotely hungry :( I’d planned Olive Garden for this night but it was not to be :(

We were both pretty tired and the jetlag was really catching up with us and seeing as we had a very exciting couple of days coming up we decided it would be best to stay in and have an early night. So, can you guess what we did?

THAT’S RIGHT!! Ordered pizza. Again. But this time it was WAY better, we got a 16” cheese from Valdiano’s (a restaurant in the in-room menu we found) and it even got delivered to the room!! How cool is that!!


We bravely managed to eat it all even though we ‘weren’t hungry,’ impressive huh!?

We went to sleep dreaming of pizza and hoping and praying that the rain would pleasepleaseplease stop…

Not a huge amount to say about these snacks, I’d say they were pretty average so they get a

OK, I'm all caught up
I am loving your reviews and it's great to see some off property ones
We flew in on the 7th so know all about the rain that day!
I can't wait to
Libby, your reviews are cracking me up! That haul from Wal-Mart is pretty amazing. I'm looking forward to reading more!


Thanks hun! The haul was awesome, we realllyyy didn't need it though and we had to buy a new bag to take it all home in!!! :rolleyes: oops

Glad you're enjoying :) xxxxx

OK, I'm all caught up
I am loving your reviews and it's great to see some off property ones
We flew in on the 7th so know all about the rain that day!
I can't wait to

Hi Linda, aww how funny that we were there at the same time :) arghhh the rain was awful wasn't it! I couldn't believe I'd saved for a year and it was RAINING!! Glad you're enjoying :) xxxx

Confisco Grille Breakfast

So we woke up mega early this morning and packed a little bag as we were moving to Hard Rock Hotel for the night, for ease of access to visit both Universal parks PLUS the mega-perk of having front of the line passes for 2 days! We got a taxi to Hard Rock Hotel and were all checked-in by 7.30am, KEEN! We left out bags and joined the few people walking to IOA for early entry to WWOHP.

After a very very very exciting couple of hours spent exploring WWOHP (I grew up reading HP, am a HUGE fan verging on obsessive and have managed to drag Ben over with me ;)) it was time for our breakfast at Confisco Grille. I booked this as a surprise for Benj (get me!) and the night before, back at Homewood, I gave him a little voucher I made that had a pic of Spiderman on saying “Come have breakfast with me tomorrow!” haha it was really cute and he was so surprised and excited :) They only do the breakfast Thursdays and Sundays so we were really lucky to be there on a Sunday!

We arrived at the restaurant, check-in and were taken to a table for 4 ahhh spacious! Before we could grab any food, the Cat in the Hat came over to see us! What a babe.



Just when we were about to go up to the buffet, Spidey came over!!! When he saw me he went “WOW, Mary Jane!!” haha! He was absolutely hilarious and when he saw Ben’s Spidey t-shirt, he was like “bet you’ve been dreaming of this moment your whole life huh?” haha it was so funny :lovestruc



Then we went up to the buffet which was delish!! They had a long line of food and it was all loveelllyy. I started off with a banana nut muffin and then got bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs with CHEESE, tiny little star shaped hash browns and a waffle with maple syrup. Quite a medley huh!! Benj got a similar combo but minus the meat obviously. It was all really nice and way better than I expected! They also had green eggs and ham which I thoroughly enjoyed, didn’t have room for any though sadly! I think we got seconds but not very much, we weren’t starving this morning for some reason, maybe because we got up so early and hadn’t eaten, our bodies were kind of used to it!



After we’d finished eating, Thing 1 and Thing 2 came over to entertain us :D They were really cute, they drew lovehearts all over the tablecloth and when I hugged Thing 2 he made a kissing noise!!





Once we’d both finished we went up to pay, I’d wanted to pay before but couldn’t but it didn’t matter, it was so cheap though! $15 each!! Compared to breakfast at CRT that is such a bargain!!

Overall I’d really really recommend this breakfast especially if you have kids, it wasn’t very busy and the characters gave us looaadds of attention which was brilliant. The food was really nice too, especially the hashbrowns!

This gets a 4 :)

NBA City lunch!

The rain was pretty bad for the morning of our IOA visit :( But we weren’t tooo fussed because we knew we had 2 full days and could park hop if necessary. We managed to do lots of rides with our passes and by about 2pm we were ready for some lunch and to head back to HRH to get our room and explore the hotel!

We had earmarked Bob Marleys Taste of Freedom for dinner that evening and Bubba Gumps for dinner the next but I knew Ben really wanted to visit NBA City (hes a huge basketball fan) so I came up with the genius idea of having a light lunch there and a couple of drinks on our way back to HRH. He was more than game!!



We spent a few minutes looking in the giftshop and Ben chose a couple of t-shirts to buy (Pacers!!) before we went into the restaurant. It was really quiet in there and we were taken upstairs to a lovely table next to the window with a view out over Citywalk :) awesome!!

It was definitely time for cocktails (I should add that we got sooooo soaked walking round IOA in the morning and I may have been a little bit grumpy…I knew cocktails and food would cheer me up though and it did! Seriously though, the rain was crazy, while we were on Jurassic Park River Adventure I have never seen anything like it in my life!!!! Our ponchos didn’t even come close to saving us haha!)

(small taster of poncho-wear. I freakin’ loved the Discovery Centre)



I ordered this lovely creation, couldn’t tell you what was in it but it was delicious!


Ben got a beer first and then a cocktail second.

I have to be honest here, we were seriously unimpressed with the menu here. It was really short and very very expensive! Not a great combination!! In the end we decided to save our appetites and our money and we ordered an appetizer to share with a side of fries. The veggie options were pretty much non-existent, I think this was the only one!! We got the ‘Queso Fundido,’ spinach, artichoke and red pepper dip which came with a kind of seasoned flatbread.


It was really really lovely but we felt you didn’t really get enough dip to go with the bread, we had to supplement with ketchup!! We scraped the bowl clean and ate all the bread. This cost nearly $10 eeeek! I think the fries were $5 ish. A bit pricey.

I dropped my map :( booo


They had amazing toilets though!!


The Verdict

Overall, a mixed bag. The starter we shared was really delicious but we felt it was too expensive for what we got. But, we enjoyed the restaurant (although I think it would have a lot more atmosphere in the evening!) and the cocktails were yummy.

This gets a 3 :)

Hard Rock Hotel cocktails

We were allowed in our room at 3pm, WOW it was amazing!!! We were so in awe of how nice it was! We had a King bed woooooo :thumbsup2



I went straight to the huge windows and saw that we could see Hogwarts!! Aawwhhh yeahhh!!! I THEN saw that the sun was shining!!!! Quick quick, get in the pool!

We spent a very enjoyable hour or so down by the pool just swimming around and relaxing and it was just incredible, music playing, sun shining (for the first time in what felt like an AGE, see babe I told you Florida is sunny!!) and I was so happy :)

So happy in fact that I decided it was high time for another cocktail!! We headed over to the pool bar and nearly hemorrhaged when we got not much change from $25 for two cocktails. Plus tip obviously which took up to $26. Ommggggg!!!! The margaritas were lovely and very strong but JEEZ!! I told Ben to drink it sloowwwlllyyy and really savour the flavour haha!

I did…but he didn’t, and before I knew it he was back at the bar getting a margarita to go! Haha, well we’re on holiday!! We headed back up to the room and showered and while I was getting ready Ben went back downstairs to get another cocktail…and another one for me. Oops! Note to us for next time – take alcohol to HRH as buying from the bar works out as very very very expensive!!

Once we were both changed and ready we headed downstairs to the HRH bar where it was Happy Hour woo! Finally a chance to save a bit of money.

I went to the bathroom while Ben got a table and I have to share the photos of the amazing bar!! I absolutely love leopard print so I was in heaven, I was even dressed the part haha!




We got a nice table in the bar and settled down to enjoy our drinks.


Couldn’t tell you what we had but they were really lovely!



Dream lamp!


The Verdict

Drinks at Hard Rock Hotel? VERY expensive, def going to be a pricey night if you fancy a few cocktails! They were really nice though and pretty strong. They would be a 4 for taste but it’s gotta be a 3 as the price just has to bring them down a bit, $26 for two cocktails is insane!!

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