“Dreams Come True Momma!” A 2 year old’s first trip ~ May 2015~Complete {NEW TR LINK!}

So I've got some Good news and bad news....

Good news: We're staying an extra night. :cheer2: DH and I agreed that it would just be too much to come in late from the wedding Saturday Night wake up early and get out of the hotel room on time, load up the car, spend quality time at this brunch and then immediately hit the road for home. So our new check out date is 3/21.

Bad news::sad1: All of the wiggle room we had in the budget that DH might have used to give me extra park time for my Birthday is now completely gone. And as that call was done on the speaker phone and she went through what was in the system I can tell you for sure that as of last night the system still showed 1 park day.

So I am now recalculating dining plan credits and figuring things out and trying not to be too bummed about not getting more park time.

In the mean time here are the preliminary plans for Arrival Day:

Travel Plans for 3/17:

So once again we will be driving down. This time however I am tweaking things to {hopefully:wizard:} avoid issues from our last drama filled ride down.

1. To avoid the traffic issue as well as account for the travel time from the new house; we are bumping our departure time up. Our ideal leave time will be as close to 4am as possible with a goal of leaving no later than 4:30

2. I am giving our arrival plans a cushion this time and we are setting our expectations for 10 hours of travel instead of the 7 that Google Maps predicts. If we arrive sooner than 10 hours it will be a nice bonus.

3. Triple checking that DH has indeed loaded my phone with multiple choices of Radio Theater / audio books. Last trip I took him at his word that he had done it only to discover 30 minutes in that no audio books had been loaded. Not only is it easier to drive long distances when you have a long story that pulls you in, it also helps Little Miss sit still as well. Access to audio books should cut down on risk of car sickness. I am also planning on going to the library a few days before and seeing what I can check out there.

4. Pack no entertainment bag for Little Miss. This one is risky and may back fire but I don’t plan on allowing any access to anything that could remotely encourage Little Miss to not look up. We will have the tablets loaded up of course and when mounted can do a decent job of keeping her entertained. I noticed last trip that it wasn’t until the options of other toys and books where shown to her did she start to get restless and harder to entertain.

5. Have me drive first and DH second. Initially last trip we had DH drive first and me second so that DH could take care of Little Miss and not risk getting sick. What I have discovered is that because I am more used to taking care of her while the car is moving it ended up being harder than it needed to be for DH in the passenger seat. With me being more of a morning person anyways it just makes since to have me take care of the first leg and let DH sleep in the car. That frees me up for tending to Little Miss and navigating on the other end.

6. BRING MORE TRAVEL BACK UP OUTFITS!!!!!! As all will remember thanks to being caught off guard last trip Little Miss ended up arriving to Disney in nothing but a pull up and hooded towel. This time I am going to start her in her pjs, have 3 travel outfits and her arrival day outfit which she will put on once we are actually there. If, even with these precautions she still arrives naked, we will be in for a brutal trip. I have decided to pack an Emergency car sick supply bag this time.

7. Give Little MIss a dose of Benadryl as we leave the house to help ensure a good rest in the car and discourage car sickness.

At some point we will stop for food, gas and a potty break. It is at this point we will do the reveal in whatever form we end up choosing. We for sure won’t stop before we reach Valdosta but will push and see if we can get into Florida and stop at a Travel Center when we are ready.

Other than our goal of getting down there we don’t really have much scheduled for the day. If it’s warm enough and Little Miss wants to {She has been pretending to swim in disney pools for the last month}, we might let her swim. Otherwise we will probably hop a bus and go explore Disney Springs. My parents and the Mother of the Groom also have plans to arrive in Orlando on this day and if we stick with the plan to hit up Disney Springs for Dinner some combo of them may decide to join us. My mother mentioned that someone else that’s coming can be on the rather intense side and if she shows up this day as well she and my step dad may choose to use little miss as their polite excuse to get a break. :rotfl: Though them joining us is probably more than unlikely. My one worry about Disney Springs this day would be the fact that this is St. Patrick’s Day and I wonder what crowds and “adult like behavior” is like on this holiday. We will probably choose to stay away from Raglan Rd and that should be enough I would think. Does anyone have experience at Disney on St. Patrick ’s Day? Anything to worry about?

The only thing that could change this plan would be if by some miracle I still get an extra day of park tickets as a birthday (Feb 21st) gift. :wizard: {This is doubtful though with the extra night added in. } If this happens than we will hit up Epcot as soon as we can get checked in.
I was in Disney two years ago for St. Patties day. We went to Epcot. Some of the flower and garden booths did have some very drunk people in line... and this was before 4pm. I didn't have my younger kids with me, only my then 17 year old. As the evening went on there were more drunk people. I'm sure that people with young kids did feel uncomfortable. I witnessed one mom lecturing one of the 20 somethings about his language. :eek:

Future World did not have drunk people in it though, or if they were, they were well behaved. :lmao:

I can't comment on DTD (Disney Springs) But with an Irish restaurant right there I would think that there will be people that have had too much to drink. We have an Irish restaurant near our house and even with how cold it is still in March they put up a huge tent outside for the overflow of people that come to celebrate. I can only imagine how DTD would be.
I was in Disney two years ago for St. Patties day. We went to Epcot. Some of the flower and garden booths did have some very drunk people in line... and this was before 4pm. I didn't have my younger kids with me, only my then 17 year old. As the evening went on there were more drunk people. I'm sure that people with young kids did feel uncomfortable. I witnessed one mom lecturing one of the 20 somethings about his language. :eek:
This is making me feel a little better about not being able to get that 2nd day of tickets. Maybe its for the best...

I can't comment on DTD (Disney Springs) But with an Irish restaurant right there I would think that there will be people that have had too much to drink. We have an Irish restaurant near our house and even with how cold it is still in March they put up a huge tent outside for the overflow of people that come to celebrate. I can only imagine how DTD would be.
If we go on this day I think we will stick to the marketplace side and stay away from the bar hopping area.
Good news: We're staying an extra night. :cheer2: DH and I agreed that it would just be too much to come in late from the wedding Saturday Night wake up early and get out of the hotel room on time, load up the car, spend quality time at this brunch and then immediately hit the road for home. So our new check out date is 3/21.

Bad news::sad1: All of the wiggle room we had in the budget that DH might have used to give me extra park time for my Birthday is now completely gone. And as that call was done on the speaker phone and she went through what was in the system I can tell you for sure that as of last night the system still showed 1 park day.

6. BRING MORE TRAVEL BACK UP OUTFITS!!!!!! As all will remember thanks to being caught off guard last trip Little Miss ended up arriving to Disney in nothing but a pull up and hooded towel. This time I am going to start her in her pjs, have 3 travel outfits and her arrival day outfit which she will put on once we are actually there. If, even with these precautions she still arrives naked, we will be in for a brutal trip. I have decided to pack an Emergency car sick supply bag this time.
Good idea. I've had the thought cross my mind about what we'd do if we had a carsick situation on vacation... but never really put a plan in action.

I'll say this much, I've only had to clean up after somebody getting sick in my truck once and I now consider my weathertech floor liners to be worth every penny.

We for sure won’t stop before we reach Valdosta but will push and see if we can get into Florida and stop at a Travel Center when we are ready.
I'd try to make it to the state line rest area for the free OJ.

If it’s warm enough and Little Miss wants to {She has been pretending to swim in disney pools for the last month}, we might let her swim.
If she sees a pool on the way to the room, I'm pretty sure there's no option. This is what you'll be doing.

My mother mentioned that someone else that’s coming can be on the rather intense side and if she shows up this day as well she and my step dad may choose to use little miss as their polite excuse to get a break.

Though them joining us is probably more than unlikely. My one worry about Disney Springs this day would be the fact that this is St. Patrick’s Day and I wonder what crowds and “adult like behavior” is like on this holiday. We will probably choose to stay away from Raglan Rd and that should be enough I would think. Does anyone have experience at Disney on St. Patrick ’s Day? Anything to worry about?
I wouldn't think it would be too horrible. Maybe a few more intoxicated people around some of the bars, but surely no worse than you'd see anywhere else. I think avoiding Raglan Road would be a great idea, but Disney Springs just doesn't seem like it would be too bad.

I'd probably be just as concerned about what you might run into if you were in WS.

The only thing that could change this plan would be if by some miracle I still get an extra day of park tickets as a birthday (Feb 21st) gift. :wizard: {This is doubtful though with the extra night added in. } If this happens than we will hit up Epcot as soon as we can get checked in.
Good luck! Maybe he'll find that box of cash that you still haven't unpacked from the move. :rolleyes1


I'll say this much, I've only had to clean up after somebody getting sick in my truck once and I now consider my weathertech floor liners to be worth every penny.
:rotfl2: I'm seriously considering lining the car seat with Puppy pads as back up.

I'd try to make it to the state line rest area for the free OJ.
We were going to shoot for somewhere with a place to eat and a gas station. It also depends on how long we can keep Little Miss asleep. We won't be waking that dragon! :rotfl:

If she sees a pool on the way to the room, I'm pretty sure there's no option. This is what you'll be doing.
::yes:: Thus I have already "volunteered" DH to be the one to get in the water with Little MIss if I think it feels to cold to swim. lol.

I wouldn't think it would be too horrible. Maybe a few more intoxicated people around some of the bars, but surely no worse than you'd see anywhere else. I think avoiding Raglan Road would be a great idea, but Disney Springs just doesn't seem like it would be too bad.

I'd probably be just as concerned about what you might run into if you were in WS.

Good luck! Maybe he'll find that box of cash that you still haven't unpacked from the move. :rolleyes1
A girl can hope! :wizard::rotfl::rotfl2:
Just found this:


Tickets are $18.99 per person (no kid priced ticket. everyone 2 and up pays same price.) Since an extra disney day looks to be out of reach what are your thoughts on this. Bonus... This experience is at the Florida Mall where I recently saw an article that the Cake Boss dude has also opened up a shop.

I think I will poke into this one further. :scratchin
All caught up! So a few thing, i love the Tink idea so the revel, or the Tink and ear, i think Tink dropping something off is so cute with out being to hard to plan/her spoiling it.

Also wanted to mention i went to WDW pregnant about 10 weeks, and while i had to skip some rides ,it really didn't affect me to much, I hope things are going well on this front. :hug:

We have a Crayola Experience about an hour away, and we haven't been yet DD is to young, but lots of our friends have been and they all say the kids LOVE IT
All caught up!

So a few thing, i love the Tink idea so the revel, or the Tink and ear, i think Tink dropping something off is so cute with out being to hard to plan/her spoiling it.

Also wanted to mention i went to WDW pregnant about 10 weeks, and while i had to skip some rides ,it really didn't affect me to much, I hope things are going well on this front. :hug:
All in the Lord's timing I guess!:thumbsup2

We have a Crayola Experience about an hour away, and we haven't been yet DD is to young, but lots of our friends have been and they all say the kids LOVE IT
:thumbsup2 I'm just not sure what I've seen of this place is worth the money. I found a video of the place and it looks like the family has to pay tokens to do the different activities. so you pay the $18.99 to get in and then have to pay again per activity? If that is the way it is, I think I'll pass.
I know nothing about Crayola experience. But by the time you spend $60 there, you might as well spend a little more money and add a park day. :rolleyes1

I'll find as many reasons to justify it as you want, no matter how flimsy.
I know nothing about Crayola experience. But by the time you spend $60 there, you might as well spend a little more money and add a park day. :rolleyes1
Yeah thats kinda what I was thinking. If you are going to charge $20 plus for a 3 year old. your attraction dang well last me more than 3 to 4 hours tops.

I'll find as many reasons to justify it as you want, no matter how flimsy.
I love the plan! I am all for an extra park day. Happy almost birthday! You'll have to let us know if that's your present. ;)

I love the ears idea! But you're right, hopefully you can sneak away and put them on.

Gotta agree with the glitter, you'll see it for years! Lol.
:hyper::hyper::hyper:LOOK WHAT ARRIVED TODAY!!!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper:


Seeing these arrive has really made everything sink in a bit.

Now I just have to make the final decision on which decal to go with on my MagicBand.




Also I have made a final decision on the outfit for the wedding! I found this dress on clearance yesterday for $13! It fit so well I could hardly pass it up.


Glad you came to a decision and certainly seems like it will be easier with that extra day and you just won't feel like you are rushing and checking your watch while at the brunch.

Bummer about no park time but maybe you can add in some "free almost park" time - like riding the monorail through EPCOT (if you time it right you can even see illuminations) or time at Disney Springs or a character meal at a resort. Clearly not the same, but better than nothing

I think your travel plans sound good - and yeah, if that turns out to still be not enough outfits for Little Miss then there probably are bigger problems!

I would think that during the day on St. Patrick's Day it won't be too crazy at Disney Springs but you might want to not be there later and yeah, I'd avoid Raglan Road unless you can be there for lunch or something

We've been to the Crayola Factory in Easton PA several times and it looks to be almost identical to what was shown in the video. Our kids really liked it - especially the craft type activities (Spin art, etc.). It probably is only good for a few hours but is definitely fun and, like you noted, quite a bit cheaper than another Disney day

I must say I love the Small World band pattern - but that could be it is just much more my style than the soft rose pattern.

And you can't beat a $13 dress!
Love the dress and shoes combo!! That was a steal and I would have scooped it up also.
Thanks! Yeah the original price for the dress was $99!

Glad you came to a decision and certainly seems like it will be easier with that extra day and you just won't feel like you are rushing and checking your watch while at the brunch.
And that is really what it boiled down to. I knew we wouldn't be able to enjoy the brunch with that drive ahead of us.

Bummer about no park time but maybe you can add in some "free almost park" time - like riding the monorail through EPCOT (if you time it right you can even see illuminations) or time at Disney Springs or a character meal at a resort. Clearly not the same, but better than nothing
Oooo I love the idea of timing a monorail ride to catch some fireworks! Or maybe we'll go to the beach at the poly.

I think your travel plans sound good - and yeah, if that turns out to still be not enough outfits for Little Miss then there probably are bigger problems!
I don't want too even think about what that kind of journey would entail! At that point I think we would be making a pit stop at Nana's hotel for help.

I would think that during the day on St. Patrick's Day it won't be too crazy at Disney Springs but you might want to not be there later and yeah, I'd avoid Raglan Road unless you can be there for lunch or something
:scratchin Might end up trying dinner at AOA that day.

We've been to the Crayola Factory in Easton PA several times and it looks to be almost identical to what was shown in the video. Our kids really liked it - especially the craft type activities (Spin art, etc.). It probably is only good for a few hours but is definitely fun and, like you noted, quite a bit cheaper than another Disney day
Hmm good to know.

I must say I love the Small World band pattern - but that could be it is just much more my style than the soft rose pattern.

And you can't beat a $13 dress!
::yes::Especially when it was originally $99!
Loving the plans!

Great dress! Love the shoes too. Awesome that it was only $13

I prefer the second MB decal.
Great find on the dress! Yay for an extra night, even if no extra park day (but I hope that magically happens, of course).


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