“Life is Grand, it Yacht to be, we are at Disney! 1/29 New TR link, a question, and this TR is complete!

Um, that's a lot of snow........................❄ I love the snow and look forward to the kids having snow days so I can sleep in lol, but 44 inches would drive me to Florida too!

Did you know, Disney autopsies every fish
Did not know this and very interesting. I guess it makes sense but man that must be a bit tedious!
Andi and I decided to try Nomads lounge. We were able to snag a table outside in the shade. The chairs are so comfortable. This was heaven, it feels like you are on a private veranda in Africa.
Whoo! I didn't realize you'd never been there! We never miss it when in AK!!
We tried the impossible sliders, ribs, and the churros. Everything was delicious. The ribs were so tender and flavorful. The sliders were yummy. I have read some reviews of these being dry, we did not experience that. These were moist and delicious.
Ricky and Steve love the ribs and we all love the sliders :) I've never had the churros and I keep kicking myself for that, will try to remedy that in January!
Nomad Lounge is a must for us now. 2 thumbs up for the food, drink, and our waiter!
Our next stop was the gorillas. The whole family was close by. We saw baby Grace. She was hanging on her mom. I couldn’t get a decent picture of her, however, a “teen” gorilla came by and posed for me. So much fun to watch!
I saw baby Grace too last week. She is sweet!
Andi and I decided to try Nomads lounge. We were able to snag a table outside in the shade. The chairs are so comfortable. This was heaven, it feels like you are on a private veranda in Africa.
Nomads is the best ever! So glad you loved it. :)
Exciting! Moving to Florida is in my 5 year plan for now
I like your plan! I will not miss Minnesota winters! We have had some nice days this past week, thank goodness!
may have to join this club too, I always laugh at the terrified children!
It is fun, parents Just don’t realize how scary it can be!
Love the trails!
Such a nice way to tour AK
Nomads is a gem!
Um, that's a lot of snow........................❄ I love the snow and look forward to the kids having snow days so I can sleep in lol, but 44 inches would drive me to Florida too!
This much snow is unusual even for us. It makes getting around a pain. We are actually going to hit 40 degrees today, hallejula!
Did not know this and very interesting. I guess it makes sense but man that must be a bit tedious!
That is actually what I thought, very tedious
Whoo! I didn't realize you'd never been there! We never miss it when in AK!!
So good, our mission in January is to hit up a few more lounges, this works good for us the way we eat!
Ricky and Steve love the ribs and we all love the sliders :) I've never had the churros and I keep kicking myself for that, will try to remedy that in January!
The churros are amazing, try them! I am really looking forward to January I hope we can meet up for a drink!
saw baby Grace too last week. She is sweet!
It is so fun to watch the gorillas and how they interact with each other, Grace :love:
Nomads is the best ever! So glad you loved it.
It really is, can’t wait to return!
All caught up. I haven't been on the boards since before Thanksgiving. Your WS tour looked awesome. Yeah for your M& G with Megan Emily and Su Lynne.

The relaxing life of Buddy Bishon
I plan to work from home, once Andi graduates from college, and live in Florida for 3 months each year! This is my goal and in reality it could happen as soon as 2 years from now, yay!!
Don't blame you, I'd love to do the same.
Nomad Lounge is a must for us now. 2 thumbs up for the food, drink, and our waiter!
We agree
You and me both, hopefully we can work together, lol!
Yes! :thumbsup2 ::yes::

Chips and candy it is what us cool people eat for dinner :rotfl2:
I agree! :snooty::laughing:

This is my goal and in reality it could happen as soon as 2 years from now, yay!!
I really hope so, Caroline! That would be so amazing!!! :goodvibes

The Chunkies are so nice!
They really are wonderful :hug:

Andi and I decided to try Nomads lounge.
Nomad Lounge is a must for us now. 2 thumbs up for the food, drink, and our waiter!
This is absolutely on my must-do list for my next trip! I still haven't tried it!

Merry Christmas Everyone
Thanks, Caroline! And to you and your family, too! :santa:
Lurking on here and reading reviews as we just booked our Disney trip for next Christmas. I have been considering adding a few days at US to see the HP. Have never read the books, but just went to the SF play, my nephew is Albus in that show, and have just started reading the books since seeing the play. Your review just made me decide to book.
Hi!!! I am back from the dead! December yet again kicked my butt!!!!

Off track here, :offtopic:how does everyone like the Mandalorian? I love it and so does Jack.
We love it! We are actually re-watching it now to prep for the last episode today!

I made Andi take a less than flattering picture of me doing the chunky dump at the Pixar ball. :scared1: She thought I was crazy and quickly took the picture, haha!
It's a mom's job to embarass there kids.

Andi grabbed her refillable mug and we went to Gasparilla Grill, ominous music inserted here! The place was a zoo, literally a big ole hot mess! We normally have had good experiences here, not today!:sad2:
The lines to order were crazy. I went up to order and the lady in front of me states “I have been standing here for 20 minutes and haven’t moved an inch”, oh no! I just turned and walked away. Andi finds me and says the freestyle coke machine is out of ice and many options. The condiment area by the machine was out of everything and it was a mess. I am guessing, the place was short staffed big time, doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.
Yikes! Might explain the cheaper price that I just saw. I think Pete on one of the shows gave the whole resort a back review.

I have lived in Northern Minnesota and Northern Michigan my entire life, however, I am not impressed! It seals the deal for me to move to Florida soon! I plan to work from home, once Andi graduates from college, and live in Florida for 3 months each year! This is my goal and in reality it could happen as soon as 2 years from now, yay!!
That is exciting!

Merry Christmas Everyone
Love him!
You all can continue to feel sorry for me :rotfl: We have received 44 inches of snow since the week of Thanksgiving. This is more than double what is normal for a 2 month period.

Holy cow! Just yuck.

however, I am not impressed! It seals the deal for me to move to Florida soon!

I am headed that way some day too.

This is my goal and in reality it could happen as soon as 2 years from now, yay!!

Nice, Caroline! I"m so glad you making the move to a place that seems more suited to your needs and wants now. Love it!

It’s time to Chunkydump with the Chunky couple!


take the time to check out the beautiful carvings on the Tree of Life. This is an attraction in itself.

They really are. Such artwork for sure.

Once at Disney, they thrived, in fact there are so many, Disney is giving some to Busch Gardens for the new African exhibit.

Okay, that's cool!

Did you know, Disney autopsies every fish? They do, the CM explained how important it is to do this. It helps detect possible diseases and also if it was just time for the fish to die. We really enjoyed visiting with her and of course, learning more interesting things about AK. I highly recommend these trails, so fun!

I did NOT know that. What a cool factoid and one more reason I adore Disney.

The Chunkies are so nice!

Yes, they are!

We stopped for a few minutes to see the beautiful Macaws, the birds were flying around the Tree of Life. So beautiful!

Aren't they amazing!? That is one of my favorite memories of the part of my trip with my kids.

There it is!!

This was heaven, it feels like you are on a private veranda in Africa.

It totally does!

I'm sure @Steppesister will be thrilled!
HI Caroline! I got a bit behind but I'm caught up now. Not sure if you saw my longer post on Liesa's TR, but the short story is that I started a new job this month (same company) and it's been quite an adjustment in hours and duties. But I'm getting the hang of it now, so hopefully I will be able to get back in the DIS groove soon.
Yikes on all that snow! Terrible
It sure is, we have had a warmer spell and thank goodness a fair amount has melted!
Nomads always sounds so wonderful and I've still never been!
It is so awesome, Andi and I talked about it while she was home and we can’t wait to go back
All caught up. I haven't been on the boards since before Thanksgiving. Your WS tour looked awesome. Yeah for your M& G with Megan Emily and Su Lynne.
Nice to see you checking in Glenda! We really enjoyed the WS tour and Dis meets are always a plus!
really hope so, Caroline! That would be so amazing!!!
I am hoping to live at least 3 months down there and get away from the worst part of winter here! Close to WDW of course!

They really are wonderful :hug:
The Chunkies sure are!
This is absolutely on my must-do list for my next trip! I still haven't tried it!
Yes make it a priority for sure, Nomads is just so zen!
Lurking on here and reading reviews as we just booked our Disney trip for next Christmas. I have been considering adding a few days at US to see the HP. Have never read the books, but just went to the SF play, my nephew is Albus in that show, and have just started reading the books since seeing the play. Your review just made me decide to book.
Thanks for commenting, nice to have you along!! You will not be disappointed in adding a few days to US, it is amazing. Harry Potter areas are a must see! I’m glad you started to read the books, I love those books so much! The lands will mean so much more with some book knowledge. The areas are great even without Knowing much about HP but even better when you have read some!
Merry Christmas to you too, Caroline!
Merry Christmas, Caroline!!
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Hi!!! I am back from the dead! December yet again kicked my butt!!!!
Hi Ariella, I hear you, plus you have been to Disney several times in the past few months!
We love it! We are actually re-watching it now to prep for the last episode today!
My son Jack is home and we got to watch the last episode together, I’m sad it will be awhile before it is back!
It's a mom's job to embarass there kids.
Yes it sure is!
Yikes! Might explain the cheaper price that I just saw. I think Pete on one of the shows gave the whole resort a back review.
I heard about Pete’s scathing review, yikes. I do love the GF, however, the QS was just inexcusable that day!
Love him!
That little baby Yoda is so darn cute!
Holy cow! Just yuck.
Yes our winter has started out guns ablaze yuck!!
I am headed that way some day too.
Yay, we can get together when we are down there! 3 months down there is what I definitely need to get away from our brutal winters!
did NOT know that. What a cool factoid and one more reason I adore Disney.
Disney does so much for conservation, I thought it was interesting how each fish is important!
Yes, they are!
The Chunkies are so nice to visit with
Aren't they amazing!? That is one of my favorite memories of the part of my trip with my kids.
I love that AK showcases the macaws now, so beautiful!
HI Caroline! I got a bit behind but I'm caught up now. Not sure if you saw my longer post on Liesa's TR, but the short story is that I started a new job this month (same company) and it's been quite an adjustment in hours and duties. But I'm getting the hang of it now, so hopefully I will be able to get back in the DIS groove soon.
Hi Jeff, yes I saw your post on @pkondz TR, I use to work straight nights and a combo of D/N 12 hour shifts, it can be tough for sure! I never worked more than 3 12 hour shifts at a time and that was enough! You basically eat, sleep, work on those days. I hope it is going okay for you! The one plus for me when I did the 12 hour shifts is I got 6-7 days off in a row sometimes. This was good and bad, I hated going back after the long stretch off! 😟
I wish you the best with the new work and schedule!
Hello Everyone
I hope the last few days of 2019 are enjoyable and the new decade 2020 will find happiness and many WDW trips for all of us!
When I left off, Andi and I were resting in the room. We had a wonderful morning and early afternoon at AK. Our plan was to head into Epcot for dinner and a few rides.
We took the monorail to Epcot. I love arriving on the monorail and checking out the park some before we stop. We shared a compartment with 2 brothers. The boys were worried about missing Soarin FP. They were cutting it close. They didn’t know about the 15 minute grace period and I explained it to them and they were so happy to hear this! I hope they made it.
Andi and I headed to the Seas and spent some time with Nemo and his friends. We do enjoy checking out the aquarium area.

This weird fish was Andi’s friend!
Soon it was time to head over to Mexico for our ADR.
We were trying La Hacienda for the first time. We checked in and were seated pretty quick. We had a nice booth, which you all know, does not happen that often for us!

Andi was so excited she smiled so big and ended up squinting!
Our waitress was so nice. We decided to share everything this evening. We ordered guacamole and chips first. We really enjoyed the fresh guacamole and the salsa. Chips and salsa come to the table here without an up charge. We liked both! We stuck with ice water tonight so I didn’t try one of the margarita’s.



Our entree was the vegetable enchiladas, we really enjoyed these. It was so much food for the 2 of us. We got a big bowl of black beans and these were so flavorful. I honestly don’t know how 1 person could eat this whole meal, it was a lot of food. Our meal and service were two big thumbs up from us this evening. We also got to check out the restaurant decor and understood the story we had learned about on the WS tour. It is a beautifully designed restaurant and you definitely would have a great view of Epcot’s night time show from here. It is right on the lake. We ended up leaving a fair amount of food behind, just to much for us.
We went over to the pavilion and rode Gran Fiesta Tour and looked around the shop areas for a little while.

It was soon time for our Soarin FP and we worked our way towards the land. It was quiet in Epcot this evening which is always a plus!
We didn’t really need our FP for Soarin tonight. We did get B1 without even asking, yay! Always a plus to see the world without distortion!
We did LwTL next. Sunshine Seasons was dead so we went to check out a snack to take back with us. We decided on the red velvet Whoopie pie.

The CM boxed it up for us and off we went to ride SE on our way out. We had a nice ride on SE and we then headed out of the park. We said goodbye for now to Epcot!
We got back to the GF via the monorail and started packing up. Tomorrow would be our last day at Disney. We would be picked up around 3pm by DME that day.:sad:461164

Stay tuned for our last day at WDW, we head into MK and we also have a few favorite foods before leaving.................


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