1 crazy family+2 resorts+5 parks+1 snake+1 surprise=A Mickeystoontown report 4/3x2

Love your trip report! :)

It is a little funny to me that you are going to get you a smartphone for your next trip and I am going to leave mine in my room however we still have DH smartphone. I do agree you need one when you are at Disney!

I love love all Lacey shirts, do you know how she made them? They looked like the print would hold up well and I wanted to make some shirts for our trip.
Always enjoy your updates... getting a little sad it's close to the end:sad1: But, looking forward to hopefully meeting up with you this May, at least for a photo op. We are there 5/21 - 5/28. Let's make a 'date' :wave2:
Checkin in a little late but I'm reading along here! Love Hunter's character selfies and I love that you took your mother along. She seems to get around pretty well for her age. Lord knows Disney is all about walking walking walking! lol
Loved the close up photo of Hunter and Tigger :thumbsup2 ! I'm the same about phones I have a cheap flip top phone, and I like it lol.
One of my favorite things to do is just explore other resorts. It seems our short trips just don't allow enough time! Crystal Palace has such great food! I haven't been at breakfast though...one day, pre-park opening!! Oh and love the silhouettes!!
I'm all caught up again. I haven't been getting on much lately because the Dis was moving in slooooooooowwwwww motioooooooon and it was driving me crazy.

I wish I would have thought to get the silhouettes done last summer on our mother and son solo trip. Lacey and Jesse's came out really good.

I've only ever done breakfast at Crystal Palace. It looks like you had a very nice last meal.

I don't have a smart phone either. I have a flip top but I am not a phone person I don't even text. I just want to pick it up and say hello and hear the person on the other side:laughing: I could probably go days without using it. Basically I tell time with it.
But I do hope you enjoy your new phone when you get it. It'll be a new toy for you!
LOL, the first thing I thought of when you mentions your last meal was Mama not getting a roll. Can't believe you didn't take her one. Ever since that first report I read from you CP has been a must do for dinner. You make it sound like good food and great character to see. I really love meeting them at meals. They seem to spend more time joking around.
I did go look up the tickets. Seems you can use two minor tickets same on same day. At least that is how I take how allears writes it. Can't wait to hear how it works for you.
YAY Crystal Palace looks so fun! I love all the character photos, love the pictures of Hunter taking selfies with the characters (that's funny, I must remember to do that too! :rotfl: )
My parents both have flip phones -- not because anyone steals their upgrades :lmao: but because they can't figure out smart phones. It's ok, not everyone has a smart phone!
YAY Crystal Palace looks so fun! I love all the character photos, love the pictures of Hunter taking selfies with the characters (that's funny, I must remember to do that too! :rotfl: )
My parents both have flip phones -- not because anyone steals their upgrades :lmao: but because they can't figure out smart phones. It's ok, not everyone has a smart phone!

Mama still has a flip phone and wouldn't have it any other way since she doesn't text. I wouldn't even mind having one again but I do send a lot of texts and I always hated having to push the buttons over and over again to get to the correct letter. :rotfl:

LOL, the first thing I thought of when you mentions your last meal was Mama not getting a roll. Can't believe you didn't take her one. Ever since that first report I read from you CP has been a must do for dinner. You make it sound like good food and great character to see. I really love meeting them at meals. They seem to spend more time joking around.
I did go look up the tickets. Seems you can use two minor tickets same on same day. At least that is how I take how allears writes it. Can't wait to hear how it works for you.

That's what I wanted to say to her "But you are missing the multi grain bread again!" :lmao:

I just made the adjustments to our tickets and the castmember said that we could use two minor tickets on the same day! :thumbsup2

CP looks amazing

It's a fun restaurant and the food is really good too! ::yes::

I'm all caught up again. I haven't been getting on much lately because the Dis was moving in slooooooooowwwwww motioooooooon and it was driving me crazy.

It was driving me nuts for a while there too.

I wish I would have thought to get the silhouettes done last summer on our mother and son solo trip. Lacey and Jesse's came out really good.

If you get the chance to get the silhouettes done, do it.

I've only ever done breakfast at Crystal Palace. It looks like you had a very nice last meal.

Quite some time ago, we started the tradition of eating dinner at the Crystal Palace and it's one of our favorites.

I don't have a smart phone either. I have a flip top but I am not a phone person I don't even text. I just want to pick it up and say hello and hear the person on the other side:laughing: I could probably go days without using it. Basically I tell time with it.
But I do hope you enjoy your new phone when you get it. It'll be a new toy for you!

I'm not a phone or tech person either. I wouldn't even care if I didn't have a cell phone. After talking on the phone all day long at work, I could totally do without it.:p

I was thinking of making a CP ressie for our October trip so that DGD can see Pooh, now I know I am!

Pooh was a hit with our group!:)

One of my favorite things to do is just explore other resorts. It seems our short trips just don't allow enough time! Crystal Palace has such great food! I haven't been at breakfast though...one day, pre-park opening!! Oh and love the silhouettes!!

I would love to explore lots of other resorts but John doesn't care for it at all. If I can, I'm going to talk him into going to at least a couple more on our off days.;)

Loved the close up photo of Hunter and Tigger :thumbsup2 ! I'm the same about phones I have a cheap flip top phone, and I like it lol.

It sure does make me feel good to know that I'm not the only one who doesn't give a flying fig about a cellphone. ::yes::

:cool1::cool1::cool1: LESS THAN 24 HOURS NOW :cool1::cool1::cool1:

You lucky girl! You are there now!:cool1:
Checkin in a little late but I'm reading along here! Love Hunter's character selfies and I love that you took your mother along. She seems to get around pretty well for her age. Lord knows Disney is all about walking walking walking! lol

Better late than never! :wave2: Glad to have you! Mama does very well for being an 80 year old woman (turned 80 in January). I hope that I can still do half the things that she does when I am 80.

Always enjoy your updates... getting a little sad it's close to the end:sad1: But, looking forward to hopefully meeting up with you this May, at least for a photo op. We are there 5/21 - 5/28. Let's make a 'date' :wave2:

If I didn't have another trip coming up, I'd be sad as heck! Thank goodness I am in perpetual Disney trip planning mode. I know that a lot of my Dis friends are going to be in the World at the same time. When I start my pre-trip report, let's compare dates and see when we can all say "HEY!"

Love your trip report! :)

It is a little funny to me that you are going to get you a smartphone for your next trip and I am going to leave mine in my room however we still have DH smartphone. I do agree you need one when you are at Disney!

Oh believe me, if I didn't think that I would need the phone to change up our FP+, I'd still have my slider phone with me.

I love love all Lacey shirts, do you know how she made them? They looked like the print would hold up well and I wanted to make some shirts for our trip.

I am not sure how Lacey made the shirts except that she bought 100% cotton t-shirts and freehanded them with fabric paint. I can ask her though.:thumbsup2

Fun Update! You got some great pics with the characters, love the one of Pooh with his hands (paws?) covering Jesse's eyes!

I love Winnie the Pooh and the gang, I really want to go there soon.

That was one of my favorite pictures from the entire trip! :upsidedow

Hey Lisa I just spent about an hour getting caught back up on your trip report. I took a Dis break for the last 5 months. Your family always seems to have so much fun on your trips. Thanks for sharing.

Hey! Long time no see! Everything going well with you?

WL lobby is so pretty.
Glad you didn’t go in your pants.
Love taking the boats anywhere at Disney.
I like the silhouettes.
Tiki Birds is good for AC.
If we sell this place I want to go down during the time you are there. Gay Days are at the end of your trip.
I need my Galaxy s(whatever). I need my emails and to check in. LOL. What kind are you getting?
Looks like a good meal and great character interaction.
I am all caught up again.

Hey Scott, the incredible shrinking man! I love the Disney boats and the buses and the monorail. :rotfl:

I'm not sure what kind of phone I'll get. Probably whatever kind is cheap or on special. :scratchin

I really need to try CP!! :) Looks great!

The last night is terrible! You wait forever for the trip to come & then it's just gone.....

Can't believe you are so close!

Sadly, I don't think we are even going on June. I'll send you a message on Facebook! ;)

Oh crap! I read your message and totally forgot to answer. Going back now.:sad2:
Shaking our money makers and having a blast!

After our traditional “last supper” at the Crystal Palace, we strolled outside to see that the sun was setting and the castle was all aglow:

as were other parts of the park:

We made our way towards Tomorrowland to see another showing of Monster’s Laugh Floor:

It was another funny show and Jesse was chosen but not as “that guy” but still appeared on the screen several times as someone who was scared. It was pretty funny and it’s always neat to see someone in your party on screen.

Okay, just realized that the way that I wrote that and then posted the picture made it seem like that picture was supposed to be of Jesse on the big screen. Totally didn’t mean it that way. :lmao:

As we exited the building, we could hear music pumping and we decided to check it out. Look! It’s a dance party and the characters are mingling with the guests!

I know this won’t come as a shock when I tell ya that John got a phone call from someone at work. Lots of drama going on in the workplace while he was gone and people were calling him left and right to keep him up to date. Didn’t keep the rest of us from getting in on the dancing fun. Wait, I take that back, Jesse’s not much for dancin’. Lacey, Hunter and I? Well, we were shaking our money makers and having a blast! :cool1:

Nuttin’ like getting your boogie on in the middle of thousands of people. What do I care? They don’t know me from the man in the moon. :p

I think that I am remembering correctly when I say that we went into Stitch’s Great Escape and got a snack afterwards but I can’t guarantee it because I don’t have picture proof. I do, however, have proof that we went back the way that we came

and ended up on the bridge that connects Tomorrowland with Main Street. Our goal was to find a place to watch the castle show and Wishes. I know that it’s not THE best place to watch from but it was what it was and there were massive crowds ahead of us that we knew we couldn’t get through. Might as well make the best of it.

In front of us to our left:

To our right:

We were standing there a good twenty/thirty minutes and others around us were settled in as well when a family of four or five came and stood right in front of us. And, they were tall. Tall enough to block our dadgum view. It would have been one thing if they didn’t know that they were blocking our view but they looked straight at us, saw that we were waiting for the fireworks, then stopped and stood there. If I had thought that I could have gotten away with it, I would have slapped their foreign accents right outta their mouths. :( Oops, I said that outloud didn’t I? ::yes:: Now, I know that we have all inadvertently moved in front of someone or bumped into a person or blocked a view. But, these people knew that they were in our way. Just out and out didn’t care. Anyway, they knew what they were doing and it made me mad enough that I could have chewed nails. For once, I was glad that John was on another phone call or else he would have probably said something that wasn’t too terribly kind.

After a while, they moved down some and stood in front of other poor unsuspecting folks. Yay me! Poor other folks!

The castle show started soon afterwards and I am amazed by it. It’s so well done! My pictures do not do the show justice.

**Up next: All my Wishes will come truuuuuuuuuue! I need voice lessons :laughing:!
Yay.. I'm caught up... again! Even with the updates that you haven't linked in the TOC yet:thumbsup2
I love Crystal Palace... lots of good memories from there over the years. And it looks like your table was near ours when we had a dinner there, too.
As a family, we probably like Garden Grill most, but I think CP just edges it out.
Loving the read-along... y'all keep having fun!

Edit: AHHH, forgot to mention the latest updates.. I love the parks at dusk. There's something about that short time where there's just enough ambient light to still see everything, but the artificial lights in the buildings and lamps give just the right amount of highlight to make everything pop out at you. I like that effect most in Adventureland, it looks so exotic.
We were standing there a good twenty/thirty minutes and others around us were settled in as well when a family of four or five came and stood right in front of us.
This is so inevitable. You could bet money on it every time. It's rude and annoying and the only thing I've come up with to do is stay away from the hub at fireworks time. I try to catch them from a little bit of a distance so someone standing in front of me won't block my view like over by the bridge to Tomorowland. It's unfortunate but not worth getting my blood pressure up about lol :mad:

Nuttin’ like getting your boogie on in the middle of thousands of people. What do I care? They don’t know me from the man in the moon.

Good for you! That is so true and I try to remind myself of that every time there's a dance party but I get shy :blush:
Mmmm, Crystal Palace. :goodvibes

It's a must do on our last day also, but we do breakfast. ::yes:: We love being able to get into the park without a ton of people clogging up the streets and our pictures. :laughing:

Looks like the food was pretty good, we had dinner there our first night of our last family trip and we liked it, but this last trip Mackie and I skipped it and did BOG instead. I believe we'll be going with CP in the future. :scared: Lunch, that's a different story, BOG every time, :lovestruc especially since they have FP's for it and FP's that don't effect your FP's for the rides. :thumbsup2

Hunter and all his selfies with the characters, too cute. :rotfl:

Wish your mom had felt better to be there with y'all. Maybe she'll be more willing to do a scooter next trip so she won't poop out on y'all. :confused3
I know it's hard for parents to finally give up the ghost, but when it takes time from doing what you have fun doing maybe that will tip the scale?? I know it did for my mom at one point.

Great update, Lisa.
Good thing you clarified, I thought Jesse had changed his look since the last update! ;)

I really hate it when people are that inconsiderate! At least they wound up moving down from where you were.

Good pictures of the castle show!!
Great update! Love the castle pictures. And as much as I don't want this one to end, I am anxious for you to begin your pre trip report. :)


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