10-day weather forecast

Elaine Guidi

Mar 1, 2002
How accurate have you found them? I have been checking ours for the last 2 days and the first time it predicted our first 2 days to be partly cloudy with temps high 60's, fine I thought. I have checked today and they show low 70's temps and rain!!! Obviously the closer it gets the more accurate it will get, so what I would like to know is if I check the forecast the day before we leave how much can I trust it?
I know exactly what you mean. We're getting married this Thursday at Disney and I started compulsively checking the forecast... First night, partly cloudy. Next day rain, following day light rain, yesterday partly cloudy, have restrained myself so far today;-) I guess we'll know when we get there!!
I know it will all become apparant when we arrive, but as a compulsive planner I get frustrated when something I can't plan starts to get funny on me. I must say though that I will start packing tomorrow and I am going to pack half and half and plan to do laundry.

As for your wedding, what time do you get married. We will be leaving Gatwick on your wedding day, so I would like to be thinking of you at the approp time?
We'll be getting married at noon:-) Thanks for the thoughts:-)

Packing... I think we packed everything we own (summer, winter) just to make sure we have enough... Yuck:p

Have a wonderful (hopefully sunny and warm) trip!
The day before you leave there is a reasonable chance they'll get it right--or close to right-for the next day.
As for 5-7-10 days out?? Pure speculation.


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