100 pounds to WDW!!! (comments welcome!!)

You are both doing GREAT!!!!!! :cool1:

Meanwhile I think I want to stay at All Star Movies now. :rotfl2:

I will admit I never really looked at All Star Movies because I heard it was the most popular one and was the 'Toy Story' one. While I like Toy Story, it came out when I was older so I didn't think it was worth a crowd to stay at one. Also Music is often on sale for less than Movies whenever I've looked. However, I saw a picture of the sorcerer Mickey pool on a website and I was like 'which resort is that??' Much to my surprise it was All Star Movies!! I love the Fantasia section and Dalmatian section! Of course those are 'preferred' locations that cost more..so I don't know. Just walking through those sections to a non-preferred section would be nice too. If I must stay at a value I would prefer to stay at one where I can immerse myself in Disney. While AOA would be nice too with the little mermaid theme I really like the All Star Movies theme too. Again i was older when Nemo and Cars came out so the only section that really excites me in AOA is Little Mermaid.

I guess I will have to wait and decide when discounts come out. :wizard:
Yeah that is the whole reason I want to go in December, all the Christmas decor and events. The 1st week of the month is my preference but DH takes his shot the 1st week of the month and he hurts pretty bad the week leading up to it. I just want to make sure he's feeling good at Disney.

Meanwhile i am starting to feel like maybe we should just postpone.... so expensive.... :/
Yeah that is the whole reason I want to go in December, all the Christmas decor and events. The 1st week of the month is my preference but DH takes his shot the 1st week of the month and he hurts pretty bad the week leading up to it. I just want to make sure he's feeling good at Disney.

Meanwhile i am starting to feel like maybe we should just postpone.... so expensive.... :/

Ugh, I totally understand! When just Dh and I went a few years ago we had extra cash floating around, but nowadays things are tight. January's trip is going to be much less glamorous for us. But, it's Disney, right? LOL There is this saving plan where you put money in a jar equal to the week of the year and by the end of the year, you have something like $1,300. We budgeted it in like it was a bill. Maybe that would work for you? We looove it!
Ugh, I totally understand! When just Dh and I went a few years ago we had extra cash floating around, but nowadays things are tight. January's trip is going to be much less glamorous for us. But, it's Disney, right? LOL There is this saving plan where you put money in a jar equal to the week of the year and by the end of the year, you have something like $1,300. We budgeted it in like it was a bill. Maybe that would work for you? We looove it!
I heard about that too. I thought about doing it but I figured we should put the money towards paying off credit cards instead. However, I have decided to go ahead and get $50 in Disney gift cards every month as long as we've earned it. Right now I 'owe' DH $100 and hopefully will owe myself another $50 soon so instead of spending $150 this month I will just spend $50 for the next 3 months at least. Ideally we will have $500 in gift cards by the trip since we get $50 for every 10 lbs.

Then I've also 'budgeted' how we will spend our gift cards. :lmao:
$119 will go towards a photopass cd because we will be looking fabulous and will hopefully like our pictures.
$132-ish will go towards our MVMCP tickets this is based on last year's prices
Rest will be used for Tips if we do dining plan and souvenirs.
If we don't do the dining plan then I will set a certain amount aside for food and the rest for souvenirs.
Also I decided not to get park hopper tickets this time. I figured the MVMCP tickets will be kind of like hoppers since we can do another park that day (probably AK) then head to MK for the party. I am pretty sure I can do this. I will have to double check. Regardless I figure we can always add it and I have a feeling when we are looking to spend over 100 just to hop might not be worth it. It may however be worth it just to add another day if there is something we really want to go see before we leave and then hit it on our way out of town. 6 day regular tickets would still be cheaper than a 5 day hopper. So we shall see. (i had issues leaving Dumbo and the Kilimanjaro Safari last time...as in I didn't want to leave. I actually cried when I had to leave the MK and Dumbo on the last night...I also cried on my last safari ride...DH thought I was crazy).

In fitness news today I walked my dog a mile! DH went to a friend's to play video games so I walked her alone and was able to walk her longer. It is sunny and 30 degrees out but the windchill makes it colder. I should have walked longer but hey that is more than 2x as long as usual. My dog and I used to walk several miles everyday in the spring/summer a few years back. I hope we can get back in that habit. Had I not walked the dog by myself I was going to try and use the gazelle tonight. I still might. :) I know this sounds bad but usually when DH is home I like spending time with him and not exercising so when he's not home I feel like I should take advantage of that and do things I usually don't on weeknights.

I can't wait til December...but I don't want it to come too fast because I haven't lost this weight yet! 19 lbs down 31 to go for me! 21 down and 29 to go for DH!!!!
In fitness news today I walked my dog a mile!

I know this sounds bad but usually when DH is home I like spending time with him and not exercising

I can't wait til December...but I don't want it to come too fast because I haven't lost this weight yet! 19 lbs down 31 to go for me! 21 down and 29 to go for DH!!!!

Yippy Skippy for a 1 mile walk! ESPECIALLY in cold weather. I just can't do it. That's why we joined the gym!

I always feel bad leaving hubby too -- especially when the three of us girls go and he is left home alone. BUT -- usually when we get home he has made dinner :) He understands and is proud of us for getting healthy.

Keep on chugging away --- the train station at Magic Kingdom is closer than you think!!!! :moped:
I have never joined a gym. When i was in college I could use the college gym for free and it was really nice but I still didn't go regularly then and I had time. So I just don't think I'd go regularly enough to make it worth the money. I would like to join a class though.
I was thinking a self defense class. Some are pretty pricey and just one or two classes. But I found one that is mixed with a martial arts studio and you can start it anytime since it runs along side another class (a martial arts form I never heard of before). It runs 8 weeks and is $20 a month or $40 per 8 week class (seems the same but maybe if you don't go every week $40 for 8 weeks of classes is better? I don't know). So that is pretty affordable in my book and maybe if I like they type of martial arts they are doing I could continue even past the 8 weeks and morph into that class. I can also go to the first class for free to see if I like it. My only issue is its about 15 miles out of town in a small town I've never been to and DH can't do it with me simply because his joints won't let him. He conceals and carries a gun for self defense when he can and at home because if anyone ever tried to attack him or me, we'd be pretty much defenseless. He wants ME to start to carry a gun in my purse as well but I am not comfortable with that (i'd be paranoid it would go off :eek:), so I really want to take a self defense class so I can defend myself (and him) if necessary. I've always wanted to try a martial arts but I lack...coordination. :rotfl: So maybe doing the self defense thing first I will get the courage to 'stay' in the class and keep going. It's every Wednesday and I can start anytime. I just need to do it!!

So I weighed myself today...it said 200.6!!! 200!! OMG! I stepped on it 3x to be sure I wasn't leaning or something! I am still not changing my ticker or anything in case it jumps up tomorrow but YaY! I am right on track with 1 lb a week! :woohoo:

I've lost and gained so much over the years I know the faster it comes off the faster it comes back on, but I think 1 lb a week is slow and steady enough. I also know that if...or rather WHEN...I plateau that there are things I can do (more exercise) to break the plateau. Is it bad that i am putting off starting to exercise more until then? lol Right now just eating less and my daily floor exercises and walking seems to be doing the trick. I know it will stop doing the trick soon so I am just trying to enjoy it! :littleangel:

No Disney planning updates today...shocking I know :faint:
Sooooo close to Onederland!!!!!!!!!! :dance3::worship::cool1::woohoo::cheer2:


Now go join that class! :)
:lmao: Thanks! :flower3:

I looked up that martial arts class name. The self defense class is taught along side Hapkido. Their website seems to be down right now which had me worried but I checked their facebook and it just says they are revamping the website and it will be back up soon. Then I was looking at their albums at the Hapkido stuff and its a lot of touching other people. :rotfl2: I know...I know...its SUPPOSED to be... I just have a general dislike of touching others or having others touch me unless I am married or related to the person. I dont even enjoy getting manicures or pedicures because of that. I love the end result but I hate the entire process, thus I never do it unless I have to (special event or something) I have issues. :rotfl: I should still take the class though. I'm gonna have to suck it up. :scared:

Meanwhile I wanted to read about Disney Quest on the DIS and discovered that apparently we will get 2 free tickets to Disney quest with our package! I hope they still have that in their package in December. I wanted to try it last time but it cost so much more and we didn't have time to anyway. I am afraid we won't have time this time either. I wish we could stay at WDW longer. 5 days is just not long enough. :worried:
So you gotta go get a few cooties in order to get fit for Disney? Mickey is worth it, right?!?!?!? ;) I am sure there are other classes that wouldn't involve touching others.....

And Disney Quest will most likely still be included. I am pretty sure that is one of the draws for people buying the package. We took the kids there way back in 2002. It was alot of fun for the big kids --- and my children!! :rotfl2: I crack myself up.
Scale still said 200.6 this morning so I officially changed my ticker! 40% there! wooohoo!!

Yeah Mickey is definitely worth getting a few cooties. ;)

I am really excited for Disney Quest. DH had the idea of going on either check in day or check out day, but I think if we go check out day we won't want to leave and either day is a weekend so I feel that will be crazy busy. So I don't know. I guess I have alot of time to decide. :D
Scale still said 200.6 this morning so I officially changed my ticker! 40% there! wooohoo!!

Yeah Mickey is definitely worth getting a few cooties. ;)

I am really excited for Disney Quest. DH had the idea of going on either check in day or check out day, but I think if we go check out day we won't want to leave and either day is a weekend so I feel that will be crazy busy. So I don't know. I guess I have alot of time to decide. :D


Every HOORAY thing possible! 40% is AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work!

And the cooties are totally worth it, plus you'll have this incredible feeling of accomplishment that just can't be beat!
Just don't go to Disney Quest on a rainy day --- the place is mobbed :scared1:
Good tip! Of course that's probably when we'd want to go too!

Meanwhile I just read on easyWDW that they are ending more nighttime EMH which makes me sad since EMH at MK was by far our favorite time last time. Oh well the MVMCP will be at night but I have a feeling that will be crazy. :P


Every HOORAY thing possible! 40% is AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work!

And the cooties are totally worth it, plus you'll have this incredible feeling of accomplishment that just can't be beat!
Thanks!!! I know! Only 30.6 lbs to go!!! I can do it!! :cool1:

Meanwhile DH is getting a little sure of himself. He is down ANOTHER 3 lbs! 326! So he is almost halfway!!! 24 down 26 to go! He asked me if he could continue to get Disney gift cards for every 10 lbs even past the first 50! He said he needs to have more money to spend at Disney that me. :P He best be spending it on me for Christmas. ;)
No more night time EMH?!?!?!?!??!?!!? :sad: Well that sucks popsicles!

But a big :thumbsup2 to hubby for the 3 lbs and his new confidence!
No more night time EMH?!?!?!?!??!?!!? :sad: Well that sucks popsicles!

But a big :thumbsup2 to hubby for the 3 lbs and his new confidence!

Well they still have one night a week at MK. I guess it used to be 2x a week Fridays and Sundays. We stayed late on the Friday night which was our last night there so it worked perfectly. Of course in winter I think hours are shorter anyway so I was just looking forward to some EMH. Oh well who knows what the schedule will be in December. They just posted October hours, so hopefully that means December's will be posted in May? I hope... :lmao: Maybe they are just going down to 1 EMH per park. I didn't really pay attention to the other park's hours since MK was the main one I like to stay late at, though any of them would be nice. We planned on taking advantage of the EMH more this time around. EasyWDW thinks they might start adding mymagic+ only for resort guests instead of the EMH which I think is where you can set up your fast passes for the day ahead of time. I guess if they have that rolled out by December that would be a nice trade. :)
Wow. Today was awful. I was cranky and tired and STARVING all day. I ate way too much. I keep almonds and dark chocolate kisses in my desk at work so I won't hit the vending machine. Well I rarely have to use them anymore or if I do I eat one or two kisses (they are only 20 calories each) and I'm good. Not today! I ate a baggie (one serving) of almonds, all the kisses I had left and i was still hungry. We had brinner for dinner (breakfast for dinner) and again, still hungry!!! Also we were watching NCIS and there was this dog and the dog didn't die but the handler did but seeing the dog all sad MADE ME CRY! I thought surely AF must be coming sooner than planned. She shouldn't arrive until the END of next week and its only TUESDAY. So overall I am thinking how awful this next week will be and I go to take my evening multi-vitamin and benedryl only to discover I FORGOT TO TAKE MY MEDS this morning!!!! :scared1: WTH, who knew they helped me so much??? :headache: I take allergy meds, an antidepressant and some other vitamins, b-complex, d3, i forget what else. Apparently I need them more than I thought. Good thing I have a pill holder separated out by days or i might have never figured it out. :rotfl2: I will not forget them tomorrow!
Wow. Today was awful. I was cranky and tired and STARVING all day. I ate way too much.

I take allergy meds, an antidepressant and some other vitamins, b-complex, d3, i forget what else. Apparently I need them more than I thought.

You cranked. You ate. Get back on the wagon.

As my hubby would say; "Better living through chemistry" ;)

Hope today was better! :hippie:
You cranked. You ate. Get back on the wagon.

As my hubby would say; "Better living through chemistry" ;)

Hope today was better! :hippie:
Thanks today was much better!

I just can't believe not taking my meds made such a huge difference. Also I take a probiotic that I forgot so I took that last night too and one this morning and that was a bad idea. I went to the bathroom 2x before 9am. :blush: :lmao:

Anyway I feel much more like myself today. I ate normal, walked the dog, did my plank this morning and some leg exercises.

I did step on the scale this morning thinking it would be way up but i thought that would be motivation to stay on track today and it was up but only .2 lb so that's not a big deal given all the crap I ate. I hope I still have a loss this week but we shall see!


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