13 month old… go back to room for 2 naps?

My girls usually don’t nap much once they hit 16 months and refused to sleep in the room. We found they would just pass out in the stroller and let them sleep in the stroller.
Our son started daycare at 13 months and his class only did one nap, so a few weeks beforehand we started transitioning him to one nap so he'd be ready. I would try to transition her to one nap before your trip as it will make taking breaks much easier. We would take him for a walk or to a store around 10:30 am and get home around 11:30 to have lunch. Then go to sleep immediately after. It was rought the first few days but overall the transition was super easy.

I agree with you on trying to keep to her normal sleep schedule at that age. People laugh at the idea, but there are tons of screaming kids in the parks for a reason. Parents push them too hard and they are TIRED, especially if they won't sleep on the go. I can't blame them, I get the same way. :P
The ability to take a nap in a stroller is very useful, especially at Disney where you don’t want nap schedules disrupting the fun. One thing you can do is give the child practice for this before the trip, by taking them to a public place like a mall during nap time so they can get used to taking a nap in that kind of situation.
My son was 18 months the first time we took him. We tried to go back for a nap one day and the nap didn’t happen. We let him fall asleep in the stroller after that.

Also, he dropped his morning nap the week after his 1st birthday.
When our kids were young, 1 of us would go back to the room to let our child nap and the other stayed out and enjoyed the park. The next day, we swapped roles.
Our little guy (1 at travel time) sleeps everywhere. My DD started taking him in the stroller to the mall, stores etc and he became a great travel napper. We also found taking him into "quiet" rides/shows helped a lot. Although we thought Tiki Room would be great, dark etc. But he ended up loving the birds! I believe it was his fave. Right after he fell asleep on the Jungle Cruise. Go figure.
I remember holding DS on the train years ago while he slept. Thank goodness we could stay on as long as we wanted so we just went around and around the park together for more than an hour. He was…not a good napper, unfortunately, so I was happy to be able to do it.
You are going to lose about 3 hours at a time when you go back to nap. Figure an hour to get to your room, and hour nap and an hour to get back. Could it be slightly faster each way? Yes. But it is going to eat in to your day if you try and go to the hotel more than once.
I can’t imagine that working due to the sheer amount of time you’d spend traveling back and forth. Naps in the room never worked for my family. I have 3 children. If they were tired, they’d fall asleep long before getting back to the resort and were awake when we got there. We abandoned even trying that and just did stroller naps going forward. Babies also sometimes fall asleep on slow moving dark rides like spaceship earth. Children that don’t normally nap in strollers might do it in Disney due to exhaustion from all the stimulation. I wouldn’t rule out stroller naps even if you think your LO can’t do them.
Sleep has just always been wonky for my kids, including during their infant/toddler years, whenever we travelled. I would try a stroller nap and if it didn't happen, you could always do an early bed time.
Definitely 1 nap only. You might even try transitioning at home a few weeks before you leave.

I was "blessed" with a 14-month-old who refused to nap in the stroller (he's easily over stimulated and he just couldn't block out all the people even with a huge sunshade) so we had to go back to the room every day or we left the park around 3pm and never went back.


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