Pizza is my favorite, and those look gorgeous!!

DD and I dropped DH off at a "daycare" while we did some shopping on vacation! He was as happy as could be when we picked him up 3 hours later!:D

Oh we love pizza too!!!!!

We actually do have a bad pizza experience coming up on our next day...….:sad2: But, usually any pizza we have in the States is always lovely...…so I guess one bad one is expected!!!

Oh I loved that......your DH got 3 hours in Daddy Day Care...….ssshhhhhh….don't tell Tom!!! He`ll be after the same thing...….I can see him eyeing up the bar in the restaurant to the left as you go into Mall at Millenia on occasions......lol......
St. Augustine looks lovely. We have stopped at the outlets in the past on the drive down, but never gone into the town. My brother always stops in St. Augustine on his way to Daytona for the races. He loves a seafood restaurant called O'Steen's and highly recommends their fried shrimp. Have you ever tried it?
St. Augustine looks lovely. We have stopped at the outlets in the past on the drive down, but never gone into the town. My brother always stops in St. Augustine on his way to Daytona for the races. He loves a seafood restaurant called O'Steen's and highly recommends their fried shrimp. Have you ever tried it?

It really is a beautiful place......we plan to go back in September and maybe stay overnight......lots of little guest houses that look so cosy.…..but of course it means losing two days at Universal...…..

I haven't heard of that place, but Googled it and it does look like somewhere we would enjoy...we haven't ever crossed the bridge to that area, we tend to stick to the one area...…

Never stopped at the outlets before...…..
We eventually wandered away from the waterfront area...….I think next time we`d like to explore the beach area more, although maybe not September with the heat...….but there is so much more to the waterfront area than we have done over three visits.

Back into town we wander through the main areas where we absolutely love just strolling around and looking into little windows and seeing the objects for sale...….

We loved the look of this little café set by the road....but we weren't ready for anything and didn't want to knock the appetite off our lunch......but it looked so different to any other café we had ever been in.


While looking for bed and breakfasts, we saw a few we liked the look of in case we do want to stay overnight in September.....this place had the added perk that there was parking straight across from it.....some places don't.


Walking in the far end of St George St is a gem of a walk.....there is so much to see and lots of little nooks and crannies to stumble upon and enjoy...…




Looking around the craft area, there was an awful lot of curios and some beautiful little objects to study and wonder if there was a place for them at home......but some of it was a little too unique to fit in to most people`s homes today. Maybe in the 1800`s!!!!

We did listen to a man try to buy an antique looking watch in a jewellers and the person who owned it was losing the plot....eventually the Chinese owner lost it and shouted "you like it you buy...you no buy it...leave" lol.....he was most emphatic!!!!

Guess he didn't get a sale there as the man took offense and left...…he gave us such a glare we hopped it quick as a flash......lol......


St Augustine has the oldest wooden schoolhouse in America. It first appeared on records for tax in 1716, but would have been built before that...…although no exact date has ever been confirmed.

The schoolmaster and family lived on the second floor above the classroom. The kitchen was however located in a separate area in case of fire risk. The classroom is also famous for being one of the first to be co-ed since 1788.


I think it was $5 each to get in, and when you pay they open the little gate for you.....



They do encourage you to ring the bell to call the kids to school.....what they didn't tell us was it was louder than heck!!!! I got such a shock!!!!


Once inside you realise just how small it is, or was...…..


They told us there was an interactive section......well, yes there was......a tape that played over and over the same statement...….but it was rather primitive I guess.

You could look upstairs with the help of a two way mirror.....the stairs weren't safe and very steep, and hard to imagine any adult making it up there safely....I could see why visitors weren't allowed up there.




We had seen enough in here and headed back outside into the sunshine.....and to be honest there wasn't a great deal to be thrilled about in there.....it was quite soulless and a little depressing to be honest.

Outside however, was very well maintained and very pretty.....


I do love an old wishing well......I`d love one of those hidden away on our ground somewhere...…but Tom isn't a fan of them at all....I guess he`s seen too many horror stories about them!!! We all have our odd thoughts...






The gardens are beautiful and there are some displays of for example what they used to use for washing clothes and such, but the glare from the glass meant they didn't turn out well.

Then of course, there is the most important room in any establishment...….although calling this a room is being a little ludicrous I guess...….although calling it the meditation room quite descriptive!!!


Of course all rides end in the gift store......and this little attraction was just the same...….it was the cutest little store, but a lot of every day stuff too......stationary, pens and mugs were prevalent.....and a few nice little signs on wood...…..


Back on the main street we began to think about lunch...….

We saw this place but it had a British based menu, and we don't travel over here to eat British style food....so we passed it by.


I loved this building...…..it was a Tapas restaurant and had a lovely little balcony to have your drink on, but we didn't feel like that today…..we wanted seafood. But although we had loved our last seafood meal, we didn't want to go the same places all the time.....



There really are some beautiful corners of this town...…

And we also found another bed and breakfast we liked the look of...…..


Coming up....lunch and a brewery visit.
Picturesque or not, have watched too many horror movies featuring something crawling out of a well lol. Might be onto something for a HHN house there.

Enjoyed the StA pics, always too lazy to make the drive, but now tempted. Love how they seem to have preserved the old town layout with the narrow streets, etc. going from your pictures, can I assume that even though there are lots of restaurants & shops, they don’t seem to have over commercialized the historical district?

2 snaps up for Capt Jack & pizza :)
We slowly meandered along the narrow streets and eventually appeared at the front area again.....we had passed many places we could have eaten in, but we stumbled across this place called O.C. Whites, that was right on the main road.....and set between two roads.....there was no real sidewalk on one side......but we liked the look of the menu and the young girl on the podium was very welcoming...


The tables downstairs were bursting at the seams, so we were taken upstairs where it was a little more sedate......and it looked like a lovely place so far......the people who were already eating certainly seemed to be enjoying their fare.

I went to the bathroom, and Tom took a chance (fair bet) I`d like a rum cocktail.....and he was right.....and it was rather nice...….he had a regular lemonade...…..




The menu was lovely......mostly seafood of course, and I wanted steamed shrimp again.....so ordered that along with a cup of the clam chowder...…..Tom decided he wanted the mahi sandwich blackened...…

We sat and chatted as we waited on the food and it was worth the wait...….




Well, the clam chowder wasn't amazing...….it was ok....but slightly too many potatoes.....the shrimp however was beautiful......and Tom`s Mahi Mahi was perfect......he didn't eat the bun as usual, but enjoyed the fries and coleslaw...…and a few of my shrimp too.

We were glad we had picked this place...….food had been so good and so was the service...…

Now it was time for us to head back.....we still had managed a decent amount of time here today.....we don't usually spend the whole day anywhere.....so, we wandered back through the park area in the centre which is another pretty area......





We still had time before picking up our passenger on the way back, so we stopped off at the St Augustine Brewery.

The Strong Water Bar stocks their rum is part of the Fountain of Youth cocktail they sell......and it was quite cool we could go see where it`s made...…

My goodness me, the parking lot was busy.....I got out first as the car park area was very dusty and a car pulled out of the area nearest the building as Tom appeared still driving saying there were no spaces....I quickly pointed out the newly vacant one and he swiftly parked up much to the annoyance of the other car that had just came in.....….and he looked annoyed...….

I think Tom had pulled in to the space just as he spotted it.....so he was miffed to say the least!!!!


It`s an interesting place.….and so busy......we took this picture after one group of around 30 had gone in to the actual distillery……you are given a ticket with a time and we had to wait for a little while till our next time....



The waiting area is full of information about the distillery itself...…and it is interesting, but we really wanted to see the process...…

It didn't take too long until it was our turn to tour the distillery.....and it was very good. the tour guides are informative and very funny......it took around 25 minutes or so and we were glad we did it.

And again, takes you out in the gift shop......of course it does!!!!

They sell everything the brew and many things to enhance them like cocktail mixers and an assortment of tiki cups and things like that.…...




You get a taste of one of their speciality cocktails, and it was very nice.....and very small......lol......it almost evaporated after he poured them out.....but quite tasty...…


We did buy a bottle of the Bourbon and one of the Rum......one is a gift for a good friend of Tom`s who is retiring soon and coming home from the UAE...…we knew he`d appreciate it, and he had visited this distillery a few years ago and we knew he liked it.


next up......Cowfish for dinner...…..
Picturesque or not, have watched too many horror movies featuring something crawling out of a well lol. Might be onto something for a HHN house there.

Enjoyed the StA pics, always too lazy to make the drive, but now tempted. Love how they seem to have preserved the old town layout with the narrow streets, etc. going from your pictures, can I assume that even though there are lots of restaurants & shops, they don’t seem to have over commercialized the historical district?

2 snaps up for Capt Jack & pizza :)

Yeah me too I guess now I think on it......lol.....yes what a house that could be.

You`re spot on actually..…..it doesn't feel commercialised at all.....no Starbucks around that area, no big chains and everything feels very local......and everyone is so friendly.

The one down side and we were rather shocked the first time was the amount of homeless people laying along the side of the streets.......I expect to see that in NYC or Downtown Orlando, but to see so many in such a small town place was a surprise......you know it`s everywhere but just surprised. They never once approached anyone though that we saw...….

The whole place is beautiful though. We`d like to visit Flagler College properly next time.....it looks stunning. My cousins daughter looked to go there and they all flew down from NY and my cousin said she wished she could go there!!!!

Gotta have some Capt Jack...…..:D
It really is a beautiful place......we plan to go back in September and maybe stay overnight......lots of little guest houses that look so cosy.…..but of course it means losing two days at Universal...…..

I haven't heard of that place, but Googled it and it does look like somewhere we would enjoy...we haven't ever crossed the bridge to that area, we tend to stick to the one area...…

Never stopped at the outlets before...…..

You might consider The Saragossa Inn B & B. The owners are my sons' Uncles Chuck & Gibbs (on the ex's side) and the location is nice.

I am really enjoying your trip report. My husband and I travel much like you and Tom do.

~ Marci
You might consider The Saragossa Inn B & B. The owners are my sons' Uncles Chuck & Gibbs (on the ex's side) and the location is nice.

I am really enjoying your trip report. My husband and I travel much like you and Tom do.

~ Marci

WELCOME along nwcutie

Nice to see you post here…….

Thank you for the suggestion, I hadn't seen that one and it does look lovely! Just the type of place we enjoy.....there are so many beautiful little Inns around, it is hard to choose...….

I`m so glad you enjoy the trip report......and glad to hear you`re the same....I enjoy the way we do our trips, of course they`re not for everyone as we aren't regimented in the slightest.....but suits us.....::yes::

Hope to see you post again...…..:wave2:
Hey @schumigirl! Great report on your St. Augustine day! But something seems to be missing from your trip, and I can’t quite figure out what...:smooth:

I thought I would add a couple tidbits for your lovely viewers. The central park area is officially called the Plaza de la Constitucion. It is spectacularly lit up for the Christmas season Night of Lights.

That building at the end of the plaza is called the Government House. You took an excellent photo:
We have walked by it hundreds of times without going in. We popped in during our last visit and found they have a wonderful (and free) museum exhibit called First Colony:
I recommend a visit, especially if it’s hot and you need a little cool down.
We had a fairly uneventful journey back home...….a brief stop just past Daytona to pick up our passenger and we were back on our way……..the roadworks are horrendous still for a lot of the way back, and around Orlando itself is crazy.....everyone is in a rush and it`s dog eat dog on that road...…

We were stopped for around 20 minutes for no apparent reason opposite the Amway centre…...which was incredibly frustrating, and then they guy behind us started honking his horn and gesturing to us to move forward......it was kind of like.....eh buddy where do you expect us to go!!!!!!

We eventually moved and we made it to the turn at the Mall at Millenia and we would go back home that way, first dropping off our passenger for the day...….they were incredibly grateful we had been going that way as their car was out of action...….anyway, we then headed back towards home and planned our evening......well, as much as where do you want to eat tonight Tom...….anywhere is the answer....what about Cowfish.....perfect......planning over!!!!

I have never had nor ever plan to have any kind of spreadsheet for a vacation......I still cannot believe people do use them.....and I know many do and it works well for them...….but that kind of minute to minute detail is scary...….vacation not military operation...….

We drop the car off and take our purchases in to the room and add it to the seemingly ever growing pile of stuff we have purchased to take home...….every single trip!!!!! We do the same thing.....buy lots and then think maybe we should buy another suitcase......I think it`s $70 or £70 to add another case on to your booking.....it might be worth it...….

We shower and freshen up and chill out for a little while in the room before wandering down to the boat, where again, the line is long...….a man a few in front is ranting a little that he always has to wait for the boat due to folks from other hotels...….hate to tell him, but at certain times...it`s always busy...….but he seems happier announcing this to everyone...…

Citywalk is busy tonight..…..and as we approach Cowfish we see folks looking unhappy at wait times.....but we`ll see...….eventually we reach the front and she tells us 40 minutes......I mention we have priority seating...she looks a little confused at first......no way doesn't she know what that is.....but she says she`ll call us in around 20 minutes.….which is half the time stated......I tell her we don't have a phone so she tell us to come back...….

We have a quick wander round Fossil and some of the other stores for a little while...….when we go back she tells us to go upstairs and ask if a table is available...…..no problem...…

Upstairs is mobbed. I ask the girl if the table for Carole is ready yet.....it isn't...….so we say we`ll go sit at the bar while we wait...……

The barman Jake is first class...….very chatty and when I ask for the mango ginger but with rum instead of tequila, he says no one has ever asked him for that mix before......I tell him it`s very nice...….Tom opts for the Nice `N `Rosey which has Four Roses bourbon, Blackberry Brandy, Cointreau, Lemon Juice and good old Simple Syrup....he hadn't tried that one before...…



The cocktails were beautiful......my mango ginger was incredibly gingery which I love....and Tom hates....I did try his and it was beautiful...….I could certainly recommend that one too...….


Although we are chatting away, I go back to check if there is a table available yet.....nope not yet.....and the manager that is floating around seems incredibly grumpy......the girls were lovely, but he seemed a little stressed...…..

So, I go back to chatting and the barman says we should just eat here......maybe we should...….but I tell him we are waiting on a table……..I go back up and the manager says yeah your table is over there...…

It is what we consider the worst seat in the house...….it`s a tiny little two person table right beside the door that opens on you...….I tell him no thanks we`ll eat at the bar...….

So, we have a good look at the menu although I already, being quite dull in my choices in certain places plan to go with the Jalapeno Popper Show Stopper...….my usual...….jalapeño cream cheese, jalapeño bacon, fried jalapeños, jalapeño citrus aioli, lettuce, tomato with more fresh sliced jalapeños and on a brioche bun

Tom, after much consideration went with the hoisin burger, which alongside the burger it has the most beautiful hoisin cooked short ribs along with candied bacon and pickled red onions and again set on a brioche bun.


We even taught Jake a new cocktail......he hadn't heard of the mix and wrote it down to try at home......it`s one we make regularly in pitchers when we have company (or just us)…..Jack Daniels, Amaretto, pineapple juice and cranberry juice with a squeeze of fresh lime......lush!!!! I hoped he liked it...….

This place is so busy......ad it can get quite loud......but the bar is a good place to sit and have a good banter with bar staff...……


Our food arrives...…..I swear this place doesn't lend well to pictures of the food......Tom`s burger is almost unidentifiable in this picture......the dark hoisin ribs do darken it down a little....


Mine is full of jalapeno which I adore...….and sweet potato fries are always nice.....another thing Tom doesn't really like...….but, I love them!!!!!


We are sensibly full, not overloaded......the food was delicious as it always is in Cowfish....the burgers are well seasoned and tasty.....and the barman made our evening better with his chat...…

We paid the check and headed downstairs and walked over to the boats.....and we hit it lucky and got straight on one that was almost full...……..

Back in Sapphire we went to Strong Water Bar......it was mobbed!!! Probably the busiest we have seen it on a weekday night.....we had planned to sit at the bar anyway, I don't think we would have had a choice to be honest.....


As I always say, the cocktails in here are fabulous...….and so many choices......tonight Tom opts for the Mai Tai, which I find one the strongest ones they do...….and I go for the Rum Marathoner......very pretty drink too...…

Mike had come over to say hello and we chat to him for a while and laughs as we order our drinks without looking at the menu...…lol......we are definitely regulars!!!



The drinks are gorgeous as always...….you can taste the difference with these cocktails in how fresh they are...…

We order dessert and share the beautiful pastelitos again......although we still love the tres leches cake, this dessert is light as well as tasty...….


Lenny is one the rum captains and super nice guy...….he chats to us about different things and we hear about a few new cocktails they are putting forward......Ashley who is fabulous too tells us about one she has come up with...….and when she describes it, I really like the sound of it...….and we tell her we would absolutely order it if it was on the menu...….she said they didn't have the actual rum yet that goes into it but could make us up a taster with another to give us an idea.....we were delighted to give it a try...…

As she was making it up, we asked Lenny about the rum that is around $100 a shot...…

And this is it...….I think for Tom`s special birthday I might purchase a full size shot of this one for him.....
strictly a one off...…


Ashley then brings us over her newest creation......and it is beautiful!!!!! It has papas pilar rum, St Germain, honey and something else I forget, brown sugar on the rim and topped with gold leaf.....it`s called Fool`s Gold.....if you see it on the menu, give it a try.....

It has two different tastes......when you sip it through the sugar it`s like caramel.....when you have it without the sugar, as in you have licked it all off :rolleyes1......lol.....it`s quite fruity and refreshing.....very clever cocktail.....and we had enjoyed the taster she had made us up...….


We looked forward to them having the proper rum in and trying the full version of this another night...….

As we were sitting we could smell a very fruity aroma....Lenny knew Rum Revival was my favourite cocktail and showed me the mix they put together...…..the blueberries added to the fruit juice was sublime.....I could have drank just that on it`s own...……

I wish I could remember the name of the liquor that one of the other Rum Captains, Brad had come up with......he gave us a taste of one thing he was adding to it, I thought it was awful and my face showed that as I struggled with this tiny bit of liquid...…..

Apparently my face was funny!!!!! I can imagine......so I said I would try his when it came out, but Ashley`s was gorgeous and I`d definitely order that one again...…..

We ordered another drink and I had the wonderful rum revival and Tom had something else that I forget.....

It was a lot of fun sitting at the bar....staff are so friendly and make everyone so welcome...….no wonder it`s so busy a lot of the time.……

It must have been around 11.30 when we finally bid our goodnights and headed up to our room...…

Tonight was straight to bed and we slept like babies again!!!!!
Hey @schumigirl! Great report on your St. Augustine day! But something seems to be missing from your trip, and I can’t quite figure out what...:smooth:

I thought I would add a couple tidbits for your lovely viewers. The central park area is officially called the Plaza de la Constitucion. It is spectacularly lit up for the Christmas season Night of Lights.

That building at the end of the plaza is called the Government House. You took an excellent photo:
View attachment 394225
We have walked by it hundreds of times without going in. We popped in during our last visit and found they have a wonderful (and free) museum exhibit called First Colony:
I recommend a visit, especially if it’s hot and you need a little cool down.

lol......You certainly were missing!!!! ::yes::

Those Christmas lights look amazing......I would love to go see them, but I doubt Kyle would want to leave the parks another day to go see "lights" lol.....even pretty lights.....

Government house is very pretty...….we did plan to go in on our first visit as another friend had told us about it, but we just never got around to it......yes, it would be ideal on a hot day...…

Yep, hopefully we can arrange something in September...….giving it a miss in May in favour of Sarasota....hopefully......every time we try and go there something comes up!!!

Thanks for the links :thumbsup2

This is a slightly food centric post!!!

We slept slightly later this morning...….we had a day of nothing planned and all day to do it...….and lazing in bed sometimes is just what the doctor ordered......taking our time to waken up is a true pleasure and although we plan to do this often, it very rarely happens...….

However, this morning we absolutely did. Although I am dimly aware that our housekeeper is usually here fairly early......but when we got up eventually, we would put the Do not disturb sign on just in case.....

We lay for twenty minutes or so pondering the trip so far and what we still had ahead of us......and how relaxing a trip this had been....exactly as we wanted. We really hadn't wanted to fill each day with an activity or "have" to do something...….and we had certainly done that......so we were pretty happy.....

Once we did get up, I reached the shower first and as I was drying my hair Tom finally made it in the shower too....I wondered what had kept him, looked back in the bedroom and some 1950`s classic sci fi film was on some obscure channel.....I swear he can sense when things like that are on anywhere!!!!!

But soon we were dressed and we decided to go over to RP...…..

The walk between the hotels, as I often ramble on about, is so easy......and takes less than 10 minutes.....and this morning we have the real pleasure to run into Larry Beiderman, overall man in charge of the hotels. We hadn't seen him last two trips, and it`s always a pleasure to see and chat to him...….we have a hug and he checks everything is good with our trip and we assure him as always it is perfect......he is such a nice man, and we always feel guilty as he is always in a rush as he is so busy of course, but always graciously spends time with us to chat. He impresses us so much with how well the hotels are run, and we always make sure he knows everyone involved in making our trips so wonderful...….Tom always says he is like a pen pal, as emails don't get a computer generated response, and that is always nice.

We have another hug and tell him we`re off to RP....he tells us to enjoy and we set off as always happy we had seen him this trip once again.

We are later this morning as we had a much later start than usual......but the lounge offerings are still as fresh as the busiest time of the morning...….

The lounge folks really do keep everything replenished, even as late in the morning...….it is quiet now as most folks have headed in to the parks. We see a new family arrive having checked in and wander in to have a look. There is always someone to welcome them and explain how the lounge works with times and such and that's always nice to see......they really do care about good guest experiences.







I didn't get a picture of the cinnamon bun, but it is lovely and always warm...…

Breakfast is always a lovely experience and as it`s quiet, very relaxing...…...we chat as it`s not too busy while we have our fruit with mini delights...….

It is miserable outside today and quite cool, but I did want some up to date pictures of the two new Universal hotels at the top of I Drive......you can see from here how close they actually are to the entrance to Citywalk…….won`t take long at all to get there with the buses or cars.



It was to be around 64F today and rain most of the day...…..so, not exactly the type of day to wander around the parks.....of course for some folks, it might be perfect for the parks....rain tends to put folks (like us) off going there....less people less lines...…..

Samuel and the newest supervisor Dani come in and we are delighted to see them.....so we chat for a while again with them before deciding it was time for us to head off and do something...…..with this weather there was only one place...……

Mall at Millenia...…..

Of course if you have read any of these trip reports, you`ll know our love for this Mall......we have been going here for years and always enjoy wandering around. It also has a very good food court, along with the Cheesecake Factory which is always popular......but not today...…..

We could honestly wander round here for hours.....says the non shopper :rolleyes1 The stores are pleasant and there is always something that catches our eye...…..


No Tiffany today...…….


I jest of course, I don't mind shopping a little, but, I`m genuinely, not the biggest shopper in the world...….I would actually hate the thought of spending all day in a Mall shopping...….years, and years ago I made the mistake of going out for the day with a friend who was looking for one or two things for her upcoming trip...….I was a quivering wreck by the end of the day.....she went into every shop...even if there was nothing in it for her.....what the heck is that all about........she scoured music shops for CD`s (yes it was a long time ago) and didn't buy a single one.....didn't find anything she wanted the whole day.....the...whole....long....day...…

Finally, blessed relief, it was time to head back for the train.

Then, my head almost exploded, when as we approached the station, almost at the train, she remembered she had seen something in a shop that "might work" but, it was miles back from where we were standing and could we just pop back.....….

We`re still friends!!!!! ::yes:: We just don't shop together......ever!!!!!

I do however love to internet shop......it`s easy, your feet don't hurt and you don't have to put up with other people...we all have days like that.....right......too many people, not enough space.....and did I mention it`s easy...…...soooooo easy..……

Actually I can`t complain about Tom like that.....he never complains about spending......he sees our friends wives and how much they spend and thanks his lucky stars I`m not as bad as them!!!!


We do go into Macy`s where I buy my Chanel perfume, and we go look at the clothes.....I see a skater style dress I like the look of......and go to pick it up.....it weighs a metric ton!!!!! Who would wear a dress like that.....my wedding dress wasn't as heavy as this!!!!!

The woman sees me looking at it and tries to tell me it would be perfect for me......yes, of course.

Heading out we go into Bath & Body Works......a favourite store for all Brits too......we seem to love it as we always hear folks talk about it all the time...…

We quickly wander in and we know what we are here for today......liquid soaps.....that's it.....we buy 12 of mixed scents.....that`ll keep us going till we come back.....it`ll be plenty I`m sure.


Before we leave Tom asks where we want to go for lunch.....we could have gone to the Ale House on Kirkman, as we love it there, but we were going again later in the week, and try not to go too often...…same with O` Charley`s......love it, always good food and service is exceptional......but no......I had to come up with something different...….:duck:

Tom asked, do we want to go to Cheesecake Factory since we were here and it was now around 12.30pm...….

No, didn't fancy that...…..what about Teak Neighborhood Grill he asked...….well, it was quite a filling meal, wasn't sure about that...….ok.

What about Bubbalous…..hadn't been there for a while......yes, that's a good idea.....so we left the Mall and headed that way...….

It was heaving.....not just busy, there were people lining up outside....

Change of plans.

The I remembered hearing about Flippers Pizza......and I knew there was one in this area...…so we drove round and saw it......people sitting in the window....good sign. Got to the door and it was locked......they were ripping the insides up........

Change of plans...……

Oh I know.....I said with authority...…...what about that new place on Turkey Lake Road...…..couldn't remember the name, but Tom knew where I meant and so we headed that direction through the rain and my tummy grumbling louder by the minute now...….it really shouldn't be this difficult to find somewhere for lunch...….


So, we drove to the place called Tomkos Tavern...…..it didn't look busy which it usually does......the windows are blackened so you can`t see in...….so we thought why is it so quiet...…..

It didn't open till 4pm every day...…..:rotfl:

Tom metioned O` Charley`s again...….it was 2 minutes away...…….

And so was Flippers!!!! I had remembered there was one near Ocean Prime......right around the corner......ok.....we would go there...….I got the seal of approval from Tom for this choice.....we like pizza!!!

We park easily right at the door and walk in...….pleasant young man tells us to sit where we like.....not many booths here....so we sit behind a little boy of around five, his dad and grandma...….most well behaved child you ever saw...…..

We glanced through the menu, and it was a nice menu...….Tom decided quickly that he would have the meat feast...….I asked for the bbq chicken, no onions, add pineapple and jalapeno....no problem.....and two fantas……

We got our drinks and meanwhile the booth behind the family behind us attracted our attention fairly quickly...….it was the mother and three kids I`d guess were all under 5...…I always say nothing much shocks me today, but she was looking on her phone and barely lifted her head......kid no`s 1 and 2 were jumping on the seats, annoying the woman facing me in the booth behind us, got down on the floor and began rolling around under the tables, screaming loudly.....then kid no 3 joined in and jumped on the seats and hurled a slice of pizza over to the tables to the other door...…..then proceeds to climb on the table.....at this point the young waiter asks her to mind her kids in case they hurt themselves.....there didn't seem to be a manager around.....so she rather softly said behave and went back to her phone......while the kids did as they liked.

The family behind us were incredibly patient as they were being bumped every time they jumped......and eventually she upped and left with the extra pizza and headed out to their van......now it was quiet.....

But, we realised it had been almost 20 minutes since we ordered...……

They were constantly taking phone calls for delivery and pick up, and two people were in for pick up too.....one waited almost as long as us...…..


At around 35 minutes, we were ready to leave......I was almost passing out now with hunger...….the young guy came over and said they were out of pineapple.....oh....well, that's ok.....I just wanted my pizza......he said we were next...…
Tom says this could be me Mitchell is talking about...….

Hangry is a real thing.

After we had been in 45 minutes...….finally, the pizzas arrived...….and looked delicious...…….


Tom`s had a decent amount of meat, very little pepperoni, but decent......and he liked the taste when he bit into it......he got the regular pizza sauce...….

You gotta have guessed by now...……

Yep, I pulled mine apart or tried to and it wouldn't tear......so I used a knife he had brought to cut it.....and cut my first slice off...…..

The bottom of it was cremated...…..really I should have sent it back then....but I was ravenous......so I tried to eat the pizza topping and got the first piece of chicken with sauce and cheese...…

There was first a weird taste from the sauce......I have bbq sauce a lot.....never tasted anything quite like this......then I started to chew the chicken...…..rubbery and totally reconstituted with no flavour whatsoever.....and I had one large-ish piece of chicken and four much smaller ones...….this wasn't good...…

I kinda played around with it for a bit and realised in the whole pizza, I had three tiny pieces of jalapeno.....I searched around the pizza for more, but didn't come across one more...….

Tom meanwhile was starting to realise his wasn't that great either......but it was certainly more edible than mine as the big pile of pizza left on my plate showed...….

And strangely my hunger had dissipated...….for now.


I was annoyed I hadn't complained as soon as I had tried to tear it......but I hadn't.

We left a whole load of pizza between the two of us and when we went to the desk he asked if everything was alright, I said no actually it wasn't. But I was very nice as this young man was so pleasant and immediately apologised and said he`d take the price of mine off the check......I said thank you I appreciated it...…

He had to call over someone to override and take mine off......so I assume he was the cook appeared and asked very confused what was wrong with it.....I told him all the things I had found and he didn't argue but looked a little annoyed....….well, guess what....so was I...…..but we paid for the pizza Tom had half eaten and left vowing never to return there.

I guess it`s popular as the phone was busy, but we didn't have a good experience and a little annoyed we went there.

We spoke to someone later who said they`d never recommend anyone go there.....so many other places close by......yep, that's for sure. Lesson learned. I guess their phone orders are worth more to them than paying customers inside their business.

Tom was concerned I`d be starving later so when we went into Publix straight after he wanted me to buy a sub or something.....but I wasn't bothered...….we got what we wanted and headed back to the hotel...…

We again, dropped off our items in the room and eyed up the ever growing pile of "stuff" we were collecting....and all heavy stuff that would add to the weight allowance......oops!!!!

We had decided even though it wasn't very warm, we would go back to Mardi Gras tonight.....this would be our last visit this trip...….but first we headed over to the lounge where I thought I could have a little snack to keep me going till later.

I had to drop off an item to one of the girls over there so a visit to the lounge was perfect.....it passes some time and the lounge is such a lovely place to sit in for a while...…..

Some of tonight`s offerings...….





I love their lemon chicken from the other night, and also the orange chicken they had on tonight......so I had some with a little rice and it filled a hole nicely...…it really is a nice dish. And I was rather hungry now, so this was very welcome...…..

The hot dish is always lovely, well except the vegetarian one for us......but I guess there`s folks that do enjoy it....and each dish they offer seems very popular right now...….


The lounge itself wasn't too busy tonight, steady I would say.....and we enjoyed our time sitting there...…again, everyone is so friendly and always chat to all the guests alike......it really is the most welcoming of lounges.

We say our goodnight to everyone and head down to get the boat to Citywalk and then plan to go into Mardi Gras again......it was cool already and we thought we may not even stay for the parade if it gets any cooler......we missed September weather right now!!!! Having hoodies on in Orlando is not fun...…..


Mardi Gras and Strong Water coming up.....

We tried Flippers once. Feel the same way you do. Gonna try Red Oven pizza this next trip. Have you had that one?

I wish I had asked a few more opinions on Flippers before we went....but I have read a few on here who like it a lot.....but not for us.

Never tried Red Oven......but it does get some lovely and positive reviews....I don't think I know anyone who hasn't enjoyed it...….

They really rank near the bottom of the pizza chain scale, but how could you have known?

We've made our fair share of restaurant bad choices over the years ourselves!

They really rank near the bottom of the pizza chain scale, but how could you have known?

We've made our fair share of restaurant bad choices over the years ourselves!

Now you tell me...….:rotfl:

One of the girls in the hotel told us they never go there.....and when a girl who loves pizza tells you she`d rather eat grass than go there.....you know it`s bad!!!

Annoying thing is, Anthony`s Coal Fire Pizza is so close...….we should have gone there!

Yes, the odd awful meal over a few years isn't too bad...….:thumbsup2
Oh, I am so sorry about your experience at flippers! We ate the one in Kissimmee on our last trip and had a wonderful meal. The service was pretty slow though. I hate that I may have recommended a bad place.


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