15 days & 600+ pix. The trip report you've been waiting a year to read....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 4

This brings us to our last day at BILs. Again, they both had to work in the morning, and the kids had other places to go, so the Bubba family decided to head to Daytona Beach to the Ponce De Leon lighthouse. (Website can be found here.)

But....not before I told DH he could take his family out to breakfast. :) We ended up at Denny's (none around us anymore) and Bubba ordered 3 huge pancakes. I never expected him to eat it all, but he did! ...and, in record time! He was done before DH & I!! :eek: Been awhile since we've eaten at a Denny's and it wasn't bad. Nice change from what we'd been nibbling on.

After breakfast, it was north to Daytona to the lighthouse. It was about a half an hour ride to the lighthouse, but it was worth it. They give you a map of the grounds and have all sorts of different things to see.

There are two rafts from refugees. Description of rafts. Left raft. Right raft. A lens room. These lenses are HUGE! We took a lot of pix in this room. 1. 2. 3. Bubba & DH upstairs looking down. There was also this boat. And, of course, a picture of DH and his new toy.

Eventually, it was time to climb the lighthouse. This was Bubba's first visit to a lighthouse...and his first climb. We learned with it's 203 steps to the top, it's the tallest lighthouse in Florida, 2nd tallest in the United States. Bubba wasn't too keen on getting up the steps, but he was a trooper and made it all the way to the top. I kept telling him, don't look where you're going, look where ya been!

Once at the top, it's a beautiful sight to see. View 1, view 2, view 3, view 4, view 5, view 6, view 7. This is the inlet that separates South Daytona from New Smyrna Beach. Inlet pic. When I took this picture, I noticed another small lighthouse. Bubba takin' in the view. And, with Dad too. And even took a pic with his Mom! Bubba even had me take a pic of our rental car. See that hideous blue thing? Yep...that would be it.

After about 10-15 minutes of taking in the view and breeze at the top, it was time for Bubba to brave the steps again....only going down. It was slow going, but he made it. DH even had time to stop and look out the window along the way. After a long descent, he was very happy to have both feet back on the ground!

We finished seeing the other things on the self-guided tour, of which I didn't take pictures. 1) it just wasn't all THAT fascinating and 2) the batteries in my camera died and I forgot to bring fresh ones We saw: the first & second assistant keeper's housings, principal keeper's housing, the pump house, generator building, oil storage building, garden area and the U.S. Lighthouse Service Bell. It's a nice little tour you can take walking around the lighthouse. While we were walking around, Bubba found a turtle and we noticed the Goodyear blimp!

After the lighthouse, we still had some time to kill before BIL & SIL got off work, so we decided to go miniature golfing. This was Bubba's first time. Don't ask me why it took him to be 10 yrs old before he got to do this, but, it did. ....and, he LOVED it!!! He had a really good time! Here was his prize for doing so well. And I think I came in third place....unfortunately, I won the same prize.

After golf, we were going to go across the street and check out the beach, but we forgot! We just headed back to BILs and met him there. He was packing up the boat. Apparently we were going out on the boat and to dinner while we were out on it. We got swimsuits on and packed everything up and rode over to the launch. In the meantime, SIL was getting our nieces and going to meet us at the launch. Her timing was great...we had just gotten the boat in and they arrived.

We headed out into the river/bay and cruised around. This is the first time Bubba was on a boat....last year he was on the Disney ship...a little different. He seemed to really enjoy being out on the boat. Some pix of Bubba enjoying his first boat ride: us, Bubba 1 and 2.

We even learned a little history about the area and wakeboarded. BIL was going to go first...to show DH how it's done. BIL 1. BIL 2. BIL 3. BIL 4. BIL 5.

Then, it was DH's turn....he gave it a try for the first time. After 2 tries, the 3rd time was the charm and he was up! He had a really great time and said it was one of his favorite parts of the whole trip. Our niece Corinne even decided to be brave and give it a try....sadly, the towrope broke and we were finished wakeboarding for the day. Here's the video.

After BIL and DH wakeboarding, BIL took us to JB's for dinner....even letting Bubba drive the boat...briefly. On our way. (We were hoping this rain in the distance would stay there...and, it did. It never rained/stormed on us.)

JB's is the only place in New Smyrna Beach you can arrive via boat to eat. We tied the boat up and got a seat. It was the usual seafood fare, but I had a chicken sandwich, while Bubba had a cheeseburger. DH had a gator burger. In case you are wondering, gator tastes like porkchop...it wasn't bad. It was a nice night to be eating out on the deck and a very casual, light atmosphere. They even have signs posted around that just make you laugh.

After dinner, we headed back out on the boat and cruised around some more. Even stopped at the 'family designated' beach ;) We saw a school of dolphins playing around....until Joe Boom Box came by on his boat with his music so loud, they swam in the opposite direction. We saw quite a few dolphins ....and a few manatees too....but, they weren't as cooperative with the photo-ops. We cruised around until it was dark out....taking in an awesome sunset. We found this to be odd....one lone palm?

By the time it was dark, the kids were wrapped in towels freezing. It was cold out there on the water that late at night! We headed back and by time we got back, it was about 9:30. My SIL, the kids & I headed back to the house in SIL's car while the guys pulled the boat out of the water. We had more people needing to use the bathroom than the house had bathrooms! So...it was a race! We beat the guys back to the house, and the girls beelined it for the bathrooms, but my SIL had to stop to kill a snake in front of the garage door before she went in. Of course I wasn't going to let her out there by herself, and stood by doing "the dance" laughing at her while she tried to kill this snake with a broom!

After everyone was home, it was 10:15pm or so and everyone showered up. We had snacks and watched the video and pictures we took that day....especially of the wakeboarding....I guess my BIL doesn't have video of them doing that? Even Taboo was tired and done for the night!

It was a nice, long day...and tiring! Tomorrow we head to (sl)Ocala to my FIL's.
Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 5

This is a pretty uneventful day. Today was the day to pack up and drive 2 hours to my FIL's house in Ocala. We waited until about 2pm to go, because our nephew wanted to ride over with us and we had to wait for him to come back from his Mom's. After being packed up, we just sat around watching tv and waiting for him. Looked like a beautiful day out...sun was shining.

Nephew finally arrived just after 2pm and we headed out. It was a nice ride except thru Deland.....again. :rolleyes2 The last time we drove to Dad's with him with us, we had rain through the same area. We blamed him because the other times we've driven that way without him, we didn't have any rain. We blamed him, he blamed us Pennsylvanians. Luckily the deluge didn't last long and there wasn't too much debris on the road to dodge.

We arrived at Dad's around 4:30 or so....happy to see everyone.:wave2: After using the bathroom, hey...it's a long ride!.....saying hellos and chatting for a bit, it was time to visit the grocery store for our necessities for the week. DH & I went to the store for what we needed.

BIL & SIL were driving over after work and would arrive shortly after we returned from the store. Dad had burgers, hotdogs & brats waiting to be grilled for dinner, which BIL happily did.

After the cookout, I believe we settled in to watch the Phillies game.

Tomorrow was the 4th of July & Dad's birthday....bed wasn't too late....around midnight I think.
yippie!:banana:i've been trying to work in seeing that lighthouse during a trip for years (and years), least i know what it looks like now:goodvibesthanks for posting:thumbsup2

another Q, for years ive been hearing new smyrna is the shark capital of east coast:confused:did u see any?
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 6

Happy 4th of July today
to my FIL!!

The day started 'as usual' with BIL making breakfast for everyone
and me cleaning up the dishes. He made bacon and made-to-order eggs with toast. When we're there, I stay out of the way of those who are cooking, my brother & sister-in-law, and prefer to clean up the dishes.
....just the way I roll. It seems to work well for our family.

After we finished breakfast and dishes and cleaning up were done, BIL & SIL got busy preparing dinner.
For Dad's birthday, we usually have the cookout, but this year he wanted prime rib. Unfortunately the entire thing was too big to fit into 1 marinating bag, so BIL had to cut'er in half. SIL prepared the marinade and in the fridge they went.

While dinner was marinating we got ourselves cleaned up because we needed to go out and get Dad his birthday gifts. Living so far away, we never really know what he needs or what to get him...so, we wait till we get to his house to figure it out. BIL, SIL, DH & I went out to Walmart and Best Buy. While at Best Buy, I inquired about the "lens error" on my camera. Of course the gal behind the desk had no idea what to say to me. She pulled (& reprinted) my receipt and did see I have a warranty on everything until next year. She said I would have to send the camera in and could take up to 4 weeks to get back. :headache: Uh...don't think so. Ticked off, I told her I would take care of it when I got home. I'm on vacation and sort of NEED my camera...

Meanwhile, BIL and DH were shopping and managed to score a couple of computer things for Dad. We spent a lot of money and then left. Next stop was Walmart for some groceries and wrapping paper. We also stopped at the grocery store to pick up Dad's birthday cake while we were out. We weren't gone too long and by the time we got home, we decided it was pool time. SIL put the prime rib in the oven, and then joined us in the pool. Bubba & nephew in the pool. Every year all the 'men' engage in a beachball game...while SIL and I just chat and supervise.
Game 1, game 2, game 3. Bubba gettin' a good shot....and very happy with himself! Even Taboo thought about joining in the fun!

Some time to relax and enjoy the pool for awhile. (Was a good thing too...because the rest of our week at Dad's wasn't "pool weather". It rained....a lot...everyday.) But, everyone was having a good time today and it was nice to just hang out.

Around 6pm, dinner was ready. The prime rib came out of the oven and everyone helped getting the rest of the dinner on the table. It was delicious as usual....and Dad was lovin' it.

After dinner was cake, ice cream and presents. When he doesn't have company, Dad likes to sit on his lanai and do jigsaw puzzles....so, Joyce got him an appropriate cake for the king of puzzles
Actually, this is the first year I can remember him NOT having a red, white & blue birthday cake....ya know, because of being the 4th and all...... Lucky for Dad, we didn't put all 74 candles on his cake...and did good blowing out what we did put on there for him! After blowing out all his candles, first try, time to cut and eat cake! Dad was pretty happy with his gifts, even though they were electronic things for his tv and computer and DH had to install them. :teeth: (Notice the pretty princess paper we picked out for him? )

Where we are in (sl)Ocala, we don't see fireworks. Some people in the neighborhood shoot some off, but nothing too exciting. There were just enough people shooting them off to freak out Taboo....who climbed up on her Dad for comfort. We watched the Phillies game (again) and after that was over, we watched Gran Torino. Dad really enjoyed it and so did everyone else.

Called it a night after the movie.
Oh my gosh! I'm LOVIN' your TR. I can't believe how sucked in I got; I felt like I was there with you guys on the boat and I DON'T EVEN SWIM :laughing: . I was at my desk watching your video and was cheering & laughing out loud :rotfl: . Uuhhh...what a beautiful evening, on that boat, you guys had. That was the.coolest.thing.EVER, to pull up to the restaurant and "come as you are"...THE COOLEST.

Looks like a wonderful vacation thus far.

Thank you so much for sharing with us...and keep it comin'.

P.S. Something tells me I'm gonna be deflated when this TR is done :( , the same way I get when my vacations come to an end.
Great trip report! Looking forward to reading more :surfweb:
Sorry guys...I am working on it. Niece is staying here for a week and a half. She's 16 1/2. She uses my computer.

Get it now?
Sunday, July 5 - Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Days 7 - 10

This is the boring part of the trippie....This was the rest of the time we spent at Dad's. My BIL & SIL left after lunch today to get our nephew back home to his Mom.

The rest of the day we spent in the pool...and good thing, because the next 3 days it would rain, rain and rain some more.
It wasn't a very good week to be in the pool because of the rain. But, we still had a good time and just enjoyed NOT being at home (or work) and relaxed....even though I did have to do a couple of loads of laundry.

Pool pix: Taboo in the pool, DH & FIL, Bubba & DH goofin' around and around. My Bubba. I even got my annual nap in on Sunday. :teeth:

We even worked on teaching Bubba to dive....properly. Dive pic. Diving with Dad. Havin' fun hanging out with Dad. Hangin' out 1 and hangin' out 2.

The highlight of this week at Dad's was what I think was Tuesday evening? We all went outside to see the space station flying by overhead. It was a very cool thing to see and I'm glad Dad kept track of what time it was and knew what direction it was coming from. Bubba thought it was pretty neat too...not because he knows what the space station IS, but because we told him it was IN space and he could see it from Earth....that was cool...according to him.

Watched the Phillies' games everynight and one night (Tuesday or Wednesday?) I even voted for the Phillie boy Shane to make it to the All Star game. My votes musta helped....he made it in. :banana: (even tho NL lost the game)

That about wraps up the first week in Florida. This few days in a row of rain were a bummer :sad2:....but it was okay....we knew the next part of our trip we were going back to Universal.

We leave tomorrow...bittersweet. :worried:

Subbing! I'm in--it sounds like you've had a great time so far (minus the camera ordeal) but anyways--Can't wait to see all the good pics from universal!
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 11

After breakfast this morning, it was time to pack up and get ready to head to the Portofino Bay Hotel at Universal.

We stayed at Dad's for lunch, and afterwards packed up the car and said our goodbyes. On our way, we stopped to get some ice for the styrofoam cooler we picked up at the grocery store for the room at Universal. We also picked up some cookies, bagels, cream cheese, milk, water, danish and donuts for breakfast. (This works well for us...holds us over till lunch when we usually get a snack and then have an early, big dinner .....OR a big lunch and late dinner...which is what BIL's family likes to do.)

We were on our way by about 1:30 and it was a nice drive down. We arrived at the PBH about 2:50pm and we unloaded the car. I took Bubba and the luggage to check-in, while DH went around the corner back to the Holiday Inn to return the rental car to Budget.

I learned our rooms were ready at check-in and we went up right away. We managed to get the same rooms as last year: king bedroom 3333 and parlor 3335. We had this Portofino Suite last year, so there are a lot more pictures of it in last year's trip report. I couldn't see taking a bunch of the same pix as last year, so if you'd like to see more pictures, the link to last year's report is in my sig. King bathroom, shower and tv. One thing was different for this year though...Bubba had the parlor room to himself. He was very excited to have his own bed, tv and bathroom. He thought he was 'all that'. :woohoo: Tomorrow BIL and the family would be arriving and they would be getting the 2 queen bedroom on the other side of the parlor - 3337. This would give us 3 connecting rooms....which would end up working out wonderfully. My SIL's parents would be in the room on the other side of us (not connecting) 3331. All in total, that's 4 showers for 11 people. Not bad. :thumbsup2

Anyway...Bubba & I were in the room waiting for 2 doorstops (to keep our connecting doors open) and for DH to get back from returning the rental car. When he returned, we headed to the Studios....getting there about 4pm or so. Destination: MIB. But, since the last time we were here, a dayguest with no EP :scared:, I wanted to stop and do JN on the way. Ahhh....gotta love that EP.:goodvibes One note....when you enter the Studios, this turquoise building, near the corner, is where you would make your dining reservations. It's right behind the photo store on the corner...you can't miss it!

After JN let out, we headed to MIB (again), taking pix of the new HRRR, HRRR 1, 2, 3 and Bubba at Monster's Cafe. I've always wanted his picture here but always forgot. I got my pictures and we continued to head for MIB. I'm not fond of how they 'ruined' the NY scenery with the new coaster, but I can get past it as long as the ride rocks. This would be going into the firehouse as seen from Twister queue entrance. Because of the new coaster, I did notice the van and some other props were missing from the outside queue.

Bubba likes Twister and wanted to stop and see that show....so we did. We walked right in. It's a good show...but only a "once a trip" type show for us. After Twister, we continued on to MIB (this is where Bubba wanted to go in the first place, remember?) and, oh, would you lookit that! Here's the Mummy. :teeth:

We really wanted to do it, so we did it "while we were there". So, we got on and started our adventure, but uh-oh...it was sorta 'broke'. The ride started out fine until the part you drop backwards and turn to the right to face front. After we stopped going backwards, we didn't turn right away. Then, after a few seconds or so, we started turning, but we could see the screen but not the image.:confused3 Come to think of it, I could see a lot more track than I normally do. Then, we shot up the hill and went through the rest of the ride with the lights on! :headache: None of the effects were working and we could see all the track plain as day. While I like the lights off, it was kinda neat to see it with the lights on. I pointed out to Bubba that part of track is even bolted to the floor...it doesn't drop "in the air" like it feels like you do in the dark. (I guess it would be like riding Space Mountain with the lights on?) I remember getting to the part of the ride where it stops you and the "lady" behind the screen on your left "thanks you for riding". None of that effect was working...no lights, no sound. :guilty: We just sat there and waited and waited.....After a minute or so, we were off again...the cameras weren't working either. By the time we returned to unload, everyone was being escorted out of the building and I noticed the white Fire light flashing behind the TM. I didn't think there was a fire, but something wasn't working right. As we left, I told DH that that ride sucked. He said it didn't suck as bad as the people who didn't have EP and waited over 30 minutes to ride it. Good point.

After this one spin on the Mummy, we finally made it over to MIB. I think we took a few spins (Galaxy Defender every time baby :cool1: ) before we headed for Simpson's....again...lovin' that EP. :woohoo: I think we only had one ride on the Simpson's because we were getting hungry and decided to search out something to eat for dinner.

On our way out, past the Kwik E Mart, I noticed this phone that I hadn't noticed last year....maybe it wasn't there last year? Anyhow, if you approach it, it does ring. We found out that someone different calls each time, but we're unsure how many different characters call...(hey...we were hungry and in search of eats! :snooty:) I thought it was funny and so did Bubba.

We headed out of the Studios to City Walk, passing HRRR on the way. It was almost 7pm and we found ourselves at NBA City for dinner. There wasn't any wait, we were seated right away. Now, you need to know, we are not basketball fans at all, but I wanted to try here. I was glad we did...it was very good....and, happy hour runs from 4-7 and since it was just about 7pm, our waiter said he'd give us the happy hour deal. We looked over the menu and settled on: pizza for Bubba, chicken sandwich for me and shrimp and crab cannelloni and salad for DH. Since it wasn't really busy, the wait for our food was relatively short and Bubba passed the time helping DH with a word search. When our food arrived, it was very delicious and very filling...except for Bubba and his pizza. I guess he was really hungry because he ordered dessert...the chocolate bomb! Of course DH & I had to have a taste and it was VERY rich!! Almost too chocolately for my liking!! Not surprisingly, it was finished completely.

NBA City menu: Appetizers 1 and 2, sandwiches, pizzas, salads, pasta, Entrees: 1, 2, 3, the kids menu and drinks and, of course, the desserts and more desserts. Drink menu 1 and 2.

Some pix from inside NBA City: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

We finished dinner around 8 and decided to head out over to IOA. On our way out, we sized up our hands to Charles Barkley's. And just to be funny, I took a picture of the statue out front.

After our silly pix, we headed to IOA. I have been wanting to ride the Hulk in the dark for a couple years now, but somehow always seem to miss it. It was just after 8 when we got in line and I didn't think it was dark enough to ride yet. By the time we made our way through the line, it was pretty dark. They were still letting people in line when we finished our ride, so we decided to hop on again. This time it was darker....and better! It's a great view of the park lit up at night. I only wish the ride went a bit slower so I could actually look around and take in the sights!

After two night spins on the Hulk, we left IOA to City Walk. I remembered Robert (rpbert1) was staying at RPR with his family so we figured we'd stroll over to see if they were in. (We both forgot to email each other earlier to set up a meet...so, I was winging it.) We walked over to RPR and the front desk clerk was nice enough to call up to his room, but they weren't in. So, I left a message and we headed back out to City Walk.

We stopped by Margaritaville to do some shopping. DH got a Landshark t-shirt and I got a Flip Flop Repair Shop t-shirt (in 2XL) to wear for a nightshirt. We puttered around the store for a bit until Bubba started looking tired. We made our purchases and headed to the Universal Store at City Walk to look for a gift for my niece (who was at home with my Mom taking care of Max the dog...remember?) We couldn't find anything we really liked, so we left and headed back to the PBH....taking a picture of the Studios on the way by.

On our way back, we decided to cut through the HRH. When we stayed there a couple years ago, we forgot to buy a shotglass from there. (We collect shotglasses of places we've been.) I also inquired about which night the dive-in movie was and wanted to check out the menu for The Palm restaurant. Since we are Platinum with Loews You First, we had a $100 hotel food & beverage credit to use. At check-in, I inquired as to where I could use it and I was told at any place at PBH, except BICE, and it could be used at The Palm at HRH and Tchop Chop at RPR. We were trying to decide where to use it. I wasn't crazy about The Palm's menu, so we pretty much ruled it out then and there. Onward 'home'. On the way out, back to the PBH, I took a picture of this clock that I really like at the HRH....ain't it kewl?

The menu at The Palm @ Hard Rock Hotel: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

We arrived back at our room to a turndowned bed and our VIP welcome gift. Bubba got ready for bed while DH hooked up my laptop for internets.

After tucking Bubba into his bed it wasn't too long after that we hit the hay.....before midnight actually.

Tomorrow BIL and family arrive.
Is that a CD of Universal park music with your welcome gift? That is an interesting choice.. I would like it. All the gifts seem to be a little different.
We are only blue level.:sad2:
Excellent report Barb, we got the rooms directly above you, and we got the same VIP gift


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