150 Club....Care to join??? Continued.

Kat- thanks for the idea on the rice. My kids would probably like that. I really need to change up dinner. I get so sick of cooking!

Saphire, does your pork roast in the crockpot have tomatoes? I'm allergic and it seems all the good low cal recipes have tomatoes in it in some way. I like to have crock pot meals for Weds. It is my busy afternoon and having dinner all set early is such a relief!

Liz- I wish I had gone outside and walked yesterday or today. It was in the 40's and I really should've. It always makes me feel better in my head too.

I did my elliptical today and also hand weights. Tonight for dinner is mini turkey meatloaves, mashed potatoes (not for me) and steamed broccoli.

Hopefully I can resist dessert. If I can do it for a few days in a row I'm golden. But it's getting those first few days under my belt.

Good luck everyone!!
Raen, I hope you are feeling better soon. And I think pain pills make you bloated. I was hugely bloated after my c-section and the Dr said it goes along with the pills.

Maria, at least the weather tonight is saying it's going to be mostly rain! Hopefully most of your snow will go down. We only have patches left down here.

Dogslider- I actually like snowdays. Not for the snow, but for the simple fact that I don't have to get up soooo early. Hope your week gets better.

Good luck again everyone!
Hello again. :) This is one of my favorite crockpot recipes, it really is delicious! It is not lo-cal, or high either. I am continuing to cook what I usually cook, but eat smaller portions, more vegetables, and very few carbs. It is working so far. Hope you enjoy!

Slow Cooker Cranberry Pork

1 boneless pork loin (2 lbs.)
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 can (8 ounces) whole-berry cranberry sauce
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup cranberry juice
3/4 teaspoon ground mustard
3/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/8 cup cornstarch
1/8 cup water
salt to taste

In a Dutch oven, brown roast in oil on all sides over medium-high heat. Transfer to crockpot. Combine the cranberry sauce, sugar, cranberry juice, mustard, pepper and cloves; pour over roast. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Remove roast and keep warm.
In a saucepan, combine cornstarch, water and salt until smooth; stir in cooking juices. Bring to a boil, cook and stir for two minutes or until thickened. Serve with roast. (This can be easily doubled)
Feeling much better today. Went back to the dentist, (oh what fun!) to get a cleaning and to check out the other teeth to make sure the infection did not cause any other issues with them. Got a clean bill of health. I have a few very old fillings that need to be replaced, but at least I have no cavities. Always good news for someone like me with awful teeth.
I made an executive decision not to step on the scale again until Monday (my weigh in day). I tend to step on it every other day or so, sometimes every day, so i am going to try and leave it alone for a few days and see if that helps it budge (maybe it is mad at me for stepping on it so much that it gives me a high number when I do???:laughing: ) good thought right!:rolleyes1
Were going to Check out The Bel air Athletic Club today to start getting in more shape:thumbsup2

Saphire that Recipe sounds Delicious!!!:eek: :goodvibes

Hope everyone has a nice rest of the week:wave2:
Good Afternoon, Ladies!

I hope this week is going well for you. Yesterday I did an hour on the TM, and I'm getting started with an eating challenge for next week (subtract or add something good), so hopefully that will help me get back on track.

Kelsey -- I hope you like the Club, that sounds quite posh! I'm a workout in the basement or on the beach kind of gal. Once I get home, I'm probably not going to leave :rotfl:

Raen -- So glad you're feeling better! :grouphug: The scale is a fickle thing. Be sure and also notice how your clothes fit. Sometimes the losses are in inches rather than lbs.

Saphire -- Your recipe sounds delicious! :cutie:

Jennie -- I'm so thankful we didn't get a bunch of ice this morning! Now if Spring would only come :flower3:

Sarah -- I want details of your wonderful trip! :tink:

Pam -- You must still be recovering from the wedding! I hope you enjoyed your day at home!:)

Kat and Liz -- :wave: Hope you're having a great week :wizard:

It's almost March, let's get ready for more sunshine!
Good Afternoon, Ladies!

I hope this week is going well for you. Yesterday I did an hour on the TM, and I'm getting started with an eating challenge for next week (subtract or add something good), so hopefully that will help me get back on track.

Kelsey -- I hope you like the Club, that sounds quite posh! I'm a workout in the basement or on the beach kind of gal. Once I get home, I'm probably not going to leave :rotfl:

Raen -- So glad you're feeling better! :grouphug: The scale is a fickle thing. Be sure and also notice how your clothes fit. Sometimes the losses are in inches rather than lbs.

Saphire -- Your recipe sounds delicious! :cutie:

Jennie -- I'm so thankful we didn't get a bunch of ice this morning! Now if Spring would only come :flower3:

Sarah -- I want details of your wonderful trip! :tink:

Pam -- You must still be recovering from the wedding! I hope you enjoyed your day at home!:)

Kat and Liz -- :wave: Hope you're having a great week :wizard:

It's almost March, let's get ready for more sunshine!

I will try my hardest to do a trip report... I always try to and never succeed lol... I will try tho... lol!
Good Evening everyone!

Just popping in to say a quick :wave2: as work has been insane this week. And we got yet more snow. Sooooo ready for spring to come! :sunny:

Saphire - the recipe looks tasty! DH looked it over and then went to see if there was pork in the freezer. :rotfl: Thanks!

Maria - nice time on the TM. Think doing the add/subtract starting next week will help move some of these pounds a bit quicker. Now to just finish the chips before Friday....

Hope everyone is feeling better soon and doing better.
Congrats to all on sticking with it!

Have a good one!
Alright, so I haven't been in the 150s since high school (and I think there was some starvation involved there), but I'd like to get at least close! I'm 186 now...just ate some muffin batter, so perhaps 187:). I'm doing couch to 5k. We don't really eat all that bad, to be honest. Lots of veggies! My weakness is definitely chocolate/ice cream. DBF's weakness is alcohol (he doesn't drink a lot or anything, but beer/fruity drink calories add up so fast!).

I'm always looking for good, quick, healthy recipes that we can make in a hurry after a long day at work. By the time we get home from the after work gym routine, we're just beat and want to grab fast food:(.
Alright, so I haven't been in the 150s since high school (and I think there was some starvation involved there), but I'd like to get at least close! I'm 186 now...just ate some muffin batter, so perhaps 187:). I'm doing couch to 5k. We don't really eat all that bad, to be honest. Lots of veggies! My weakness is definitely chocolate/ice cream. DBF's weakness is alcohol (he doesn't drink a lot or anything, but beer/fruity drink calories add up so fast!).

I'm always looking for good, quick, healthy recipes that we can make in a hurry after a long day at work. By the time we get home from the after work gym routine, we're just beat and want to grab fast food:(.

Welcome SeattleGirl!!

I am really excited... I made my sparkpeople Feb exercise challenge of 1000 minutes. My Feb total was 1270!

This week has been crazy... I am really looking forward to a relaxing weekend.

Hope everyone is doing well!
I am happy to say I lost another 2.5 lbs and am now at 166. I went out to dinner twice with friends this week and didn't want to sabotage my efforts, but was able to find some good choices on the menu. At TGIF I had a grilled Asian chicken salad for 500 calories, and at the 99 restaurant I got broiled salmon, jasmine rice and asparagus. My friends got the dinner combo with salad, entree and dessert. (boy, those desserts looked so good) But I got my reward this morning for sticking to my plan! Three weeks to go, I am really hoping to make it into the 150's. :)
Hi Everyone!

Welcome Seattle Girl!

How is everyone doing? I have been doing a good job with my eating, and regular workouts. We'll see if I have results Saturday. I seem to be losing just a pound a week, which is taking forever. Then I get discouraged and gain a pound or two...it's a vicious cycle! I would dearly love to lose double digits in one week. I don't know how people do it!

Ok, so I did 5 miles Saturday, 4.3 yesterday, and I'll be on the bike tonight for 40 minutes. I also did 30 minutes of weights last night. I'm on track for a good exercise week. I had an apple as my pre-bed snack last night, so that is definitely progress!

Saphire, Kat, Sarah, Liz -- I hope you are having a great week, and wonderful start to March!

Maria, thanks for checking in! I did really well in Feb, managed to get back off all the weight I gained at WDW (so about 12 lbs lost).

I am running an exercise challenge on sparkpeople and have set my goal as 1500 minutes. I did about 1300 last month so I am hoping to make my goal.

And just think, a pound a week... in one year that is 52 lbs!! I think they say that 1-2 lbs a week is a good weight loss effort. I am also so terrified of loose skin that everytime I get discouraged, I think about how slow weight loss allows your skin to bounce back easier...
You girls sound like you have great exercise goals and programs. I really need to start walking as the weather improves so I can kick-start myself into losing the last 10 pounds. I am a physical therapist and get sooo tired of exercising. By the time I get home I just can't keep moving. But I don't work every day, so I really have to start walking on my days off. I do a little routine with weights for my upper body, just because I need to stay strong in my back, shoulders and arms. But I don't do any cardio stuff. Keep up the great work! :)
i Have Softball Pratice at 4:30!!
thats is my Exersice from now until the last week of school:thumbsup2

Happy Hump Day everyone!:goodvibes
I posted a trip report on the Body Board... I'll get it up over here too once I get home from work... I've finally hit the 30 lbs lost!!! :woohoo:
Saphire, I have a total desk job. Like, sit and watch my you-know-what spread kind of job. If I don't make time for some sort of exercise, well, the you-know-what might wind up with its own zip code!!
Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is having a good week.

Been a crazy week at work with month end, new systems and getting ready to leave today for WDW! Doing the 5K at Epcot on Saturday and so looking forward to warmer weather even if just for a couple days.

I have managed to get my exercise in and lost 2 lbs! So excited to see it down this morning (made myself promise to only check once a week).

Keep up the great job and have a great weekend!
I had a very odd (aka bad) night last night. I got home from the dentist and was feeling sore, so I allowed myself some ice cream. Well "some" ice cream turned into over 500 calories worth!!:eek: I have no idea why I did that. Then it got worse. For the BL challenge I have to try some new recipes, so I found a few and headed to the grocery store for supplies. While there I bought a single serving Oreo parfait. I don't even like them really! And then I proceeded to sit on a bench outside the store and eat most of it! I sort of "hid" on the bench like some sort of addict! I needed that parfait NOW. Again no clue why.:confused: I am NEVER like that with food. When I got home, I started to cook and proceeded to "taste" the mini pie crusts I had bought for the low cal key lime pie I was making. I ate two! And then I threw them out to alleviate the temptation. Currently my key lime pie is crust-less because of that, but I couldn't stop! I kept asking myself, "what are you doing?" I was aware of every bite I took, none of it was mindless and yet I ate it all. I was not upset (that I know of, at least before the odysessy began), or bored (in fact, I was very busy cooking), or overly tired or stressed. All I can think, perhaps for some reason my blood sugar was low and as something inside of me tried to fix the problem it kept making it worse by adding more sugar to invariably make the blood sugar lower. I felt like I was watching the whole thing from the outside with no control.
Forget my fiancé sabotaging me, I am doing a fine job myself! :headache: I wish I knew what happened. How do I prevent this from happening again??
Oh and today I feel like a zombie, so I know I royally screwed up my insulin yesterday.


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