2 agents on a TOP SECRET MISSION to celebrate 10 year wedding anniversary in style!


Ready for the next adventure
Feb 23, 2011

ATTENTION to All Secret Agents: your MISSION should you choose to accept it, is to read and follow this TOP SECRET TRIP REPORT and give comments.
Details as follows...

Secretly visiting WDW and Universal Studios to celebrate our 10 year anniversary without our kids'/family's knowledge.

Secret Agent 001:
AGE 35

Secret Agent 002:
AGE 35




09/12/13 to 09/20/13

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Following along! I have 2 boys about the same ages.

Happy Anniversary!

My husband and I have never really celebrated our anniversary since our wedding except for the occasional dinner outing. Don't get me wrong, both my husband and I are happily married, but when it came to our anniversary, it just seemed to slip through the cracks of everyday life. With our kids, extra curricular activities, and our busy work schedules it has been challenging to make time for ourselves.
So we promised ourselves that for our 10th wedding anniversary we would celebrate by taking a 'couples only' getaway.

So the big ten was coming and we asked our parents if they would be willing to watch the kids for a week while we took a small vacation alone. They were more than willing so it was a go. The hard part: deciding when and where to go.

As you most probably have figured out, I am a big Disney fan. After my first trip with the kids in 2010 I was hooked. As soon as I came back from that trip I was already planning my next one. My family and co-workers often tease me about it and it has become the running joke in my family (not in a malicious way, more in a cute way). Our last 3 family vacation were all at WDW and my favourite hobby has become planning out my vacation in the months preceding it. So there is a lot of Disney talk around my house. My kids of course really like it too and now my husband has to put up with all three of us begging to go back. LOL

Disney Trip Feb 2010
Just us 4

Disney Trip Sept 2011:
with John's Parents

Disney Trip Dec 2013:
with my Mom

Anyway, to get back to my story, I was already reluctant on leaving the kids for a week. I am a buyer for a giftware company so I travel a lot (twice a year to China for 3 weeks at the very least). My husband also has to go to Toronto twice a year for 10 days so I felt awfully guilty leaving them. But after ten year of marriage I think my husband and I deserve a little time for ourselves, right!?

Our dream was always to visit Hawaii but with only a week vacation and our current budget we had to settle for something closer to home. At first we were thinking of California (with a little stop at Disneyland of course), but the plane tickets were expensive and the 6 hour flight time was not very appealing. We would have lost 2 days traveling on our 7 day trip.

Since my husband is not as crazy about WDW as I am, I was really surprise when he suggested we just go back to Disney World. He reminded me that we had a lot of points accumulated on our credit card and flyer miles on my aeroplane card. That way we could use those to buy our plane tickets and park tickets. I always wanted to try to stay at Disney's Polynesian Resort but could never afford it in the past so with the room discount Disney was offering we decided to go ahead and splurge.
My daughter and her husband plan to do a couples only trip to WDW for their 5th anniversary and I'll be taking care of my grandchildren so they can go. I am so excited for them to be able to do Disney without kids !
My son-in-laws first trip was this past May and they had their 15 month old with them. He instantly fell in love with Disney (yay !!) but after a few days .. knew he needed to see it kid-less to really take advantage of the adult side of Disney and I think he is right ! :thumbsup2
I'm following along! I would love for my DH to suggest a trip to WDW for just the 2 of us! I doubt it will ever happen though. I had a hard enough time getting him to agree to go back as a family. He didn't travel at all as a kid, and just doesn't really "get it".
My daughter and her husband plan to do a couples only trip to WDW for their 5th anniversary and I'll be taking care of my grandchildren so they can go. I am so excited for them to be able to do Disney without kids !
My son-in-laws first trip was this past May and they had their 15 month old with them. He instantly fell in love with Disney (yay !!) but after a few days .. knew he needed to see it kid-less to really take advantage of the adult side of Disney and I think he is right ! :thumbsup2

I can tell you that it is a totally different experience to see wdw without the kids. There was so many details we missed in the past. It is like we saw the place in a whole new light. It was fun to really take our time and enjoy discovering new spots, doing new rides, shopping, eating at the fancier places and having a drink or two. Your daughter and husband will love it. And I am sure they appreciate having a great grandma to watch the little ones. I know we did and count ourselves lucky to have someone we trust watch our children.
I'm following along! I would love for my DH to suggest a trip to WDW for just the 2 of us! I doubt it will ever happen though. I had a hard enough time getting him to agree to go back as a family. He didn't travel at all as a kid, and just doesn't really "get it".

Don't loose hope, you never know. It was hard convincing my husband at first to go back after the first trip and even harder after the second. Even though he had a good time, he had "seen it and done it" so why go back. But we had only scratched the tip of the iceberg and there was so much more to see. Finally, in the end he always agrees because it makes the kids and I happy and when we are happy, he is happy (a line from his mouth directly). He always ends up having a great time on each trip, and I even think, deep down, he likes wdw more than he likes to admit. What can I say, the place is magical!
Anyway, that is why I was so surprised when he suggested we go back. I also think he did it because he knew I would be excited and happy. I take it as a gesture of love and what better way to prove his love to me than bringing me back to a place he knows makes me happy:)
Back to the TOP SECRET part of the mission. So why TOP SECRET you might ask! Well First if my kids knew we were heading to WDW without them they would have killed us! Secondly, I was kind of embarrassed and fed up of all the comments from my family and friends about my love for everything Disney. Yes, I like visiting Disney World but it is not like I go to work dressed in Disney gear & Mickey ears and only talk Disney. I have other hobbies and interests. Come on people give me a break! PLus for those who have never been, they just don't understand. They think it is just a big amusement park for little kiddies with guys walking around in Mickey suits. They have yet to see the light, poor souls. LOL. But, hey, when they finally do plan to visit the Mouse they all run to me for advice!:rolleyes2
Anyway, so we told everyone we were flying in to Orlando, renting a car and driving to the west Coast of Florida. :drive:
They also knew that we were doing 2 days at Universal (because I didn't want to have to hide all my pictures) and told them we were just going to go with the flow after that so I did not give them any specifics. Cheeky of me! Oh the lies...I feel so guilty.:blush:

We finally bought our plane tickets about three months ahead of time. Then I got a PIN from DIsney with a free dining offer but after calculating and comparing the free dining offer vs room only offer, it was cheeper to go with the room only offer and pay OOP for our food. So decided to book 6 nights at the Polynesian (12-18th of Sept). We also looked at staying at Disney the whole time and taking a shuttle/renting a car to go visit Universal but finally it came out cheeper to stay on property at Universal. We actually bought an annual pass (only for one of us) to take advantage of their APH room rate. We ended up paying $150 a night instead of $250 a night. The annual pass paid for itself in the savings and since we are planning on bringing the kids there in March it is a great value. We also decided to add a night at Universal and canceled one night at the Polynesian which was much more expensive.

Another debate was renting a car but my husband was dead set against it. Especially because we were staying on property, he just didn't see the point.

I started planning out my ADR and read some reviews on some of the fancier restaurants around the World. We decided to make one special evening out of our anniversary so I booked Victoria and Albert's for that night.

As a side note, I should mention that I was struggling with gastrointestinal health issues since Christmas and it seemed to just be getting worse as we got closer to our trip. THis was really worrying me. I was desperately trying to find medical help and went from doctor to doctor who all ran different tests on me and were doing a lot of guess work. I was so ill at one point, I was thinking of just cancelling my trip. After discussing my health issues and my apprehension about taking the trip while sick on the disability board and with my husband, I decided to go ahead as planned. And thank goodness I did, because I found a gastroenterologist who ran the right tests and finally diagnosed me with IBS. He started me on a lactose free diet which helped a lot. Then I started taking a different kind of probiotic which made all the difference. It is called VSL#3.
Anyway to make a long story short I was feeling so much better by the time the trip came around and I was prepared with a slew of meds, supplements and tricks if I did start to feel ill while on vacation.

I did however have to contact special diets to change my reservation requests for allergies. I already had food allergies to aniseed and cold cuts now I had to add an intolerance to Lactose. My intolerance was to most dairy products but also included butter, cheese, chocolate (except for dark or cocoa), etc. So when I made a new reservation I just listed my lactose intolerance as an allergy to dairy. You will read about my dining options a little later in this report.

Next up, my vacation begins (with pictures and food reviews.):cool1:
Looking forward to your TR. DW and I have been married for 31+ years and we rarely took trips without the children. Except for an occasional weekend trip, our only trip alone was to WDW! The children are now out of the house but being an empty nester isn't bad at all when you're constantly planning WDW trips!! :cool1:
Thursday Sept 11: DAY BEFORE WE LEAVE

I run around all day trying to get the stuff organized for the kids and for my parents-in-law. My parents-in law are coming over tonight (they live 2 hours away). They will be babysitting the kids at our house so that DS7 can keep going to school. My Mom lives 5 min. away but she works full time. She will grab the kids some evenings and on the week-end so that my parents-in-law get a break. She will also bring DS4 to daycare. I get my hair done at the hairdressers, run to work, run home, make dinner for everyone, put the kids to bed and finally pack my bags. Go to sleep at midnight after finally finishing packing.:faint:
My flight is at 8:30 the next morning so we got to get up early to catch our flight.

Friday Sept 12: THE FLIGHT

My Mom comes to pick us up at 5:15 AM. It is raining and cold which makes me happy that we are leaving this yucky weather for a hot and sunny place! We are exhausted from going to bed so late and only have 4 hours sleep in us and I am nervous as usual before taking any flight.
We get to the airport, check-in, pass security and U.S. customs (in Montreal airport)... Finally now I start to relax. Everything is going well and we are running on schedule. Now I realize how fun it is to travel without the kids: no extra bags, no stroller to check in, no crying, screaming or fighting, yup, I can get used to this!

We shop around in the duty free and John gets himself a new perfume. Then we go hang out in the lounge and I decide to do early check-in at the POlynesian while I am waiting. It asked me again if I had any room request so I put Fiji and balcony (only allowed 2). I had requested Fiji Marina side, third floor when I made my booking previously. It was really easy to check in this way and will do it again in the future. We finally board and both fall asleep waiting for the plane to take off. As soon as it does we both enjoy watching "Iron Man 3" which we did not get to see at the Cinema. Usually we are both trying to entertain the kids and rarely have time to watch an entire movie. This was great!:thumbsup2

We arrive at Orlando airport at 12:10, right on schedule! We proceed to Disney's Magical Express and we line up in the queue dedicated to the Polynesian, Contemporary and Wilderness Lodge. Well we wait no more than 2 min and our bus is ready. So we board and are excited to be on our way. My husband sleeps the whole way while I look t the scenery and watch the little cute video they play for us in the bus to get us all excited and pumped.
We arrive at the Polynesian and are greeted with "Alohas" and fake leis around our necks. The lush vegetation and cool waterfall at the entrance already put us in a tropical mood. At this point I am like a giddy little school girl. I am so excited to finally be staying at the Poly, I have a big dorky smile plastered across my face.
We walk in and are greeted by more happy employees at the reception. They first welcome us and congratulate us on our 10 year wedding anniversary .They ask us to wait there for a minute and they come back with a clear package with what seems to be flowers of some sort. They pull out a real lei made with fresh flowers for me and a "Ti Leaf" lei (braided greenery) for my husband. They told us they made these in honour of our anniversary and we were forced to kiss each other in front of everyone.

They then proceeded to give us our Magic Bands which I had requested a while back when I signed up for in "My Disney Experience" online. I had chosen the yellow band and my husband, the grey of course! They came in a cool box with our names written under each bracelet. It was exciting.

They also had given me my requested building, Fiji, but the room was on the opposite side of the marina in a king bed room looking at the Grand Floridian. I asked very politely if it was possible to get a room on the marina side instead. They told me it was no problem if I did not mind being in a queen room. There was none available yet so I had to wait a while for my room but we did not mind since we had not eaten lunch yet. We first walked around and took some pics and then headed to Captain Cooks for lunch.

At Captain Cooks I asked to speak to a manager for my allergies and lactose intolerance. She came out and helped me choose an allergen free dish. She seemed to confuse my lactose intolerance for an allergy so she would not serve me anything that might have had contact with dairy. I guess that it is better to be safe than sorry, but man, she went over board. She was cutting out things that did not even have dairy in them. Anyway it came down to two dishes and I chose the grilled chicken sandwich on gluten free bread (she insisted that I have this bread even after I told her that I am not gluten intolerant and that regular bread was fine) and steamed vegetables. I then proceeded to ask about the Pineapple Dole Whip which I know has no dairy in it. The manager informed me that the Pineapple Dole Whip was lactose free but not the vanilla dole whip which both come out of the same machine. She was concerned about cross contamination. I told her again that cross contamination is not a concern to me since it is only an intolerance. Again she seemed confused.:confused3
John ordered a Polynesian tossed salad.
Sorry no pics, completely forgot!

We sat outside and had our meals. I have to tell you that this was by far the worst meal we had on our entire trip. The chicken in my dish was rubbery and flavourless. The gluten free bread was hard like a brick. The steamed vegetables were reduced to mush. :scared1:
John's salad was gross too. The leaves were wilted and watery and the salad dressing was just not good.
My dole whip however was amazing and I had managed to make a ginormous mountain in that little cup they provided so we both share it. At least that made up for our bad food. :love:

We then got a text message from the front desk, alerting us that our room was ready. Since we already had our Magic bands on, it serves as our room key, so we just proceeded straight to our room. We had room 3317. WOW! The view was spectacular. We could see the marina, the volcano pool, the Grand Ceremonial house and the contemporary resort. Just Beautiful. I could not believe that we were paying for a standard room with this view. The room was spacious and clean and we loved the big bathroom with double sinks. Having only ever stayed at the moderate resorts before, this was a real treat!

Then went back out to the other side of the Fiji to explore the grounds. We had our own private beach with a view of the Grand FLoridian. We sat on a swing for awhile just looking out at the Bay and taking it all in. NOw this is the life!

Next dinner at Ohana'...
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We went back to our room to relax and take a little nap before dinner. We had reservations at Ohana' at 8:00 PM so we had plenty of time. Good thing too because it started to rain really hard. We showered and got dressed for dinner.
I decided to wear my tropical dress to go with the whole hawaiian theme. :thumbsup2

We arrived 15 min in advance, the hostess gave us a beeper and we sat in the main lounge waiting. We waited and waited and waited! There was a ton of people that night but since we were not in a hurry, we just did some people watching. After a good 30 min or more, our beeper went off and we were seated completely at the back of the main dining room near the window. The server told me that the chef would be right out to discuss my food allergies and took our drink order.

I ordered a coconut Mojito and my husband a Lapu Lapu.
I have to say that his Lapu Lapu was so good and I regretted my choice which was too rich with the coconut flavour.

Lapu Lapu in the pineapple

Coconut Mojito (sorry very dark picture)

The Chef came out and we discussed what I could or could not eat. She was wonderful and very accommodating. She even brought out the bag of pot stickers so I could read the ingredients. I could eat almost everything except for some of the sauces and the pork. She offered to make me some pork but I told her that I would just stick the shrimp. As for dessert, she asked me if I preferred tofutti or rice dream. I chose rice dream. The food was really delicious. They served pot stickers, chicken wings, salad with mango dressing, noodles, stir fried vegetables, and beef, pork and shrimp skewers cooked on an open grill. Mmmmm. Then for dessert, the chef came out and surprised me with a huge stack of vanilla and chocolate rice dream, pineapple and enjoy life cookies.


pot stickers and chicken wings

My allergy free dessert.

I love my dinner at Ohana'. The service was excellent and the chef was exceptionally nice. I was glad to be staying on site because after that meal I was so stuffed I could hardly walk. I was also very tired from my long day and ready to hit the sack. We fell asleep as soon as we got back to the room. LOL

Next, our day at the Magic KIngdom...
Magic kingdom and Hollywood studios

I woke up early 6:30 AM. I guessI was still on my Mommy schedule. My internal clock would not let me sleep in.:sad2:
I went to open the curtain and step outside to get some fresh air. This was my view. WOW!

The sun was rising and it made for great shots.

Isn't that just so romantic. How perfect and magical! My husband and I laid in bed for a while watching the sun come up, just soaking it all in.

We had reservations for Kona Cafe at 7:45 AM so we had to start getting ready.
At 7:30 we headed over to the main building which was only steps away and headed to the restaurant. We were greeted by a friendly hostess who seated up promptly. The waitress came over to take our drink order and confirmed that the chef would be right out to discuss my food allergies.

We ordered a Kona coffee press to share and both had a glass of lilikoi juice. Man, that juice is so yummy and the coffee was great too. The chef brought me Lactaid milk for the coffee. Of course I told him I was there for the Tonga Toast but he told me that that dish had a little milk in it. Since I can usually tolerate a little milk in baked goods, I told him I would risk it. My husband ordered the seasonal fruit plate with banana bread.

Tonga Toast with strawberry coulis

Inside of Tonga Toast

Fresh fruit plate

The Tonga toast was as good as I remembered with a donut like texture filled with warm bananas. It was so good...drool, oups sorry! You definitely need the strawberry sauce to cut the sweetness. I ate about 3/4 of it and gave the rest to my husband. I could have even eaten another bite if you would have paid me. I was way to stuffed!
*I found out later that the strawberry sauce had sour cream and the chef had forgot to tell me. That would have been a big ****oo for someone with a dairy allergy. Thankfully, I only have a mild lactose intolerance and it didn't seemed to have bothered me. I guess the quantity I ate was small enough that it did not affect me.

John's fruit plate was definitely a show stopper. So beautiful with all those colourful fruits. He loves his plate and said that the banana bread was delicious. Kona Cafe has to be our favourite breakfast spot in all of WDW!

After breakfast we decided to walk around and explore the grounds of our resort a little before heading to the parks. It was a little misty that morning and the fog made for some great pictures on the beach.

John's twin brother

It is such a pretty resort! Definitely the best resort for romance. I wish was back there right now. Sigh!
Anyway, we went back to our room to get ready for the parks. I packed my small sling back with 2 rain ponchos, sunscreen, sunglasses, lip balm with SPF, meds, a couple of blister band-aids in case and my reusable water bottle with a filter to make the tap water palpable (The Bobble). We already had our Magic Bands on so we headed to the front desk so that they could link our park tickets to them. We had bought our park tickets through "aeroplan" (Air Canada's point system) and I was supposed to pick up/activate them at the concierge desk.
With a little help, they linked our tickets to our bands and we were all set. They also offered to book a couple fast passes for that same day. But since I could do it online on my iPhone myself, I declined. I had downloaded "My Disney Experience" app and I could see all my reservations and change or add any fastpasses I wanted at any time. So cool!
We hopped on the monorail and headed to Magic KIngdom.

As soon as we walked into the park we were greeted by all the beautiful fall decoration lining the streets of America. September has to be my favourite time to visit just because of the decorations. So vibrant and playful with all of the Mickey pumpkin heads.

I had checked with touring plans before I had come and today was the recommended day to visit MK because of the low attendance due to MNSSHP that evening. Well, they were right. The park was fairly empty and it made it easier to take some nice pictures of the park.

A cool shot of the castle

The typical shot of us at WDW taken by a photopass photographer.

So the first thing we did was head into Tomorrowland. John and I are not big roller coaster fans and get easily sick on thrill rides but we never had ridden space mountain and this was our opportunity to do so without the kids. The wait time was only 5 min so we proceeded through the entrance. I have to tell you that a was really nervous and a little scared to ride Space Mountain, but I knew I was being a little silly. So I suck it up and went ahead with our plan. It was nerve wracking for me, waiting in the queue in those dark corridors and hearing the people who were already riding screaming. When we finally got on, I had so many butterflies in the tummy, I was scared to be sick before the ride took off. I must have screamed the whole time cause when it was over I had adore throat! I had not realize that the whole ride was going to be in the dark and I think it made me even more nauseous to not see where I was going. Towards the end of the ride, I had to swallow down hard to keep from being sick. John said that he felt the same way. We are both happy we tried it but we will NEVER be doing that ride again!

Proof I did it!

THis is what we looked like coming off the ride! Can you tell we are sick and trying to smile LOL.

I realized I had lost my BOBBLE water bottle on the ride and went to ask one of the staff members if they had found it. He told me to check back with them in a couple of hours. I was feeling better outside so I convince my husband to do Buzz Lightyear's space ranger. There was only a 5 min wait and I did not want to have to come back to Future World so we went on that. We kept the spinning to a minimal but it was a bad idea to ride on this right after Space Mountain. Our score was not very good. John still beat me though.

Since John and I were both feeling a little nauseous we just decided to take it easy for a little bit and walk around the park. We headed toward Fantasy Land.

We spotted the construction of the new Seven Dwarves ride. It was really coming along. You could the the shape of the rocky mining hills under that big yellow tarp.

We had seen the new Fantasy Land last time we had been in December but it was fun to walk through it again.

My Handsome Gaston


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