2 Days Before We Leave.....

Joanne UK

<font color=red>My favourite is Big Thunder Mounta
Dec 31, 2004
...and DD is dosed up with Calpol lying on the sofa with a sore throat and aches and pains everywhere. Fingers crossed it's just a quick bug that she's got.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for her - pixie dust is what she needs :wizard:

Can't believe it's so close to the departure day now - 3 days for us, we'll have been on the Eurostar for half an hour, you'll be there already!
OMG, but usually kids are well very soon. :wizard:

For us its 7 days now....we arrive when you leave and I just making packing lists :Pinkbounc

Greets Renate :wizard:
Oh dear, There is a really nasty virus going around this summer. A lot of my elderly clients are down with it and my DD2 has been really sick for about 3 weeks now. She has just started antibiotics as doctor says her tonsils are enlarged. I am keeping my fingers crossed that your DD makes a quick recovery!!
Oh dear!!! Immaculate timing!!! I really hope she'll be fine again by the time you leave. :wizard:
Fingers crossed she will bounce back quickly :)
Dear Joanne,

What bad luck!! :sad2: I can really sympathise with you - both times we have gone our youngest has had something, make sure you take plenty of calpol with you - its incredibly hard to get hold of children's paracetemol in France [we found].

On a cherry note - our youngest still enjoyed it [eventually] and there can't be a better place to be ill. :goodvibes

Hope everything works out well and you have a lovely holiday. :cheer2:

Even more pixie dust!!!!!
Oh dear! :( I hope she gets better in time. I remember the first time we were supposed to go to DLP, I got ill a week beforehand and we had to miss out in the end. Hopefully everything will work out okay for you lot though! *sends more pixie dust your way* :wizard:
Thanks everyone. That pixie dust must be really good stuff because Amber is as right as rain this morning, her excitement is so overwhelming she's woken up like a mini tornado!
So glad to hear the good news Joanne. Have a fantastic holiday!!
Great news - well done Tink :cool1:

Weather forecast for Paris for the next week is good - only rain is on Monday anding by midday. The rest of the week is high tempo of upper 70s - woo hoo!

I'm going to get some ribbon today - maybe see you there!
Great news!

I don't know what mums used to do before they invented Calpol ;)

Have a fabulous trip, what a weight off your mind that Amber is well again :)
Thanks again. This is our 4th trip to DLRP and I'm determined to take things a bit more leisurely this time. In the past I've always felt the need to rush meals and time outs for drinks or snacks because I've always thought there's a show we should be watching or a ride we should be on. The main park is open til 11pm while we're there and although the children will be in bed long before then we've got enough time to be able to things easy. Unfortunately I don't think we'll get a chance to see Fanitllusion or Wishes because they are both on late and I can't see the children staying awake that far into the evening.

Amber was ecstatic when I showed her Reid's photo of Jasmine and Aladdin - they're her favourites and she's never managed to meet them before so hopefully they're not having a week off this week!

Thanks everyone for your helpful tips etc and I'll tell you all about it when we get back.
Fabulous news - such is the power of pixie dust!:wizard:

Leisurely is definitely a good plan when visiting Disneyland. ::yes:: Worst thing is to get all flustered because you're rushing around, and end up not enjoying the trip so much!

I'm sure you'll all have an excellent time, Joanne!:banana:


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